L71 a I , llt . V c: c ta {£31 tgi, m a: 519 Central Avi. Finest Fresh Dreaded Roasting Chickens, lb. BhortLeeofMilkredvea1,lb............. _rinetrt.Metttrtbtyrer,ihir,m. ............... YeryBdrt Native Round Steak,]b... ........ ChoiceNativeSirloinStéak,lb. """'rt'. "rterLoinventchorttr,1b. oi...',.......... Oscar Mayer’s German Wieners, Ib,' . . . . . '" ‘. ’FancyRolledPorli'Loin Roast, lb linnetrtR.ttira_mbChooss,m............:.... 'ttrt'tlPriiiiriiikr Slicid’Bdcon, 1b. : . . . . l CintrarAre.,- opposite Alcyon Theatre Tel. 11. P. 487 Lee's BeaUty Salon LINCOLN MARKET The New Perinanent Frames the Face Softlv Spetials. for Saturday Only Paris says hair will be decidedly shorter, very flat and sculptured and snug along the neckline. Come and let us do your hair the new way to match the fall styles. Make the most of your personality formerly Henry & Martha’s Beauty Salon You ~can serve the finest meats for what- you used to pay for the cheapest cuts. Tel. H. P. 3140 17e Me 18e 10e THE PRESS THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS A member of The Chicago Suburban Quality Group Chicago omees.. 1016-17411 Willouxhby Tower Telephone Con-rd 8866 Motion: of condolence. - of think}. ohituaries, notices of entcrulnmnhmm [Quip 1'th nn_ Idmlgunoe eherae iy an} Telephone. Entered u Second Cluu tutter lurch l, ttnt, at the Pert OiBoo at [lth Park Chimo oiBee G N. Ilehinn in. Stale “I. ner of Brat prize at the Orator‘ical contest held at Bethany church on Sunday evening. Raymond Kuehne and Carl Hansen were second and third Winners respectively.) Frederick Golden, Jr., who under- went a tonsilectomy at the Grant hospital, Chjiratro, last Friday has SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 82.00 PER YEAR All mmuniutlou must be swank-J by the â€In; Ind addr- of the writer Article for publication nut reach auditor by Wednesday noon to hunt. appear-ne- in current Issue. VOL " _ November 10. 1932 No. " rein of; thcggo. ‘No-date has been set for the wedding. q" . about the twentieth of this month. Mr. Leach, 'an instructor at the Elm Place school gave an illustrated lecture tm birds and flowers at a Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Repholz of Chicago formerly of Highland, Park announce the engagement of their daughter Caroline Frances to John lished. wilt in: with] "dtGuiiidiGifvdriG - L in: rates. along nicely. Mis. A. C. Smith of Highland Park is now on theuPaeifie on a re- turn trip from the Orient Where she has been since early summer. SMexpeem t4r,hsiarulighlaad lurk _ Individul kinetic»: (lulu Adults Ind Children ---CALL HIGHLAND PARK tob---- _ it4 SouthDeere "" 'ME UDBLL PgtirmttG COMPANY _ nun Banding. mun.“ Part. m. ISSUED THURSDAY or IACI "I! . . Teacher of Expression - Graduate Northwestern U. Behotil of Speech PM. M. P. " " 80m SECOND STREET WE are experts in the re- T 'lrair, and reconditioning of old betteries. " fresh charge will give your old battery new life. HIGHEAND PARK Katharine Beth Imig tifi!lltflfif mum“ Part 551-553-559 266 :1 man The Phflathea class of the Beth. any church wf1r-aneeb-%testhtr-em- nine at the home of Mrs. John Erie. ,son, 531 Gray avenue. P. T. A. meeting in Libertyville, Tuesday evening. Lieut. Paul W. Blanchard, Jr., ll S. Army Air corps made a fUiat visit 'to-ttis parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul -W. Blanehaql of Walker av- enue, from his station, Selfridge Field, Mt: Clemens, Mich., over the week-end. Mrs. Fred Fisher who spending several months land Park with her dang James Healer left yes spend sveral weeki with in Chicago. Mr: and Mrs. A. J. Wurth when mined eight guests at dinner on Tuesday evening. Mm. Mitchell Beaudin. entertained the members of her Five Hundred club Monday evening " a chop suep supper at the home of her mother Mrs. Williams of Prairie avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crum of Newark, Ill., spent a few days the early part of this week with their parents-Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Me. Cafrrey of N. Second street. Miss Eleanor Conrad spent a few days this week in Ptdt, Park as the guest of Mrs. William Pearson. Mr; and -' MES CriifiirE't -A. ltr- lisment are entertaining sixteen guests at dinner, Saturday evening. The Drains Department of the Highland Park Woman's club hell their first meeting Monday after. noon at the home of Mrs Henry b Clark " Lake ‘avenuev. Mrs. F.il- iiam Winters, formerly Miss liar. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Long of Deerfield are receiving eongratuk. tions on the birth of a daughter born, Saturday, Novn'abei' 5th at the Highland Park hospital. F visiting friends. Va., arrived here-the latter part of last week, being called here on ac- count of the serious illness sof Mrs. Margaret Simmers, mother of Mrs. Golden who is at the Victory Ile. mpriaLhoispitaLa'n-WauktartuuTlrts NY staying at the home of Mr. Siar mem' other daughter Mrs. C.,G. Marks of Waukegan. . ---Cohtmb% Bdiool " In»; puma u mo" Clu-a In at tnlulll. rhythmic tub lnu. skit radii-r â€but! but)†HIGHLAND nu run BANK all f (m. a. P. m _ nu. “In or“ man tt , ' ' ("noun-nor all I)!†Miss Anna Willas treietetife Sandi-h Macaw no "and" us CENTRAL Amt. HIGHLAND "It PIANO TUNIN’GI Dr. and Mrs: A. J. Wurth will Helep, Elizabeth Taylor Mr. J. H, Simmers and dauehter Telephone Highland Park 915 'HeURtHrAt W883 w, Ifie “HG-Hi" H5566. L “a“ who has been nths in High. daughter Mrs. yesterday to with relative, Old- Q _ her 4; _ the tr friend the w With; "tdear lois. utiviti will I tires. Mr. 3100i: " the (HES his 'si of Eh Patti biidg were man the , try 1 have Calif field the I "Op met th I end Whl Mr. tk Ma on io: for spe Jo: Mi