PAGI "BIN! SPECIAL A Full Fifth N ' 98c OFFER plus a 6l/z-oz. bottle Both for Ind. with but “an “he“: - Mll- FIFTH for Pt.' FIFTH tor .__.. for FIFTH 26 Champagne as one of the finest beers on the market. Brewed by the same methods that made it famous since long before' prohibition. IN CAP SEALED CANS or BOTTLES $275 CASE OF' 24 _""'.................... ".emrru-.nrtdWu-eA-ddireettrrtmt1- I“; now-Motown bottlohunpmanudo-mhbol. Winn, Manor. and Beer mid only at our lake Forest More Nnmrally Fermented Imperial HEILMAN'S OLD STYLE LAGER BEER BANANA CAKE FRIDAY SPECIAL Cook':, Bottle A mtrrie-True French Sherry _.. Port '. Sauterne - Tokay -.Rhine VERMOUTH in COINTREAU 3N SAUTERNE 1.98 Extra Fine BRANCA EXTRA FINE NEW YORK WINES Imported Imported IMPORTED for, FIFTH Gold or White Don Q Rum Imported Fifth Fifth $1.09 $1.69 $3.35 $1.89 WE RECOMMEND REMY MARTIN Imported CHAMPAGNE COGNAC " your: old R â€up old Order Biir" “BAD AND lot ill Non-W Roe Ind- FINE from France FIFTH D.0.M. BENEDICI‘INE for Fine aged and mellow rr,'Cl, -rr.NP_i___ .____._ $1.69 Oneof the man. pop- FIFTH for m....) FIFTH for F.rrF BLACK . and WHITE SCOTCH " W LONDON DRY GIN uhr of Scotch 8 years old Whiskers PORT WINE 2.95 3.69 Imported Imported 90 Proof Original $2.79 Alla-l - Pun, an. Deliciou- for My mum SATURDAY SPECIAL COFFEE CAKES an an. bottle Assorted Du Tottie and Appetizer Imported WINE “Elvira!“ $1.09 35e 1.89 $3.98 lb. Any cut; lb. Moz. I PEAS 2 tin. 2h "_"1ttr9ru-im.aa--N-ttattsra--r. t “HI Moz. CORN mu 2 tim 23G BdP"iTr-_-rrh--mdmtsardruu. fl!“ Moz. BEANS "In 2 tin- 250 "BYmr"r---ot.n-tttoa.ith 19oz. Tomatoes 2 tins 23c n Skimmmlk Gram 'ftertts may!“ Jhmdmmk TOMATO SOUP Col-J. a "Hinduâ€: OLIVE OIL ' roman 4oxium ttk DREAM thr WHEAT " oxuavMe Palmolive Soup 4 Bars Me BA?!) 'ii'i'iiii'a' 2 14 m... 23: uttmDYENEER-FumiturwPoNts , .- doa. bold-17c sum LUNCH-:0" MEAT -tiotanrtatr-'.' It. â€Had: Scouting Pad.." Chan uh laugh: ' o s 4 pad pkg. 8 pad I I ' I 2s I pkg. 8.0.3. "it"" if? 21c 'iitfiifit"iiiiiifiiCi'; 'ii',',",',', " Mmtt4RmS-TUguiar.mdgrhg. . , " 0- rlltu 35¢ .EIQtAh-GotdmGhowCraut'%a._thsachsrackagou 1RmlB4Mi-Commstrradrhheg. â€OI-DM- tht BUMP or BRISKET CORNED BEEF Righelt’eu Quality Food; Prime Beef SHOULDER POT ROAST Fresh Dre-ed TURKEYS momma DUCKS CANNS W' Boneless 22tr%..srtat, Our Super-Service Specials This Week COFFEE I'll 'IIII 28c 35e 850MB FOR THUR. m,, nr, RIB ROAST Oli' BEEF Best Quality lstr5th Ribs; lb. ..46e Large Cuts; lb. .. .42e wnsmns son sum. curs nun cm MMAY summon lb. 1 Lb. He ' Lb. Tin' 59e 12 ox. tin 3 Se E333] TnWaUl lb 2k Baby Stuart G. 2(k LAMB 'CHOPS Very Special Riborlnin . 4Se 00'? A. 99'". A delicious and healthful blend of finest tomato, celery, spinach and parsley juices. Deliciously appalling. Healthfully stimulating ' The New Smart Drink Baked by WINS . . BUFFET WAFERS Serve with" San]: - Beverage. - SIM! Cookie- Large box Oxford Sandwiches g,oeg,'i1'r11't_, 25c MEANS JUICE Heinz Tomato Kétsup Large size . felt “Tech“. than _.., Large jar . ak A 75e VALUE large Tina for _...._..._t__ Cucumber Pickles Heinz FINEST ORA NOB PROS TIA "400 BRAND OUR OWN ....35e 1 can Red Kidney Beans with Pork 1 can California Pea Beans with Pork 1 can Boston Brown Bread ALL 3 (?dd for . . . 45c Brick Oven Baked Beans SPECIAL OFFER! 29c " Elrttz Alu-of SOUPS TSe Viki E TTE S THURSDAY, sun-Inn A “I? CHATEAU CHEESE Gives rate [not to an. lent, loll-I, myoniu, etc. Add Pique before or during cooking. for (REESE SPECIAIS lam-h MILITARY BRAND CAMEMBERT IVORY AlnchN PM? "All. at... h. "on Mrar I... b â€M-.- Am In! SOAP. but in: MM. Delicious Canadian Cheddar Spread “but. Men'- LIEDERKRANZ ml. min, and». mum New Iatwhiee mam WTLLNOr STAIN bottle (Pronounced Path) "MY SECRET" SpedalA Price PIQUE Heinz Soups 7 'it','." 95c IN Except Clam Chowder and Consomme 35c Me 23e 49e lik 5c