q Elk; T 1.; . . THE DEERHELD PRESS - _ "i':).':)- - "was; 'ftt"lTt"tif.'lttt'eai'8ag. 333E V ""'.-2'"'""'"-."'rr""i""".l""""-H. .LeeqNr_tittatriaditiaiSUGdiiir" t.NrtdeuirrromiiirtiaiCia'uTaiia'"ii, with. ?ymtt.tru-.e-.u-..-tuaa.. n ,etee,1ratuaumiiCiuiiiiiiruGFi'i'r., trTP.qrrr'rrft.tC.rruem In. xii: m3 The a 1,','rgtg, of (can. M. “it. can; Chic-co "bee... 1610.114! Valentin!" l Tdtphono Conan! an ammonium-u. _ Baum Inun "my " an iriaii _rr'r"." , t T 'c, 12%;. Hr. """, Ci, .. L� , Mti,,, : ‘. '. i; 1 "tie/ttis")', _:aii,2,,'i"ilrt],i:/r,re'/i" haiku-3" i7iiaiau- ran: a... kilo-d M an: Now 8, "" No. " "V 'erased-su-ici-tities at our haw smith Smart Shoo department means that HAtthhONtous_, head-to-tbot outfhthtg for etNtry Vagaasipn,“bacomu again and. con- ' uni-M for you. Equipped, stacked and pononnolad to him your mm“ invita‘an early inspection of 'otwatthtdtentrotthttt.ttrstartsttoes'iurtit-on, Shani-He "6CentmiAmmn'e , q . . a complete new departure!» with a select group of Smllh Smart Shoes . . . footwear whose. style distinctiveness, qualify'of Uathiriimd beaqu of workmanship ideally wit it Ptiiiiaua" nnouncmg The Misses Corrine Znhnle and Marie Berube entertained thirteen couple: at n Hnuowe'en party last Saturday evening at the J. J. Ber- ube home. The evening was spent Mrs. Howard Komblith is in St. Louis, Mo., where she was called by the serious illness and death of her mother Mrs. Louise Stuns of that city. _ -. The public is naked to remember Tuesday. November " u the date chmn by the Women of the Moose for the home talent play which promises to be; most humorous., Tickets may be :procured from the members. Don't forget to reserve the night for a lot of fun. Lacatand Piersdrial - of Highland Park oor fun“ Till PRIDE Phone 2871 MrtuAnthonr French Merrill will give the first of four lectures on Wednesdeg morning, November 9th at 10:30 oclock at the home of Mrs. Melcolm Veil, 190 Lakewood place. Her topic will be “Novel: Rasthset Catherine Muller gave a puppet show at the Xi ehapter of Phi Mu Gamma, National Allied Arts fra. ternity, tea at the Medinah Ath. letie club last Sunday. Miss Muller is e mduate of Northwestern Uni- versity School of Speech and meta: all her own marlonettes, her entire stock being on display " Nutshell Fields in Chicago. . Mr. and Mn. Jr-At-trarest-y-dr Hitthwood are celebrating their " tieth anniversary today (Thursday) they wili'entartain " a dinner party forthe Immediate family. - irte9tteitttrtty) pugin! ping-pong. I the . - ', ., ee, w»: "i.-areqcvsrii/rt $6.00 and , $7 .50 Mr. and Mm. William Gnyot who a recently’tetumed to Highland Park from Waukem were delightfully summed on Thurudly evening; :by _' ryttsp1lterg_1trtlte, Jkthatttuhstrxtt,, Mrs. Ernest turritt of Zion will be the principal speaker at the W. C. T. U. meeting to be held on Mon.. day, Nov. T " 2 o'eloek " the home ' of Mrs. J. G. Fidder, 149 8. Second street. Her subject will be Chris- tinn Citizenship. A short business . rTriirrifi' Ciel payer meeting. "ridttatm are welcome. _ closed their home and Cone to the Stevens hotel, Chicago for the win- ter, _ magma}: iihiriit" hie; guestspres ent. The evening wu spent in play- ing "Elm“. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Porter and -MIWAVI ‘MPAII --Aau. menu“ PAIR "e--- IU “I M M - Mm. G. s. Betti: of Highwbod who has been on-the sick list the past week, is very Imteh improved. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. beaming 'NOI.Y0ii" -__-- --r-e_ TALL ml ovum mu " W†"stty “who SATISFACTION GUAM --49ohmN. School of In“; PIANO and 1'!le Chuc- In at training. rhythmic tain- inp. sight mum, hobo-rd harmony. HIGHLAND P3318347! BANK BLD. Charms Rise has returned to her home in Stonhuton, Illinois after spending 3-week with her brother Mr. Warne Rise of the Packard Mo. tors Co. PIANO TtIN"iNc Mm. Ermine Meyers of & First street entertained eight members of the Chicago Prairie Hiking club at dinner on Tuesday evening. Thomas Knorr, Edmund Mackay and William Fellows ere giving i lmtret supper'on Sunday, November (ttrfor Min Martha Lee, daughter of Mr. end Mm. George T. Lee, who is being introduced to society next month. mo-uurhnca. - mom mun rm 'ut-- Mrs. thuarr Iverson of S. Green Bay road entertained atthree tables of bride: Int S_I_tnrday gunning. Haley Eliz_abeth__ Tay10r '.' ___.. --.. - "T-".. - -. m. JT." - Man‘s-4cm- Mien Marjorie Lynch of the High. land Apartments will _rgrepd the week-end at her home in Chm-lemon. Illinois. iiie’ithEiiI 1tathatine, Beth Imig Miss Anna Willa: my a...†may. mm KW Put an (Rum-III) Teacher of Earn-cum - lunatic-m u. School atieett mummy. new a. a. i3]