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Highland Park Press, 9 May 1940, p. 11

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BANNoCKBURN CLUB HAS MAY BREAKFAST - Theyy'tanl?ur,Bmofaatuthe Jud m beer/kg! onlondlyonthurrm " the ho-fMm.MdrrnrdR.tg-ith thirtrt-ataprmeatt.AaUtt" custom, each umberbukodto mnuandtoiahaah= 'Em.Wr- shaltuDotr'tshaad-eroehetqdi. ht Mud with chilies. received first prize and In. Frieda! Fuller’l hand-woven willow basket tilted with curly (“in bloom. and pony wil- lows method honorable mention. In. Albert W. Torbct. president, presided " the basins- meeting which followed the bro-Hut. Ran: Mm. J. B. Clever Um clawed vice president to succeed In. W. L. - and Mrs. Elmer Null, re- Bury Wright. In. Torbet and In. Kenneth Towin- will give a luncheon in June and the members will visit neigh- boring gardens. The club plum Ill- other big garden party and dinner Inter in the summer. A project of the club in to ban- tify Bannockburn with ornamental metal dun, letter boxes, etc. Jam link of the anle Forge presented thawing; and designs of nrlom types and law when lave bean ordered " the begining of the pro- ject. but he will design hntcm for the gate pooh. ETA. LUNCHE'ON The ennui] spring luncheon and busine- meeting of the Deemcld Grammar School Patent-Teechct minim: will be held Friday Its morrow) at the Open Home tu- mm. Poul Eisner of Glencoe will he the speaker. Dr. liner is sup- erintmtdeatt,of Glenooe schools, I member of the faulty of North.. western university and . member of the visiting Buff of the Univer- sity of Michigan. Present omen-u ol-the association Ire: President, In. P. c. Ititter,. vie: president, In. Thoma Peters; treasurer, In. N. C. Lane; secretary. Iliu' Easel Killer. thBeem to be elected " this meeting ere e president, vice president end treasurer. The numb-ting committee In- eludes In. Bert Matti, Mrs. V. W. Swim Ind Mrs. Willi-m Cruick- shank. This meeting concludes the The Chicago Association of Credit Men will hold e Goll-Dey in Deer- Beld on Thundny, lily 16, " the Briergete Country club. Chrence Beecher, credit man for the Auto- point Co., is claim-n of the outing which will he en III-day event with . dinner in the evening. The Golf Clubhouse he. been newly decor-ted ineide end out end in very lure:- tive. Edwin M. Palmer, Deerfield Village trustee, is e member of thr Chieago Auocintion of Credit Hen end we: inatrumerttal in bringing the (ramp to W11. PRESBYTSRIAN SESSION ORGANIZED = t9tdirfiiitci'iiiif - - t,Mt,t. In» In huh-5 iii-III - “ta-TE kinda-0*"- te.ehatm-toborrestrtt.d. GOLF DAY Clerk and tenure! of benevo- leneu, Dr. C. Johnston Ms. Committee chain-en: Mrmie-- Dwight L Hen-ell; Baer-tttB-. Dnvid L. Derby; church Behmtl-- 'Efitor, o. Dim; young peoples- Tannin invttrtitni-ar.h. Pun-no; pulpit mqptr--atr. C. J. m lOVlTOCANADA It. m In. Anthony Rodd an www.mc.» M.,t'*etMr.rrodiwtttu-rer- 1nteod-tftmreaeth-httt- madlulila. “av-d: "ttMr.tmdKrB.tuxB+rtBe MeEtde_erremrtotttNe- frmtrtrneh-rtert-r.-i.. in of was forthe W "Mft-rr-ther-dnt-ttirq. 'Ht-tl-tether-- clam-Wu; The- ,r-arr.Btarnodhemm.th.-e,. lbhql-mnbAi-i “than“ -m’ __ "and b Mr. and In. Am _ [than Guam: club was hold Th Fold- in! 5&5” ertrnrmtofthrtmeUaasdahouid aeoed-t.aid.manttrpoetunttrto 11:0me who pinch-ad the John Carlton has n 1206 West Maid med, have mod to the village. Th. Charla N. Burri- hmily moved in. to tha former Knickerbocker home on North Wanton": road, now own- ed by Harry E. Wing. which Wu mendy_mted by William B. Tur- goon. Thoma Wade is occupying the me an in the forma- Frank Paterson house, now owned by Hop 17 E. Win, and nested by ank Peers. Willi-m Ohm moved into the house " 1106 (melanin Itreet vac-ted by Willilm Cue! Jr., who moved to Libertrviue. Nine lueHuld Towatsenditea " tended the telly in Wenkem Int My evening at the Wauhecen high school "m, where moo Town- Iendites gathered to hear Dr. Town- send's son, Robert Townsend, lec- rehry end manner of that muni- ution, and Roy E. Webb, repre- sentative of the club for the state of Illinois, speak. Mrs. Hanry Seheakie is entertain- ing forty amt; this Afternoon It St. Paul's church at In aluminum demonstration for herehureh circle. Leonad, the 17 year old Inn of Mr. and Mia. Pull Olsen of West Haul avenue. was brought home Sunni-y from St. May’s hospital, Spam, Win, vim-e he was seriously injured in an who accident three weeks no. