INDERLOIN [INN . - D worked out for-tht 'ttith QM m bottreec. 49: 89c , trddhh,, we? BEEF LEEF CT' 4;...“ 3Se t TURKEYS .' in $1.10 In: tett., as: 3 f an.“ OR BA’Y It feodbte. M .,b e broilint ER LAMB CROPS" _ L.._39c ED FOODS li' USAGE rdrals Meats ' but. I 1i'ttMr my 333nm . RAISINS ..5;,... that: 'lsTlakt gfor 3G 81.10 13.39 .i. 15c tttr tor $3.25 $2.50 $10 $10 Ith; ISe lik IN 39c 49c 10t $1 7 3w Pt it}? “it? 8 _ t,'iiiFi(t: tef ,e. "N j" f'ifi"riiiss Plans for "'_'_,' _ r. Chest Campaign (jiiii. _ interested KW "iiik . 'attended I would q'i#ti. " t umponry head of '4iiitprC, â€the newly out-bod ftiiee, Cheat Honda,†“ Bqt. in the luditoriu of ih2t'2 m culled for the FF. af “giving ali mportn :0- - “g: membership in the “I abr acceptancc of bud- - - .130 to abet . per- iii-t , of directors, and to w . argument. h an Chg: comma to be president, Alfred T. gtur,iho biiirii', stated that the my, id of directors was dtd, Me that the' 12 “.1 Wk nocizl and welfare w ,6felt had qualified for "ii"i-hip,iht the Chan and had u. Win membership, had no- - “warmly. The mponm, ts "id, bun whole-hearted on p In - -.'- "--"' ._-_N__-ie'-_ W a. ,m a pen, which um" well it the _ munch! eampaien to y. at tall. 13. agencies accepting - ire: B. P. Social Ser- R. t nuptial Association; I 'r itat Auxiliary, Arden _', _ tion,, H. P. Ravinh in abut Welhrc Society, E .C.A., kie Area Council of . North Shore Am of ylScouts, Red Cross. _ . Settlement, Dorcas B. .' Feeding Clinic. “it T" my in thef1naneia1 -m , be 0011an this in]. niu, ' Emu“ when. th.eSm, A n. was appointed lisd a! ' the following for. nom- m election wu unsui- ')i, , Mr. Sibler said, had [ tt budget allotment at th- the budget committee 1 It,t andhnd ofteredtoeo. n. 9m: for the cam- - ad individual allotment lint- manber uremia. will tsi _ shortly by the am- - 91‘. ting committee com- - if It. tr. Sherer, Mrs. Killian aae " Lr,.. Anion Show, In. W. ' 9; Boy ScoutglAlhlrt Fattv, Home, Mrs. G. B. M: . P. Hospital, John W. Nam '. Hospital Auxil- hry, In. Charla Rubens; Girl 'mes, I Ray 0. Neroim; B. P. - . Lyle Cowley; Infant â€as, n. Mnleotiit Trail-, Rod ile, E . Kelley; Northwestern , In. Kenneth Ives; Ita- . I Clinic. Edith Me; t r. 9. A., T. L. Osborne. numbers: Alun Wolff, Th. P. , B. It Esther, Gilbert m. Wunpler, C. W. Jone. A T. an: . Robert Green-Mo. R. I “an, wrence Abt, In. E. £1 Ila-rink n; E. J. Fuck, B. N. A - of, the new board for H . of pennant 'ofB- 3." t, Ind-remains. Sept “COMM WEAVE LIBRARY ‘llwh â€one: ’unnouneod that, 'rms courtesy' of Baird & Itattiir, pom badminton Ar9. of the cunpuign' will ttjs-ig, " s. St. Johns no. "I I . lions for the Chat “it. t to that address from "1 9-- ta. P. 470. HI- "ed for Bi ht Yam ttpug, “ogre; ’to G6 to Glett Ridge ttu Cd: Honda, librarian of glam: Park Public Libra-y , the , eight years, has w W position of “hr-m " a: A New "tyer, 75' tGiUiiniG'ii'Go M- tt new her animation with 3M. ' Jurisdiction the u- t ion of books {perused on .inlmullzwin It It Hendee duo mined in _ and construction ttf the 'ere __ ‘ng. What might be tttfi: '%eastd hurling. __ -"_- -_ ' . a! mum PM" """"T dt "I: personality and’execu- Rev. Tm., B. 