net It: Which Concern Only You and Your Neighbor Gm than, scam um -. MINI-HANSEN MARRIAGE Ill-l Nor-s Uetts of Mum Bay, Wh.mlhohridooi In» "ttM-toe-trt-ig. Th. grand- ad». III-tic. o! the Peu- Ture., A. M road the nuptials Mr. and In. Kan-en um live on I. Lind-u Ivonne. HANBIN-BISS WEDDING FRIDAY Hill lam-d Hansen of High- Loud Pork out] Mr. Arthur Ban of 513th in. united in marriage Prick] "own; nt 8 o'clock The Ce"mdm, In: read by tho Ttee. Hu- vcy P. 810mm " the My Ev- ongdlcal church. Min Irene Octal and Mr. William Hurrilon both of this city were the couple's only It- tendanU. Word has been received of the mini-co of Pnricie Jane Reading to Chulwick M. Cobb on May 4. Pet is the daughter of Mr. end In. H. A. Reading of Chicago, formerly of B. Sheridnn road, Highhnd Park, end Chad in the son of Mm. R. M. Cohh of Nile. Center. READING-COBB MARRIAGE MAY J The new bride in in the St. Fran- cie hospital in Chicago where she underwent an appendectomy Ian Wednesday. Upon her releaae from the hoapital on Sunday the newly.. weds will live with the Readings, 1455 Fargo avenue ,while she in con- valeecing. Mr. and In. B. C. Won-en of s. m. Johns IVEIIIIG announce the marriage of their daughter Vivi“ June to Lt. Thornton K. Myers of huglcy Field. Va. The wedding took place May 18 in the dupe] " husky Field with a wedding break- fast following It the Chamberlain Country Club given by her brother- in-law and sister, Major Ind Mrs. W. C. Goldsborough, also of Lung- ley Field. Mr. Ben And hits bride Ire living " 641% Central avenue. JANE WARREN WED MAY " After a two weeks' honeymoon through the South the young couple will make their home in Tampl, Florida, where Lt. Meyers will be stationed. STEIN-WICKMAN EN GA GEM EN r Mr. and Mrs. S. Sidney Stein of Cary Ave., Ravinin, nnnounce the engagement»! their daughter. Elir aheth Harris Stein, to Curl Robert Wickman, non of Mr. trnd Mrs. Carl Erie Wickman of Wilmette. Miss Stein will be graduated from North- western university this June. 15: ',',','L "t.T.' 300 AUo Smith Service Station " N. at. John- Avenue -thttbqynrtltFbe: North Shore Cab Co. ROCCO emu-Lu Doors Open 0:80 - Pint Parlor-nu 1:00 Pan..' and.“ pa. sunny. Sunday all Halli-n In. 8:80 cum Thursday -rwo BIG FBATUTurty--- May " Btarting Friday, Mny 24. the Ill-thin price- will be: Saturday & Holidnyn. Me until a Pan. - Sudâ€- & Evenings, Me Children, 12 you. old. than IN 1s. manual-Mr- drum or berxmd_e ml In. N - d A -- _ -- _ -- _ .yth"rs mnrMssltiim - “I 'erde Jaled Ella Drew _ [when Paige . Judith have“ . Ind-o Bum B.P.2400 - MuhudmrhMk.. mu.- - than and y a.“ -d"iifiiiiri-iit mm" " In- In: "t 7*. This In, was..." with Ann Solhern - John Carroll - Rita Johnson Shepperd Strndwlck “WOMEN WITHOUT NAMES" I u'nvlldh“ uh» yum Rig Boy. it I won you It him! You â€Ind In her. America! So III-it's bet min! ALCYON 1/94 o/tAe “CONGO MAISIE" Ah with ELIZABETH MWAMANBY PASSES ON WEDNESDAY In. Ilium IcTuunc'y dud “theme!†yumdnyinhm' homo, 1100 North Green Bay road, Bighhnd Park. trite was born in Ireland, 3nd had made her home in thin vicinity for the hat. A? nun. A ton, Edward, Illl'ViVCI. The fu- nml will be held " 9:30 mm. Pri- day, from her home to " Junel' 1ehurelt in Highwood. She will be _ buried " the Pt. Sheridan cemetery. Miss Catherine Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Clark of Onkwood avenue and line Mary Derick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Derick of North avenue will leave on Friday morning for Greenbay. Wis., where they will at- tend the Military Prom'm be given by the seniors of St. Norbert: high school for boys on Friday in the Crystal ballroom of the Northland hotel. Mina Derick will be escorted by Corp. Thomas Basche and Min Clark will have as her escort