..-...Virehtin “and!†._.V...V.‘Shirky Kelby an R Van Stemm‘ ..........._.....'rom Jordan . Irc" "T" l" “macroâ€, 'tftl'eitel,t, Uni. . . 7 of, Pneumonia Dees8 m Citthotk "ro. - “an of, itMerrmtntenstt _ _----. J. - not WM. in human In Mix, N. In, Vinita“ Tapper. tive month: old Wham“ whithehonldmtotthobnbydnchtaoflrhmdln. .Iri. John am I“ Mth.Dee.t Th. con- Ltord-h. Tapper ofIWado but, . .xm ,y1trs , 'rr+hmtrttttePhmnttrtuntitn 1eryednrut)t,atioeefotuqriiti Christina stock. let“ '"'. . _lattrufilht- of'pmumonh,l'u- ............C-roh Kellncr 'dr Will Be Its. Delmar'Blaz- are will be a mat- " 3 o'eloek and ?Tho Swan" will un Dee. IT, at Woman', chub. attie comedy in- .mily of a myth- large of the Bo- that the _money 21 and shoes for em, and tho to ill: of -thoie who massive, by bak- old Saturdays in This fund 91†" hoapitgl and 'omun’s ’club _on 's golf- champion- he Ahtited Siam ill be held " the "lub, Highland! m‘mado maint- Bush, decréhry I who stated that nittee of the nn- ypproved. the rec- " tom's cym- Iiution m1: gut be held here. Woman’s Eeittt Dec. 21 v, who founded uovement in Chi- Rt play, which is a Mimes" of the ills for this sick. 2 of relief come Swan"' includes: a}; fund." Robert- YB. Norm]! Helm Gil-on. {an trptthN. -P'e"NeH,Pr"""'oer"Ne" vowwmns..‘o~ ' cause-u .--.PrynM, youâ€: Mimi! war} held mm "'_" IggglllrEluitt, , 42, - mun†I ""'"Thiattithltihani: the 1teathrn of Be . M n We. _ North . The maul Christmas service of 1%th 1mg... Lb. " 'dd the Highland Park Presbyterian tt . ' Car church will be held in the church let . V . M Thtdlw on Sunday mama, Dee. 13. " h. s,d,," " Louis Miller. 4e",m.r. old- of Mt 4.:SO _oclog:k. While all of the éomplications h, club to es- :5 Funeral services were held at the a: _ Masonic temple in this city last Sat- ttith - “tel-noon " bar,.. with" the " E. church and Daniel Webster, Wor- att- " shipful Muster of Mizpnh lodge, A. Ind F. and A. M. of Chicago. oMeiating. the- ~ _ Mons in 'ile‘morinl 1’er Ev- _on mean, . _ ‘ Mr. Miller is survived by Mrs .' _ Miller; two children, Melvin, 10 w - _ r ---rrer-etur-eytt1--etitr-a-aeut,r--our _ . his father, Philip Miller, of Chicago: _ 'l sud two sisters and one brother, er r who live in Chicsgo and Wisconsin, ’ A dsughter, Doris, died nine years 1 ago" " the sge of 8. - l The crew woe switchiixg freight ens on the electric road " Piper’s siding, which is midwsy between V Racine sud Kenoshs. and the see!- .dent occurred about 2 san. While T there were no eye witnesses to the accident, it is believed by members -.-. 69th train crew that he lost his" footing on the-slippery ice and fell across the track. M Members of the train crew in-1 eluded Hen-y Norris, of Wnueetran,) motormsn, and three brakemen, u follows: M. L. Perry, of Wenkegsn, Rollin Penié _tiii,lGi" "'i'j?i'riii'.'f,LC..".riai' m".- M _ hirPtutesthr, Dee. 8 Infant 13 Victim _,,,V._ - -- "'-',e'-V .. - . She f _ .-ifrrii.-i .%7, - 1.. "In“; Meet Monday Night '12}: '3' 2 tv'irit!id,k.',t,iit Ati, with . -..=.a-. . I r. . . leinl and uh I". V Bneside P.T.A.,will hold the reg- Jorie “$35312". 'tu,leut dr "tra: ttttir meeting Monatesvmtine, Pee. 'ttt 'ltLl',,t',', mGiiiGk .' I. " ,tjrut'1iit1sk.i'sdhrr.risiiii' comm?!