20 39. W. P. Weir, Minister _ , Sunday, Dee. 1, 10:00, the Church school; 11:00, Public worship, ser- mon by Rev. Paul S. Johnson, D.D., of Chicago, secretary of the Church Extens3otr.Board of Chicago Presby- tery; 7:30, the Young People's so- eietr. ~Wiuiam "enneranann Jr., leader. 7 _ ' Church Rev. E. J. Bruno, minister 815 Rosemary Terraee, -Deerfieid ' .-- i'-"-ti'hr-,--: Dee. 1, 9:45 Lin, Sun- day (a? â€1055 um, atoning Bethelehem Evangelical Deerfield Presbyterian ' Church YOU ARE INVITED , TO ATTEND THE SERVICES OF ONE MOEJHE CHURCHES _ E . OFTH.IS, - COMMUNITY" M The Highland Park Press 9mm mm you me _-_lrhrrtti.tli% â€SIM" DESIGNS "ti Central A"... Tel. M. P. “1 hurch Seririic worship. Speck! manic by the church choir. Sermon by Reverend Bruin. _ l Vesper service. 4:30 me., Sucred concert, presenting John Sergey, bus of the Glencoe Union church. - Stinky-Evening Fellowship, IV.80 pan. Supper will be gained hamm- mittee "rf-ladies-att-ttte oh-he-A pooh! hour will Yellow to which all are invited. . Friday, 7:45 pand Choir rehea- sal under direction of Hprriett Stryker Cox. Rehemda for Christ- mas manic Are under way. . . Tuesday, 2:30 pun.,_Woman's Mis- sionnry society. The meeting will be held in the socinl 'rooms of the church. The annual meeting with re- ports, election of omen, and plans "for 1941. The minister Will lead the devotional exerices and preside at the election of ofBeertr. _ _ q-N-- JEeiItf1siingt, Iint.st, the Midweek aervicg. Continuation irc" iiiiiiiUi, "How to Read the Bible." Worship and praiqe under the direction of the eltitss-1eaders. N ___ '7 -".-" V Laurel Avenue Rev. C. Keller, rector, -%riiiFiuy, Nov. 30thcB. Andrew; 9:30 ,a.m.. Holy Communion. in the chupel. . _ ", V Sunday, Dee. lat, the lat Sunday in Advent; 7:30 “8,111.4 HolyHCqu munion", 9:80 an" the Church school service and-class instruction; 11 MIL, Holy Communion and sets man. q, ", North And Laurent V Rev. Ray Pierre, minister Sunday-school, 9:30 mm; - Church service, 10:30 am. l A Sunday school hurd meeting was held Tuesday evening, ind plans were made for therChrishmut program. ' - “Highlahd Park, "ru., 38733131 Aye.",' is P. branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of, Christ; Scien- tist, in. Boston. Mm. _ _ _ The Sunday morning service is held at 11 o'clock, and the, Wednes- dar evening meeting, whietr includes Trinity Episcopal Church T'YPlliWltmillts Grace Methodist Church First Church of Christ, A Scientist _ . LARSON'S Stationer " South St. his Anna. “on. M. P. “1 Worm, Gun-bod Weekday Activitiu ALL MAKES testimonies of Christin Science healing, is " 8 o'etoek. -- V -iruni'G school is open to pupils uritothuatreof2ovetrtr_tutdis held Sundny morning " 9:30. The text of next Sundty’s Lel- son "rmtnr,-itiaetd-Bodr," _-_ , te " free public.rudin¢ room is iiaituiiittdd" by this thttretr at " _ N.- Sheridnn mud which in open daily from 9 o'eloek in the morning to 6 in "thar-she-arte-mt-Batt-ts- until 9 o'eloek. tht Smithy the reading room is open from 2:30 to 5:30. Here the Bible and all auth- orized Christian Science 'litenture may be read» borrowed or put. chased. ' . s" All are corditlly invited to attend these services and make use of the reading room. ""8031 uni-M1 -theumb, Jed at the mann~8emon in " Churches of Christ, Scientist. on Sunday, November 24. _ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 'Green Bay and Homewood