80.4.7338 ANNOUNCE APPROACHâ€!!! yummy l It. in! In. John W. kind-h at this“ am cum thoj onto-chin; wring. of their W, Catharine Ann. to lob- In if. Smith. on of It. III! In. W Smith of Putin, which will "in pine. Sunnis, " St. Juno: chub. Highwood. IN In. Path" Boil†will rad the my " 9:†in the morning. The bride at. tird in white nun and he. and carrying was and tweet you will have I. ha: maid of honor Ill“ Bounty [lo-MM. who will be drum! in pouch mum-ecu. The two Mid-untidy In. Virginia Sewer and mu Tina KIWI. will be (owned in ninbow colored manna-cm. The noon will he attmtded by John Seine!" and will have u when. Norbert Lunhuh sud June- Albert, Little Barbara Olllwoin will be Bower girl. A din- nor will follow the nuptitlu and I nuptial: will in held " the Schu- fer home, 818 Ashland avenue, in the awning. 'MI I]! Kin Petricie Dobson, deughier of Mr. end Mrs. Frederick C. D. Doha: of Woodland reed, who (radii-ted with honors at North- wem lest your, received her Mute" Degree in English this June. Min Dolmen will ahead the winner melon (which is held only - eight yeurl) at Oxford um- versity this summer. The lecture clean. of English Literature, Eng- lieh Hiltory, Economies, Religion, 'Politicl. and Art of the put fifty years will commence July 6 end will lent for six weeks. Peerlcie left Wednesday for New York from where line will all today (Thur:- dey) on the Norm-mile. Alter her etudier like Doan will “tend the mimic-l leetivel at Cambridge univerelty end will elm visit Mr. Dobeon'l rel-tine in London. The marriage of Miss Loia Adele Schultt. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C, Schultz of N. Linden avenue, to Henry Haley Hixon, Jr., non of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haley Hixon, of Chi- cago. will take place Friday, June 17, at the Presbyterian church with Rev. Louis W. Sherwin reading the nuptials " 8:30 in the evening. The bride will be attired in a gown of white net with a ahort lace veil trimmed with gardeniaa and lily of the valley of which her bouquet will also be made. The maid of honor, Mile Agnes Wright, will be dreeaed in a deep blue sown of net and will carry yellow garden flow- era. The Miuea Nan Kretsehmer, Margaret Young, Haul Hixon and Constance Ann Schuler, the bridesmaids, will wear blue net gowns and will carry pink garden: flowers. The ushers will be Charle- Yegge. John Sample, Louie Schulta, Jr., and Robert Cunningham. The groom will have as his attendant Harding Macdona. After the wed- ding there will be a reception at Exmoor Country Club. The young LOIS SCHULTZ NUPTIALS FRIDAY PATRICIA DODSON ro STUDY ABROAD Hunky-Friday June 16-17 GRETA GARBO CHARLES BOYER TolB.P.84M . EllthPurLlll. . Mus-1.0 'r-ao-ra-tmir-so-m..-,- sumâ€. My Ad Helmâ€. 1:†out!“ in “COIQUIS‘I'†Artutte perform-nee: in an unmely hvilh production bring: you excellent enter- humane. "o'"'"",'. 133111.!th BRNTrrAIttttBNrt robin-a It in Ink. on. you was: curl-neon a noun pum Mm!!! " with 'mmm, mm UDmrPLANTr' Also KICK“ IOU“ CARTOON thmdsra"-r-_r-mdr-a, In. "JO-8141 MARE TWAIN'S BELOVED STORY SCREEN SNAPSHOTS AND NEWS . LOCALS . 