VOLUII xxx â€can! at eLJeerfield RUTH FETUS, "pr-tttttive Telephone D-tkid 485 SCHESSLl'R-ALISBROW WEDDING Dr. William P. Weir road the union mice tor Min Josephine saws-[er and Ionics Allsbm on Saturdny ottoman: in the mm o! the Pmbytcrlon church. The bride, the only daughter of Mr. end In. Joseph Sch-slot. wore a street dress of brown sheer wool, a bonnet brewn, and n eon-go Att gardening Her bridesmaid, Miats Shirley Clark, wore beige jersey and both wore brown accessories. The groom, non of Mr. and In. Harry Alllbrow Sr., had In his but nun, his broth- er, Harry Jr. A ans-ll reception fol- lowed the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents in the Stryker building. After I honeymoon trip to the North Woods they will live on Centerfield court, Highland Pork. SHOWER Forty guests attended a miscel- loneoua shower for Miss Josephine Scheuler Inst Tuesday evening It the home of In. C. L. McArthnr in Kenilworth. Mrs. Emil Strunk of Lake Forest and Miss Shirley Clark of Deerfield were the assisting host- eases. The bride has been employed at the Florence Shop in Glencoe end many of the guests were from the shop. Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Vant‘ celebrated their 54th wedding an-) nivrrsary on Sunday at their home; on Deerfield road with about thirty? members of their family. Mr. Vant and his wife, who was Lizzie' Muhlke, were married on October 7, 1886. He is 81 and she is 76. The Vants have lived in Deerfield for 39 years. Be is a retired teaming connector and dealer in farm ma- ehinery and a former director of the Deerfield Grammar school and form- er town clerk. Mr. Vant was born in Palatine and his wife, in Deer- field, on the present Briergate Golf club property. After their marriage they lived in Chicago, moving back to Deerfield in 1901. Their three ehildren-irold of Deerfield, local realtor; Mrs. Hagel Kreh of Wan- kegan; and Mrs. Effie Frantz of DeeNeld--were present for the cele- bration. W EDDING ANNIVERSARY BOOK REVIEW The Woman’s Association of the Deerfield Presbyterian church will hold a luncheon meeting on Thurs- day, Oct. IT, at 1:00 pan. " the church with Circle Four serving the luncheon. For the afternoon pro- gram Mrs. Lottie Brown of 'Bren- tano’s Book Shop in Chicago, will review I current book. Mrs. Brown has spoken in Deerfield seven] times previously, and her reviews are very well received. Mrs. Wen.. dell Goodpalture is president of the association. The women of St. Paul's Evan- geiicll church I?! phnning I rout heef dinner on Thursday, Oct. 24, from 5:30 to 8:00 pm. in the church pnlora. In. Henry Scheskie of Ridge road. Bighhnd Park, in claim of the dim. St. Paul'l tNtdntit, will upon-or a public damn-luncheon card puny on Fridny, Nov. I, " 1:80 fun. It the church mere-um room of St. Pml's Bunyan“! church. In. A. G. Klemp in claim-n of the party Ind til members of the Iodnlity nu acting 0n the mum. SODALITY LUNCHEON that the Lake County Pme _ mom Center (for mend discuss) in now open It " Wuhinmn St. in WNW. Clinic hour: nu: Momuy---2 to 6 p. In. for vol-an. wed---" to " for men. Phday--W.89 to 9:00 In... mind ROAST' BEEF DINNER Rou R. Sherman, supervisor of West Deerfield Whip. autumna- clinic. dutch Mano. Tick-by,“ 'rest-tA-tM."",-- pmlr.udln.h- VENEREAL CLINIC BAPTIS- John Dania Sm, hunt In of Mr. and In. Join Strung. VII thitrieurriA-tatiev. hay-elm TOWNSHIP“!!! mmwua ,-etoatT-.0-rthat' p...lnho1'bwlhl 305M. .r-iir0Mheh-..eNe- mmm-ro-r-ea. - “Link“- dent and In. Minnie Whitoolnb, pragma- chairman. Dr. William P. Weir will be the preacher " the mice on Sand-y durum at the Pmmbrterun Home an Enlist“. In. Virgil Merry will mat with tin: Malian ttsed n the Bethlehem Evangelical church on Saturday afternoon. The Brat ot n series of (halide meetings of the young people of the Presbyterian church we: held Sun- day evening at the June- G. Russell home on Ronni-y terraee. The North Shore Group of the Chicago Alumni of Alpha Chi Ome- ga met for luncheon and bridge lust Tuesday " the home of Mrs. Ar- thur Goditx of Brierhill road. Ab- sisting hostesses were Mrs. Donald Johnson and Miss Dorothy