[FE?:' " -a'i-'-uiuaps: 'r ri 9." '. _ _ -va 'OR:---.- ..-, Charles E. Mason Harold J. Tallett Clarence Diver Max Przyborski Paul MaeGuffin John W. Munro Guy G. Ellis . Gerrit T. Theme Marshall Meyer Coral Heydecker Theodore Forby Regular Republican Nominee for Kurt Kiesow Rudolph P. Haake Arthur Bulkley J. A. Miller IlerytA, Peterson John L. Boyles W. M. Givler . 7 Hervey C. Coulson Chas. E. Jack Earl K. Cook _llf9rtim)rcSintrer Raymond Pisiwelr- John F. Williams Harry P. Breger John R. Bills Lester F'. fiollits ' Harry A. Hall Fred B. Meyer _ State's Attorney Legal Profession Endorses Him! On His" Record of 1rsyieth _ 9 -tyttrli'trir, Dealing , Eur-stow? Geo. W. Field Sidne H. Block John IL',Ui'dti',', E. M. Run atd Claire C. gdwards Okel S. 'Fuqua E. C. Starbuck H. H. Koibe Minard E. Balsa Philip A, Populnrum "Willis A. Overholser erald C. Snyder John Noll Willard H. Longcor Arne W. Makela mgrmL,,,,, . .- . _ . sure that ihi . f "T 3" "W "a! W me new, Benjamin IF.Ift'Her-- Ihrther4hsimrer _ "T" 't'i'2'd1'l.'d': 'i,:olet,,t,i,,',hnddg,1- Crerltt Aiteorered., V ' Chayles A. Hummer Albert L. Hall the alarm to th 1 ' "Casey and ' his if David T. Smithson Bernard M. Decker e po lee. . length the ni ht My" 9 George A. Mason- Wilfred E. Hall Grapple. With Gunman D T l t . ore Franklin E. Vaughan PaulA Kaiser V _ Mober ta ted r. my or Put bee Marvin Women Ra airii Za k . w _ tr f F to ‘ccmpany the bought his wife's hair Robert J. 83:111- ’ Paglia 'iiiiiilii; _ 21'l? gunk)“ chIzithe bandit in.. 400 short. -, _ T -, ' L 'm'P"Nrb"ii' CP.. f . ar VW-g'é‘r, _ Tir; t' . _ _r' It, --‘ PP", eaa1q h " - *9." ““11.m-:.|- a _ - ix V. Wm; Briddle , R. a; Churchill - _ a .' twoo fed? Wheli the,liaiidit turne readily afternoon , Fr.nart Llama Lyell W. Morris ed on Moberg ttnd warned him to vet her h -. tut 'r.vsi.nt fiutyuuer Lew A. Hendee 'It bad}: to the car. Moberg con- ‘asey 'Ciitv'"JaCl'dl", . . un m . mu . . " F'. B. 'i))')"?,',',',', inglkB :13 2ttl" e " advance "eordintrto the to shoot himself, the co: f?tit Whyte," Jr. Louie Piekus Th“ gm-.-“ _LasrinikjiLiiL,,,,L_Cf l l -e _'______" N _ The following 92 lawyers of Lake County, among whdrn Charles E. Mason has lived, practiced as .an attorney, conducted Jus- tice Court, served as Deputy Circuit Clerr k,, Judge of the Police Court of the City of W aukegan, and Probation Officer of the Circuit Court, have endorsed him and are supporting h i m f o r State's Attorney of Lake County. Ray E. Thomas Stewart Reed Brown Max Lidschin Paul C. Behanna Daniel Riley M.Master T. Edw. Davis Richard D. Murtevant Henry D. Fisher Lewis D. Clarke Ernest S. Gail - A B. E. Stafford Bowen E. Schumacher 1_renrrlil. Mason Lyell w. was; Lew A. Hendee -___e _ ~~~H~~Kigga~mmn -- Tr" Pl... The bandit took the purse 1nd watch from the woman and then re- turned both. He indicated he in.. tended to leave and took the keys to the ear. The bandit told Mrs. Miller that if she wanted the keys she must ac- company him a few hundred feet drtwrrthe-r,rsa,rrmrthtsr-trirzm-arrisar aoaomen mm the bullet piercing Carrying out an oft-repeated than the liver. o take his life, Doha Casey, 23, of Moberg and Mrs. Ethel Miller, a Kundelein. last Wednesday night nurse nt the Veterans' Bureau hos. urned II Sun on himself.“ his home pital, returned from the theatre and kt Lake street .and Hayley avenue, parked at Five Points, where they md fatally ,yp.ndtd himself. were accosted by a lode bandit, no He died within t.hi.rty mrnutes at cording to Mrs: Miller's story to the he 1Jondell Memorial hospital, Lib. sheriff., T - _' r: - "rtyvitiar, where he‘m taken by Snatch“ Purse. Wntch Chief of rrtliet Clayton Tiffany. Lester Mobertr, " years old, nt- ‘tendsnt at the Veterans' Bureau hospital, died last week st the Great Lakes New! Training station has- pital from wounds received October 17 when he fought back against a bandit at Five Points. Moberg, born and raised in Watr Kegan, received a wound [above thr abdomen with the bullet' piercing the liver. Hqspital Attendant =" ., at Your Support Will Be Appreciated Five Points List Week For Re-elecliori to the Office Of 2 November 8/1932 " _ m _------ Casey placed a .22 Gititrre rifle to hjttlodx_artsi_tired, The slug top. all the way to the heart. Dr. J. L. Taylor _diteorered., V ' "Casey and his wife signed at length the night before the shooting, .ver her hair was resumed; with 3asey finally carrying out the threat to shoot himself, the coroner said; Casey called out to his wife, with whom he had bickered earlier, " 2ordintr to reports, that he was go. ing to shoot himself. She was wash. ins dishes and considered it as just another threat, and continued with her work. tetrday utetnodn and . "the Guang Mupdelein Man Takes 3m. sud tried to (ripple wig tltr-ha/tut-aes-o-GK-ue-iii';- intended to are. After downing labor: with tle shot."the bandit ran to his park“ at 1 short distance “my and g. cased. Mrs. Miller. uid.she Could identify him. Own Life Beetuitidivite Bobs Hair Too Short THURSDAY. NOVIIBIB t, has 130880. we"? Rig, San Dr