" CORD! an Ating Co. arage , new gas range (as refrigerator Lin your kitchen D9 . . . and you pay " you complete in! a first nt with ras bill nuary in Sherma- wu M of s birthday party “a“ g " the Ian-r in; “than Chair will M (in Sund-tini, Dee- v9 twice Phone I)...“ , untamed -- rnient purchm Irttue cash pay- restore a “it: WEAR Y, DECEIBIR fhhndPuklm s are; ly easy Ethan! Bl. {R mitt-M Nun Sunday '"'ttne mu 3 PM" T' " “cum th. f the radid u... Dian" “d L "ea or at | YOt.jrpHC)1iOCKAPlH, l, However. there is _no denying [that the aetrvmrted.broad and men- l'Leral powers in the Securlties and L Exchange Commission to retulate, 'eontrol and dissolv" holding com- panies. Inasmuch as the Admini- stration igliatt' its opposition to vigorous etro s to secure‘ the pass- holding companies generally by its age of a bill which made the elim. {nation of holding companies man- , datory. it is contended that in the practical application of the hill en- acted as a compromise, vesting dis- cretionary piiiers in the Securities and Exchange Commission, the ul- ‘timate end will be the same. In , support of the contention it has been pointed out that the commis- sion is composed of appointed of- ihri'als of the Administration and that in the exercise of the discre- tionary powers the policy of the "Administration for the "death" of holding companies will be followed. V Chicago. Nov. 80--The lines of - battle between the public (utility holding companiel ind tho iGkinistrttio'y are Manning to an deilnite form. During the put 3" weeks we luve been vitamin: muons and counter-mom on the itrart of the' utility comma and the Government in what promises . be a long and bitter MU on the {nation of the eontrtitttthmalitr of the "Public Utility Holding com- yny Act of 1936." _ T , i The Securities and Exchange Mmission is charged with the “new! txdminiatmtiort af the pro- {visions of the act. With the grow- ing list " utility eisrporationa that by: taken steps to contest its val- Idity, last week this commission ex- "randed its legal lawn"! eminlso "Emmi that Robert_B. Jukson. “shunt gem! counsel for the Bureau of Intarnal Revenue, Trou- my Department, has been. drafted as specill triqjttorney. . . . . .The “Public Utility Holding Com- pmy Aet"mr, the lat gallon of congress is itroub1, one of the most voluminpus and 'eo1np1ieat1rd THUR â€mares ever enacted. It: many technicalities and complications practically preplude any attempt it iimplification of its provisions in nunmary form. Strict ucumy requires that one take into ineeount the various "if'ts" “undo" and "tmta." The set establishes the mechsn- ism by which holding compsnies m brought under the jurisdiction of the commission. That mechsn- ism is regis tion, whereby it is made the dug.“ the holding com- panies to register with the commie. sion by Dee. 1st. For several weeks there hes been discussion as to whether the icompsnies would re- fuse to register or whether they would register snd seek some other my to fittht the law. Several, companies have since declared their intention not to reg- ister and have flied suits for court injunctions to protect them from the requirements of the act, asking the court to declare the law "null and void.†tn an injunction suit filed Inst Tuesday. for example, " the North American company in the District Supreme Court, it al- leged tint 72900 investors whose holdings' repriesent a market value of Three Hundred Million Dollars ($300,000,000) would be adversely. affected by this law. On Wednea- dly the American Water Works. msnn, DECEillER a. my is the most persoinal, the most _" . appreciated if all gifts ,4 -6 Avoid the worries of gate shopping for distinctive gifts by isitting now for ' . _ l l Your Portrait , ( 7 South St. Johns Avenue Phone 11le Pitt as Br Ralph , Chuck " Week in Washinatqn and .the‘F'riends ciritoior Gift List Its Time to Twink About' CHRISTMAS Hecketsiweiler Studio I! i ' l, ~13 5' s,-' r ' tff.,-- ', . l . r, , , imEit _ i, Wu) Lic' 'i. T , _ a tl A, z " ' k " I l hi5 Photogra; suit, can; seven muons why the unconstitutional. a This com jny I Intends that the net, end.., not portal under ther‘lntor- auto commerce chm ar.theHynt. stitu on; i'tUt the net subjects tho com y to deprivation of its prop- erty th ut due process of law; tut it i 'an unlswful delegation' of 1 trits tive authority by Con.. tra to (the commission; that it provi s or excessive tinetst that it nu Jee the company to seizure sud l and that it usurp; the power of kthe States by attempting to “pm Federal retrulatiott. "'5! 