Purcell. Mr. and were hosts evening " avenue. Paddy (Orville) Cluvey enter- tained " a nutty in honor of his birthday anniversary on Thursday at the home of his parents, the Harry Claveys. Mrs. Gunnar Johnson was hostels It luncheon and 500 on Wednesday (yesterday) at her home on County Line road. The Evangelical Daughters met on Wednesday uttemoon at the home of Mrs. Gordon Vines, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glasgow of Chicagc have moved to the Hubert Juhreud house on Olkley avenue. The Juhrends are moving to North Cardma. Mrs. William Cumin, Mrs. Les- lie Brand and Mrs. G. Albert Wil- len, accompanied by Mrs. Earl Fritsch of Highland Park, spent Thursday " Port Washington, Wis. Deerfield h†mmy readers of the Chicago Tribune'. "Wake of the News" column conducted by Arch Ward. Deerfield has a contributor, Mrs. Paul M. Diem, who signs her name "Laurn of Deerfield." Her poem, "Achieve" is in the new Wake Book. Mr. and Mrs. George Goodman have moved from Chicago to the Robert Mm apartment on Fol-oat avenue. The Goodmans lived here year: ago and have returned to the village after Mr. Goodrmut's retire- ment from business. Mr. 1nd Mrs. Ernest Bound of Highwood have moved into the Lewis Beekman cottlge on Outer- man Ave., who-bed by Mrs. Beck- mun’s mother, Mrs. Celia Hugie. The latter hls purchased the Elin- beth Cooksey tttree-apartment build- ing on Glam-n Ave. Mrs. Edward H. Selig entertained the members of her sewing club at luncheon Int Wednesday at her home on Wuhan: told. Mrs. Earl Hurt and her mother, Mrs. L. L. Talbert of Onnrgl, Ill., Mrs. Edwin M. Palmer lnd Mrs. John Animus were guests of Mrs. Strong Inst Wednesday and gnu her I surprise {novel} party. The Strong {Imily moved to Elfin. Edward B. Selig was elected Imu- tee " I meeting of the congregation of the Prestrrteripn church on Sun- dny morning to fttr the unexpired term of William Stew-rt. whp hu moved to Canton. Ohio. In. 1%nssaa Howey returned home In“ week frgm 8t. luf- hospital, Rochester. Wnn., what: she In: been for six weeks follow- ing a mnjor operation. She is much improved in health. Min Josephine Woodman and her pincer. In. Belle Kilt left “with! for their winter home " Osrmi, ‘broum and wife, Mr. nnd In. Humane humus!!! in m. re- out. in tho dinner - of Mr. and Mrs. Budd Sehukia of North Wink.“ road on Saturday. vim Mr. “(in Nichol-I leni- lur, In. Helen-r nnd Mrs. In" (with and will MW in Vol- hinndhlhn-pdh. In. Willin- P.Wdt (ladl- Gd- lav-y) in but my M " in her-. !“n' it “I 'g.- thmgiln-I P*rAk"r0tr1,beei. Ilia: Olive Rasmussen of Lou An- gela. can, who it, vuitttttr_ur Inn-“In. ham-silt. duh-inland. ?»th â€we!“ Mink-.510.“ 1r*-Ftotytfttri, Mr. And In. Fun tr. In" in†The Derrfwlh page In. Harry T. Chvey at dinner on Sunday their home on Forelt hold on M in Peoria. In. “Ind Mac will h but.“ to tho CC club on Thursday Jamaal: at her homo on Darin“ Roam of Lake Forest. spent tho week-cm] " the blur sumo: hole in Kaufman! Ill. - Mr. at] In. George Ragnar and son. Bobby, of Chicago, wen Sun- dag upper guest. of In. France. Diabon of Pair Oaks Ave. In. Martha Funk of Northbrook upon: Sunday with her (hunter, In. Whaler Collins of Chestnut St. _ In. Wendell Goodputnre of Or- chard lane has as her home cunt. her mother, Mrs W. B. Banner of Fikeaton, Mo. Mr. and In. L. E. Tracy Chestnut St. Ire vmtionin; Iowa this week. Mm. Kelley Johnson and Mn. J. hwrence McDermott are Ibo-chair- men of the sewing group in Ban- nockburn for the beneitt of the Bri- tish. Word has been received by them that the first box of clothing sent by their group has arrived in England. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Harder hue returned from a two week's trip to California. The Bumockbum Glrden club met Mondny afternoon " the home of Mrs. Albert W. Torbet. Hra. Elmer Clivey is entertain- ing her contract bridge club " tht7allt-To in Park Ridge. Mrs. William Ggustdie1d observed her 91tst birthday anniversary on October tirrst. Mrs. Frederick: Kms- belin celebrated her 82nd birthday annivernry on October 4. The women of the Holy Cross church will sponsor a rummnge ale in the vacant store next to the Deer- field Post Offiee on Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday, October 17, 18 and 19. Mrs. Hubert McGuire is chairman of the sale. The marriage of Mrs. Alice Thompson Thorup, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Thompson of Deer- field and Chauncey Patrick of Niles Center took place on Friday. John Bepko and Walter Benn. who have lived at the home of Mrs. Hin- nie Whiteomh of Deerfield road for the past ten yen-u, hive gone to California for the winter. Circle One of St. Paul's church is meeting on Thursday tdternoon (today) " the church with Mrs. Dan Hunt and Mrs. Minnie Whit- comb u hosbeues. Mrs. Frances, Diebert ent2rtained her dessert-luncheon bridge club on Wednesday. . T . l The Deerfield-Northbrook Rotary club is meeting at Phil Johnson's reataurant on Wlukegan road nt County Line Rd. Last week William Aitken of Bennockburn was the quest speaker and told of his trip from Scotland on the ill-fated Ath- enie. of his transfer to the private yncht. White Swan, end of the com- pletion of the voyage on the City of Flint. This week’s speaker is Clif- ton Speer of Highland Park, execu- tive of the North Shore Area of Boy Scouts. He will show movies of the boy scout cemp. Next Thurs- dar, Benjamin Bills of Evsmton, of the Bill Realty Co., and who is I former teacher at Northwestern university. will talk on “Selena“- ship." Ladies' Night, better known In Rotary Ann Night will hen s special pron-m dinner meeting on Hominy evening, October 21. This Is one of the important socisl func- tions of the yen. Deerfield-Northbrook Rotary Club Hears Boy Scout Executive 'rerrtterAiptrttheWmhi. Club ofD-NuheeromttoM.N. ,ms.m-dstthethst-t MaghddMymh‘.OcL OfBeere, of the DeerfUWNorth. brook Rotary club are: President, Edward C. Carter, Northbrook; vice president, John Kress, Wil- Intu; secretary, Arthur Woiter, D-fuld,. tren-nrer. Thomas Adam, Northbrook; direetorr. Nor. man Wuhan. Northbrook; Andrew Decker, Mold; Sergeant-ab Inna. KW! PM. Melt]. Prom!- ehalr-nn: Edvard Ren- gnn. Mold. 8. Orr-Mutton plu- I-va bun W which and for M In "dutrietaefW-tD-NMt- ship. riparian-null. "ttirtqdhrst-fthtntb._dt.. “I.“‘kmldmw luluL'igI-Inlbhdqnggk; a.†III-thaw Chanuud .hrwdm In: Ron “not. with If" Jun DeeiBeid Willkie Club Enroll: 80 n. {and out. a 'hee nabs-lulu in Edvard B. Crush, thatâ€, chang- ,dthrfto2touwhiehtueill- Deeifieid Board Votes 3 Taverns; Change Ordinance board has maintained in Durham since spring, when he left his part. no", Trustees Homer Gael, Jirah Cole and John D. Schneider, and Joined the ranks with Marshall Pot- tenger end Edwin Pnlmer, to make a tie vote, 8 to 8, on Ttaeadny eve- ning " the regain monthly meeting of the Deerfield Village Board. The vote concerned the ordinance which by the action of the board on Tues- day evening. increased the number of taverns from two to three, than legally sanctioning the three tavern: which have been operating for at: years. The tie vote was broken by Mayor C. M. Willman, who Voted in favor of the three taverna. True- ‘tees Crush and Schneider both had been strong champions in eliminat. ing one tavern and Mr. Schneider was much dismayed by Mr. Crush’s sudden bolt. Mr. Crush admitted that when the mayor refused to eliminate the tavern which has caused so much trouble for the po- lice committee, and that one of the well regulated tavern: was to be closed instead, he therefore made a motion that the ordinance be changed to allow three taverns. in.. stead of two. Jirah Cole called Mayor Willman a “czar" and names and remarks passed over the table during the discussion. "I place the failure on the shoulders of the may- or," said Mr. Cole. Village Attorney Milton o. ol- osn was instructed to draw up the new ordinance. Thus ended one of the bitterest quarrels of the new Trustee Cole reported the water' loss for September we: 2.1 per cent Ind that outstanding water bills over a period of seven yen-s tunotmt- ed to $846.36. The water deposit of $10 required from all renters and new accounts will be reduced after a period of two years when they have established good credit, the