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Highland Park Press, 18 Feb 1937, p. 4

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" flsl ES": aria '! L. I THEHiCHLAND PARK ms: T had-smacummn.mx,uugfiuouthmmhoh m--------"-"--""""-"-,"'"""-,'-'-.)':-'--';"'" human-hunt gum-u " WWW" tMMtAMt emc- t PAGE POUR =i'iLTi=-iiTiia7irlii'iitt-. lush-nub uni-ammo”; in!“ with pgggqiggguhu the cm k"l','ltU4 nub tht uttee In t=iriiiir-a-ruiir mammamuafiuimd twtntat- an “Mum'mhm-wmhpwnfiummm. In our delight'over a fancy dessert, we are liable to forget that the merit of the dinner was based on the excellent meat and vegetables. Time marches on in Highland Park and in the rush of the parade we are prone to focus our attention on tem- porary spectaculax events and overlook institutions which con- tinue to render valuable community services, year in and year a...“ Gilt G'%G"i"'i. aw Fiaru>re x. oht. For twenty-dive you" in High]: T atiirir, the Young‘Wom- en's ChristitiAasoeiation, with :acciaim, has gone for- ward supplying ta an important p of 0111' citizens a worth- while service, the iMuenee of which ream into every biog: of the city. To the young women pf Hixhhnd Park it has " ways extended . welcome, otterin’g troetal, recreational and edu- cational advantages under wholesome eaditions--ddvtuttatrea which otherwise might have beep deriilsd they. ." . . , The credit for this quarter of a. century of unselfed service must be given to the successful administrations of omcers and directors L-adtniititstrationtr composed" of. sltrustic Highlsn'd Park women. Next week the association is celebrating its twentyWth anniversary. The Highland Park Press, which has also been serving Highland Park for here than 9. quarter of a eenturr,.extentis eongratulntions to the Young Women's Chris- tian Association and to those who have labored to mske it A success: It also bespesks for them the cooperation emigrati- tude. not only of the young women who enjoy the pri ileges offered, but of every citizen well done. T e association is s credit to the city. Astronomy Class to Start in March Plans have been, completed by Community Service, 31m, for u u- tronbmy class for adults, This elm ,rasrtdrteartrtiets,thorraet date to be announced Iqter, And will be under the auitetrvUimt of Mr. Bert Leech, aim. instmctpr " the Elm Plum school. Mr. Leech has had may you: of Imelda] teaching emporium in this f1etd and is well quilted to, touch Astronomy. Further intonation may be bid by calling the once of {Community Service, Ine., Highund Park 858. Tin politicnl pot in Highwood " beginning to boil, with three tieketr ”bred in the tuid untidy, for the City Election on April. 20th. The but!“ for f1itntt will be Inch It with“. and dar for withdrawal, lurch 20th. . Several TieketsrAre to Be Enteredin Highwood Election Charles Portilia, who. was a clear runner-up In the last election vi] have a ticket in the fUld, while it ir upon“ that Evan Dem, forme layer of Highwood‘ia also planninr to enter a ticket, as will the prwn‘ -.- V .‘nnbnd..‘ ,itttetmtamttrmTtmtattet4im9t'r 7.8.3 I. u -, man and In I teu. 113%., y...'. 1tlhrfAllt4th4 sum” ii." "i'i'aichiGakidaditu/. _ dbl” UH). moi AW“! mamLmu . . e/eo on: of opinion loom tobathot“ istinieforneuttge," but this 1 not be known until "the voiceof the people" weak: on election day. iiii7tiiiiNiicFiicFrut't."g'd 10"” “A”. .MMm Heating Engineers Meet Here Friday Mor) than ’100 members and trmtsteorthe Lake County Sunny 3nd Hating Engineers glaciation enirsrdh a get-together party It the Mannie temple in Highllnd Park Friday evening. thehsded ”not; thou pwnnt wet-e jnaater plumbers,' journeyman plumb?» Noumea, and guests. In tddltiqm to refreshments, consisting of Eutdwiches, cookies. tad who, I tnd mien: - " entertainer with“ the guests with tnecdotes. _ Wu of the, usochtion are Mun