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Highland Park Press, 16 Sep 1937, p. 1

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Tragic Death Of Esther Ward Ball Shocks Community VOLUII XXVI] In. Benjamin B. Bell. 813 R. an Johns Ivonne, we: instantly killed and he daughter Elaine, m eeri- ouly injured Smithy in e heed on collision on mt.- 80 shout Bee miles west of Dewitt, m. The accident oe.. curred about men o'clock in the evening. Elitne Ball, tho alum”, wa- seriounly injured and m mm to the June Limb hospital. Clinton. u. The lute-t reports received Mint. that tab in mixing tunable pro- gress. Ber condition ha been one, but the physician in charts give on- com-using reports. 1adieations are, however that she will In” to re- main in the hospital for some time. In. Ball had left Highland Perk about noon to drive her daughter to Mount Vernon, Ia., when she wu to begin he: sophomore your at Cor- nell colic”. She m rounding e long graceful curve on route 80 when her at collided W], held-on with on out bound on eon- mum: three women fiom Dem- port, u., on. of whom In demoni- V injured, little by. for her recov- .rybeintrUH. AuthoreweI-eno witneueo to the accident It will be very dined: to datum!» mm!- bility for its new. In. Bell wu killed Int-any end her body we: removed to on “dunking per- 1orinDmritt,m. Bathe-revere total wrecks. Funeral union will be he” this Afternoon, “My, nt two-thirty o'clock u the Highland Park Pm- byberian church. Dr. Loui- W. Sher- win, putor of the church, will of- fieiate. Burial will be in Memorial Park cemetery. Esther Ward Ball was born April 19, 1888, at Brigton Park, Ill., and was untried to Ben B. Ball on Aug. 20, 1917. Three children, Eltrims, Jean And Enid were born to this union. Since 1919 the family bu resided in Highland Put Mrs. Bell was an accomplished musician, and at the time of her death was president of the Hizhhud Park Music club of which ehe had been In active member since 1930. She had held VII-ions oMees, in the Evanston Music club and wes presi- dent of the Treble Clef, the music group in connection with the Worn.. an's nssociltion of the Highlend Perk Presbyterinn church. For the put four and I half years. she wu organist of the Presbyterian church. She was t gran-to of Northwest- em University Musical school Ind was active in the mulical sorority " MN. W. Munich] college. She studied piano under Victor Heine, former president of the Cosmopoli- tan School of 1rutsie in Chicago, both in Ala-cries “a Europe. While in Berlin, she made her debit ”in 1012, nape-ring in I plum recital. Besidel her hushsnd Ind three daughters, Mrs. Ball is survived by one sister, Mm. Nubia Idler of Hurtford. Conn,, and six brothers, Rev. Stanley Ward, pmetor of the Nathan-t Epileopnl church. Brad- ford, Ill., Sidney George Ward, Port- land. Ore., Wanna Ward, Sun Fern- ando. Calif., Frank Josiah Ward, Seattle. Wash., Albert Henry Ward, Independence, 1a., and Ralph Leslie Ward, Evanston, m. _ ht Appreciation Highland Pull was stunned Hon- day when it learned of the madden and tragic dad. of Esther Ward Bait, the wife of Mr. Ben B. Ball of the Highland Parkhlgh school. yho In 36 (a, _ who in to vary well and hmnbly bum in no (any amount circus. Ber far reaching More» and Inla- enee in union] cirdu, her widen u org-nil: in the Highland Park Presbyterian church. her new” “on; utmost mry “no of civic hr- tan-clam! her own lama: quil- tier I] tmite to but.