minimum reduction being to 88 and not lower than twice the amount of their average monthly bill. Judiciary Chairman Pottenger asked Villm Clerk Chester Wes; ling to read the mseorrmtertdntioms of A. Ll Roderick, village auditor, which reminded the board that de- linquent bills for thawing water mains in 1936 were still uncullect- ed; that Bannockburn still owed for ttre department calls; that there wal a bill for the extension of water mains; that there were many de- linqnent water bills; that vehicle and dog licenses were much in tbr- renrs this yen- over last year; and that the liquor licenses for tar.. erns had not u yet been settled. Trustee Cue]. public works chair- man, reported that the business dis- triet lighting colt. was incl-cued from 818.86 to 844 by the additional lighting during the summer. The board voted to'reduce the number of lighted lamps in order to cut down the bill. Resolution- were passed to Ipend 8150 for im- proving North avenue sud $290 for the stop and go lighta. both to come from the motor fuel tax. Police Chairmen Crush presented the report of Julie: of the Peace Woodman Todd covering e period from April 1, 1940, to Oct. 6, 1940. It will be read at the next meeting. The police report showed six BF. rest: In Sepiember with thteg of 838. Mr. Crush and that in the Int 60 any: Juvenile delinquency nu risen eoruriderablr with petty than, breakage, end mlicione dem- Bee, done by a (on: of " boys ringing in age from 12 to " yet". These boy: ere ewey from home all night in their prowling and " "ruetivenesm. It wee ":th that they be induced to join the Boy Bevin rather thin have to be sent â€my to mformatorfer. Main on Hemlock “not in tho Ginny nhdlvislon will cost the Til- Inge thou: m to an a [impact- in homo mu- will be able to ob. tain I PEA 1ttaIt bt build " ham. Another lot m " Wanna and Wnrrinm road- vumd m, "at And qteqqt brought up to his property no that he could build. The board “and that ho would luv. to stand tho upon-u. Tho closing Mn m about the â€hull!- Club which he. in "fact-mutants!â€- magnum-puma; lonW-nhudthhm “dame-mud “mm-â€unlit“ 'utr-este-at-str-e dbl-Iliad “do “adv-“Wk 'h.met-.aet*oB-- Mug-sauna... m" V - 'u,--- It.‘lnhhia‘_lr..!r an...“ - Firiiiiii-t _ but It. .d In. wan-puny THURSDAY, OCTOBER " 1m on County “and up. Bethel Members Guests of Deerfield Proust-don o! their “no work Ins made by numb-n of MM Bethel, No. " 0rd†of Job'- Daughters on Tm: "was. 01:- tober 1, to member, Ind visitor: of Deeriteld lodge, No. 1110, A. P. C A. M., " the M-tnie maple. Mr. C. E. Butter, Put Hum of Door- neld lodge, presided at the but. Seven] inimita- of later-on Park Bethel, No. 82, Chicago. minted in the initiation CerMreW. The knowing members of Deer- field Bethel held ststions: Winifred Root, honored queen; Eleanor Schoonover, senior princess; Ar- dythe Meinuer, junior princess; Ilse Page, mush-ll; Virginie Gest- field, chsplin; Aida Schoonover, sec- ond messenger; Mary Schoonover, third messenger; Rose Msrie Ber- rett, fourth messenger; Eleanor Gastiield, Mth messenger; Betty Engels, recorder; Frencis North, senior custodian; Nancy Kenning, Junior eustodian; Mary Praneisl Anderson, pianist; and Helen Scul- ly, inner (and, Members of the Jefferson Perk Bethel holding tsta- tions were Lucile Schwsrtr, guide; Virginie Cnrlstone, first messenger: Jean Leuper, trenaurer; Herrick. Boos, librarian end Marion (insuf- son, outer gusrd. The eandidato wee Laverne Schwartz of Jefferson Park. Following the meeting refresh- ments were served by Mr. Ray Nel- sorh junior wtstden of the lodge. Members of Deerfield Bethe! will journey to Waukegan on Slturday afternoon, October 12 to be pres- ent at the institution of Wnukegln Bethel in the Masonic temple on Sheridan road. Henry approval was voiced by every one who participated in the tour of Chicago's Chinatown, spon- sored by Deerfield Bethel, No. 66 on Friday evening, October t. Grand guardian of the Order of J ob's Byghteu, Mrs. Hazel F. Nick- erson, ill be received by members of Deerfield Bethel No. 66, at the next meeting, October 10, 1940. This meeting will be held in the Mamie