Abbott, president; Arthur Sudden, vice president; Howard Mora», treasurer, and Ernest Wart, , OYSTERS so GOOD CHICAGO, Feb. Wc-When group of N. Y. legislators ao- ttte,",', slaw permitting the lib mtg-s in SUMMER " wall " winter, your skeptical Inquiring Reporter inwilling to Iso. ea]: down and murmur: TIS, netod" Fuel: la them-urn story of what tobeemmlnclelnlood. . . Eye Quid-Freezing. A minde bring you oyster: no fresh that , Atlantitoraettt still glintem them; Indeed _ no "fresher than all” that you are permitted to buy that in Man months a ,iell u “the that include " R. ERIN come? Could you visit the am South [Bay of Long hind. New York. you'd no. the secret of ttNL You'd-on how expert- coaxed . crystal-I to the 'styeet, cutie-t t. You'd lam that it an. itve -r'-errmtrtetotrrittgesuttttr1trh" at, most mccnlent flavor of these 2dh',W?gt','l; Fiveyeus of feed- br . Fiv- yun of mitigating. they passed a law about '9tdttr-tte,trt-Pirttleria.ur ly than you: whoa they're itiis' up sud, wally plopped in t a! you. Tht’n Jilly you find that no antic, some tat, some: lean, “on fun. some thin. T I tutiitrirtittrt, Wanna --, But these BirdlEye people .2. a 1 was.» " Outer- patient lot. They canny wait until (r 1 tnrbt-Mogtthm "tt,tleg12itSttrht,',tt2','tl,t ‘bHICAGo, Feb. 134mm WB h',', dgeth ii £3, 't 1rustp of N. Y. legislators so- 5:: and 'J,'lt"t"d',','h1' 1'rhglld. 'ilt'I,',",', ahitr permitting tht Ermine mschine hated 15:11th iU cysts-3 inSUMMERas tu 4rki m e ma THESEDEALERS "M,__ltr1trm a: roons "i?iuiiiiiiurViirinvrce amour. m ecu-I Av... Mm mc.. '" M “In- A“... In“. _ AIP'OODMSIOWAV-u‘ lulu.) UV UUUU 'ith oouied a law about 'em. ' _illi), ' "fo ttf 0 y . d? v“? _ tiiiiriiislt . lt iii treir,'2 ' - Qirjii,iiii5" scab Kyushu” J On Wednudly evening. February nth, the Boyd Neighbor camp at Highland Park will hold a treaty some party in Nannie temple. The public is invited to ,tund., Refresh- ments will}: moi. Infant Welfare Will Meet Next Tuesday . 3.“... ot'ttie madman birth- idu holiday, next load”. the "tr- via bum-q 11Pe.y PM“ ot the Highlend Pnrtr-Ravinia Infant Welfm society, echeauied for that day hat been damaged Ito Tueedey, Feb. " " 10:30 mm; The meeting is to be at the home of Mrs Ben!- and Newman, 122 N. Sheridan road. Organize Class'in Music Alipreciation sara,, ind mil-r cl“: mend at night uhooi on Monday evening: is thrmuste approciation class. This elm h being tauttht by Mr. Huck! Finch. o (radian of the music schooi' of Oberlin calla“, and who now is the music odd band its-true, m of the Highland Park high ' ta this all“ the member: will taco tom of the important devel. opment. in music, both put Ind mt. Composers, forms and meriodl of murie.will be mulled in order that the class, my ttttdes stand symphonic “mature. Fro- qncm use will be made of phono- graph recording: to "11ugtrate the points covered. . school. nity. This class can enroll just l few more. Come next Monday " 7:80 if. you with to attend. This is an Adult Edmtion Council opportu- Pottery Class Is Meeting Mondays The pottery glass at the Adult Education night acheol is again un- derway and meeting " usual on Holiday evening: from “1:30 to 9:30. Many 1e,tt,t pieces of work were turned out y 'meinbera of the clan last semester and the group expect: to do even better work this term. The glazing and firing of pottery in to be a part of the instruction given during the next several weeks. Fur- ther information may be had by calling are. Beuutrler " Highland Park 1109. Meredith Elick will be initiated Into Sim Alpine Epsilon fraternity in the near future. He, end the other candidates, will go to Even- ston for the tonne] initiation at the fraternity nationel headquarters. Later they will go to the Edgewnter Beach hotel for e dinner end deuce in honor of the initietes. This week is probation week for the undi. dates. Mr. Eliek