Mic-Hm mud who set ;DAY, “is: 'ttttf Le Horst 425 "it oil. rt. his on 'tss. sts if Lt" 'ai-trf -L' 'tmiiidT'tui.l, renewing has. "F. " "iT ,'m on “W- It, T Jr (which' irrational 'tiiiih'ee. mam; Pm) the tettBt- and mo: by gun the mm 0150.“ J; R. you _ 1 nun. who at situ- ~1me villa. It.“ At. - Guam Mfuatrhiuyt'ttr,tk up the Jon! part sud an itedistyitt,? to and the present nood- will I36 drum up.‘ ' _ ' _ George Page “named the all the dim-wigwgnq 113W (amounting to $1459.84 hi the Amt- itur Mick's M)! 'ttr' "tie past a; month. had but good. Also tut Juan J. 1.9, sttir ua remitted $173.00 on 'i?d? value. as soon as money could he obtained, Mr. Pm "and. the atr4unee that; there worild be t speck] "-stti audit. ' ) i, F A A wan-m Johnston an.) ithé head that a trtnaformer' on! alight.“ thy main damnation of Che will... had; been in need of repair}. coating 38%; L. D. Fordham, of ttitttittie" Sat-1 vice Company, m consult!!! and an attempt will be made toiftnd out the cost of a pennant repair. . The yin.“ board voted to tspertdl, an donut to myth hgleo in North‘ boring village, Ba.mt,olkttigm. I Carleton Scribner of the waterl department asked that the pro-eat ordinnnce of water deposits be changed. so thet'new stores would Oni/tree-trite-i-dir- posit, instead of 850. This we: a proved. The other porti- to ran-i V the same with small herpes tequiré ing I 310 deposit and Inner homey $15. _ l Chief of Police Percy Mela-ugh lin reported 361 take: in for finer during the month tt oftotser hind one cue of whooping cough which required the posting of uj'plnc‘u-d; The village board unanimously; 9:46 tgltedtt _ approved the appointment of Kiev 10:00 _votional perio.d. _ ‘ Florence Page as village collector to 10:15 h Brief Survey of thi Field. take Clarence Hahn’s place it a;' Rev. A. Arthur Jevne.‘ salary of 875 per month. The M; 10:30 fiaiiai for Msettattiott. Min repealed the ordinance which made . mniaoettenueh. _ the clerk and collector one omms 11:40 icing the Budget. B. D. One' is " appointive and the other 'T axon. V i an elective omee and the attorney 12:00 uncheon. (Coffee will T he ruled that it he illegal. Mis. _. {served at the church). Pages" bond of $5000 bi the Acme _ Afternoo- Caeualty Insurance Co. of Hartford., 4:00 otionel period. ' . Conn. was approved tether boatd.3 1:15 uaineee Seeaion of the Lake Mr. Hahn will continue to act ea: ' unty Council of Religion village clerk, an oMée to which ‘he. Education. . ' waaelected, but Miaa Patio will take 2:15 Simultaneous die a u e e l o n over his duties as village collector V Jmupa on varioue phases, of Mayor Harry Cleve: Ji7Giiv, V sWork. Led by county encore. the recent trip of Keene. Hood._ 3:15 A two-minute report from Bu1sts, Selig, Wing, and;himeeif 34° _ leach group. i the atate’a attorney’e odree in Wait 3:30 How can ‘we make our county keno, where members oi the previ program more _etreetivet Rev. one board reported that it wee a H. P. Siemeen. . . oversight that the matter of, {one 4:00 Adjournment. [ A" open foruiftr1ionmd with an be held Thursday evenlnmvNov. '9, menu: "questions" Mine put to at 6:30 o'clock " the Deerfield Prea- tru-tee- try the audience. Pu 1ryteridrt Church. D. L. Derby will the board member: new th be toeatmuter. The Rev. Ernesto to the best of their ability. , G. Merlanti of Chicago will make Just will! the “hummer: the adldreea. Mr. Merlanti was a ity.. Geone