" Cnrlatrom held, "may eriea to 1 poor family from the township only mommy. The grocer his own motion, with. ng the supervisor on the poor, if possible, emergency must, in my uch that immediate aid , such as milk for a d. The emergency must be acute, for example, te need of u physician yes of H. B. Vail & Co. rants in the home were gst week wad f11ed ind ng before Judge Theo- he township, or whether itiun or the Freeport Service Bureau might sities and recover trom m to probate the win of 14. ' ms, tt daughter, Edith, ton-gr., We brothers. Islcohn, and his mother, Vail, were bequeathed Buildings. m new tho county-tum . I lath-Hum! fund. LniondUponj :' Paupers by whips Under Law LhatJ know of no {Jim ( WWW“ {EMF d, which '0 bum in and 01.1th the years , not graded. Canard .ichland Park, m the road, and Port Clinton duty, ithd nt the‘snme cities of the township :ency relief, when emer- My exist." in)“; action or prosecution nee in oMee any be :e the township super. ' for the ‘poor in his ;torney General Oscar l probate court. It dis.. estate of 'i00,000 in grty. The hearing was pd bind the township is: an emergency ex- qtieated information " grocer might furnish 1 poor family and re- a advised State’s At. F. Reinhold, Stephen- y FACTS of the estate was left In. Winifggg" C. Vail. "ail Will tate of $100,000 g. Miami; the mnllodthwed my. Havana a. m, Y" than “8.70350 Inn's): Oetoher, tr - . . Phonon. P. Iâ€! . 4.; “'11. “in,“ an“ (Ntedm, m' - " tertttG all m- m and man. _ _ llttdttte m p. ' 58.0mm Ave. . M n. P. m 1"do"aeuT"2idi,iii.TauriuGrlrJ. N. EW Park a? . Glues. â€I: Lake tNiritcreweir. TEL H a an." 111‘“ '"m â€HUM-1'1“ Starting . Li'ttttiU - [tuition . Gmterntor, Starter. Ignition mm: In.“ Painter, Wall Paper, Glam: Electric swan Rechecked “a 'tewhed Window Shades, Auto Gian Amine spur. Delco Remy 0m Stroll-her; . . n . J'Nle 349;.an and. annui- _ l - Painter, Sum" Tel. H. AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIANS BODY AND FENDER WORK ' SPRING SERVICE a N _ 1i'kosnittr and Service HIGHL _ D, f1tlL1t._I?,_1jg1tr, w ----9tfMP-tietoP- SANTI BROS. DAIRY new: or mu. An In. of 1tadtst.. "Highland put, in Takes Bumps and bent- Out of Your ' 49m Body gnd Emmi 7 Pepper? WP! A?f?? f1BrAIE Bath! and“; _ The Democratic candidate empha- sized that his advocacy of prohibi- tion repeal is motivated by Convie.. tion that legalized sale of beer and iii", would give state, local, and federal governments a means to control the liquor tunic and to eo1.. lect revenue urgently needed to de- fray government expenses dating the depression. JOHNSON & DAW, MOTOR CAR _ ELECTRIC SERVICE Mr. Weber, who is an ex-service man, has charged that supporters of Mr. Simpson have either consci- ously or accidentally sought to con- viy the Ihrpreapion that he is a vet- eran although he did not serve in my branch of the service. Charles. H. Wither, Democratic andidate for Congress in the Tenth district answered statements of James Simpson, Jr. one of his Re- publican opponents in talks at Highwood Tuesday night and at Elm Piece auditorium last night. T 9M!“ Webgi‘Speaks WAY. 80m“: 3, 1m , 132’th rim Street Home "lethal-Putt 71 Vr Your Car In and Git am.»- C. B. HANSEN '. 2774 513 Elm Place 'tit-Tris-tiris-ii-tit-hr-mi-ro' AiTGi 'I“"_"" - Painters' Sum" - " s. SECOND BT. Central & Second St. .Tel."H. R949 , m, 'ir.,P.."e. " 1PJPA1',e.t'd (Dlassijitd, 1)rrdililji"'"i"j"""_", INorthMI’w Mdterhotr Wmhrare Co. P"" mmture game was Raymond Sheahan’s 248, which is the highest game bowled in the league this year. Fell’s Shoes had high game of 937 and Don Pasquesi was'high bowler in the series with 611 pins for the three games. . Decorators E. NELSON t [ Deliciou Dry Cleaning - Pressing 'ai"'""""'-":"'"'"'--"------------.---;:---.---.:--- Tailoring Ind Repairing A Wrr" Reason“ BRAND BROS. ' came-m and for and 4.1mm No Charge, for i, AINTING “a amoortArnk Tel. H. P. 495 85 & St. Johns Ave. . a; can from the Highii'ixii iiiai7iiid"iGi'i', Shoes took two from Louis Shoe Repair. In the second week of the Busi- ness Men's Bowling league held at the Majestic Alleys, Rock's Service station won two of the three games from the H. P. Beverage team and the Highland Sweet team won three games from the Lincoln Market. Santi Bros. Dairy won, three games Professional and Business Highland Sweets Are . First in Pin League 1331351713 GiirrririiirairGriii with Bill Thompson sud Len Small in, tut advertisement whirled in this week's issue of the. Press. DR. B. A. HAMILTON DR. A: J. wvm . 33,1139391109nd Din a... a... 7.... 3..., Send your [um mowers " for mm ", "I?" AND SHARPBNING Shaman] games Tut “was _ Relating and Upholstering L 1388 Central Ave, Phone B. P. 873 no can: ACT'Hi'En'Lud pm. a in Pim Mowers Shrpened We all for ttttd an}; _ Lawn Ytwet Shop YEOMAN-HENDERSON, Int. 18 N. Celene St. V _ iWaukegan. III. Let us save you money on your Glasses; rne rollowing patents have just been issued to Lake county parties:. Kenneth M. Wilkins of Waukegan, trolley slide with locking means. He has assigned it to Superior Trolley Slide ' Equipment Co., Waukegan. - T. J, Wald, Lake Zurich; indi- eating apparatus, also gauge. 7 E. E. Kleinschmidt. of Highland Park, single magnet repertorator. Patent Is Issued to Highland Park Man Tonight Boek's will meet Louis Quick Shoe Repair, and Santi 3203. will bowl Lincoln Market. Every- one is cordially invited to attend these matches at the Majestic Al- leys. Ladies especially are invited. leagde with reifiuiUniri'd"ic"ti' Bros. Dairy, third. Read The Want-Ads CABINET WORK PREMIERE 1mm" Tht following patents have ." trrhoutevsi JOHN NELSON 'tatgtst "efhatinthe 1 He is a" past vice-commnnder of the Homer Dahringer post of the American Legion, 1mg number of the Matt L R. Smith post of the Veterans of Foreign Win, and was a member of the committee in ehartte of building the beautiful me- morial building in Washington park He hm, been-an "oatiiiriii'GGu'r"ii'ri; in the City of Waukegan. Although Hoff is young in years he has been active in the civic life of the county for a decade. After having been employed in the plant of the American Steel and Wire company he entered the Real Estate and Insurance business in the City of Waukegan, and last spring tem- porarily accepted a position in the tinanee and license department of that city. '. Jack H. Hoff, a prominent legion- naire and civic worker, is the Dem- ocratic candidate for Recorder of Deeds. Hoff Is Candidate for Recorder of Deeds HOWARD-UDELL CAFETERIA _ REEAIRED PHONE 583 Delicious Food Reasonable Prices harge for Second Cup " of’CoHee t TWENTY-83V!!!