1":- mm- . "lbw" -'-__'- or Ion-ooh? mu to: mil“? "m 6tat camco- __ __ --- '19!Q!,W TOMMY KELLY - - ROBSON “In ADVERT or m 2',Rlllle' Added.. ALCYON trrrrrrAtWtm - m "ctuttcouht 'stmNs_rtttiheinFa.toa.gtrr gnaw: handy-cont»: Con-d. “4&0me At 8:00 o'clock Saturday evening, June 11, It" Joy Delhaye, daugh- ter of Mr. and In. Jouph Delhaye. became the bride of Mr. Harold KoepU, Ion of Mrs. George Koeplre of Whiuwhter, Vii-cumin. The bride was attired in white organza over Iatin, with a abort veil of tulle and carried a bouquet of orchids and roan. She was attended by Mill Phyllis Delhaye and Min Ly- din Koepke, bride-wide, In. Lee- lie Delhaye, matron of honor, and little Joan Delhaye u Bower girl. They all wore organza in pastel shades, with hats made of Bowers and carried beautiful bouquets. Mr. Koepke was attended by Mr. Roy Delhaye as best man. Two pelee- tiona were very beautifully sung by Nina Mary Desmond and In. Rink, Mr. Harry Eichler accom- partying them. The wedding took place in the Redeemer Lutheran church, the Rev. Lehman of Liber- tyville omeutinir. After I reception " the home of the bride’s Tarenta, Mr. Ind Mrs. Koepke left for e wedding trip in the But. They will reside " Nor- mal, Illinois, liter September 1st when Mr. Koepke will rename his duties u usintent profeuor " the Illinois State Normal University. HELEN FERALDO WEDS ALBERT FONTANI Miss Helen Peraldo, dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fenldo of High- wood, And Albert Ponuni, non of Mr. And Mrs. A. Pontani of Zook- spnr, Iowa, were mnnied Sundny afternoon, June 5. It St. James church in Highwood. Father Ward oMeiated. . The bride wore I gown of white lice and I long tulle veil and car- ried I bouquet of white roses and lilies of the vnlley. Mina Ellen Fer- aldo, serving her also" " mnid of honor, wore pink ehillon and car- ried red roses. The brHemnniO, Miss Mnry Fontnnl and Miss Mary Battani, were attired in peach and A“; the partial dun for Ila Benita mu I an (Inn by In. Rabat had. and 40mm, Virginia. on Walnut, and I din- m due. given " the Duh haul WM, waning by Mira Am Wright And In. and Hit-on. Mr. And In. Behalf: wilt mun-1n the bridal puny " dinner " Ear. moor thin evening (Thur-thy). DELHA YE-KOEPKE WEDDING Little Wool Shop YARNS for Smart SUMMER JACKETS as "an m. Tel.L.P.888 Sunni†THE WEAVER mos. AND ELVIRY LOUISE PAMNDA FRANK P'"'" It's u mum of Hill-Billy hunky like than mm was More. may irTrcurtmotr 'The Lone Ranger" “SWING YOUR Angora and "Pebbly" MYSTIC LADY†Jun- " umwuuwm od rant. 0.0m Wrtt.tst and Mo brtnhrraabettr-andtU when were Bob-n um Ind AldoBhuL 'URtttPP-DUBONN NUPTIALS [in Dorothy Funk. ot Imam will In" the bride u I.“ of honor and the lithium.“- will be [in Barbara Funlu. of Inn-ton. and [in Main Memes of Oak Park. The mm“! a! It. In: Bee. orly Tm. daughtu a! In. Alice Warn“ TI)†of N. w M and It. My Dalton d this city. will taka Mac. Sunday we- sting " tt o'clock u in My Evan-lied church. Tho In. Hur- wy P, Blanca, m at the church, will read the _ The bride will be given in mm by her brother, M. Warn-r Tunis. WEDDING JUNE 25TH Ar TRINITY CHURCH Th marriage of Miss Jana Mc- Whinney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MeWhinney, and David Henry Davis, will take pine. Sate urdny evening, June 25, " eight o'clock in Trinity Episcopnl church. A reception will follow " tho home of the bride's parents. A reception will follow the iere, mony at the home of the hid-’5 Ttrr do and aunt, Mr. and In. Wil, liarn H. Bone] of Clifton ovcnue. The young couple will he am home in Chicago after I short hon- eymoon trip. Among the parties (Ivan during the past week for the bride to be were a luncheon and personal allow- er given Saturday at the Edmater Beach hotel by the Mine- Dorothy and Barbara Funke and a garden party and pantry shower given Sunday afternoon by the Mines Jean Ball and Jackie Jordon " the Ball home on Ridgewood drive. To- night (Thursday) Mr. Robert Olaon is entertaining the bridal party at dinner at the Edgewner Beach hotel. ' Mr. Robert Olson of 31th will neta.beattttaetfbrthe-nad the when will be Mr. Pull Huber of Evan-ton and Mr. Leighton Phil- lips of Lake Forest. The young couple's engugement wu announced two months up. Mr., Davis, the son of the Zuhury Taylor Davisâ€, is in busineaa in Chientro and he and his bride will make their home there. Mrs. Edgar Lindley Hon. Jr. of Philadelphia, a recent bride, will be the matron of honor. Mill Me- Whinney was the only attendant at her wedding last Saturday. The bridesmaids include Helen Frances Daniels and Elizabeth Copelin, cousins of the bride, and Mary Lou- ise Davis, the bridegroom: ulster. