t family, composed of g and five sisters, will iteresting, inspirational, tram at the Highwood , next Saturday evening, a thil family is for its is further remarkable :3 versatile musical tal- aember can play one or uments (violin, guitar, ', accordion) and all of ng. This unique com- inging and playing will next Saturday evening presented by the Olson Other numbers on the r scheme of the build- t the idea of a Dutch appointments and dec: the store fellow the vb motif. The huge of of the building cli- qu_e plan of the shop. hers, Five Sisters meat at Church urday Night lrriurT. E. 'itiGTiCi rtion of the receipts Id Saturday are to his e Social Service Com- everal prominent local Iding Mrs. L. Wood, l home. made undies m outstanding feature tore, and a fountain in; light lunches and Grd fountain prepar- reral new eoneoetitms Dutch Mill will be ,'-h--,l-l-r,,-lh-,-t-ir,-!!,-lil?-,-u, r-ii"Ti"riit"i"iii"ii""i"iriii"i"i"i"i,, t place to visit after d to thia and the ahop wen until midnight I of introducing the he people of this lo. unuaually intamtint is an being mend d Saturday. Dutch mndiea‘and ice man! on the opening dun vice To . _ rive Part of tch Mill Proceeds. 'illiam D. Mann, High- :hitect, and local con- been busy the past t getting the building :upancy. The entire I be of equal interest. well-known _-local bari- tribute a solo. Robert med on page 37) ', addition to Highland less enterprises, the handy Shop, will open tomorrow, Nov.' 4, at 1 be in the store on the capacity of host, Social Service. mt from chum- of Dutch Hill'- de itlll the Ito" Fri- in“. NOVIIBII a. a wide a mettttttprtlttti' place to visit after AT IfRlW00o appointments and which is to house Can you spare some time to do charity sewing in your own home? T." The-American Red Cross of the Chicago In: in akin: the women tf Hithhnd Park to aid in the may. ttttt of garments for the' destitute In , the Chiugo tree. The materials " I mi cat are to be sent from the Red Cross badminton in Claim. t? , committee of_the_ Soon] Serv- W_mterhh may be made by ttPt1irttattticiriiii'ariE 0755053 Mt, (R. P. 8088), In. John Mne. 'tlttiiii 53. P. 948). or In. Ar. he denartment of ‘the Highlend Pix-k Women’s club is undemkinr ttt f,'.", women to volunteer to f: the "ttta “Ming in their m net. “are in e tremendous need for um “.50 done. Could you spend some 1tttyriGaGie1irieiilri7id"ire that of these ill-clad childrenâ€; the demons, ‘Mrs. Warren Diin- %rrion, was ,_ Icy will attend to the cloak room was the char The refreshments will be provided will be instal by Mrs. Lee Gntewood, and Mrs. A. - P. Snite will organize the ticket Rebekahf sale. The tickets are to be very Bol t'l"Je'",tt, priced this year, and t ose in charge hope the evening _ ' __!l:lLr;|:ov1dea genuine good time for 31.23 JPlgt' _ I w o attend. - - Red Cross Asks for -Charitr Sewing Herr "'MFoe-rrovfded.-drhe- music wirr6s furnished by the Cope Harvey or- chestra " in the past, which as- nires that it will be very fine. . I i'. . k ------- ment of t t Hiiihhuid Park"Wom~ . Ai, Anlerican Legion AuxiliaryI Educator to Tall any club will be held on Nov. 125. rf Stupey Smith Post he] d their in-3 Lincoln P] at 8:30 pan. in t?