“ no my of tho people of Highland Purl who t.ety her ye [to but that hr. _ It is not'ofhn ttitiiGGumit, is as widely and deeply impugned " it in by the dent)! of an. woman an .. $prrnaaie i." iGGiCiii which shut-whom hato all a! Ite-rs AArrrted va- a: The W!- Iuln m g. anal-mm"...- 1r1'rtt.ry-tqsiiiGc'G'c I" Friday. In: hnl ch an "rem1rteherdrlisedi"d In. earn-Hut. ~ Kwangju“ umummm'ug. W 1u'.'rr"gA',Pgd'ltt MOP-tar. film-I. 1tM'Mtur,',tAtt,t2ti' Inn-um“.- a TlTatlUt'g.Tgl'tgh'ttt SllteM'ggt11Nt" lteervertttaGFar “annuity reuriesjiiiiiViiei"iil' (“and on up " ttntfhr'rittr"iif 1111:1513 mam; "than. 111. . l Th») Highlanh Park Puma Dr. Strevey Will Conduct Current Attnim Course' Here Tin Insulin committee of an Adult Education Council {all vary fortunes in nearing the service: of Dr. Stmuy, profane: of Amari- m history " North's-urn nui- versity, " the spake: Ind leader of discussion in it: com on current “tin. Dr. 8W1 keen unlit!- Ind understanding of our - Amu- iun problem- ue well he“ in Highlnnd Park through his previ- on: lecture here. _ His series this 'year" will be even more interesting been“ of the present Itnin in mutational W 1atiortahips, the very vital hint problem: and the prawn: concern over the strength or wukneu of the American Neutrality Act in view of the conditions in Chine ind Spain. The committee feels that Dr. Shem will mks this series the moat informative and MI] of any given on its education-1 pro- But of the diseduions will deal with our economic, will aid poli- tiul pmblemu and the rest will dad with our international mslationahirrs The committee will nnnoum the toNts to be discussed etch week It in curly an and feels ttorttidest that the people of this community will take damage of this oppor- tunity to became well informed con- cerning the problems which meet the livu of " American Citizen; Green Bay P.-T.A. Plan for Year's _ Activities, Friday on”: Bnd-eommittee cluirmen for th, yen: ore: In. Geor Weil, pram-m; Hrs. Barry foam, vice president; In. Stun-t Bank.. hardt, secretary: Mm. Eleanor Rays, tmsurer; Mrs. J. Sigurd Johnson, program chairman; Mrs. Milton Fell, social ehnirman; Mrs. Charles Cowley. membership choir- mnn; Mrs. H. V. Banner, refresh.. ment chairman; Mrs. Robert Thompson, publictiy chlirmnn; Mrs E. B. Knudmn and Mrs. R. Arms- ley, reception committee, and En. J. Hecketsweiler, Mrs. Peter De- wyer, Mrs. Louver Britton, In. Prank Kenning. Mrs. E. Pinks Mrs. Guy Roper, Mrs. John Orr, Ind Mrs. W. P. Rieurdron, room mothers. _ The membership drive is Ill-endy under way. and I unwound-mu is looked forward to. The Green Bay Road Patent- Teachers Aaaueiation 'held its first meeting of the yen on Friday to discus: with: for the Wrtr'ts 3c- tivities. Lee Burdiek, '" Bloom street, we: fatally injured in en Automobile necident Sunday " the isttarseeturt' of Routes 55 end 74, use of Menom- inee hill, Wis.- Burdick end " wife end nine month old daughter, Sandra Lee. were returning from I trip to Wisconsin to visit friends. when the easement occurred. Lee Burdick Dies Following Accident in, W_itreomrin, Sunday Ptmeral urviee- will be held Fri- day Afternoon " 2:30 o'clock from laconic Temple. Th-he, will tsetnet-fttteotBeeoraofio. Fly lodge No. no, A. P. Ind A. M. of which he wu n samba. Burial will be in you“! Park century. All three members of tho family were sum to St. Jmph's burial in Milwaukee. who" Bunilck died from imam! injurio- two hours later. His wife tmfteed from shock Ind minor bruises, while the tate " um in a very critics! condition. Haida MI W. and baby, tho only surviving ninth- in I mad- fnther, Mr. an“ In Poitvllle, u. Mr. Burdlek m In unplan- of the “my?! ya W Go. In High. (and Park. httuar'ol-aethemeh- Pathway-thaw“ unload-1min!» manunuhumucu ”mm The "bl-“III h 'a',"e'g,t"2ult'aeut. ”VII-clad". '2MtltJte2trt=rge mam.