'rt .r. Iced , H Pretty have Mum}, qwi.1. ms man pad city (tFY),",?!?,'),' Ur for the work in am My address the be!" Liotts ehth " ab We“ respect her mica Itatt weektryuhelt?o1t 'te'" pe h, ttf etkerrtilrrumr high curle- the Kori“. hotel. (j ', tds . t hilly awn-what! by the 'it ui, 'tt,'ftl tut, ,lt,'r',tfi uh. unity u an a her tii,iiel1ieu'lif2riiu'e"d't (4%tq members board don _ n" _ Ci 39M ttth' 'ii7i'ir,,riiiaFiiuii'iti_ si'),,' it! An BY A BUYING pUELIC if "ia' Agencies Join a. P. T .mity Chest tion _ th), minim Sin} Ge my Jiitsts Trrp, m:- ruulu of he: know!- 'This High Jesse Buphtel To 'Be ' Guest Artist on mt IL P.,Muxic Club , Jessa Buchtpl, tttlt will bathe guest "tint-t the first all math: or the manna. siiriifiriiiii club. which “fill behold W V My. Bep- temtrerig,Utthe faults. Ralph Bud, 1531 N W. Johns um“, - . , "O Del mo Ameto T ",...tNnmtd, "uaeumi"., I. ‘39. Tout! "La 3.11». Del Bel 11‘1“»..A 7 iii" bum: m presenhdd: ."C1air De Lune"..-... .-...G. In†"Oh, Could: I But 'in Nilbben Ne, An . Loettann" (Ari. from "Wall C s..-..-....'. Song" "enhta1atn "The Wounded Bitch": ................... w...........-...-'" mm "Mnriettatt tged" (A from“Die ' Tote iYtk,tiiriNg; Eortsgrt1 d OMH’I‘reviu, PM Rhea Shelton, bt','aflt Sonata in all!“ m h t- fir piano 1114110511 “Romeo†_......, "Gopak" Selected l, _ Borchardt Is (hinted Permit for Oil Tanks n permit to Paul ' rdt, 'locll cod and building mu rial dealer, to build tlm, dll huh li, his yards. if the building depn ant approves the plum s1itasit'tM. , The Ite','; no I on N. St. Johns IV no, the North Western 'ee"t,,d , the North Shore line to north at Elm place. 'Prdnnt bi provide for the construction of I tanks to hold 86,000 gallons of 0 each; Con. strut“! of steel " in concrete, they will be u no fir-proof " possible. ') f Regular Schedule ' to Be Resuméd at " , Presbyterian Church The city Council of Fighhnd Park at its min death: ' held Monday night in/ttf ci_ty In! grated» grunt On next; Sandâ€. éSeptember 22, the regular ached‘ will!» ro- amed it tu.og d Purl: Pru- brteruare I h. Church school for all departments will begin It 9:46 a. m. It "ttstore"" to luvs all dumber: in immune. to help in the rally dly plumb , L“ . .. ""irii"i,G"iiiuTGuir, 'me he held " tt :00 with Dr. Louis w. Sherwin inthepulpit.’ _"... . . Elm Place Students ' Bold. Fruit, Flower amigvegetable Exhibit -iir. "Yau group," which is trrfc marily for; high school you: poo-f pk, will hold its meeting " 7:80 0mm hundred students bed! exhibit. i the anni'lnl fruit fitnrqp' and taut allow held last 'ik) day, Sept. M, at dig old gymnasium! in the Ehit Pluto school. Jher ex~= hum... covered I wide rung. 01411 ttowertr, dmoet every kind of {mite and new vegetable; were ail mind by the pupil Gitiuirnir them. T The "exhibit. whigh u _ e you-1y event ht‘Elm miz'wu supervised hy the PM', A. end Menard“! by Dog Owners Must Pay V Now or iouis Pay More tie entire hehoot, Announcement is mulch: Police Chief Ed Hot-on†t the tun days of grad allowed oi the notice- to buy do; licenses ‘in mt at“ expired. or nerdy“; ind that do: men‘wlxo delay-glow:- in pur- chain; lie-um win Ailtioerttit, â€has to pdditiomla cost lor court summonses ff ‘ _ It is minted otrtjthpt thy addi- ta'onal my in, inevihble when the depcrtmergt is forced to and out I specinl' min or lump!