†c!ub house. C uh tallation of officers on Monday, Oct. [ _ members and their friends are urged o, and the following officers were' . to plan to attend. It is rumored nstalled by Mrs. Helen Kehrwald: ‘Viggo Boobjerg. of that other amusements than dancing . --_- . id t . Em if _ikhmation-detJaiiiiriiiii- 1tily,tt-trtvidelh-qhe-amrie wins?» a“ f14i'tl',' ""/fe" ' ttrs _ J“ . - - Phihitithroohfpanee . to Be Held Nov. 25 Funeral services were held at tt o'clock Monday afternoon at Trinity Enisconal church, Highland Park and burial was at the North Shore cemetery. north pf Lake Blue. The church here, of which the Spencer? have been members for years,.was filled to overflowing at the services Monday, and many friends from Evanston, Barrington, Geneva and‘ (Continued on page 36) . bar fell on him after taking I hurdle. His death came as a shock to his many friends in this commu- nity. Egbert Huehes Snencer. well.. known in Highland Park where he Wed as a boy, member of a family prominent on the north shore and in this city, died.Friday nieht at the Evarvtton hosnital, from injuries re- ceived about two weeks ago near his country estate at Barrington. when; Former Local Bov, Brother of Dumaresq Spencer, Dead at 42 mummy, novnun I. ma annual_ Prilartthhtpy Dance tiiiiiiiiiiiii,"ikil In. John he." iiiiiriird arariii'iiiir; IO, or In. Ar. ne]: 1gt_ttttth_txeert on ren Dan- 33’1“", mis “liable to be imiGiiri at 8 J'diar." in IR room was the chaplain, Mrs. Irons. They will be "Cooper provided Will be installed at a later date. I tion." . The regular monthly meeting of ,the Highland Park Chamber of Commerce will be held the evening of Nov. " " the Green Tea Pot, instead of next Tuesday evening. Nov. 8, the regular date for the meeting. The event is to be held a week later this month became thel Moon of the organization feel that} a poor attendance would result next week because of It being the eve- 'maur. For further" "iaGatiii'i " B. P. Mo. m1herewill~be mttttrheautiNt Is well as useful articles on sale suitable for Christmas gifts. There will also be a corno game with a mriety, of useful things, to_choose. Yom. The public is cordially invited l "t attend both the lsupper and the’ On Thursday evening, Nov. 10, "Sheridan Rebekah Sewing club will hold a bazaar and supper in I. O. o, F. hall on Laurel avenue. A baked ham supper will be served at 5:30 Rebekah Sewing cio l Holds Bazar Nov. 10 6art; second vice-president, Mrs. dren's Eillian Madison; treasurer, Mrs. Eduea Thorax: Clavey; sergeant-at-arms, am Mrs. Margaret} 39333911 irgecrmry, Teach: 'ar.-. U“... m . . _ -- - - Highw'ood oariii,ror-, 7. ofC. ligating Nov." " 1 H; SPENCER [iiEiiiirRiiiiia"trnis tn of “I'll run: Meeedxqsrtrtratoarmttrmr-utt on Lulu-cl avenue. Brim an hun- ted. "td_tmrttstrprm be phyod. Ito. thr Mohdey evening, Nor. T, Sher- idan Ledge tfo. tl01ttlUtttld e pub- Charles Brogan, 58, of ntioch, who earlier in the day fai ted on the street in Highland J'ark, fainted last Saturday on a North line train and was taken to the Lake County hospital nt, Wankezan' by Lake Forest police. He wee given emergency treatment that morning at the Highland Perk hospital, after which Chief Edvard Moroney gave him carfare to Wankem l, __ -__ee â€ï¬‚ak . e " d that she was Wilda}! evenmg of this week trytt.ir improved “I, l, At..? tyet,. Mr. ','.oobjtrtr't we. 2.22:: aol,U,t'd'tigdtiuti,'t 11:21:11: P' Poperation 1n Competi.. friends here. Besides her husband . and three sons, Robert, Louis Jr., _ The Pieter?. of the [tea) P.T.A. and Billy, she leaves three sister, say, "The subjects of physncal edu- Mrs F Reum and Mrs. Fred 'Heu cation and comp etitive sports are of "a/iii; and Mrs. Grover Grady 1 especially interesting to the fathers f this city, to s ive her. as well as the mothers, and Mr. o The mothers of the will aet as hostesseav and invite, the public t social hour at the elos ins. , Boobjerg’s pirit Ti view subjects will be instructive, ening and interesting.