'lrtfireirmran, Med I uh Ali. _ tel-anon the Securities and xc nge Commission f1iod suit in N ark to force the Electric Bond o hare componr nnd its in- '|te holding units to regis- ter. In other words, the commu- eion iwi a to take its test cue on, e c nstittttionalit, of the law upon a e of its own selection, if potusi le. Meanwhile it is pleading with the (utility compenies .to reg- isten ! Tithe itlis that the bitterly fought legislation in the halt of Congress is carriedl over into the courts, ulti- mat y td reach the Supreme Court of t e United States to determine final whether this particular Act of ‘ongltess is repugnant to the Constitu on of the United 8tatesl or t e " upreme law of the land." The 100 itution sets forth what the (long tr and the President can do s d C nnot do,. and thaSupreme Cou do mines whether the Con- gres sn the President have ex- ceed ' authority vested inthe by t e ple. When it declsres 1 act 'teoi stitutionsl it ssys in ef' fectito e Congress and executiv 'did do 'not have the power to d that) an _ if you wish such powe' youlwill‘ have to go back to th people id ask them for it by we of l s endment to the Constitu tioh‘rwhi h sets forth "the limits 0 youii su ority." Deiirfrild Legion i, Plans Two Patti Tlie 1)eerfuld Ameriean Legio Fungi-3i scheduled two main even for ecember. oi Monday, Dee. 9, the .nnu inlay dinner will be held'in'th Mnjt'nic Temple with Russell Po ter id in charge. ' V e ehildren's Christmas putty in pln ed for Monday, Dee. 28, Wit] J oh Kldmp naming all that l visit fro Supt; Clam: will take plum. P le Fordham, adjutant of th Dee # post he: sent out prbgrnm for 93 M and a reminder tint th re lar Meeting: In held the ond end* fourth. Mondny evenings an“ "Jonth at 8 o’clock In th Dee'tms14 Mlsonic Temple. I; _,, . K. exam - Your Typewriter Man ALBERT LARSON FI‘ATIONEB mud Bit! sag ZBig Weeks To turn yourAbicyglgs, ttttttiN,, First publication of the iiads will be Thursday, Dee. 12. Boys and Girls,}write your ad now! Just write a Want Ad taking the things you wish to sell, swap,- trade or w hat have you. iBring it to The Highland Park Press Ad Department and the? ad will appear in the Want Ad Section of The: Highland Park Press on the following Thursday. The cost to any boy or girl enrolled in the grammar, high or parochial schools of Highlnnd Park. Highwood, Ravinia, Brgeside, Deerfield, Pr Fort Sheridan, is only [ _ _ Examples! THE I 536 Central Atenmi ‘ . POR SALE . F BOYS' _ Johnson's 11qu Shoe Skatés, Jane 4, in A-1 c ndition; willie]! for $2. John S ith, 314 First St, Highland P k.. Tel. H. P. 8898., _ ij, T . FOR RENT , _ FUEL 12 MONTHS of , issues) 0 Boys' Life mugtzi e: will rent for 16e a week; ill de- liver. Tel. H. P. 47 . John Brown, 817 Sunset dri . i l, new WANTED ', WANT high school boy assist me in manual training oieet in F my basement; Will sh re tools and workshop in psym' nt. Bill Simpson, 121 Lak? Av SITUATION WAN ED RESPONSIBLE high ac ool girl will care for childr after school and 1'g/'i'/ft,i ' son-hie 'chlrge. Grnce Alan, 0 Me- Kinley Ave., 'Deerfield..), _ arrscma,ANrirod, GOLD flash end uquu'in bought si id and , aPttf . Jimmie if?!» 121 Oak t., fTighland F , r . ' , MISCELLANEOUS W NTED TALKING PARROT, cage; must be renomble. ohn An- _ damn, 920 Wauke Ave., Highwood. fl F ', TO SWAP , WILL TRADE mull dam saggy ae, 1"i,tighte 'ir/ttur', . an wol- . ry ' N. al'fl Bt. . ' i; The Want, ' The Highland Park Press Educational Aid Plan. ireelu! School Boy and Girl Classified "Ad" Campaign-qu 12 and 19 , Big W â€k, t bicycles, itttt roller skates, guns. games, books, footballs, shoes, toys, etc., before Christmas , Into REA Y CASH or "Swap" them for that something you have been wanting. was Pines BOYS Here 's An Opportunity I IGHLAND PARK PRESS IT’S ALL SO VERY, VERY EASY! We'make this nominal charge so that it is a real business . transaction. , I Bring your penny with your 'Wi" Be the first Advertiser! Won t-Ad Department Get Going! 'T WAIT! week GIRLS Here are the rules! Boys and girl. enrolled in the Grimmnr, ;Hizh or PM gimbals of Highlnnd _ M Highwood. Port 8heridnn, DON'- held, 12mm, or Brunido. m ,elizible to participate? Ads must be mad by the boy or girl advertiser only. Ads must be brought into the 0M of The Highland Put Press perm“, not' but than 12 noon WMy of the w the Id is tort-1m. _ Only one Id per week W , son moved under this plan. Eneh " must contain an nuns and phone number (It may) otttseHmrtuer. Alimitofllhu oo tulip) intuit“. ' mm ' ted-knot etg'r,'Nrgeh',h,t 1ntorrtntion%d “sinus“ in gn'tgthtlitg2ta,t'l,tti edin ttud_D,irqeta-t_ttf o or my offegod in this campaign. Highland; Park PAGE TM!“