is e freshmen at June: Killian university. Whiz! At that insane the full fltmte it suddenly SEALED IN by Arctic cold uppliod with Stf,',rl, at light! The oeesuMmrrhmrtts millen- Iously upland in mid air and hold for you. Every wisp tif that salt water tang it literally imprisoned! Im- ‘prinonod not ittit for day: ot wash, but ittdehniterr it you plea-he. The truth in that this' ttttbelievable machine make: Time stand still! And though you live a thousand mil. trims that; Helr,orter beds you can honestly uy’thlt you‘ve never tasted an oyster Io refreshingly fresh unle- you’ve picked it out of the om yourself, and am it on the spot. Trulythloiathefood miradid the no. And to who tho story still not. incredible, the price u only Me . but, holding 1% dozen or more cysts“. Them an more than four dam kinda of Bird! Eye Foods-fruits, vegetables, woods, poultry. Ind melts. We the mo of your nan-t Birds Eye Deakt, no list below. Gnocchi-0P3!" "Wig: foooo THE PRESS TWENTY YEARS AGO February 16, 1917 2he W. D. Messing" home " 337 PM venue,- was damned try m, Friday - Swag! Parliament. prominent china. died Saturday, Feb. 10, following . brief ilin--- crouod wires in the Prita Baht home on Laurel - can-0d . fire Sunday 'afternoon, which did eonsideratrie damn. to the - part of the h-v-et-, for a new $60,000 City and Town hall are an: der discus-ion. Local architects are asked to submit plane. - Pay-up week is to be held, in Highland Park Petr, 1tt-g4..-mto C. E. Pollen:- ‘hee'e are announcing the - ment of their daughter Xarjorie to Robert Warner, eon of Mr. and In. K. R. Warmer,--" baby boy was horn. Feb. 10 to Mr. and In. A, T. Lartson,---Dr. J. D. O'Neill la epending three weeks in Mt. Wuh- ington, Md.--Mr. and In. Prank Garrity have a daughter, horn Bat- urday.--The Albert Larson family were guests of the Lester Ball'. in Evan-ton, Brsndar.---A special elec- tion is being held today (Feb. 15) to vote on the annexation of the re- mainder of the city to the present Park Diiiet.--Ahrttintt to a been up in the high pressure main. of the North Shore Gal Co., in the, southern part of Waukegan. Satur- day, consumers in Highland Park ‘and the town: from North Chicago ‘to Winnetka were without gas for l several days. _ TEN YEARS AGO ' Februlry W, 192t Dr. George Lake addressed the Jtavinin Civic club on his recent trip to the Philippines, ' Tuudny.â€"â€"-Wey FREE DELIVERY -- --' 'Groc'fary'and Mdiket FREE! 'lifylf,'lh'ieii, 747 330W A“. iifi'di2h'lei FREE DELIVERY tmtw4ai.-.s ms DAILY. LOOKING BACKWARD " tsri-tut-ot-. ii"t"'"l'R'"RrSiilri0lthr"lrlt BROSL Extri Fancy BROCCOLI Specid radii medium FF..-.. Best quality AmedeanFutilyStatt Texas Juice ORANGES 4 tr"".......-.........:) urge bunch for r............'.", doien 3-11). upucknge for -..-....-. ' Lin-Brown Bread & Butter Piekiea rt t t,1,Irfv,rr.,....r.t..23e ttar: Pickles Dill, Kosh r and 2 Sour; quart Fr.m......e.PPet._ injure olive oil. Medium size can, , foe Me; lute an 2 for 456. , . Italian Anchovies Pint or rolldd with 2 Capers; 2 for .....'...29c 92% icon per fi'.'-'.'.'.."..'."..' Beetrik ribby Sugar Bread Spread Primer" 3 tAo','.T..tlf.f.1'.1'_Ah: Richelieg _og_§g_vgy Luge' Texui Beedlet1stp_4:gtsier but for , can: for . Prim Toilet We, large bunches for .-tt.-........' rolls {or pounds for ... Jonathan of Delicious Special for THURSDAY, jj‘FRmAy, { SATURDAY Kitchen Cleanser Savoy Ketchup bottle. l i for "-~‘ Italian Tuna Fish Oscar Mayer Best Grade BUTTER 'littAtsttriRUrr Ctklitorttia, Fret}: BROOMS PRUNES' APPLES We 11litt am, a srrkrtirte line of itdlian Imported Foods 3Sle _.;39c 35c 29c 3te 49e 25c 47e 27c 29c Eh: 27c BTe dozen Strictly Frail! EGGS iiiih6Atrr ir) 'i'd1'rft't 7 / ljstto5{ mu,1u.......§\33c 6th amt; 7th Ribs, lb. ....._;. -29c Prime Star Burt! Amonr’l SWISS STEAK Any with; lb. _......