†The officers, of the local P.T.A. say, "The subjects of physical edu- cation and competitive sports are especially interesting to the fathers. as well as the mothers, sud Mr. D_‘l,!, . . - if"?! Teacher am Education, of, at, the next tr. Educator to Talk to Lincoln P.T.A. Group Those in charge of the event say. "It is earnestly hoped that all friends of these charities will sup- port this project by filling their present and Christmas book needs at this time. It is a real opportunity to choose trmrueeaznmenaUaaU,2'iL' P - ,1“ ------~ wavy In to hold a "Book Fair," at which the new children's books, as well as many of the "old reliables." will be on display. Orders may be placed during this week for immediate or Christmas delivery, or delivery " any time. Fiction, biography, travel lend booksrof general interest for ( "trrown-ups" will also be displayed. 3 Mrs. Roger Vail is chairman of I the Book Fair committee. She will _ be assisted by Mrs. Thomas Creigh and Mrs. Malcolm Vail,ind they are already at Work on their plans for the event. Mrs. Herbert Beers will assume general direction of the fair. The charities which ‘will share in the proceeds of the Book Fair. un- der the auspices of the Thrift Shop, are Infant Welfare, Northwestern Settlement, Highland Park hospital, Ridge Farm Preventorium, Lake Bluff Orphanage, Doreasr Home and Arden Shore. . _ which Begins okiiindirrNov". 14 the Highland Park Thrift Shop i: bas Ln}; _ ora, I R . -- - “Bifok Fai' During Childrep's Book week Min Flint; on Can! an, my. , ion, of Evansttin, Mlijgegl; Prxf=an.ett.imr--atrtheuyirui Ion“ "detraitiiiiiirt" ai’iie‘cm; school, Natiopgl College of " ?'_atrCWiiI Be’ N illrhL6AlrggIchy Held Children' Week _ - , at the, m?“ Shop! - ' CLUB ms mm; " '""N"e, V â€in: 'Win Be' view a these l, " Antioch, Monday. N ov. 7 14, fourth le urgnwuuu 11le I many "the evening, --' _ _ -- T "r..itr--i.aaai."-"-- :0 stay for o The Women's Democratic club of of the meet Highwood will hold an open meeting i Friday, November 4 " 2:30 pan. at - their headquarters on Highwood av- Train enue. The public in candidly invited a, ‘M‘Mh to ntt_end._ _The tttBeers of the club tiglhxsical ' enlight. we Art mm C company, men, "tr40 Cantu! m added I shoe am .- tttrt Aâ€? "tmthhht. added a shoe am to round “t their "ftmtinhtt- for an. “Smith thnartp the. m ,eketed after n careful my (in). .1... fuld. This the. dang-tune h in NW 'rtueamtthr--tttat-ti, offered it this shop. The Art Olson , â€an!!! "trd' 3-00!th inviti- both' Sunbeam DJ. jiiiGiii,' aria Atwood "tdllisautt. 0mm. . m.;vuv uwllIvlvi m, I." Petey',. but! tf dim Iliu- Women Democrats of _ Highwood Meet Friday New Mexico by JiiteirGuii'i"""iUi' Grover Grady, where they joined their _mother: At that time it Was health. As ive go to £33m}; ments for her burial had not been made. all“ new.“ A“ -- Art ouon & company, amp for' Pet' sf' Cysttm) â€In. hm Mrs. Elizabeth- Hutchinson, wife of L. R. Hutchinson, passed away where. sh? had ttline"'" abBut a year Mrs. L. R. Hutchinson _ Dies in New Mexico . §woman, made the opening speech wittran appeal to the ladies for the support of the entire Democratic ticket. Joe Daily, Charles Hebiar, Charles Weber, Benjamin Jacobson. Leo Daily, William Dean, Kenneth Young, L. J. Link, and Jack Bott made speeches, explaining in full the Democratic platform, the condi- (Continued on page 34) T The Italo - American Deerfield Township Political club, terminated its activities before the coming elec- rtion at a special meeting Tuesday night, held at the St. James hall, HighWOod, with a large attendance of its members and their. friends. All of the county candidates, along with some‘of the state and national candidates were present. LIME lb: 193k; Democratic Candidates I at Highwood Rally on Tuesday Night in hopes Gt, riGrninir It}; Were taken to l, committee- Rut.