" N t' r THANKSGIVING my The eomitretrntiotU of the three mum churches - 8t. Peul’s. Bethlehem end Ptesrhrtertun--qrtii unite for a Thenkuhing Day serv- ice on Thursday“ 10 nu. in the Bethlehem Emileel church. Rev. Earl J. Bruno will deliver the mee- Im. “The Artof qKintt Grateful," end the choir of the host church will present special myie. -- A _ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER " 1088 DEERFIELD LOCALS . Mr. and in. Earl Fredrick: have {and um than for the wedding of their Minter, Chartbtte Ann, to Mr. LmlieWeltetrkU, am" of Mr. nnd Mm. Hem Seine-hie, on Saturday "eetintr,.Deeemiter 3, " 8 o'clock, in St. Paul's Ennnliul church, Deer, fUld. Rev. r. G. Piepen'brok till The Thmkagiving Day In: at the Holy_ Cross Catholie church will be at 8 in'the morning. Rev. J. V. Murphy is pastor of the church. PREDRtCtrsSCRBBK" WEDDING. _ . ' omciute. RED CROSS Requests for vehicle license. of grill numbers must be made " , Deane“ Villa. hall before Do. mber 1 or up will be issued in numerical order. , T Th annual Red Crou' Roll Call u being made in Durham and Ban- nocklmm. Mrs. Barry Muhlke is chairman for Deerfield and ms. Lucille Wright for Bannockburn. t','tht,'t In. Mamie in the Deer- fUld Rot Call are Mrs. W. B. Pot- ter, Mrs. George Jacobo, In. Car- roll, Mesaieh, In, A. R., Warner, In. Alex Willnun, Mrs. John R. Amman, In. Monroe NNCillip, The Northweetem University Mndrignl Singers will present a con- cert in typical sixteenth century style " the Bethlehem, Wrantteiiea1 church, 815 Mary Terrace, Deerfield, on Sunday “ten-noon, De- cember 4. The ducal will nppeer in costume, end part of their pro- m will be the singing at old Christmas aim. This monthly vel- per ten-vice will' tfrhatiy open the advent mean " the loeel church. The public is invited. A freewill ocering will be received. The con- cert begins at 4:30pm. VEHICLE TAGS CONCERT In. A. P. Rut, In. N. C. Lane, Mrs. C. J., Turner, Mrs. Arthur Memer, Mrs. E. W. Girton, Mrs. Harry Baum, In. Friedel Fuller. Miss Barbara Ashman, Mrs. Paul Dim. Mrs. Walter Page, Mrs. Ray- mond Dobbins. It is hdped that next year there will be a community, chest to take card of all drives. The Deerhetd Rotary club will not meet this week but their next Iunehedn will be en .Thursdny, Dee. 1,1: Phil Johnson's remnant. Past President’l Day is.“ be ob. served and Aridrew. Decker end W. A. Bickford are in charge of the ROTARY CLUB Skokie Valley Launch MODERN WOMEN KNOW THE SECRET! DON’T let washday robyou of yohr viutitrs-. leave you tired and Out di sorta. You can avoid nil this it you, send your laundry to the SKOKIE VALLEY MUNIDR'Y. It will he done economie- ally, tNsroughlrr-iuat " carefully†you would do it in your own home! Free yourself from this unnecessary problem today. .1 Send Your LAUNDRY to SKOKIE VALLEY pm" On _D-trer tt Nick Bree will be a: 1totagUat of the day. The next “we program will be devoted tir the Christan: theme. New members " the' Inst meeting are Dr.aldward P. Munro, dentist; and Lester Ball, grub school super- intendent.r At a previous meeting Norman Watson, tluperirrthtdent of the Northbrook high tteluy?1, becnmo GuiiiGriiie matumhist now in- eludes " business and p‘rphuionnl, men from Deerfield and Northbrook. BAZAAR AN D DINNER The Annual - and dinner of the women’s organiaatioaa of the Deerfield Presbyterian church will be held on Thursday “town and evening, Dec. 1. The but“ will open " 2 ian.- and the'lerving of the dinner will begin " 6:80 pan. There will be booths for faster work, bakery gnods, eandr, White elo- phnnts, rag rugs, “a tttttthe. Each of the four circle-Jill he†s booth and there will be one gen- enl 'one for the “mention. Reo- erutionn for the dinner we not nec- essary, but will be apprecinted. an Milton Ar. Olson and Mum Andrew Decker are in churn of reservo- tions. ( In. William Neville, Ind her sandman and family, Mr. and Mn. W. Ray Robbins and dattehter, Pa- trieia, will spend Thunh‘lying Day with Mm. NevimN only dunghtnr Ind family, Mr. and in. Rny Rob. bins in Arlintrton9eitthta. .There will be four generations present " the dinner. _ A number of emulation: are changing their meeting' date this week because of Thanksgiving Day. The Gumbel- of Commerce is con- vening on Fridey evening " eeven o'clock at Shuzrue’e rietattrant._ This Royal Neighbors ere meeting Fridey evening in the Town Hell. Their fot1onr,inlt,,meetintt will be on Dee. 8 when the annual election of em- cere‘ will teke place. DeertUld Ito. tary club will meet on' Dee. 1 " Phil Johmum's restaurant nt_Coun- ty Line med. There will be no meet. ing of the RotaiUns this week. Hrs. Leonard Staten; entertain- ed her bridge club on Tuesday eve- ning at her home in Highland Perl}. Ihterfleld members who attended were Mrs. Raymond Whine and Mrs. Henry Petersen. _-- _ . Staperintendertt Lam Bali ‘of the Deerfield Gamma whoa! m the weak-'1' on Shuday