“ duty Rev; T _ lot To Speak i , Lions 'iyiiiirfirittq Rev. Jds, B. T: T, local tidat- ness man tnd, city I W will address the bell Lions club " their weeuyiluhphoon 1'“me â€on at the Kahlil†mania a," Li, ’It is? . ht it' . _ l I"! ,,diia. Fwd. thtel' , .111 no Jessa ihiehtei, Peet, Esther Wud a. , mum ll ci., Wieniuuki .1 Mottatsortpsky IA. Quinlan Bail-Pooch Grieg HIGHLAND. max. #afiNom trsmusiiAutat'tisrmiaiivr,urss cruel“ and . Anyone w milked in Hikhlahd P k for any lengtl ot time will rat ll I t there It“? n " ous epidemics a inter?“ toward 11?] end of establishin a ' bor on our lulu ton . _ i2. _ J. l ' A In the ear y- , ys of this eity eonsid rable commercis activity was -C . , on in the 'ltt'e,'t!'g I dustry when 01, sailing lumber filers up1edeitheil c F of logs at In chefs pier at t t of Park. aVenu‘d. Th boiler of the ol saw mill still res n the sand and Watbr n r the shore end , the rpw of piles id: is all that ii left of t e old pier. All of this 18 still very cl , r in the min and m cries of many of the older reside 'I, of Highland ‘yPark, bu just stories and lewd! to New t miner sweater!» ..= . . . . . f In recent y l there has dei lopbd th strong interest in water aporta, m boating, saili g ahd ‘ oeing not nt in Highland Park ll along this dt ely; popu ated North S ore district as well. _ , ,present one/f the Itri est fleets of star glues racing iiaitrkrin" the whole cduntty it 1 ated at Wilmette harbor, 3‘ $he or six 'ii, rs ago there wai 8 Wave pf activity to- words a. harbor., _ sincere from in la ge Chicago construction company showed Me and gave esti ates for a proposed har- hor at Highland 'nk.’ However: thel, movement died out due to inayli,tp of yawn; agm‘cient iiriiiiiiii,iii to oogerjthe job. r the ,lchj yadhting ehthusidm is ti)n eonfined within very clue hunts bd'cause of the triindi tttik tif Nature and Mk of prpper protectidn from the atoms which we have on Like Mimi“. b, ' F 32 ' _ b f: . . And now iri'iit:,'ttte vast funas which have been release for public projectsguthe securing pt, t ltg'itittif harbor to our city seems even more possible; T War this end steps'ar being taken to trh8trxrthts prop a1 high will be, presente befor the U. S. ;engineers for Ill v ' A survey of yachtin inter t is being eiirried on to e JI the number of boots sails dlptgrer, which would be at a I to', the harbor when i is co e . l ', 5 l T ' ', inter t is ikGii cfrried on to de' rings: the number of been saila d power, which would be at a l ta the harbor when i isoo lewd, h." _ g ; T ' ', t it hopegl mat all who. a in , estged in this program will e press "thiitiirritiejymts, en es one and opinion to the committee mustn‘t on: the move T enl All such etnrtymiiut- tions can be ad raged to Davis C _,, Greene gt 22*N.7Linden av- enue, Highland ?at t _ i': N ', , '. In the early A of this s , one, bill was introduced: by Congressman Rtil h'Chmfch plioi Bt the establishing ot ii coast guard ','ttielit,inlf"tle.'e, ark. ' This bill has been rel, ferred to the IV) _bl and arbo , committpe for further bon: sideration. l, {in _" T 3 _) l - we 5: -- cums OBSERVE coNs'rmjme DAY Residents, 110nm- 1; Foundation of National Wenment Citizen: af It Tue-day main: Park city council Highland Park'- the nation-whit o ntitution Day.1 Sunken of th wu called to my, commander, cer Pout of the _ were Robgrt Kin: of the, Deputmen Lotion; Candid lot and Hunt Wi invocation m y Hansen, chi land Park Lotion layer Dooley, duced by Comma and the folloViM . "It has been " tom of the iteesti State: to “in". out. in beeoinin; eventful days in “Everyone stands the sitnm ton'l birthday, Independence dar day of, 'sq,ttnl, bring tit our In of vnlor and he the nttion’a h can. _ 't , A ' ('WUt would Ith',, be without them? Where, ttl in find , true definition ot f â€find independ- me without the WAN! yet it is a fact, sad to r In ‘,, that sinister forces of aociai' ' td communism are right now oN thou ever " work, to overth w kid to destroy that priceless h it1Ws of fieedom and ",i's.,!,i!s,ii,it,it,iilir'tr,it'ir,'i',t? it t the itnmorU1 onbtitution of the nited States. T "ii' . ' ‘Although it in: gitvir been trheti the dignity of , mumâ€; Con, stitution Boy is: 'ar er-the-leu, . day of import. _' â€ml its Stupor?" since is being he l and mm“ nixed at this ve h pr .11 on: tho} length ond'btcnd ' mum, in Wham: ' pf warning w, the micro! o " teeadrtrtriy erttntrttt that itm" be hitett4, andmphd.‘ ' 'ek,art,'tttiirr rel," without . "on " m:- will‘be prom rig»; out Mid for) ever banished written .I,: r-' " appreci "it 5 am deeply grateful tot a wr) Spencer Post of the Ameri I n for the pr!» ,iNtrryttd T Au of partidr, wing In this at tion My pri' â€an. I uh pl _ t this that“!!! with“: mg! mankind the putribtism of o r citizens sad if}? oMeinl Ig,',")),',',, Mil any;- thing to ‘the e that i and" midi: otthe mien ansihure that - number " any city i,ree11os9, an 'in‘ aetmsdittg ", ' 1:; at! _haett artit - _ /") , _ A, ,Harlidgr for Highlahd Park Ibr' y Edwin Gil- , , new 8peer. _rican Legion, I A ndge turtoeatat I Illinois id thg i ' 'Jopeph Tnyaf " t Dooley; The n by Hen» I . "of the High- l / , , was intro- . jgilroy, deliv- "ui1rur._' - Wd,), 1nd under. nht of Washing- httlO'tt birthd‘m I seven! other cance.' They da/Mori"? deed; i 'Hmund whic ',"t'd been writ- lin) Park not infzéthe Highland iiiiliFiri; to join Pl rtieipption in _ ce'of Con- thawing, which 1" y Edwin Gil- , , new 8peer. _rican Legion, A ndge turtoeatat Illinois id tho Joesph Tnyaf t'" Dooley.- The a whim“ cur- 0 l F the United . â€to 00me I t ion mm um pdtionht his. A?