“ll. Delinquent Tu List " Published lib-MW!!! Addict-nonfatal: noun} 'atdr,tlllui,'te Ob u-'.eh.itth. all In, mamas-mun. tMPat%thtufap" OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK Injured Couple Trapped In Car Saved From Death Seriously injured and mum in} their wrecked automobile, Suzi Seyfert}: of thin eity and his new Misa Mary Gruhhe of Barium. narrowly eseapod death Sunday evo- nine; when the Seyluth at we: struck heed on, by I car o-ted by Monty Hen-en. " of 312 Lin. eoln Iva, Libertyville. The ud- dent occured at the Soo line cross- ing on Highway 22, just I but time before e pennant 03pm. train wu due. Deputy Sheri!!- Robert Webb nnd Edwnrd Zenen, were cruising In their Iqund car when they new a fiaah that n drunken driver in forcing other can of the road. Thu arrived " the scene of the Incident Just I few seconds after it had ur Tretsed. Fusing motorist- stopped to lid in the remove! of the wreck- age, and were trying to extrientn the injured from the cu. when Iona one culled attention to the faet that I fut rain was due in A few Ino- menu. Ordering the motorists to work In! to try P, remove the mint“ end the wreckege, the omen-I hur- ried up the truck men] hundred ynrds. when the min bore down mum: They waved their land: frnnticelly, end Iueceeded in It- trusting the engineer’s “mention The train we: slowed down Ind brought to I atop just e short dil- tance from the accident. After the remove! of the wrechge the tmin proceeded on ita my. r Human wu tahen to the County jail where he is being held on I wnrnnt chasing him with driving while drunk and causing an Accident. Bail was set It $2,000 pending a hearing on September " More Justice of the Peace Henry P. w" lenwein. _ Both Miss Grubbs and Mr. Soy Nrth were takin to the Highhnd Pirk hospital. Miss Grubb. rat.. tered c broken letr, out. and hr “at: and had lever-r teeth Mr. Seriarth camped Mrrior" in- Jury, receiving gnly minor cuts Ind bruises. Hugh is the son. of Robert E. Seyhrth. 542 S. Sheridan road, well known Chictgo architect. Miss Grubbs. whose family were former residents, of Highland Park in the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buckley of Burlington. The un- nouncement of Miss Grubbs engage- ment to Mr. Seywsrth wn recently mud. public. The may friend: of George Bench, uni-cant Scout oxacutlve of the North Shore Am council will be - unwind tit hear that Gems bu accepted the position In Scout executive of Kukukh Area council with hump-run " Belle. ville, Illinoll. George wlll report for rat in Illa new connell, September t . Mr. Bench bu bun subdued with the Nogth Shore Area council line. its amt-don . little over ten mu Mo. Mm I underfoot Scout be In: count up through the ranks to the stage of - Scout, tuhf mam". uni-taut executive and any director of Gimp Ila-Kn- Jn-Wnn. Re bu nude . tremend- ous eontrlbntlo'n to youth in am- my North Shore tom Of a mug- notie mull”. uh! um and helpful (ll-position. ttte may wont- Ind-ncrmt land.“ who have con. my!" MI Munc- will In - to hear of In: luvlnx, but any will be hwy to - that thll in O doddod 'rroytotion for him. Assistant Scout Executive Leaves for New Position The but with“ of nary scout Indmnmlr.l¢mh no 1tufhmi1rnaturtautitPthetrnew worth-outta.