evening at a meeting of the Presbyterian young people. A . , . . In. Eugene Cooksy will he host- ess to members of Pmbyteriun Circle Pour on PridV at her, home on Ostermnn avenue. F -- --_ T 148 South Second‘Stred Tel. M. P. use Elihu! ruin in. and Hrs. Cheater Wen-sling GREENSLADE Electrical Contractor Electric Shop will spend “whacking buy ,ejth their son and daughter-in-IW, w. and Mrs. Kenneth Wading. in Ev- umton. " _ Hand Mrs. C. C. Klpochull [ind family will he the that: of Mr. Kapsehu11's aister, Mrs. A. A. Peter- sen, " Lake Como, Wu., on T'htiiU- ttivintt my. _ , J - c-Fx 353m. will be home frmti Ames, Iowa, this week to spend the holidnyt with his family. -- / . Mr. ttt Mn. Waiter MEN“, children ‘will bpend Thanksgiving my with iir. Ind Mrs. Fred Pro- tine in Elmilupst. Mrs, Pltehnd Mrs. Protine are sisters. . Mr. and In? Delbert liver, are driving down to Btowmstown,l Ill., over the holiday: to be with Mrs. Meyer’s timer; Adam Common. and family. F _ I l _ Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Peterson. 545 DeerlUld reed, were host; Let I turkey dinner bn Sunday ti, their children .and funnies from Pula- tine, Forest Lake and DeerfleH, d Mr. 1nd Lire. Ernest Schroeder of Crystnl Lake were Sundsyfdin- net guests " the Carl T. Anderson home. _ The principele of the vex-ions Slammer whack in the memen- ields' high "atihool distriet'met for ‘their imnithir dinner meeting on Wednesday fuelling It the ppm Home tea room in Deerfleld, p. John Brighton and Richard er- ner, members pf the Univerel f of Illinois hand. - up from C m- paign Int Week-end for the Chiago same end spent Sunday with, their pnrente in Deemeld. Among than drom the U.lof m. who will be home this week tor Thanksgiving {holi- days are John and Helen Eng-tram, Mek Merner, Devid lumen, Jr., William Fischer. Richerd' Stem, new. Boone end Herold Front. / Mrs. Alice Men, who lives " the N. C. Lanehome on Huel avenue; is visiting in Kenna. Miss Emuda Griswold, camber of French " the Highland Park high uhool,wu the speaker at the Beth- lehem Fireside club on Thursday evening at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. punuc stance COMPANY or treeeltrteetyae-- "at! ‘4. _ 60-.qu In. in“: mind- “I. 1930"NttarAtirtar-, Choice ofbronu aid gold .or ivory ind gold Use. Page dye an: shader. -r'o'"MM,me"00itei"'"rr. _ l W’MWW 51 South‘St. Join- Avenue , Tel. H. P. 2900 TE] P3388 J." , 'VP'VI '; t'itiii"?'fii"iiriie (ll) William Start tr., ind “a I than delizhtful "t on her trip, to Frame. ' F Mr. and It John Strong pf Greenwood Ive ue have A son born on,Wodm-day,‘ Novemba 10, a tho Highland Pail hospital. V Mr. and M . Fred A. Hun-in hue named th it new little upn tt vid Arthur. 0 arrived " Hixhhnd Par hospital on Novem- bee 14. . _ _.Mrts. G. R. liley Ama called to [immunity t week became of the death of he mother, Nudist†Bondy. Mr. tiley’l mothqr was augment at th ir home while Mn. Bailey was In innesou. _ Guam E. dung of North Chest- nut .street WI recently grained I mum: on a I " construction for the theater. Mrs. David nmn. will be bonel- to, members of the Just Sew Hub on Tuesduy alter con at her home on Btrerly place. , q Mir. and Mr . A.W. Muhlke were remembered b their ne'ighbors with may ttttta on Smithy in honor of theft Mth adding unniv‘cmty. In? culled " day to otfeit.felie. itations. ( _ .'l ' Miss Betty her luncheon a Betty Mel!!!“ and Miss Ruth lend' Park. (CALL F Lamon' Stationery ' tore _ 'rlg2tri't,t' . nus . Mitt , Put 567 Your I Funeral ser Ill. K. CATI‘ON uhlke will have u can on Fridgy Hips n, Miss Betty,' Kuttel Lidiker. all of High- pewriter Man "ice: for the late Miss Pus’uc Sim Choose from déWide Selection of " Table, Floor ahd Boudoir Lamps Ruth Eider were bid on My " lamb“ " on chute}. and interment w nude in St. Kay’- cemetery i V'Hizhlnind Put. Min Ender, dun , r of Mr. Ind Mrs. Oliver Baden-"6; Chicago, died on Novémber 16 it Tue-on. Arie., where the had tt the put yen because of ill heal . Hecketsweiler Studio 7 S. St. John! Avenue Phone Highland Park 435 and]. my. WWWMW hop... My 1arrqto-raLlko"Beeme W lamps...Yon will tind in nu in out -diae r "kedttetp. stylu- and price- to 1tt"tv.'.h1'21'hlu,' *restsdex"ta""odiooueom'd. tes, him; to. think about Christmas and the frie‘flds on your gift list. . Your photo- graph iii. thirptost personal, the most ap- f,,l':l'i1l); of all gifts. 3: MIKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY onkl the worries of hte‘ahop- iitntr for distinctive gifts by ifuiettr now for your portrait. 30""an ILLINOIS tl STORE Photographers fl Iktriaeqritrtthiltr$tthd In. In“. 1tl.tsdw â€not home on loudly but m. New York, where mm bouil- itimr, frr several months. ' The; Edy Ore-I‘m m, will. be played Im WM CD- nine, Nov. 28, td o'clock in M wood, the date as advanced w day because of “autumn; Dari The Inna“! 3:145:30.“ no te no: - h the m ho'-: 'lr' PAGE m