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Clnvey had Is their house guests Inst week Mrs. Max Hort-n and Mrs. Mur- garec Owens of Fargo. N. D., who were en route to Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Ind In. Albert 0mm» and three children Burton, Ethel, Ind Albert Jr., of Berwyn were Sunday guests " the Edwin P. o- termnn home. The May delivery of surplus foods for relief clients and old age aa- aiatance recipients was made yea- hdoy and included lard, beams, prunea. raiuiua, rolled can, wheat thrur, corn meal, and graham flour. Mrs. Lester B. Ball was hostess at a bridge tea last Tuesday " Open House teal-00m. On Wednes- day (yesterday) she entertained Presbyterian Circle Two at her home on Central avenue. Miss Betty Muhlke, who has been attending the Vogue School of De- signing in Chieago, in mining her mother, Mrs. Hurry Muhlke. in her kindergarten in Glenview. Geraldine Ruth Chm. 6:11:th of the Pa t maven. celebrated her Mt birthdny anniversary st . party 1m Sturdny. Cue-u we Mrs. Robert E. Penis will be hates: to members of her conttm bridge club next Thur-day at the first of the eummer eerie: of to.- room puma. The luncheon will be " the Open Home on South Wen. ketran mod. from Wuhan, Highland Park And Deerfuld. In. o. G. St. Peter of Wuukmn can. down to help her trrartddottttter will! the fe.tivttu.. Alice {who Clam cud her brother, Teddy. in but; u a theater party on Bland-y " ttr “cyan. Ind-orb. Jun Bnedw moneofthehpdm'hom formedntthemethittUAi- artdusfrtrmermtghbo. of he Clam children. In, tam Ruth]: of Wuhan VII the m (not of her cousin. Alice bani-u. Grunt B. Suppl: of Indiana!» lh. hsd., VIM friend- in Deni-ll mtN.rsdnr. HehdwunUoChL an the m- any for the h. nor-l " his father, Rich-rd Sunk It. and In. Clu- V-rlcr (no, but.) and inky dumb: have m fl- the m .rartr-tt on Wuh- ml to M. It. edtrmirrvamte-0ur,tt" “0)“th mth-rm Inn-lintheumm “muttmm 'e-ttoth-r-ure. 'paN,tt,'at,,'tAtg"h'dt PtedBm-r-, I!!!“ 01,.“ _ _ _ HEN-375' Robert 8. Alexander his returned to his home on Crnhtree lane Bnd is reeuperatirttr from an cppendec- tomy April 29 in the Highland Park hoapitaL The Deerfield Grammar school will be closed on Thursday. May 80, in chew-nee of Memorial Buy. The last day of regula- chuu will be on Wednesday, June s, end the com- mencement exercises are Ichadnled for June 6. Ann-igudnhhm 'Mutrm_t-t_stierattt T112 Ihotrfho Page ,ewirmiuu-uttsud.ii int-ting, Tel-Martha” thrioeaioditor-1urotrmr had been weeping on of John: warn-cub on We! mad, hm maxed te Richard Park. may, your nation. norm n. timid. club or the Bath. lelmu church in muting this an- ning at the church. Miss Dorothy Keefe in now living “gape 'Ear, N. J. Min Genevieve Stoudt, clean at women at Elmhurst college, will ha the weaker at the annual mother. daughter dinner at tit . Paul'- church on Friday evening, May w. The Altar and Roux-y - held e brie! meeting Tuesday em- ning instead of the regular lay meeting. The report of the luncheon cud party we: given and 8122.