Tram suggested as a V er of {high rank in the world 'wer. of raining money, that the He tellea story of remarkable " chute admission T to. the man venture and moral courage, He in meetings. which at time- were the minister of the Waldeuian Pres: ter than Vaudeville allow], the to bytes-fun Church Jn Chicago. e T “questions" asked by 9htotrtatom/rl l , Mayor Clavey thanked the audi' l T - once for it: enpport and inure-tea; I . , , _ invited them to the D'eeemher m1 _ l ' ' 3113.85400 we: not entered it; th I V .___.__.__..._ books, And that the board Ind vo . that nmount to Judge Owens in th Deetfield Boy scout _ um mama. This amuse: Dinner November ' proved "Mummy to the state’s [ ----- is torney and the matter Ira? *ed. Theglgynul Ito, scout; dimer Till cementum soiiren , J', to Spuk " Chgmber T of Commerce' Meeting to the best of their ability. , Just â€can; the Adjournmw George Tram suggested an e meet: of “king money, that the boar charge admission», the month? Mus. which at time- were he! Contra-nun James Simpaon Jimj rcpt-mum“ in Cong-mu from ting; tenth Wet. will with. spake! mm to be held nut My "re' nine " 0:†" thi. Gm Tea Pot on North Sheridan 1tmid. l Mr. Simpson will incura- thy member: id the omanitntioy on and important development: "ttri-ali-', tive activithn at Weatt,ittetrtes. y' iriiiTiiraii, "Rim" Q Gai", "air oi, the Highland Park Chalk: pf Com-1 Following his “and, the report of the nominating mph“. of tte chamber of commerce 1rfil be given; Ind an important business meetitte will be held. . 3 vs RELIABLE LAUNDRY . AND f , _ DRY CLEANINGCO. . GREENSLjADE. Electric Shop , GREENSLADE “I. P. fl a: 101mb rioiCTGancim imam: Show ’nm'urymnh, m p T _ t with 4;.qu mud In! It†a a When It the Mttrtt 11;. Building at A Century of bo- la? “via: the fhtest 1oiodeal .1 femtiatleagdeusr Created “rink the exhibit. g 11:3 [mutation in In“. In Pryshhmt Jr. A.. 2mm at the mammal exhibit bond. ' the -ntjrofstrtrttttsM2epgortti- neat Wu: ‘expertu. l Juris' " te"rsdind m Dr. "Giuseppe Gunme- ,cio. he',tg'tehtt D. P. 'gre' of. o tulo-Aanaiteatt F ama Gum. . . '.' l Mr. White’s W In itf thi) Julian? m0 with mm ifogttttahtr "and tow lily ponds. The 1011th were brought him from m did. or at. i , Venice; ma In word may titto ii? old, of hattd-asaivei4 not: me an about 12 feet high. Thtoutthr out the' summer Mr. Finn him! 250 Melvin mtrutiea of fltrweN [a tho, tandem ' t' ' P1ittt Education l I . ' . titute Here Noe. 14 T The 'i, third an“! district Ind county} once“, institute, undgr thir, direction of the Lake County Council of Religion- .Education,_will' tte hold? at theiBethnny Evangelicsl (munch; ‘Highhpd Park, on Tawny) N.oys. 14, tori the‘purpoae of @th the orgmiiution other: in the mm- tive work at Christian odtkitlon. This meeting includes uboutglixtyg Ave workern, representing ;ev'ery community and. nearly all " the protestant churches in the. dpunty. the cqhncil will hold . such! busi- ness spaniel: during the Harmon, Rev. it. P. 31mm, of 3mm Pnrk. gm preside. _ , _ , 'rheff6Btrwintr procum hit been providéd: ", _ . rem! Rockmbtch. T _ 11:40 Mntt the Budget. B. D. 