“ "Morr.toBrKanmhhp-eese-tr “mung-mu: n- ah. III-Milan":- wmlr.mmm e-rrrfttb_wtthtsttt.tizt Ann-Rue oethemith Charo Aer-tlei-tli- " a. “an cl _ in thyeettnt1bedyad1turir. ”A; P“?! f..-- In»: uvmu'm in. mm roan It [In Pb. didn‘t”. mmhmlm keida'tggaUghutu htvtteMothemto ReeeMitmBetrt.22 ntriluPhteetkhoot PARK. tuaNttm, MEDAL SEPTEMBER It, new George A. Mason Stabbed By Crazed Client Yesterday Guam Allen Halon. te.. MO Haul nvonuo, prominent Chicago at- vtorney. wu the victim ot n trouble mud client yummy (Wetlan- day) morning, who onurod his of- :d1ee at 69 W. Wilmington “not, and after attaching him viii his _tuta, drew a knife and um hun ”when in the abdomen. mu Emily Norcross, daughter of Dr. E. P. Nor- emu, 515 Maples lane, who In: em- ployod in Inon’n otitee, and another woman employee in the oMes, were the victim of the nail-rut, " though their wounds wore-not dan- ”roux. The new. George L Chicken-- evich, 66 yell-I old, of 16 mm. ar. 1 private tuuetive until a "" Ago, then tied from the building and went to the once of Frederick W. Elliott former Municlpel Judge, on the lath ibror of the Temple building " TT W. Wuhington street, whom he shot end killed. Mr. Mason was taken Mat. Lukes hospital, ihem I, - ‘01: h reported as very “‘26:; 39m Norcross returned to her hltGL terday afternoon. Chieharevieh then went to the De.. phinea street nation and gave him- oell up. His explanation for in native were aimed and incoher-v ant. L The thrill: and fun of Madison Sqmre Garden rodeo; the utmo- sphere of the Old West brought up to date; fast-stepping comedy by a cast of screen and radio experts, and melody ranging from cowboy longs to "ring music go into "Rhrth-tyt, the Rage,” the hit "' A”: which the Alean in pricing; ot J."'"'"'"' and Saturday this wee . , A spectacular drama that storms in epic sweep‘ over half the world, "Slnve Ship," which wilI show on Sunday. Hominy and Timothy, trunk head and shoulders shove the general level of film fare to take its rightful mnk u the mightiest of all sea sag“. The upmrious entits of the sh- surd Men: brothers together with the ldmirehle, supert of Maureen O'Sulliven end Allen Jones combine to make "A Buy " the Renee”, showing on the Aleyon screen next Wednesdey. Thursday and Fridny, one of the deliciously amusing pho- topleys of this year or any other yen,__,Gmucho in the role of . horse doctor, Chico es s jockey end Herpo u e rm tuck tout, undoubt- edly top sny of their preview Ne- tures for sides-tsplitting situetions. rib-tickling dialogue end howling eumetaruttoms. "Slave Ship" Proves Outstanding Film at Alcyon Theatre The Leurel Leegue of the Beth- eny Eyengelicel church will present the well known Petrie-Fenfere Quintet“ on Friday evening Sep- tember 24 " 8 pm. This concert will be then in the church Parlors. The Petrle-Fenlere On'ntette needs no introduction in Highland Perk they eppeered before the Deerlleld- Shield. ueembly e few year: ego end ere new to nuke their third ”peer-nee " Bethany church. This qtrirttatte lien jut returned from I three months concert tour in Cen- tdBt1td-ntremtmaartokGt their High School Ambly end Ly- ceum ever-e ectivltiee for the fell end winter. They ere booked for duet Nil time in 1987. They he" - up for thirty cemen- the week of concert work ttt use end ere eehedeled for M tel! the h "M. M - Ineeleel 'fmt,",': “drew e - eel- eeee revie- em It “my end It In - they will de I “I. A eeilel invite- the le m b ell who me In- ‘m h m M - Bethany Presents Fanfare Quintette