-..... BEEF FNDERLOIN from M " steer, , ttatt Cut too Wilson’s LAMB (No m per lb. perlb. CHICK LAMB Fancy Fancy G SWEE’ Armr’ Sta; 1" 1 New 8 1e Cooked mus OJ Nun; be er fr, fl'gotutrfsttt a ten e as. o par ns _ sax-y; h If or whole; l', 9'! I) Sindhi - M. Goon. B. un- diod with“! this nor-M in Ttods- ford w I. wad“ to ab . train for ligand 1’ng, having ee the B op's Grind! in tint city..- Prank TL. Chewy. undid“. for 'a"'d'e't for Maror of Highland Park t the spring prim che- tion outlines police in letter to Ppt. 2r'iGGi%iut-eteui1-y'pd Mounted " “.000. Matt, dny. with. interior of a m hm on Sum mad "not! by W. w. ',glt and Ataiatartt the Cite! .W otmmiettndsrmrrthr ”any“ sedans in?” in tft "a” --'-- -__--_"" ~â€" - th 'iarGiii. mm; m in an hom+ln Funk B. Green, for» 'tggtttf died this morning at her in Do Tn-r-rr. P" - ...,..- _.- -_- V, In. "hr,',t, Bomb. cumin-d a n lard than party "tur-v-Mr. and 'lt: A. M. mm -tahipd n 10' friends Mound], "tard" in bode of thin tnmutidth “out: waive with: T. L. Gabon"- nluo brawl their tthh I: dine 11mm. Batrudrr.--tt. . Po nuance wt 40! and! Input to Mr. Wu Smith of Bvaatem.-'rhe1 Juno- ' Prim 's of Rubin unmet $he birth n on a the Eva-ton b60- pitnl, rob. 1i.-Wr. nnd In. L. B. Shield: announce en-east "rf 1rtee: Fumes to Donald - Mono! KW Ind. , Contract Bridge Course Is Offered 111.1th mm heat m bridge intruder. In. liner, has again started the tract rug. clauaa at the I l Park h achool on Monday ' This a part of the Adult ... cation gram, meet! - I a- day tt t from 7:80 to tP.80 in th English Club room. ' futo=theeonmoftenl is nomind, and and. admissions y Wo had at a higher rate. - ther i urination may be had ' callin lira. Behautr,Ur, Hi: Park It09, Specials ha Ive, steer, beh .......... {CROPS Lives l‘BREADS , Le); lb. SHOULDERS EN LIVERS POT ROAST aa thin or Pit 3 'i',"r"l_jL, 20t' (it:), $1.25 m1: " "tdll-f:' ”PM! l for“! 01 tii'ij,i,'ieiili, doe- LI ' nuts A? my: mum: Ke 2Se 33c 23c Sk Sk tett Rafferty Pies su nly in Florida " 'lrtaf.retny'f.etti m" - ‘numumaw,’ _ IdFtirotantseart l “laud-1min”. min. magma-ma. _ dnynt ii?teii?tiFi2i,14it wit tin Bt. Eur. T Bo survived by one III. 7'" u! 3 daughter, In, I- P lark and three __ h dun. In. ”any died ' not "er. ..l- - attstglrttb Jul ‘m no. tU " at Mt .gl-I'sGynCIu-u “a o. q - hanging, L-l,, nth: I!” the Adult , "riatdetoigltlnndN6 i - 'i.metrtotterirset. t', - th.ottatuatunitrnn Cai, taiatitdtotnherartmn F u - dun. iii-clue mMymningrm . I - which school. I 'MM.t tedytthut1.n"tetteht' .nrq. ”matting-cm . a L “W. hm . t -- nybohdb‘y _ 'ttte M, r of Community a. "irir'"tr". 1 'get ign Language Are Held 7.1 ,, Th. a P ' -- (Ida! A ' -fGo-attrsesst _ , an”. in French tr . am starting this not, .behtg " folhvn: . , At 7 KW Park will: f y, 2 to 8:80 pm. _ y T to 9 p.m.-9reneh. Th n M80 Bah. to 12 err Pi . _ C" 'titieir, 7:15 may” p...{-s I __ _L_- _ ._ . " .', I , G. Amid who 1... . , than than before ' race... in in chime, and mm , in sholntcly free. t Prof ,6. Animal. M. P. 3708. _ V RieheBeu Canned MI st; Pumas. M'tttCOTB, FEARS mm cocky swam? menu-:3 or ' PEACHES. who! ---' can _--" ,7 Sign}!!! .WLABE White Meat Tun Ruby Stun brand; 3 Pee a you [uh- diner 'ultnlt that I'd-z tt to i _ 61: price. lb. "et Spain! this week Ronda) Skinlm ' Bone . SARDINES; t 2 'd'." . ' 5 e lulu: Spaghetti Made from the but 3 amount: 8 lb. ttttttWF. _. Ratinat Pedal Tout! maxim oe' Noodles ar, “nun! n, q Red Set-ten Sal-o- Beat quality; , c l can; for W Italian 'nt-tat P T (killer-h Mackerel an can for ..___.. [with or Good Kind Am Fruit tall een' 1 manual all l can for ......._. ' con FISH. Bonn removed; . hm am for .VwVte for can: for ' he!” an {or ..»...... Ruben": Prenatal WSd-fon an: for . - Fresh Garden Sweet PEAS FREE DELIVERY Mallet: an -reeritar Sued Sh xn53c 748 th 2te 31c 3h tte 3te $1 $1

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