“ PY" eommttee 99"" of .the Watsoti" “n known tspeaker will sn.. Husk. If." Honda whtteh-. .direeiim tertatn with tn illustrated lecture 1'a'i,ettgre.'ty J,fltggd'.rgiurge which has also a musial setting on. a." tte".,":,',':,',; 'tar "iirie'ni artd V: titled Chrhtmuwlth the Great Art- gc.' “a has? pimmm, u'aee: Braeside P. T. A. Will Meet Monday Night Mr. Oscar Burson of Milwaukee: Episcopal church, of this city. He We? {World war veteran. . Mr. Millet was tt' member of A. O. Fay lodge, A. JI'. & A. M., of Highland Park;' of ‘thé Highland Park "chapter of the Royal' Arch Masons; and of the Grace Methodist Episcopal church, of this, city. T Manhunt: 'will‘ be served. Louie Miller. " year: old, of 32 llka ananHixhwood, I eon- dmr on the North Shore electric line, was killed about 2 o'ehsek Thursday morning of lastweek at Piper's aiding, loath of Racine, Win. Mr. Killer, an employee! the road, for " years, apparently slipped on -attireot1eenahoGmftriinsrto catch a his: ear,,for he plunged head-foremoat under the fourth car and was decapitated. . "MAY. ml8tmaMtm 13. aa "in“ -r. a. a. w: I"! an“. ig'as M. and hat. a: Orl- Bltldht. k Dane Van Dike. , _ T -. The out for the tableau consist. of the following: . Benders. Mr. C. G. Canrkrht and Mr. Wil- Ham Puree: Isaiah. Mr. William Pearce: Mary Ind Mrs. K. B. Uer: Gabriel. Betty imaging gjnbgth. In. 1-H. Punk: at Page. 1131mm Lmsmtretti. Ad but: Van Dike. , _ T . The out for the tableau canal-h ot following: Benders. Mr. C. G. Gunfight and Mr. Iirm Puree: Isaiah. Mr. William Pod Tr.TthiFrT.riir.TN TiiiiiGT" KGT."'iG" a": R. B. Brand: has-en. Mr. ' R. North, Mr. 1tteltt say. Jtr. gr. Feat, Mr. Rob- mtrettt. libs Illa-re: MeCrorv, Ib- Ruth H. Hills. In. F. J. Suckling. qu. Edith want. lb- !!th Wilder. and In. tr. IL Smith: knots. Mr. A. M. Men, I'lr.c6.nJ. Dinkgloo. Mr._na_tts, Greene. Mr. The Christmu pigeon is s ser- _ies of Christmas. tableaux. pre- pared by Anna R. Kennedy with a. group of ‘young people in the Near East and gives their interpretation of the Christmas, story. The carols and, Christmas hymns are used throughout the tableaux. The mem- bers of tht 'tttrt-cu-rss-ae-ttttsire- T- F-c - ’ -. . Sopnnoe.‘ In. W. A. Ale-under. In. W. J. Brown. Mm. Virgil Humor, Mrs. J. G. Hussy. In. B. A. Hamilton. like Pearl lithium}, Mb; Luella Shawn. and Mn. Walter 11mm: In“. Min Ellen Grieg" 1'lttPty.urieduurtitCiiFi, Caren: Long-1 TifmiirririiirTfiGGriiiaGaTGrirG the entire constituency of the High- land Park abate]: eooperates in the work at Laird house. - . nets will have a service in their department, and all other depart. ments will meet in the main church to: a Christmas pity. At the " o'clock service there will be special music under the direction of Mr. Whitehouse. The public is invited to these services. . _ The "White Gifts" nrrs.brouttht; for the work of the church at LsirdJ 9ty1t1ty_titt1t1rrtt11ctatisssr,cGriiitil be held on Ctiitstmas, 'iu"iiuriiiii the anday school hon; the basin- win that in their. class room 4:15 in preparation for their of the ,servioe. . l _ Special Christmas ant-vice: lint. , Members win that i 4:15 in an proper in under the 7 audio; Ji Mrs. William Puree and the Drama Fortnightly club, together with Bor.. eoe Whitehouse, chunk organist. 2t chorus choir of the churchwill ' . _ PPtrtyr. of, up Shadiy school 4:80 o'clock. While, Eli" J35; church and church school will put- ticipate 11in an scribe. {he pageant Presbyteriah Church â€WWW" Chute; . . Will Have Special _ f . e ElecttNewOchers Christmas. Servicesi '_ _ . - -'"'""""""'"t """ “"'" '""""â€â€œ' . eThomas Wolfe the district trafBe ii I f ' i"..' tr T'"". m. for)...“ o .'l" manager of the United Air Lines, L',,'.? ,ltg.1tw,1'lg,'tTtudtt.t was lectuyer it the dhiner meeting In. c. H. Zimmerman: decor-Mon- of the Highlnqd Park chamber df (t?riMtfrr.N,'ai'i.iif25.i commerce " the Green Tea Pot on LIL',',',',',':' Pumas: vim. can: Tuesday evening of this’week. Mr. seidltrtis.fat irOFri.TiTiiiGai71"itGTi 1r?.tfry'Eutrrern irtet melt win. spoke of the employment had by beam of ,eutiiaiai'iiiG tied ,l'u- them-.1 8irvtetwrtrurrs,-ei, ttrtrtt_.troeterutsha,th' _ _. sham tt eqtttttrteg%t Shore Trust ".bie',C.tr-s,J-sU ' q but gone to communes with him. mum _ '* ..