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT OF MILDRED SIMPSON Mr. Davis has asked Walter Dill- man Monroe Jr. to be his beat mm. Lawrence C. Davis, his brother; Arthur B. Horton, William McCar- thy, Robert B. Godfrey, John F. Noreen, Robert N. Barker and Wil- liam C. L. Barker are ushering. Mr. and Mrs. Thom-s Simpson of 130 Roger Williams “venue, an- nounce the amusement of their daughter Mildred to Mr. Donald Julian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dn- vid Julian, 149 N. Washington cir- cle, Lake Forest. Thy thre both graham of the Highlnnd J'ark high school. Mr. Julian attended Coe college and graduated from the Chiugo Academy of Pine Arts. MARY WOOD TO BE MARRIED SATURDAY The man-inn of Miss M Wood, youngest and the last cm of General and Mrs. R. JI. Wood, Ind William Bumps Fnristt, Jr., will take place Stand-y afternoon " 6 o'clock in Trinity Episcopal church, the Rev. Christoph Keller, rector, tending the urvice. A re- eeptlon will follow at the home of the, bride’. parents on Laurel un- nue. llBetore Leaving on Your Vacation-Contract for The bride's three sisters all m in the wedding party. Mn. Jun“ R. Addington will be matron of honor um] Mn. Edwin E. Tutti. and In. Cglvin Penna†u brides- maids. Martha Firm: of New York, the bridegroom’u ahner, will TI] Pt... new “not “we" to I.“ at but and In. “at “has! Wood It, '11. of CI. Wood’s only not, - to the third brim Tn a! In. Wood's mu. like... Mary nun Tums and And", tutu-n. will an. their nugu 17m girls. It. Wood lr, the WI brothâ€. who in been on. d Mr. Fwd“ but {that the. Mr when! an " lam Mm will um to (ma u but III. The M will in Hugo Null-onto. I cousin " the coon. John ma. Jul- o. Win-m. In. and Willlsn T. Car- ter, Jr., as 01 Ram, Walk: Too 3k, Jet, And Newton Baht, both of New York; Donal- Ccdm-u of London. Briggs New“ of Nah- ville, Tenn" Anderson Parlor Ind Frank Johnson of Fur Hills, N. J. Raymond Graham of Long bland "upon-h: IleCmry. BEVERLY BEYE'RS WEDS JAMES MOONEY Only the immediate families md a few friends witnessed the simple ceremony performed by Fnther Holly in his study where the bride was attended by her sister, Shir- ley, sad . cousin. Mary Ellen O'- Brien of Chicago, and the (room by Howard F. Copp of Sigmund Park and Monty Joyce of Wilmette. The bride wove white mrquissette with a short veil, while her attend- snts were in pink and turquoise. All wore lsce mitts and carried old- !ashioned bouquets. Utter u honeymoon. Ihmd Mr. Parish Ind his bride will he " home in Hon-ton than mid-Amt. Mr. and In. Pun] Boyer: In- nounced the manila _of their daughter, Beverly to June. Joq. eph Mooney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mooney, of Highland Park, " I reception Sunday evening. June It, It me Sunset Valley Golf club, Highland Park. About 126 guests gathered later it the Sunset Valley Golf club which was originally the home of the (room's trrettt-trmndparenttr, Dlniel Mooney tnd Mary MeAd- ams who settled in Deerfield county in 1844. Entertainment in the form of singing, tapineintt and squsre dancing was provided by the guests themselves, while . four piece or- chestn nude up of the couple’s young friends Nared for dnncing. The bride and groom are now on a motor trip through Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Cnntdn the: which they will reside on Ridge mud, Highland Park. ROLLING HOME 8km. Boulevard, mun-M Pink between Wu!