“ was added to the treuury u the net proceeds of the affair. Over 200 attended the party. Eighty-eight men end boy: " tended the dinner-forum of the Presbyterian Men’. Fellowship on Thursday evening end bend Lt. Com. George Lyon, U.S.N.. give talking movies of the United sum New. The Presbyterian bowling league completed its sewn last Fridny and m celebrating this evening " n banquet at Open Home maroon. The regular meeting of the Deer- field Grammar. school board of edu- cation will be held Monday " 8:00 pan. in the community room of the school. It in open to the public. Eighteen ist the YEW“ Young People's society attended the ally in Nor.th Ohiqgo lgnt_Su§dny. The Deerfield Village bond of trustees will meet on Tun-city avo- ning, Mar 14, in the village out." in the Minnie Temple. West Deerftetd township board of auditors will meet thin evening in the Home of the town clerk, Min Irene Rockenhlch. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin White have moved from Bennockbum to the Mom-1d house at 850 Forest avenue (the former Funk Russo house) where they will live until their new home in Bannockbum is completed. The Ramsey. are returning to their home on Romney road, nut Lendis lane, and the M. I. Dunbar- who had been occupying their home have moved to the Miller house in Bannockburn. Mrs. W. A. Tennermann, district chairman of the American Legion Auxilinry, presided at the district meeting lust evening in Highland Park. May 12 in Hospital Day and American Legion Auxiliary mem- bers from Deerfield will unis: " the Vebernn's hospital It Downey, Ill. (which is North Chiengo). Mrs. E. G. Jacobson is rehabilitation chairman and many of the local members will Insist her in Deer- fteld's share of the prognm. thteatrteeeirden ToPIbBaneS Mmmdhwl. tbl-ttoo-st-tr- Inrth. mull. and b be mun'M,J-I.hu mmhmm at”. m...“ teeertetteytrryfqr- 5 MM“: tgtltr,,tt= in“ fee ,2'Jfd/i't,tth"ag I. a n. 'ht-- n Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson, Vio- let Ind Robert, with Mr. and Mrs. John Zenko of Evnmmn, spent Sunday It Dundee, Ill. Mrs. Edward Trier of Chicngo WIS bones: to her Deerfield card club Int Wednecduy It the home of Mrs. Earl Front of Datum-n Ive- nut. Mrs. William Tennerm-nn and Mrs. E. G. Jacob-on "tended the district poppy poster Judging con- test It Antioch on Honky evening and took with them Deerfield', en- tries. In. Ralph Dnan is poppy chairman for Dude!!! and Poppy Dar will be ohurvod I” 27. The D-NU Auxiliary will hold a mother-daughter dinner on Mon- day amine. In, " at 6 o'clock at the Mnioesie Temple. Tdking movies will in nhown. In. Ray (his. -rto, Chm of an P. D. Cluvey 'uvtrtu Nuneiu of but!!!” in IN our the radio Urt Ttmmd., by Eddie ma hum. Cain-I'll and on Sunday an un- M m. Th. Ginny- have a lam 9‘th d the Coliseum in China: this M " the Better Ila-imam. 1trt'oNe-i_irwthuyhmtry let. “a In, Irwin Spay!“ hm m0“ THURSDAY. MAY 9, 1m i. junior udvim for tire muons my time!” And we don't worry when we're told that, bee-nee experience he- proven this In too true, much to the regret of Mn. Graham end Nursie. . . . Now, I'm not implying that we don't do our ‘work At all, but-wen, you know how it in when you’re in a hurry, ’epecially when the gang's waiting for you. Bome- how you overlook nll those corners and window sills, or you thought you had emptied the waste bulket, while you completely forgot the gut- den, teo-need I' any more? Of course Mrs. Graham and nur- sie had been plotting it till Ilong be- clue it was much too carefully planned. It was It the bro-Hut table when they innocently suggest- ed it, and we just as innocently oc- cepted; in fact, we were quite en- thused nbout the whole when. by Irene Ely "Hurry with your work 'canse everybody's playing 'kiek the can'." _Dop't won-y; I'll be done in no Well, I don't know how I gxpect to hold your interest when I haven’t even mentioned what pm hlking Ibout! You see. it's blaekmarkrt.- which man: we must do our work well enough to plan the inlpection of Mrs. Graham, or eltse--"A black- mnrk for you." No, that won't the part that en- thused Ill. It Wu that those having the fewest black math should In" I party with a prize for those ft) not having my. But what I can’t nations-ad In why we agreed to mid an hour mk&up work for each black mark in case the party vaun‘t a big enough ml. However, I have one watchman: "How is the bookkepeing coming Along, Mrs. Grehamt" humHn'M» kreHeeeatni..thsmmdementtid umamww hammers-“W'- New Amt-.33! My ”WWI-m1!