temple and begin promptly " 7:30 o'eloek pan. Voters in West Deerfield Town- ship, which includes the will-gen of Deerfield and Bannockburn, port: of the cities of Lake Forest and High- land Park are urged to register if they wish to vote in the presidential election on November ti. There will be two registration days, Tuesday,j October 16, and Tuesday. October 29. The polls will be open on Octo- ber 16 It 9 mm. and will be closed when the judges have completed their work which may be my time in theUternoon. The polls will be open on October 29 from 9 mm. and close at 4 pan. Those voter mot registering will be required to tIll out an atBdavit in order to vote, Registration Days in West Deerfield Twp. Any voter who is going to be eb- sent from Deerfield on the day of election may vote by abeemee hel- lot, Application for the absentee ballot may be made to the Lake county clerk " the Court house, either by mail or in per-eon. or my be obtained from eny of the three precinct Republican committeemen, Clerenee Pedersen, precinct one; David Petersen, precinct two; or Arthur Baker, product three. October 81 in the In: day to ob- tain the application by mail, but I voter mny appear in pemn " the County Court house until tho noon of November 2 to obtain his _ tee ballot. Should an absentee voter fail to give the correct number of his precinct. his vote It not combed. Polling plies: Precinct 1 (Eu: tide) " Town hull, 602 Daemon! Rd. by can... Emu-m Product 87(Norul) " m school, Wart [Ah Pore-t. mi." Maxims-Inn. Andria-n Wetâ€, new Precinct 2 (Want side) It Hill Top Food shop, 859 Myâ€, Rd. How Intu- mks- better grstNes. A Ctlifornh doctor who fading the “not In! to so "am, to prove his theory that null quad- tusage-tdr,-"'? 'r-.-- - m“ m,“l&h.bllm - Inâ€? “In.†Announcing the opening of The Weekly Pinochle Club staging-MIMI! " Durant in Lulu Forgot, this Sammy. Oct. 12. -No pedigree â€pan will ho 't-Hdto-ter_inthiarhemr, which nriltuheldhhRidirtehati " the club. one owned by John P. Cum and the other by Irving PM took blue ribbon: nnd trophiu at th. St. Louis National Horn Show, - in that city recently. “Ana-in the Beautiful," I add]. has owned by the Florsheim Red Top Fun won the $500 stake in the “no. and class after his tableaux Golden Avnllnche took I similar went at the matinee show. - A campus-n to nine $250,000 for a new Lake Fox-at hospital will soon be stated. Joseph M. Cuddly, chairman And John P. Bent, secre- tary of the committee to build the new hospital no working with I committee of more than TO aim: in the drive plus. The Funnel Metdlurgied cor- poration in North Chieago is u- punding its plant by oonltrnction of a $125,000 addition to lid federal preparedness program. The new addition will house expensive In:- chinery and will be used for the production of tungsten metal. The Congregutionnl church will recognize its 86 yen-sin Wilmette in n period dinner Thursday, Octo- ber 10, " 3:30. This sod-l reunion will be char- acterized by manr.oritrinal future: representing the six and u half de- cades of service in this community. Iada Shop to Hold Tea-Style Show in Deerfield Saturday The lads shop on Wsukenn mud in Deerfield will have s has and style show on Saturday from 2:30 to 5 pan. The proprietreues, Irene and Ada, (Mrs. Irene Cluvey and Mrs. Ads Kilroy) have asked Mrs. Harry E. Wing and In. Hurry T. Clsvey to pour. Assisting will be Mrs. Fred Land and Mn. Otto Trute. Among the models will be Eva Trute and Shirley Wing, who will displsy psjsmss, robes, sport dresses, street dresses, huts and se- cenories. The public is invited. Deerfield Bowling Academy News In t pin boya' bowling match on Suturd-y " the Deerheld Bowling mdemy, O’Furell's Recrution team of Waukegan defeated the Deerfield Icndemy, in . match - snub Chlldl _ igAtniee Tbsmmdxuuldnhk The (union. um hm, g.--. lulu“ T-.-.." llzlll‘w 'tth nus-m - A. â€9"!†no..- â€I"... It.“ IQ}... 85.3... 1:00»: 350..- n.0,... MOI... Imp... “'0'... Owl; mung 1:â€!- “ht"... 1200’... $2009.. â€Iâ€. M " T.." ttam. Mini- all... can“: lav-ll- I.“ , __ '39.!- ee " DWI) OOIIUNITY CALENDAR llbl' Iii no 108 Ill III 811 I“