__ I'll - Mr. " Two notmemhcn, [twin Wat. Some of his tAiiiianuTi'%'iiiii Inch and thet B. Whftaur C0, I " Pfrrrtter,rtiit-,ti.ai't mew "ttte-ttiris-err' trt,uetho.ettitdatimiA The picture'anil “an“ po u M, use. Jo, to: yaw-week mien thg ‘aduncementq’lk'udy mode in pecan: 'of lack of, {M ttt N. ttir true! ind transportation, tad in Won. r" .. outtittodtuseuehiutifittt_ Tim- will be only eight month 'tttttttttts/ttttedt'.":..'."', arm} as or1t1'eerueithkrrtc gigtitlegl "rbae Anon mm" Air Ilefrip, Manager__ . Talks To Chamber of Commerce Here "All friends of the settlement are "tordia11rhtvited to 1emmramd-hrhttr something to help fill the baskets which will go to the hungry fami- lies in one of Chicago’s most needy sections," any: Mrs. , Chas. A. Wright, chairman. _ A Christmas' basket bed will be Riven at the home of Mrs. Harvey Branigan 727 South Sheridan mad, Friday. Dee. 16, from 8%t 6 o'eloek. A musical program will be given. -ttiittT ifW"ITdén swam, Central and Sheridan road, Highland Perk. Mrs. Brion has painted in Chicago and In the east. She attended the Chicago Art institute and studied portrhiture under Oscar Gross and George ohertttttter and is a ntem: ber of the North' Shore Art league and program chairm'an of.that or- ganization. I" Exhibit Paintings Mrs. Grace P. Brion is exhibit- PL“ Ittt.tyHe1t.rtsr of_rtr9irptrirttr, ward Stranger; eonthtetresa, Ellen Bleimehl; â€locate conductreu, Gertrude 6093mm secretary Cath- erine Levin; treasurer, Hugo Schnei- der. , t The next regular meeting will be held on Deec " at which time all members are urged to attend, this being the lat meeting under the regime of present omen-s. _ em Star we: held on Wedneedey evening, Dee. q et which time the ennuei reports of worthy mutton and other oneâ€: were reed and e vote of thanks extended by the chip. her. (or the splendid work eccen- plished .hy the oilicere duties the past you. The ennui election of camera we: held and the following members elected: Worthy matron, A stated meeting ‘0! Campbell ehapty No. Tit Order of the Eut- em. I: T mac: 1"sii'i'rCti',i1'it!: “In: "t " idiatt a. r. “Kelley um me it act: closing a...†. q ttirempritrmet hooded by been“ of {and hub hint Nd at Amen Studio Oak T91? ace School, . Short of Funds, Is . Closing For 5 Weeks The Oak Terrace mm school in Hithwood, will do“ tetitetegrnt. Dee. M, for a hunch Filled. on Bridges, was composed of ,Datio Bonetti, Quite Bonetti. Ed Karin, Gordon Cook, Dana Comngh', Do. via Greene, Ervin Collins; El Sher- iciau,annk Goon, Harry Rollo. nun. Orrin Methitson, John Ver- co_e, Frank Horn, W. B. L. Bowen, Eugene Rafi, Arthur M.’ An orchestra, led by Robert A. The, following were munikins and soldiers: Emily Watson. Betty Juno Warren, Lucia Durand, Jane Aus- tin, Florence Schneider, Moreno: Warren, Jane Holmes, Ruth Len- Henry Hammer conceived the book with en interesting plot full of ihumorous: situations that ere well- 1tyie-br-thertistrie-orrmr-aiiif.- Hammer provided a book end lyrics which were both subtle and Nat, moving. _ To, Theodore Fischer, tenor, and Miss Helen Gridley, soprano, fell _the honors of the performance. The juvenile lead was taken by George Lake. Edelbert Leonsrd end Butt.. nee Lake provided the humor. Or- rison McCorison has "the men in: the moon;â€"Ray Reynolds wu_% grand duke and 1t3*1iiir30jhi'r' 7 _ man took part as soloist and. in en. sembles.‘ _ Ruger’s music was, s delight. Not only dierhe display treat~ musician. ship, but he carefully built up cli- maxes which played nn important part in translating the author’s lines. N prxiitiier pet-{Enigma} “M6345; Saturday and Sunday in the Itavitttn Village house. Crafts w,tem%iitiiiruiuri"i'iik costumes ty ."mttfuiir Ewell, "At 6t, "At Madgm Detitar'si" " Give- Sueeosful. Performance 'e Here List Wat RAVINIA PLAYS M32