- chlu all... Vibu- " - a... ct M, [and luminelmndnhw [Watchmen-M0- IMMLMJ 'pl'N2TSt,ttthNg. qethe “all”. P. “Md IO. M ”‘lqhhv-huul‘ Softball League Is Formed in Deerfield in Deana; Than “a"; 1;; can. with ll net-ban In and: and y by. that! It" _ The " M -- dis?" .2“... i',iillEi'de af Sign riii7iiairiiia ~__ g- I. " dull my The first an. of the new], or- ganised ooh hall lane in Md will be played on _ evening. In, I). at 0:45 Parr. on an nem- uon ground- of an tah nah-0| y"retrytNettt 'raarsirm, rod 9:00 Bowling bane. Sunday, In, Ib.- 7:30 159an High School know-hip. _ - Romy. In: "- 10:00 Dom Bond " Dorcas Church. 7:30 Boy Scouts. 8:00 Court of Honor in Deer- vtield Grammar School Com- munity Room. 8:00 Building & Loan Associ- ntion, MI Waukegan Rd. 8:00 Board of Education " Gnmmlr School othee. 8:00 American Legion at Ma- aonic Temple. 8:00 Young People's Council. Tuna-y, May It--. 2230 Deemeld Womun’n Club. 7:30 Village Board. 7:30 Workers at St. Pnul's hem Church. Thur-day. May tb-- 10:00 Red Cross Sewing. 12:15 Rotary Luncheon. 7:00 Woman’s Association. 8:00 1'teattrtyriytpmreh Young Church. Wednesday. May IG- 3230 Girl Scouts. 7:30 St. P-ul'u Choir. 8:00 Presbyterian Church Choir. 8:00 Mid-week Service Bethle- ttttttith. Luncheon. 7:45 Bethlehem Church Choir. 3:15 nighLuqut gm may Fundy-hip. - T :30 gegplehgm Sundgy Evening Rom. 6:00 American Legion Mother and Daughter Banquet. 7:30 Girl Scouts " Presbyterian an!!!“ OOIIUNI'I'Y CALENDAR DORCAS HOME NOTES Married Club. :00 Boys] Neighbors. gtf Emu-ad Pure - md In, 10-" Dark“ Maria: Church in. W. P. Weir, D.D., Kiln-tel Sundly, In, 12, 10300, the Chute!) school, M. o. Olson, Sup't; 11200, the Public worship. Hulk and sermon in appropriate observ- pee of Mother'. Day. Sermon by Dr. Weir. Sumac} 5103813} 7:30. Young People's meeting. Jane Todd President. DeerNId Rev. F. G. Piepenbrok, Pater Church taboo! and worship ser- vice, 10 ..80 an. Mother's Day May 12, added Bitt.. nifietoee is given this day, by mik- ing it also the festival of the Chris- tian Home. Our aim Ihnll he to have present that any all the moth- en Ind daughten of the church Ind my mother and dunghter of the community who wish to worship with us on that day. There will be a earnation for each mother. The message the! music for that service will seek to do jubilee to the occa- axon. Hole Crou Catholic Church , DeertUld . Rev. J. V. Murphy, Ptustor Sunday muses: 7, 8:80, 10 uni 11:30. Duly mm: Tao. _ Devotions each Tuesday " 8 pan. Confeuiom out: Situl’dly at T :30 Monday, Mny 18, Young People's council. Tuesday, May 14, teachers other: mqetinc. _ Wediesduy. Mny 15, choir rehear. sal. Fridny, Hey 17, we feature our Inna-l mother end dnatrhtthnn- quet. Mutations must be mule in advance. Please inquire as to tickets. line Geneveve Stoodt. Dean of women, Elmhunt college will be the principal upenker. In addition there will be other entertainment of interest to both mother: and (hush. Sundly evening Fellovuhip, 7:80 pan. Beginning I ”ties of three topic: on the general theme “Christ'- Work in Minion Fields." The Inb- ject for dinette-ion this week will be “Healing the Sick," I brief re- sume of how medical missions be- gun, and how they hue developed with the yen-s. Morning worship, 10:55 am. Bpe- cinl Mother's Dar service. Manic by the Church choir under the direc- tion of Hurriett Stake:- Cox. Ser- mon by Reva-end Bruno. Sundny, May 19, observant of henteemst. Bethlehem Emngclical Church Rev. Earl J. Bruno, Minister 815 Rosemary Tomes Deerfield Sunday, May IS, Sunday school. 9:46 an. AanA. Frank, Supt Weekdly activities. Choir re- hearsal Friday, 7:45 p.m. Mission baud Stand-y. 2:30 pan. The midweek service Wedneldly. 