tats met at Arno Tuesday evening te of the season. bowling alley in ere many close played. One of past three years t Tom GiWlan er high scorers tt with 246 and 230. :tenger, president lief Organization, of the American , club and the rec this past week I relief, work in ed account of his at a future date, he annual relief three communi- ear in mind that needgy in Band. , must reach the ' school before 9 ' parish hall to dramatic group, who presented a in the Deerfield o about 8150. It tt opinion of the not a charitable .1 bolus exempted 1 Reserves :Killip and Mrs. in charge of the has at the Deer- F 6f Deerfheld will. ant play "Deacon evening, Novem- erfield Grammar new I. vttonyrt11 beheld afternoon to: to and triads will was hott at a Sunday evening committee ap- of vegetables to dwiehetr. continuing the tear in coopera- xWEstem Univer- erfteld Girl Re- at‘a Hallowe’en no home of Julia' smug, 0mm - Harrison and Lye at Bannock- in Deerfield anendt is attain " iiuformil in- nimble party of the Wilmot amt to take type. of cos- aruttt1 9:30 re and. In The Green Mountain Boys Ride Smith. Pursuit of Happiness, Ashton. Young Ravenels, Singmaster. Barry Barton's Mystery, Nolan. Mysterious Mynsions, Donahey. Patroit in Hoops, Cavanah. Road to Carolina, Allen. . _ _', -", Chinese Riddle, Baker. _ ._ _' Buckaroo, Hess. . P" Myra, Baldwin. . - Fighting Startsvof Oretrorv-Con- ner. . . Je! Singapore, Stratton. '33: ,. ....-.-.. v; . mpun'ltlon, Wnoe. . Jungle Pets, Johnson. Wh, Book, Dukelow. F ' '“Ptddle Wheel: and Pistols. Arr. - --ev ‘w lwlm-u ll lurk M ".r')g..t,)' Anubis-ruin. For the younger children: Pick, Ring. Ray Coon to the Rescue, Turner. Cruise of Mr. Christopher Col.. umbus, Lowitz. . . Adventures of Captain Marwhop- ple, Pyleman. Orange Cat, Pettee. .Hay Village Children, Siebe. Four Young Kendalls, Singmsster. 7 Kasperle’s Adventures, Siebe . Juvenile non fletion: Sitting Bull. Vestal. t.r?tee of Wales, Townsend. - Ityrat Grr Xittas ttuhttneau, my, Ito, Scout- Year Book, Human. Boba Bttkca.yeretisid Knapp. V '9""ee "_"'" - haul, oneâ€. I. The Stars of Sabra, Seaman. Boy King of the Cannibals, Du- comon. V _ Yellow Jacket, Carter. Prou, Genevoix. Martha and Michel, Criss.' -.1lammrrmramit-niiiiiri-r--- Topaz See], Heal. . Young Min in Leather, Fitzgerald. Lost Princess of Yucatan, Parnell. m_ - I - __- Great America: Girls, three Exploring at Home, Siple. Exploring with Beebe. {annuity of lunch, Dixon. Theirs. _ Juvenile Fictiofl for thiuieTiiG and girls: V Boy of the South feat, Tietjens. Skyward Ho, Mathiews. board wish to express appreciation of gifts of books from Mrs. F. J. Woolley of Evanston and Mrs. Eu- gene Ender of Deerfield. The books are a welcome addition to the li- brary. There are now over 5,000 volumes of circulating books on the library shelves. In celebration of Book Week Deerfield Public library has pur- chased new books of special merit for the young readers; which will be ready for circulation Wednesday, November-2. A partial list follows:' MY, M0mlmJmr.t I. "" Pursuit of the Flying Snuggle}; heiss. . Behind the Great Smokies, Strong. Tracks, Acrogg the Sea, Loomis. Members tf the Deerfield Library avReceives New Books . Exploration, the World, ‘11“? unuc sEkiirrdljiii""-"ii'iirbiii {boa -iiciiii"%l;iituum. Orientll and Occidental 1htittsrt---Parm_ March of Demoeraev--AdamL T Outline of Humor- Wells. Folk Tales of All Nntlontr--ue. Crusaders of Chemutrv-ionarxi. Bird Study Book-Pe-on. _ to wash with a Thor. Agitator action rubs clothes clam gently but fimily, without preliminary soaking, Your hands hardly touch the Itot" sudsy water ..i,1 Lovell m as despotutraté how you can do an Average week’s washing in two tsh9rthours, _ . . -9etpener--%jiiik Work: of Tolstoi. Ytetorttauiaciur-. " Great Stories at all matio---u, Williams." Mexiexr--wtuon. America 100 Year: Atrer-Auduboa. American Poeu--Van Daren. Tale of the Pyrertee.-iti. Tale of "pan-tani. l Short Talks on selrrtee---Bloatson. Tali of Brittany-- Iarti. balance Little by L'ttle"--onir $4:m'i1 month. (Cash prioeis $69.50.) A big week's u washing 'cosm little more than $1 --.iven j while you are still paying for the machine. i",'," A down patment of only $2.50 will put one pf these' new Thor electric washers in your home-at once. You can Dav the SPECIAL TERMSMON THOR WASHERS FOR MMmttt TIME So eiioatomiiW "n THU PI!!! canpay the 2ymEiiFrCiiiirNiCFGTiir-'Li tket.--Buee. , ytheritarut--B-. tttv-rc-ui-Tir." Lurk Aaemtote--D.uttoetse. Promote to Ltvr-o.teuir. The Gods Arrivo--wharton. yyrtrei-wntrote. Years of Peaet--hueuod. Radiant Ye---carfrae. Fou,rttairt--Mortros. _ Smith. Deg-ping. Peking Picnic Bridge. INtrekott Jewwwpmnkiu. Bloody Ymmr---Ye.t'cttrowit." Answering qlorv--Huteiroet. Ma Cinder-ell- Wright. North Shore~lrwin. Petthnllv-41ordon. cu in Ge Curtain-Bu- and the "etae--wAsirG. If your ironing now take: six hops, you aocutitdowitoorohotus-andittUm while you’re doing it Automatic ironen do a remarkable job of irmtirti--beaer than most phoplenn do by ttand-with shim 'ttr.")"'.-:-))-)" For a limitedtitne you gouty either the Cooled hone: (planted) or the Thor [toner (same type) for only 82.50 down -- only 84.16 a month., (Cash price on bod: models is $69.50.) all or the 0 demonstration. ALSO SPECIAL TERMS ON '32tB32t3, AND IN sat and. 'haiG --iiiiii"Aii.' Cumin in the Wud-Bennett. Quiet PWeo--Prtrne. Years of Aehievemeett--gterrett. After an o'clock -Corbett, Out of the lek‘v Kunh. Mound Cemtror--Beaeh. lad tludow--mnsoettr. Id 2etd,tt? Coit--- tttBa. NW Pu--.- in"! PM od God-in. curl-1h! "ttr-a-s.. Beyond the Blue tuerm--Morrow. TY_t--Norris." Good Luck Lieutenant-Aster, Luxury Liner-ttaus. Tro. Make I 1rorur--tvne. Bulk!“ Durb--Wren. Home In tho Ftor--modtrett. “I Il-A- ‘0.__,A n21. . ftei; so easy! -U-N"e"r 3:23 3%