“ or 1-H: cm or HIGHLAND PARK and) intro- deliv- ‘5'£D|t&$teu of tho Amen-icon Rov- “my Will hold their mutual curd L', rtr tthqytprne of In. RouJ. En ‘Sepipmber 24. Mrs. My ' d ti, committee are pinning to Wm t's afternoon a very happy 'tit.d unwitting occasion poor prizes 11nd, tt given through the gen i, or, ridnds, and the com- Pub! has 1 no: prizes for each as V gTeo‘; in served during tl' 'lili"2t, . .. 7 in'th a: i, of the imminent is ' 'ven i; the, hip to the people eimv. Cl (r Ad rice to make their home 'thit' given neeeeury Jn- form n j or good citizenship. Work ‘1 maintained at '.Ellil Idem! he: mvide, occupation end handh. rk f r thoee who ere de- tein I re; l n . l _ {FISH In given to the Ichoo {in mountain districts of the l h : are educetion has been Ibnt t' but:: here young people ere undo i to veil themselves af the oppo , iti _ ' provided by each 'tRt F 'la' V mane, Kate Dene“ Smi I My e Berry, Cert Creek Com _ ‘ity; d the America): tn, tome qnel liege. T t ierdjsart, is the only means the _ has for whining lands so h liv with this patriotic, ind Ame [ T nis work, and the support of th' ioomghunity is sincerely de- sind. ‘Ticltfpts for the and ‘ps‘tty " l ‘on 'tls " the door ft, my "he ' trodgfrom Mrs. Wilford C. Ship / like public is eordiNN in- (itod attend. 1 '. .- St I int l, mi to “main: youn p in the mm of riproik who envipe might not be able to we . u sio1tureodueation. 3 Agnébs Duly To Teach I _' ti Ihineiaeat Y.W.C.A. I Mi sfrtliit' Duly who Ind that: dull-t 1th, Y.W.C.A. but Pet and _ mined her work in, , pity a; li “hummer plus ti/G'.' 8er , pt the Y.W.C.A. i ill. C , tn ,o’pene‘d for beginners. Mb tps and danced interme- dit ', ,, is: Duly will be 't _-the I'Y" V _ ' Sept. 28 tremble to 4 o’ tick [ r personal mouthing. to: " , ion and eminentâ€. Cl_ ', [ ne WM, Oct. 3, " [ d turdny, Oct. my»: 10 4'eto ' ‘z 3 _, _ i rheen tome mucus for F- ' . ;gym nnd twntslhie for I'd; Mad'lth We. Aqua“: ' [ I' Oct. 5 at 9:15 " I toe further We“. { rr m ', tr , ' 1&thng to Take Place at , on; of Mrs Ross H [ J. Beatty ' . it? EUWILL HOLD , AL CARD PARTY _i,'ii,i,1ii,f, £5131 as activities Ire part ra’ work: A mum! of the immizrint in hip to the people eimv. ria to make their given neon-try Jn- or good eittsetltltip. tith Puma Goiernment Shown; ,Canning Pyroiect tit .' Opk Terrace Séhool tOtt' " the ' supervision the may the fedora! govern t is amid sponsoring the relief . â€who for Deerfield township the Oilei’ren-uee Séhool in High _ 1ti"eirrienti of relief my bring fruit), or vegetables to the Ten- mei1Nhoo1 for nursing whe fuel, eanOnd other um imp! can for 1tts work ere (animating; They ere 'iimuired to help with the lem- ing 6! the material to be clung-ad one lieu of etch bm in mi by the jtovernttPtyt at its pay Nr the canning mutt-in]: furnished. a: Tit project has' averaged 1 to 1500; an: put up such wool nd it is expected that the u Jill risol‘to 2000 per week in t . nut future if the warm vegan! my: than l . (i, T Mildred Hapssler’s Itt,ttg, from 