eeentry designa- mding dramtic suburbs is about because the. men plays while the lock] life q'o . . “no still be to hit high taboo! , dutrset election groups than any orth sharp . . . . 89,000 still to be e libnry . . . . n amateur little " which a metro- , theme-song of tt out is' any criter- ll musictl comedy -manmer produc- Delgay’a well de- itteation. It was the wrong audi.. isobar as Schultz professional. Cos- , were marvelous zloomier looking the North Shore he lake, and will at speed boat or the idew-rif the [one doesn’t make Ilving restaurant you won't be eat- "'Raatmtin" also ideas . , .' . 'her .of this city I from I short brought back two fts," by: Innonhbed ildinir a new type 'tNt-tlen II; 1088 almost smiled. {bland Park isn't. 'olled_ cityon the rhlund Park has cl miihii 7:75:32 l to be locited mum-ant " the l. The two-story "61.83.3001. worn in u a schoolbou'd-of earierod, In an! IV. Nfr, are tho 7†doin o'clock in the' be when they mdios-rif they p m away "tatttttttttrtettt was man. He ...... LI, - fi, m A- .__- V. " a. player 'ttep? 'lGr'8ici, in an! - Ais"itt"i7i"At'irirf'gw Lamb Mew, ttgtaiiitiifiii W ttlliitiitl" road: the _,'p,',1t,',.,c-.,_..,,...tris tltik'h1ti'it--- w.....'.. tt'it,fitttli, _ iitjiii uni iriiiiniiaiiit T iiiiiGiiiiiiii- "liytitaritmitie' . . . 2 2,,5t'.'lttttt1, ah: a. mm: _----------, 7 CORN am. you].....-. Halibut“: Steak Rum) Roast Native Beef, " Beef Stéw Rolled Rib Roast BEEF, 'tomd .........'.......‘ Pot Roast GEESE, lb. "aedlalt.resrr-aritiiiiruir', May and _t_tiiAuir, IB-timg-' 15. " and " FRESH JUMBO SHRIMPS, the pound ....... SQUABS,4for t_,-.-.'..........-......., 1',1i?l,Trl,iiSy,yiiirrr/utikiisisiiaikCr.'C 181Xt.1tl_lrf1Nfxormmdiihrr" 'o.........'..... YAM SWEET POTATOES, 8 pounds for ....qq Co0WNGAPPLiils,tintiio; .......q-...o.. "th.umitrtttlu 8tU.stieed POTATOES M. H. BACON PORK ROAST _ Rib Side, lb. . . . . /814e Loin Side, lb. ....9!4e --- lb. . g . . .16ic .- DUCKS, lb; . . . . ' 19k CHICKENS, Ilk. 1Ue ::.;...;.256' L,14e s.._44e N.-.59c 55......29c _.13le u. 12 ï¬l§flaw ~1...; IN th: hthettrfttrt Q 29c -1AJ0liillii7sr, 3. pound; 13F; 'lir'i;?4iriiiiiniiiririirti't V“ no you. -.......... JONES 's1i,A3,JfirAf3:1il4iithscirr24e; Meat, lb. _. ...-21 PerchFillets TOMATOES 3Letty._tqr..".,"."..C....,,f..."....C.jiiii' t.t.ore-.--. camsmécmxmzpoundsfor............25c 3min; . 1,.qilJ?,,.i.8.LNtPIrRitilteioyi'iii o-.....-........' 'terr-a-c- GOOD LUCK f?r,,g19NNtGAlitttttil7rFiL .......i HOLLY WREATHS,19¢ each; 6for $1 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, the pound ...... BiupiascocpA,thdimiaiiCr.Cr.T..".".t' w! the pond .1. For? Tenderloin Poikthiiiiiii Teieht.r, lb. ....12%c Spring, lb. . .....19h'e ........l9c 25c ...15c 9le 2th: 1". lllll na- ?"riiiitiidiidie __ F- (" _ a... 'i'ir"ii'ii'T'i'iia"i"'iiT"i'i'" mm 1l,'t',t,t 'e,:,'.,'.,.,......,.-.:..:. Ile. 3:5; t,tt.tL....._.__4i, :Culld Btiif Ek A. If, Flakes ( .thie. tl-ie," - “1...... 19e , Inch-- he __d, __ I Pot Rout mane Steak -t:illyyttlLeir3ririii i Biisiiiii3riiiir Veit 'Sten“ iiE 50m £17.13...)- It. PILSNERBEE§thedozennet .e....q..... CLIFTON mm COFFEE, the pound .... ATHLETIC CLUB COFFEE, thetound .. . . 1'..W1ir.lLN0femrrmmdstirr' ............. CHASE & SANBORN’S COFFEE, the pound BRICK or AMERICAN CHEESE, 2 lbs. for. PrhneRthtr,lh....2ge 6thilbhhliullm,rtt.wAe ROAST BEEF 'ir..-.).)."))),?),),")!,':',',,',',',! Dino-IO... -d, .;-..;..'...$l:90|§.“;.':,; 50945:: [My a"ihiie'r, m.“ 1312!; women Eggs, .doz. 38e _ ’39 j _1rlahit Eggs,doz.. . A2e ...:..,.,.. It, Tub Butter, 2 IU. .45c . lik Brick Butter, ity. 25c "-rr-u,a2tt, White Fish cw- 12 Isle 1min- he Kitchen Eggs, doa..22e Matt, mm“... M. AND H. RAMS on Steak BEE ----- - - r l 3 u.....-....~....._........ c nnmmoa. --- "a -------..- ------ - - . . - a... n Mu. C3r, 33e 49c 27c 23c 2Se 23c 29e tl SI