Friday, Sept. 24th 'rhtnharteDoiee opentsDentatofBee u'l,t,U'gt.','ge, MdDDt 'ldS'rfl's"h1%'l'lurfc '4”,quthme 1tU'll2",',1'rgtTUrSit. laud-tn. club-nth 'Ati-d-er-hr-es Muldeine Carabo Brilliant Virtuoso in Concert Sept. 26 The opening event in the 1tBlendar of the Highland Perk Womn'e club is an to be on out-tending nodal occuion in that North Shore suburb. A concert will be given by Madeleine Combo, on artist, who. in spite of her youth-h“ nlreedy been meltin- ed I brilliant young virtuoeo of the violin. Thu concert will be held Sun- dey afternoon, Sept. M, " 3:80 o'clock, in the beautiful home of Mrs. L. Lewis Cohen, 266 Rue] eve- nue, under the auspices of the music I committee of the club, of which Mrs. Glenna: W. Behaaf is chairman. The majority of the club member: will wish to be pment. u will also nanny other Highland Park residents and thou from the neurby tsgrtrrtm who are interested in music. Tickets sell- ing at n nominel price ere in the heads of ell the member. of the music committee. " follows: Mel- dnmee Irving Schur, Lewis Cohen, Alfred Burdick, John Brigham, Eu.. gene Eugen-AM, J. V. Spechner, Williern Outside, Jeane Loch. John Oliver (Ch. of the Fine Arta Dept.), Arthur M, Herbozt Smith (pred- dent of the club), Annette Jones, George Jones and Geri Pfenntlehl. Miss Cornbo, who hes slresdy ep- peered as soloist with the Chicago Symphony orehestrs, is en artist pupil of Mischa Mischa“, I pro- tege of pr. Thor-weld Otterstrons, and ms recommended for the cov- eted Juillerd Fellowship by Dr. Frederick Stock. In competition with sixty other young musicinns, she and one other artist won the Fellow- ship. Nethsn Milstein, the famous Russian violinist, his taken a keen interest in her progress. She is now studying in New York, under the personal sponsorship of Benno Rab. inott, end her recitals in New York, Philadelphia end Chicago have brought her enthusiastic prsise' from "npsieinms and laymen. Such ex- pressions " “exceptionelly gifted," "brilliant and nnerring in even the most trying technical eomplieatirms," "her tone is large and hrillisnt, and her technique enviable. Miss Cur-ho amply deserves her great success" And "hkiildrfttt iii Gama. shit was one of the brightest spots in the flood of spring recitals" show her to be one of the coming greet vio‘in virtuosi of the future. High- land Park is especially privileged to have Miss Cersbo give this con- cert September 26, and those who attend will long rememebr the oe.. casion es an artistic delight. Rev. P. & Robinson, the new pas- tor " the United Evangelical church preuhod lust Sundsy to Inge nudi- emeu both morning und night. Rev. F. S. Robinson Preaches First Sermon Here Sunday Rev. Mr. Robinson and wife Ind Mrs. Robinson's neice, Min Leona Binder; hon lived in Columbm, Ohio for the put six yen-s when he was I power. After the church conference the Inst of August at Dixon, In... Rev. Robinson motored to Boston. lowland, to visit " mother before coming to Highland Park. Mr. Robinson has had wlde exper- Iepce in the Evangelistic Beid and in the putpnl work and full he will enjoy his work hem. r,','u1"e,"'rtt'k,,1ut 2U'tt um Corded-I} Dunn-1mm ofth.Ar_tugua,nmtrrvttht. $2.13..“ 2'luuttlrf, I 'ulte-$ttNrrr*-,Pteureri. “In!“ _ v of Women Voters League, Monday The Bighhnd Put League of Women Voter. entertained " t luncheon Monday for their preli- dent, In. ‘W-ihr L Rubens. at the Northmoot Country club. The thirty - 1tteludin. when of bout m Wt hud- di.. eye plan- for the coming nu. The In" ha nun. very inur- utiu phl- futhoyurwhhlom annually an. W! "hedld to - on in moguls. Int- inll will In hall an Inn! - third WM of the month at tho Y.'