3 month t the Ema-n several weeke’ m Mm in the {upper peninsule. museums. ale! in planning to open W.,,',t year of deuce instruction in . vinie withfcluses opening Timed-y" Octo- ber 1, in her Rice 1't/dtTiiia,o'. Fmtball Cofitest Children from North Shard fun- nies who participated in theiijdnnce mount of “Inch and the J,'ett"tt',' in the Ravinin nuditorium It lily “€11ng looking fqmrd Ito the program-t6 be Fire? next bring. Thojpmmm ,nVertnt is to trt' taken from Mother Goose themes, 5 'Inptruction will be 'ttMit tap (Imam. ballet. meta. , room dtnbing. reducing Ind c active ievre, for women and 'dol'1't Alcyon Theatre Now j T l Showing "Giisger" an Fridgy and Summit; 'tPit- in!" is the attiaetion vi Juno Withers, Jackie Sent]. o. P.imegu and ind Walter King. i “The Keeper of the Bees? screen veriion is being shown nt"the At.. cyon on Sunday ,and Monday com- 1ritrl tn the title role i; Neil Hun- tltqtt with Betty hymen. _ - JShe" is the pieturizatiots of the HJRidder than"! tale af t tubu- 1odi kingdom of wonderful troplul Mighty, ruled ober by a double“ quqen. Hgding' the cut ld 5000 'tr%Belett this“. Randolph Coott ":4 Helen Mack. Showing enha- dgg only. -- r --- . Majeétichllgys With 1 complete inteHorttdeeorw. 'tioit and with ulleys and other equip- ment put into first elm (ure, the 1rirttitie Bowling Allen will - fot the loss-'36 - on sum-day Sept; 21, which will ullom' members of the Bighlnnd Ptrk iGigiL Ilen'n Bowling lune about two) week: In which to pmtice 1g,f,,Td2"""i" ofthe - league . -3d-iioente,", " come to the Aldypn on Wednesday 3nd Thurs- day? of ne_rrrlr, was“ Dal i'iiCiirrohiriA, Glenda. Far-Rn. and Leo Carine topping the cut. 22tg,tt bu bean pit into the oninz And Itettt"te dur- int the summer monthm and the mutant of the poityihr ream. tit8tnl can“: Mines that its po- trtitta win he very much 1)th with aid "rtmita. " F mmmont of the papal†were» " , -, um] center believes ttttt in p» "te,,tdtg'glt WE dt trons wi1ltreverr much phased with. own _ tl ' " tho'multo. ( . “lb. , ' _ . t it, r, _ _ v. _ ( J, Inordertomtrt'Mb',vhtaofnrii, Mandel Brothers " ' pgfsible, an; a k".",,',",',,,',,',,".'; "r.,' tttrec , ‘netoi 'rr8iilrV m l Pea Child u, as t thesuteemplo ' .2 ,‘pfvhich I Theatre l tt l Highland Park _. may ' do- l -----... ‘1' _ - wind, thew , . working The Children's that of 318%! in coopention ll a. Rhianna had Put, under the . n of Park Wom'l il' Lhu an“ equating um. Gary ' be a» for . union ‘3' ‘ any work 'tsit,'.",',,' tc,2zgt'tt'tp'td,".. for-Minna; H v ‘ " " eon onderl F It! 'aa, "no1dmttB . ' theater in In Brother, 2l,t'lt',','tTit Bri Mn: muy W’ 'ui), " at8 orinthcir B% 'ui" ‘ucunvuk. p. "sdeittPtrtars..,ii'?m".'t _emtrrUBirtq . , - myâ€, , LrsehaftheG , â€1min: . "I only.“ .wlneeomponyvith l-mm- muons“ winks"!!!- wrMenu yforthh (and. V “My V [ irrkr. {3“th mummy BALE dll", 1mm. Woman! club'will d a mum. "te on Ihurirdar mid PrWr, Sept. 26 ind}? at Roll- atiths store on Boxer William- no The we waiting» (it 1 2,t2 HTML til t afi's,'i',ii e. W: tl by Wed- " yum†- jy. -- _ F ( Anyone “thin! to it: their 00â€- mimic“ quell for New 'ttu. Briana. Pe, "" ‘L Dance Classes to? i " Reopen October 1 To Oben Saturday Leading M Emu in Otterhte il , Autumn i, With the oped!!!