Corp. James Paulnon. Both young men are residents of Green Bay. On Saturday evening an informal party will be given " Winifreda cottage of the Bay shore, the summer home of the Thomas C. Clark family, for six couples attending the prom. They will be eUperoned by Mr. and Marrjage licenses have been is- sued recently tot Anthony Stuart Ullian of Laurel avenue and Alma Gotmhalk of N. Linden avenue. Henry T. Little of Chicago and Audnn M. Parker of Highland Park. Mrs. William Bromsudt Ind Mrs. Norman LeValley were hostesses Wednesday at a. clothes closet show- Trr and luncheon " the Exmoor Country club for Miss Jean Ann Younglove of Glencoe. Min Young- love will become the bride of Wil- liam W. Bteftey of Chicago on June 22. Mrs. June. She-hen of Sandwich Ct., is a nude-l patient " St. Therese'. hospital in Wankegln. MA. E. C. Huh. Mrs. E. P. Barnes is entertaining at four tables of bridge and lunch- eon tomorrow (Friday). Mrs. Edward Murphy of Ridge- wood drive Wu hostess to her club at luncheon and bridge Wednesday. Ted Pohrte, son of Mr, and Mrs. William Pohrte of LnPorte, Ind., formerly of Highland Park, who is a member of the Olivet college Symphony Orchestra will pity with the orchestra in their broldcut Saturday, May 25th at 2 pan. over station WMAQ. Mrs. W. R. Ruifner is giving I tea and kitchen shower Friday for Miss Ann Mills. Miss Mill's en- gagement to Mr. Robert Alexander Gosling was a n n o u n C ed seven] weeks "o. Humming meftrere.-etryr. "0t.60..-rbBq.aBrmq “Yggn Tom In!" loom "arm coor- IN tv-etu6-ms.tAhat. D_distoorertateam-,in luau In“. It." the {can (has: " Pot In. hand than. maintainâ€. at. Milan-cinnamon his in: Dinner dill) M "on!†(“and"). Ashley Thom who I. upland by the Pcmylvunin Itat. In mtmit spent the Itch-end with M. mu Mr. and In. Hurry “on. of Glenviev avenue, and Bud and Mr. Ned Won-an brought the Suite boot nu “Copper- head" down from Sturgeon Bar, Int week-end, where it had docked all winter, to Belmont Harbor. Chi- ago. The Misses Virginia Crumb. Inn- cigene Sheridan, Lorraine Roach. Marjory McDonald, Nancy high Bowen and Katie Lew Vail dim. up to Ephriarn, Wis., on Monday when they are the guests of In. Hal- colm Vail this week. They expect to be back on Friday. I Mr. and Mrs. Bucky Harris enter- tained " a party Saturday evening at their new home in Bannoehburn in celebration of their 11th wedding anniversary. They moved from their N. Ridge road home on May ; lit. Mrs. E. D. Wintersteen (Virgini- Ruttnert of Garden City, Long Island is arriving here the lat of the week for a short visit before driving buck east with her mother, Mrs. Ruitner the later part of next week. Mrs. Kenneth Anderson, Hrs. Howell Murray and Mr. Renshw P. Sherer Ire motoring to Greenwich, Conn., this week to attend the wed, ding of their niece who is the dnurh- ter of Mr. Albert W, Sharer, their brother, Saturdly, May M. Mr. Leonard Nieter wu called to Mt. Clements. Mich., Wedmldly, where his uncle had been injuud in an automobile accident. Be returned home by plane Thursday, nfter find- ing that his uncle we: in no inane dine danger. Although the four weeks old cor driven tt his uncle was a complete wreck he mimtmt1.. ously escaped with only slight in- juries. A young mm who wu lid- ing with him was elm only slightly injured. Miss Phoebe Swazey returned Wednesday from Arizona where she has spent the past five "Iona". Mrs. Ernest Knudsen who under- went I mljotr operation in Angus- tana hospital, Chicago last week, is getting along nicely. In. W's-In. humor. Hon-mm Mm. William Guy“ in WI- "The Cream of the North Shore" Mr. Albert P. Betite And long Ai ICE CREAM 18 Flavors to Choose from. GOLDEN MEADOW DAIRY m-ot-db-tI-M-dw-h-gt'. BrumateCotmtrtrChatt 537 Central Avenue Pints - Quarts - Chieagoland's finest daily fee golf course. Large tees and greens. 