'T “on. V l }2:00 nncheon. (Coffee will T be , {served st the church). imll . I000â€. ItllrlEAUilllll?lllH$' for, bad'wea 0 Keeping your bath: uniformly _ Womble' inooidweatherhteatry ...ifyoub _i. LWy’aukeo. gun Rapper- Coke: And jt saves / " Emoney! The clean, even, healthful heat ' tilied by Wankegan Koppers Coke is your We: of good heating. The few ashes it lea 3 31 . . with more heat in every ton . . . show I iii, it gives you savings. There is in economi 3 ;§_.size hit every furnace and boiler. Ask yo fuel dealer i Fuel C... i . F Mammal-nub" Co.. L4iit?/jtzy" Now 130an Recommended and Sold you a trial load. 'PERS -er,ttrrtsearp* i' Jenn only!» used for retiri " _ men: bonds, which we nut _ gems] yum, An protrt of " v of the vil- las. to the b; " i village ofBeiais lent the batik ' secured by gilt edged bonds p: ' ix per cent In- board aha}. a cGinnis, cash- ,icouh. .,,_ Er, Stateme tthr,t the tte Trt ' meeting df Jon-dud 15i'il ir tome and- imccwvhy 8troait y wrth of stocks Railway $60, , rt): of atoelm we purchased yo: Hood nnd his trustees. ll" cGinnin in his tam on '2rettt!t Understand- ing" aid that , 'iit" a auditor and chic! federal .= EE, " the time of the uatio 1'&' d moratortmn wanted auura il a r'. .. the village otheiqu that a 9!:- d not draw out their apoci_?' - ment funds should the ', . w, , ".1. a. That mon- ‘temt. ' a l TC F Mt. Me91ttnl I hed . dram- tie seem when I It steel and bunk din-Mon" not ' l tho neuritic: of the bank w I heed upon the table on that d I h Much 1982 for the ‘villnge to 'l), t which bonds they wished. T 'il ilk was allowed to'open immed I _ following this motion. The bit ii: now iepurchuo in: these bon fM In little over a you": time bu i , ht back $12,000 worth, plus in t t, with the mur- once that all 11:“ bought back before the a “all smamentq mn- radios Ind _ra lei-p onograph com- binntione in. , tit " surround- inn. Here one inâ€: leisurely listen to the leading Mo programs or Itetrr a complet " F rding of a fev- orite symphon " $his new radio ulon “lords a réexeellent menu of making the p ;ftttt'ieottirtatitson and selection under! We! most favorable conditions. 5 :1 1' l . Lyon and H 11y! Evamton store has been remod led o give to North shore patrons Fr o the that radio salon: outtsitit 0111c.go.7 Lyon ind I ' Evans mermoiL . . .{AL Fugitive . . .uer, Black Hair chi Woman's thdi"1 ‘anmystarious an} Chiago. Be , Dark Guden" _ murder xnystetiyI The Chicago mi "ra4Brt,i',1aAmmRY " Fr DRY fr4r/pirrf co. up can!“ "..lhtartamt nu new as; iissusa, A night in '/'pri. Plumb BL; P. m QUAu'l'Y bu? CLEANING Lambeth morRahop cumin? “was " per Whit Wag l y nteh of Kinky ttl in I Dead Al these Btrure in "ihister murder in I"; to stat "The t h' most fantastic 0 er written-in a! and Examiner. Ioe-Coated Sum- - the fhteat “9.39!!!" my 'io Salon " I PI" " ARRANGE " 'it DAIRY; ...... COMPANY Q If you are out-of-ioi'vn want to'étay over'a any: or back home and make 'yo, by telephone, A vtclcp mireh are and worry sind it aka only a min- ute or so. And Eneminr'thnt your telephone will also keep you in éonoh with your out-of- town friends sthilt yo/ire " hope. You’ll sie telephone calls quick3 _ clone 111* inexpensioe. rarz,irasariaivir - VYes.‘ I'vehten‘ im the Milk let. , lfeel yriitl. Putrrteirtiiitoinil.lri rauteei, , I two or three giggles of lawful? any; 1111f . is a trrisat ',tite,itj1i,,tgit,t,', you energy, I: I 7 in your eyed and r in [but cheeks. w Ki, H hone dill your new For tull value and iartra I a , Bowmdn’s milk. It is - in ereain and outstanding] , flavor., {Perfect tratostrVa . purity: Order Bowman’s _ , for le My! How we , Y°£ld°k! 'fl/il meek-end often . avoids " Al my