- mum -tettltifrtr2?nilr, - M PM Will. " in l, flâ€. in womdowwhh "3m " " venue“. on. of M! ' ‘ 'eolt1" features,autumn].L '" ttttatt) 'Rnlupfthoeonv [tl "egh- pie. On page!!! “this-hm " Tlse1'ewiittty,ftltty I“!!! mam-gums. in g at which in ','2,',t' the my ‘32.. other w one was $ll next Snturdnr. wi%li'tut d on the mom-en on G I up: ho- neath the list "with i r upro- untinc your - l Ill ti tho total number of Mints. 'ttrid in an Gila-, M"'-"""" ' - a. an†Madam-m nomad. te _ i i, - MIMI-nu I ‘1an- Innd ttteethitE itottetr-t gummy. 'FiiFt' comm with the Wolf liha . on. of Thendvortiun El 'ret-ot- inetontalutthia "irq. pun-1mm Art Olson “400.. NI' " and Wil- non. Nana-boa. 'idle $8M. Vogue Claim“. . " Bmthem Dairy, Central q , ‘ bud Balm Brother on c921: c.raet.oftuhrttit, â€mum bring the correct, B. moot nearly correct listto m tlil ttfBe.nril1 receive two use .g V to the Northreatem-pePt4t1© " on Sap- tember 28. Sl _ Joseph trtillltsl, Funeral H , aterday Mr. Joseph: Sn 1 £18. North Second street, = Iilitiii, t hi: home earlr Mirm%t "d'l, vl,fL'l:, l ‘ iii?; intt I " month? - of I an or In their . R, new. - ,9" by culling Put "ST, Mum . only. M muons dad ' win be M'- tered. i " _ Mr. &trder, was , Q 4. fin wautlL tun " mung] Q III. with"! with m. pol-outs, Bi' 'r9rtn. M Snyder. in the f = iii' cm on Ash street until .26 y iilh', , when he am to Him-ad w to nab In. home. A ' v Helene-to ", J, "kinda“: his wife. Louisa; one :3 Cgr'ron. of Wilmette; on. d: in " Jouphjne; three brothers, . I of Gunter-uh. William of sat city. Ann» of Chicago. 'nnil iilt data. In. mamaâ€: " iw. 5 Ptmemt , iit, were held mam, up: " a t 2:30 o'clock from the ',itffiitFiil,la, ', mum on West Cent-u] I l, '.' Interment VI! in MemoHat , = 001mm. A. R. Email " announces tint barber shop from me, when be In: the put " "an, Street. the but! pied by the Rec 'Smitty" To , e To Itll) 1 "uftllliifliii, liifs"filii m expects to, on or that Och Permanent Ivaihbk that: is hoped that snared foe i ployment. Plans for . , _ P.."" eon». plated late __ Bt I iimmnttte. composed tl Se P. Flinn. of the High ' I} Scuba. Eigmgud a , kGGFi Lt , i. Mrs. A. L. M. n Fraud- Park- ". of the tror.r “,1th Ind-It. Ila-old Almm of. li, Ceiitmt II- ptormettt mix ' ON we Warm * wat8RADS IIE "K I 'll it.e. In 'li; e and; i tho-to It Thug; C, 1'. in mg - . "â€37" E) 'tWi any“ Work dt 1181: gu’neEn- me! a H u a it" il Insofar as is . - merly anil- hhnll‘ . , . throeteh do. d-vv'hich» " q Myle- W l ,workiu m "2m- meal-n4 " “it; In- gnu-god my : tuf .- ‘1 I. I d.. T, . . l WW.“ miiltit fl, a 8n r' _ 2 w FEti.; unit†I “Ff-Hg _ wu in??? i "trs, .1; SHOP IN '5 ~hovin¢ hi- ,jCcntnl Aâ€. baud for “atmw y: seboeerr. hid!" Studios. 1: ‘hhmuhop W'Imcaiion 3'1an â€but Hicks-7|). {loada- WW, " lit :23 i}? , _ yi 'l, a: iti