.C.A. any. le. I _ . cl tivl'tiiie,stt, a" “in- Dunn-en Spencer Pout Holds PM Meeting Fri!” P. M. D.A.R. Will Open YearsActivities WithCardParty , The North Shore CUptar at the Duluth" of the American Revo- lution open an yen-'1 aetihtU. with their nuns] and put, and ten, to be held " the Highllnd Park Womn's Club on Tuesday, September 28, at 2 p. m. _ Mrs. Walter T. Rice, 140 Sun-0t road, chairman of the and nay committee, with her group of en- thusiutic workers, are planning u very pleasant, delightful “Duncan for the mailing and their friends. Some very Inactive ddoe i/AGI are to be given as well u tabla prises. The proceeds from this 91mm] party are given to the D.A.B. noun- tain schools in the south, end to a loan fund which help- end encour- age worthy students, who on without funds to curry on and ttn- ish their school year. It in tho used to aid in the work curried on among the foreign born. The' ehapter tam, fbr I tim, re- Iponse from the member: Ind friends. . Tickets many be secured . from In. Warren E. Denley, 260 Linden Park i’lue, chub-mun of the tick-t committee. "Freshman Teas" at H. P. High School to Be Sept. 22 & 29 One of the most delightful and informal trrrtherintm It which moth. ers of high schol students meet the members of the faculty are the two “freshman teas" given annually by the school to the mothers of the members-re, the freshman clan. With Min Minnie Baud. principal of the school and the'hculty mem- here, Mr. Sandwick, superintendent of the school district, Mm. Prank Ronan, president of the P. T. A., the cube;- of the P. T. A. and Mn. Held immediately After school, in the churning “English club room" of the school " the cut corridor, there will be en atmosphere of warmth and hospitality which should draw the mother of every freshmen enrolled in the school. Then use two use held consecutive Wednes- dsys, Septemehr " and 29, end etch mother will receive en knit-Hon naming the due on 'which she is expected to "tend. This is s "sims.. I did chance to see the school, to meet the high school funky end one"! of the Psrent-Teecher sssoclstion end to talk over matters of Import- ence. social committee ml baseman” members acting as halts Ind host- esses, the mothers will hive gn op- portunity for tn informal meeting with the teachers who will phy so vital a part in their children’s lives throughout'the you. To Resume Winter Schedule Sunday at Presbyterian Church Next Sand-y, Sept. 19, tho Hith- llnd Park Presbyterinn church (on back on an regal-r winur ”Mule with church school " 9:45 for sIl department. and morning worship at 11. Dr. Louis W. Bhorwht, point. will spook. Tho music at tho 11:00 o'clock service will!» a barium. solo and a tenor by Mr. [turbo G. Ivlm Ind Mr. Lawrence It. Wit. Tho church mud: . caulk] in- vihtion to "sept'" ttt M " ncrdeu and to dun the know) of the church. Sunday. thrt. a, will ho Rally Du in the church school. Gen. Drum Arrives at Fort Sheridan luomnuh A. Dru-.0011- -derofttte0th-.ma,ar- rivaled-yum lurid-n win-clown!“ mun-m. “up-onlm-otntMImh "ueft*efirrtW-trrdstntt "td-ttr-to-tttsri.." mmmhmm canal-anguish... - -%eqea.ttrxm-lsetfh htrdVr,tNeAstnnthrtrmR, mm‘mm". In An hmm:miMD in I) an eon-wad m - ”WWI-omb- m mil of the m. . “than“ that" 1u.11T.',".t,Lrrtut. any. rd3-tbtr%rttmrrmbaf" ”Mhh‘ NUMBER "

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