†yd Conny Travel“ with soft beds, angle name space, modern cook tr facilities and "tritreration. . . . Investigate. SegtrinlbLtgan has the atmosphere of a true home as well as the apaciouaness necesury for the accommodation of large funerals. SCHULT TRAILERS Funeral Rome " North Second St. Phone B. P. 3878 Line InadlrtIImen- Jolt-1n; cur the Hal .1 I " pound but: [it]. In" Mt-hath Lungs. horn " It o'clock hand†with; " the Inn-to- hoopla], manna-m. moths: cult-Mm doing an. mu Dorothy Mt. - t?rPr_.edMrs.tur-tN.tietst, loo Ruin Mu. gmdisatrd h. [Hunks-Dunn “than Fri. day, Juno to. Tho wt and»: m m at It. Khatqraod Methodist church. '6iiqratrtee, " I o'elnck. 1011mm! by "and†and can due. " 9n pain-q. - In. Huh!) Rhett and “in will luv. this wank and for It“! Bosch, Moria, whm thy will spend the tumor with In. M- mother, anW. Emory. V ' Mr. and In. Putn- Johnston will motor to Ann Arbor, W. Sammy to attend the mutton examines of their dsughtar Kath- grine. who wu mercury of her du- " the University of Kicki- gun. Dr. 1nd In. Grover Q. Grady entertained " dinner Wedneldly evening. , Mr. Ind In. Clark G. Wright and daughter, Mary, will lane next week for their lummer home at White Lake, Michigan. Mr. end Mrs. R. E. Herman and son Grant will lave this week end for Williamstown, Men. to Attend the gnduntion exercises of their other non, Hamilton, who will grad- unto from Willllml College on June 20. Gordon Leonard will leave Sun- day for n week's fuhittir trip It An- tigo tad Lily, Wisconsin. Adults 25e one P. FISHER, has Wuhan and WM Annu- lehwod, “I“ All P%--tridhumd Part 8110 te'PgLxeaete2tetrsIiev-ti..tm-tt- mmmmwmmuhwhn “my; Pt.%tt'"p. 3.K W.3. '9-luSMi-r.""G.a. tuWct8Tth2dttuusiil. wm{'ummm.oliaâ€"gmum.uoh' ' but“ I"! in; m... 3.557674 ara; ciarc%GCksriri"a"a"ak "' "r Pntrttinttn, 3"Em 1epr, to beyyt'd “in“ OAK TERRACE SCHOOL 19tr9MS, BARKER & SEVERN co. Pupils of Mildred Hamler WHITE LINEN SUITS have that trim cool appearance after our expert, service. by Shop & Enchanted Lake Ursdee Order of Probate Court N The Northern Trust Gunny, Executor Estate of JAMES Y. WATSON, (deceased) TUESDAY, JUNE 2lst and WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22nd . 2 PM. and 8 PM. AT OUR SALESBOOMS 229 SOUTH WABASH AVE. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 2lst it. 8:30 pm. GLORIA LINARI '., Soprano FRANK SALERNO - Accordionist Ertttittritieaters. gar. On mm: View 116%, in? AUCTION t"at.hhtthrc,ttituirtdhrt momma) PARK an“ m: mum a By In. Albert P. Bulb weal-pm- ied her mother, In. Funk Butler. to Ur his in Donut, (idol-Mo. In: ink and. In. Bath: has boon Vilma; has for the put two months. Hominid-dim ,tflhie--mt+ttte-rth. tirth_etf.9hterbarrt- Jmlmutholwmtu- pad. “all“ In tor-u nuidnbofHWM F In. B. E. Harm'm " lunehoon and In-ldga on My for In. B. w. Ennis" at Gulf Hills, Him, who in visiting but. Mr. and In. hallo G. Brand and (mail, will 10-" this week and for their 3mm- eoctun " White Lake, Michigan. _ In. B. South-Ill“ Cm "tdd.rrgrtteeB.eumaeu.ugs. “I... cum, are visiting In. 13-ruWemstturi3.tt._ "rhsethrmonthaeJmt., lb In, Cutvhohuhu-vldth‘ In B-r6viih, N. " W Mmthl-wocktotlnouodtlu summer with her Mia. '" Cdrul Are. Tel. B. P. m Jewelry _Gifta For I. B. NEMEROFF CREDIT mwnm AND ommx Giaduates . Tm my be mud WAY. “I“ " I†AUCTION“ Children' 10e New