7" IIOILAID PAIK I'll. Excellent locker rooms, cocktail lounge and dining mom. Complete steak and chicken dinners and mdwichea at reasonable prices. Home-Made Open Evening- Golfers Play Briergate “WHOM“ TOURNAMENTS SOLICITBD - Me II- - but was Mgt a u m a I“: _ In; (or “an "on: ad who. Cad: " who In in In unwind hull-y. _._. Mr. and In. Hilton W n- turmd - from a mum] month sojourn in 61.: Water, Florian. M m stub; M iter with that: not: and M. vita, Mr. and In. Hilton Hum. Jr. of Inwood drive. from"no6tothetnidduofV umber to In. Mattie Finn and daughter of Chicago. In. Smith will spend the mm two weeks of June in Ephrinm, Win, before so- ing to Cohan“, on the south than of Boston. Hum. In the remainder of the mum. _ In. Edward A. Smith of N. Linden 3mm bu mud In: home Mr. and In. Mort Rough and children and Min Catherine Baird enjoyed the tulip festival in Hoi. land, licthn Int weak-end. They took colored moving pictures of the festivities. Mr. and In, Robert E. Nereim of St. Louis an the happy went: 91" nIon,9ruuTher, born, guy l. Dr. uni Mrs. A. L. Berg of Cen- tral avenue entertained " I buffet supper party Sundny evening. Mr. Ind Urn. Thoma Risk of Pleasant Ivonne are raciaving con- gratulntions on the birth of a non born Tummy, May 21, at the High- land Park hospital. Mr. Nereim in tie on of Mr. ug Mrs. Roy 0. Nereim of Central 'we- nue. Miss June Codes of Wheaton, Ill., WI! the week-end guest of Miss Phyllis Durbahn. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Knobloch spent the week end in Edison. Wis., where their son Bill stands the University of Wisconsin. Bill was elected president of the Pres- byterian students Church C-hinet It the instaiUtion last Saturdsy. Mr. and Mrs. Joann: Derry of Lake Forest are rejoicing over the arrival of a son burn Wednesday, May 22, at the Highluld Park hos- pital. Mrs. Derry was the former Dorothy Bard, daughter of Mr. Frances Norwood Bard and the late Mrs. Bard. Lt. Com. and Mrs. B. D. Quinn, the former Betty Wan-en of High- land Park, are being transferred from Key West, Florida, to Panamt for two years. Mildred Haessler Admission Adults 25c - Children 10c PARK RIDGE SCHOOL FOR GIRIS Ravinia Auditorium Saturday Evening June 8, 1940 8:15 p. m. her pupils of the DANCE RECI'I'AL in a benefit Presents PA,nT'g,T,,'phgStt ttrst.deatbrhérthofaraoq Mania“. Thinnin- Im,m,vhh& 'Er.NtdMra.Turb-tB.rti- dlcmhymdmam tutértttofad9teebemstte â€at†IO, at the mm M Mt "can. mthbny pir- can of . Ion burn anâ€, by IEIIGMMY.“ Cleaning and gluing by Furriers method. Hamlets]: renova- nll dirt And dust and rettom life and luster.. . . . Storage in our spacious modern van!" when your fun and fur trimmed coats are completely protected emu moths, heat, humidity and all other builds. .. . Your tun delerve complete protection, Phone us may and our bonded messenger will call. V MOLDANER G: HUMER Manufacturing Furriers 16 North Sheridan Road Phone r No. 2 - Tune-up Special STORE YOUR 17 N. St. Johns Avenue 74. meREEMAN FURS NOW! General Auto Repair Let us remodel your Fur Coat or choose your New Coat now from our advance styles. mmP$rYatlNWqrAM, . - mmamm Bandied by men who really know Furs. We make you the following offer, a COMPLETE major tune-up job. AUTHORIZED WILLYS DEALER 'u.-hFe?qt' _?s.u9r.Pt-ris- um aAnt-id-rtrier. 't,"dhra/,lfe'1'l'.tla".1PlSt Wain-alt}. [iiiiiilEii%iiiiiif5i5 nth-WM†hTfrrrffltFt0,Ti 6 Cylinders ...W.$2.95 8 Cylinders ......‘.$3.75 12 Cylinders l.......$495 â€All" 1Ratit0f 'ati) 8trxitroaeopie Analysis. HUWAY, KAY II. I.“ Specialist in Buick and Chevrolet W. w. "Red" White Highland Park 403 “In!" C'c"TA"CLiraULd LTrLTirL', I! “In. [rl “III [LII Phone B. P. " includes