8 pm. A discussion of the steward- ship sermon prenched on the previ- ous Sunday. " the Kelley Funeral Home in Highland Park and burial was in Niles Center, when her ftrtst hul- band wu buried. The In: Iold their home on Telegraph rend In Bunnockburn mar-l years ago to the Calling" family 3nd unmet luau the street into a cow-(e owned by It. Hau’u Ian. Robert, where they made their home. In. Man. who has been ill for moral yarn. m aha to the Lake Coun- ty Gwen] hoopihl in Wuhan on April so Ind pond any than on Saturday. In, 4. Funeral Held Monday For Mrs. Fred Mau Funeral services for Mrs. Fred po, "tff, In: hehrolomur St. Paul's Ir-tieat Church DERFIELD CHURCHES "711“,.de In.“ . MW” orln IVIIIIOI Ann CUIDAYI Amtotmemtheormtirteetfthetrne-rrtrtom, tttehir1tetrxNatsmtthoftuD-fuHDertot. Hill Top Food Shop Money Saving Values “KIMCONES mumbling-tumour“. mus-m. 859 DMtilttPrrllLD ROAD w, Illinois The four toeat schools. Bum- burn, Deane“, Holy Cross Ind " mot, participwed in the mud pop- " poster contest unmoved anall- tllr by tty Md Jeirion All- the. home at the chairman. In. Ralph Dunn-m. Jude wete Mrs. George Meyer, In. John Welsh and Mrs. William Chuck-hunk. The poet- erl were grouped tn two division, one for fourth, Mth end Math and» end the other for seventh Ind eighth grader. Winners an: 7th end 8th trradee--Ptrut who, Dorothy Jacobson of the D-tUtd school; lat honorable mention. Ion- ica Peddle, Holy Crone; and honor- eble mention, George Wat, Holy Cross; 3nd honorable mention, Jane Norman, Bennockbum. Dorothy Jacobson Wins Poster Award In Deerfield Contest took/iam, G, float, Irv-M - ua; The poster: mm taken to the din- triet conference st Antioch on Hon- doy evening and Dorothy Jackson's poster received honorable nation for the district. Winner- will be entered in the state contact later. 4th, 6th, 6th gmdeir--Pimt prise, Billy Barbour, Holy Cross Ichaol; lot hononhle mention, Putsy Noll. Bannoekhum; 2nd honorable new tion, Katherine Boa, Holy Cross; 3rd honorable mention, Gloria Hog- blom, Wilmat school. Thoma MeDennott, use 20, was seriously hurt My morning " 4:45 when he attempted to pun . truck in his “Mobile not: Suki crossing on North Wnukngnn mad. A Buckro Motor Co. truck from Gary, Ind., was going north Ind young Newman attempted to pun it. The mad is under construction ‘nnd his who hit one of the A. E. Meyer Construction Co. enterpftiam Ind wu demolished. Me is the non of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McDermott of Bannoekburn and wu en routs to his home at the time of the loci- dent. Police oftieer Alfred Andaman had him removed to the Highland Psrk hospital. . Bannockburn Lad Hurt in Crash Mi. Richard Stupple Former Deerfield Resident Passes on Mr. Richard Supple, a former resident of Deerfield - any on April Myth at the Sun-hing hospital in Miami, Flu. A daughter, In. J. R. Stewart accompanied the body to Chicago where services were held and interment made " 0th Woods. Mr. Supple and family lived on a farm west of DeerfUtd foe many yen-n but for the hit man] yuan he and Mrs. Supple had lived in Miami because of filing health. Mrs. Supplis passed away last Au- gust and since then he had failed rapidly. Mr. Supple in survived brthree 00m. Prank of Dnnville, TTI.; Game of Indianapolil, Ind.; and Adrian of Nin. Cutie. Pts.; nnd two damn“, In. T. R. Stuart of mini Bach, PU. and In. Ralph Well. of Ion- mouth and " trrandehMrm" Two man, In. Chalet HIM and In. lax Kenning of Chicago tho "arrive him. Richard D. Supple In born in Bloomington, Ill., on May M, 1860, the son of Michal and Catherine Supple. He grew to manhood on I farm in Iroquois county and In married to Gertrude A. Congdon on May 17, 1886, They celebrated their golden wedding waiver-try in IL uni with all their children and runny trrandehildrrrft unending. He we: . devoted father end hi- lou is deeply felt by those who loved him degrly. HUI“! lo if:

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