Bull-y. My. My (Sunday Coutlnuoua , to 11) been!†Veda-day. - mama-mac (mnuzmuhwbug may: NexbWuI, "DULCY." “a: um TIA? mum.- q1tarrtrr.z----"NrX00egNGc""cc "qtNQNt-r-aMM'aEr6aV ' Agar- -raa"gtgGaNr-'e. “811"“ up n: BAND." “mom m MOUNTED 201.103." "rum mean. an nun." wanna“ m JULY." Skokie Valley Laundry It’s a wisething to_enjoylyou1j winter, keep young and htyre fun with the erowd---while. we do your laundry for ydu. Just Call 3310i- tF T up; Faki "" 1mm. noun who. mas-mm COMEDY - “Goodm. A Ghost" - LATEST imam“ NEWS - - VhIl-h mu. [Jill-I Cindi F . “a KM. Aha lurk): â€WAT†TAVlLTALK - “Cayul'éiié' of Sn Fund-00' WNW! CARTOON - "Patient Porky" T LAM PARAMOUNT NEWS . “HAUNTED HONEYMOON†' . noun Inm.'w Gun-Ila. hulk lath . 8!:- Icy-our Inch . , LATE? INFORMATION PLEASE CARTOON . King for I Dar" - LATEST PATH! lews E g i, il,15) iPe) i I 'li, kih 'l) . Cir", 'as Ri -l.l,i1/i)/i) ~ I r", _ “ a» //,,,, “MEXICAN SPl'l‘FlRE OUT WEST†(if: Cm. In! “and. - m _ Irk- D-kw. In: Him“ LATEST YWOUNT NEWS MONDAY 18 NO MORE WASH DAY FOR ME NOW-1. HAVE TIME 70 no EVERYTHING AND so PLACES TOO “THE QUARTERBACK" "BEAU Dyan-bur 4, 5 THE When the ~01)an new: of Eden Taylor Carr’a sudden death from a heart attack came to no Tuner- ing Day afternoon [thought tor an instant that'tho wheels must atop going around, that this community simply couldn’t get along without her. Her life had been Mt tightly woven into that of Highland Park it _see'trtedas if'withoot her-thy ric of our common living must when "tmr-meet- -' -- strong. _ Tribute to Helen Taylor Carr Wednesday she was ttyintt about with' her usual waxy, sandwich- ing in 1ng¢ minute Tlyy1lrstrivintr er- rand: betFiriiirTOrarif meeting of the' Lagos at -WommL Voters, and its monthly program meeting inn}? nfterttooit. ‘She was having 3 “big erowd" she tsaid, for Thanksgiving, two refugees and a young couple who had just moved to Chieago be- side. her family. It was typical of herrfor her hospitality had Ilways been bounding. -rFe-trremdsersltett-mrar-raurur, way to live abroad years ago and were completely exhausted with-the, complications of packing ourselves up for an extended stay soda little heartaick too over leaving home. When we had finally locked our empty house behind us the Carts took us all-in for the night and our memory of that iast evening in atl,i,itt1,ylydtf, Park was always bright 763F513 iFirFirRr and irriérirTuTirisiit7 of their hospitality. Four years later; when we returned there were f1orrers in our window boxes to greet us and our staunch friend on the doorstep with a casserole of hot food to help the process of moving in again. Thy-e isnft one of the Carr’s hundreds of friends in Highland Park who hasnt similnr memories of I friendship which wtrstylwiyii on hand when it was most ittidigt.- She hnd. the most unusual talent for making a home out of ihouie. With the, simplest kind of ma- terials, a magic touch here and an- other there, she could make the bar- est room warm with color and per- sonality and- an inviting serenity. Her home had always had its latch.. string out. And going through the gate which George Carr had 'made himself, seeing the intimate little pool with its titrttrine and the gar- den yhereshe loved to putter, IT.- tering the ,homelike' living ~room with its shining grasses and,_books and etsmfortatitfiTiii .éhairl ma: al.‘ ways a refreshing experience. . But the neighborlinesa of her home radiated far beyond -the Con: thres of her personal friendships, A sturdy faith in her philosophy of truism and trtirm integrity Were the core of Hahn Carr's_eharactet and charted the direction of her ac- tivities., Th- waa never a cause nor a project for social betterment which diam command her enthus- iaagn. ' When her "hi1t.trett were young she threw her energies into the Ptrent-'reeetter associations. She had watched the little school HERMAN“ MUSTIlC'S “All" “LON M WM Continua Beauty Sonic. " I. am on: 5042 nt Ravinie with it: handful d an. am grow into 3 large and thriVint'; institution. She had worked {mtg through the aninin Woman’n chat: to keep the community life in Raf vinio simple end neighborly and dew oeratie. She we: active in foraging. the Highland Perk branch u the Lennie of Women Voter; and hat done yoeman service right up to the last day of her life on its tati- ou: projects tuttr.yotttmittees. '. .---Berdmtrrst to Her heart warrhe Commons Settlement where she had -wi--at Withers -her-fhtheeg Graham Taylor had barn so lone its head maiden. Even More by. sister Leah Taylor succeeded their father she had sponsored the High: land Park nuxili'nry of The Common: and had succeeded in interesting ' tttiWis group It 3?an Women it the work of the settlement. V __ She worked at everything with . gay and eager spirit and with e are sense of humor, her eyes as; the mnin job, a little impatient GE unimportant details. Ahtee. she'hdi expressed the hope that she mighti die-ttwith hardball: on." ' And It3 her many friends will remember Gi as ssheoranted.Arhgs,rgttrtettttpm _ dashing up the Y.W. steps a lit late to , meeting, half running in the bakery, on an errand, seizing acquaintance by the arm and aski the news, .making fun of he _ for some minute she had made; ,1 I we: silly to think that the t _ ric orour community life could M For her .life wovenjnto it no limit5 has become one of the i7riiiiiii; threads of an everlasting pattern; ,i, --D. W. Bindtt" Blackhawk Society Plans Benefit Da -_Inritgtigp_i_hare been mailed . the annual Christmas dance m N by the Blackhawk society. Mo T T evening, Dec. 23," at the Bighl _ Park Woman’s' Club.7 The " w which will be a benetitdor Tama _ D.A.R. school in0lemtetstsee, is _." feature . 15 piece bald. Dunc" will begin at 9 pan. The ticket co mittee consists of Philip Stokd Donald Bingham, Marie Helm Jane Wilson, David Inky. Orv Sackett, Gayle Sackett, Anne 8 d and Helen 8arett, ,1" Oak Tisrraee P.T.A. ' ' _. _ WWMeet Tuesdaa The regular meeting of the Terrice P.T.A. will be held In day, Dee. 8, at 8 o'eloek in " school auditorium., Dr. George C khan of Wankenn will be go maker. Mr. Allende:- of the 0 Terrace. school faculty will give. revienit of the scum 'Itudentsi» There will be community sing‘n directed by Misses Thompson'" Grunt, Ind piano “loam by Mt Julia Early. In. Carlson and In! "How are the tttsh in tl parts!“ I mitted. - The ancient iUherman looked with n sigh. "Well," laid he, really ean't say. Por a weak draw-d than . line oath day. so!" have had no reply.†B. Balm-(unwed by mean: an! mothers will serve refreshments; “andâ€, Nan-her 28, 194t No Reply the no}: in th rr (N ‘3 's A SM andâ€. New: T, jr. "’1‘ A I; 3?.