Aves. * Rev, P. G. Piepenhrok, punter "'-,' Worship service, tr, nan. - Sunday school 10:15 on. Sunday school, 10:15 an. ' Sunday evening devotion} meet- ing of Young Peopie'rleeer - 'rttttrsdar,j80" p.m., Choir to- burn]. eil. The Golden Text was,"‘0 bless our God, ye people. and make the voice of his praise to be heard: which holdeth our not)! tn life, 3nd sut- temmf not "our feet to-be moved†(Psalm: 60:8. " V Among the eluded: which tour prised the Iartsstrn-Sermo.n wis the following from the Bible: "Where. fore lift up the hand: which hang down. and the feeble kneee; And make straight paths for your Net, teat that which {flame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed†(Hebrews 12:12. IS). The LenomSermon also in. cluded the following passage: from the Christian Science textbook, “Science and Health with Key to' the Scriptures,†bylMttry Baker Eddy: "We cnnnot deny that Life}: neit- sustained. and we should never deny the evaluating harmony of Soul. simply became. to the mortal semen. there is seeming discord. It in our ignorance ot-God. the divine Prim ciple. which produces apparent db cord. and the'rlght understanding of Him restore- harmony" (p.390). V West Central " HcGovern Ree. W. F." thr, minister 8mm, 9 3.111.. CoMrrnathrn in- struction. ' A Sunday, 9:80 um, Sunday school: 10:30 3.111.. lint. Sunday tn Advent. Homing “nice. A 140mlâ€. T p.m.. Junior Choir re- turn] at the par-bum. Friday, 7:30 p.m., Church coun- St. John’s Evangelical Church _ Redeemer Lutheran Church First United Evangelical Church, _ . Green Bay Rd; and Liurel Ave. Rev. P. 8. Robinson, Pastor Sundny school, 9:30 am. Ra mend Fiddet. Burt.†1 . Morning service 10:45, "The G rolatiptyt of God." _ Christian Endeavor 6:46 we. A class in Prophecy, tP.46 pan, EYEMDK service. 3:45. "A (I!!! help." . T -l5rayer meeting Wednesdl ning. . .Clmrch Saturday, Nov. so, 8 Pan., V men of the church will be hosts 7 the Ladies Aid. A very well kno mans singing club from Chic will sing. (Mr. Uvusmnn director) The above a ' "fgIiriitiiir-yiiiriiiFTeirdr." Mr. . erert to me _ehetti Till give 9010 numbers. Yo B e t h a n y and old are invited. _ - Aakirii/ 35, Refreshments will be served . hanksgiving eluding pumpkin pie. i ation for the --r-----.-----'"- oliowing dag . nit was col _Bethany Evangelical all of 1928 t __ _ _ Chumh '. .' ainder of 1 v A“--. __.n u..n......... he church w p. _ _ Church ., _.' ainder of . _ Laurel and McGovern he church m --Rirvj.at.-trumtstm,l?astor C 929, tttout t A. L. Riter, Assistant -. I2NPh. Tt Thursdsy, 7:30 p.m., the ehd .hat daring will meet for rehearsal. V i hen tb gre . Sunday, 9:80 3.111.. Church " hureh .meret with cusses for all sges; It s. he entire de Mission band in the Dr. C. N. The names roam; mornintrrworahip; 6:46 p. his picture i Youth meeting; 'tutr 'p.m., ‘eVen' any at you Gospel service. A F - hose picture, lionday, g p.m., training can! ence for workers " Oak Park. A; V Tuésday, 8 p.m., twining cont ence at Oak Put. . , v Wedneaaay, 7:45 p.m., mid-w serviee--mitmionary night, Mtg. C. Rieiisihirtriri1r b6 the le'idef.' Thursday, T:80 p.m., Choir hearasal. Deerfield T _ It will be Rev. F. G. Piepenbrok, ptStOl' e Vera Mg Church school and worship: _ vahtttoir. ice, 10:30 a.m.‘ M g . Mr. mo, i: Jkmdns, December I, f tt.tn.; staté intern Paul’s church presents Hymn M ty of North and his choir of negro singers m as elécted l program bf Nmo Spiritudl. - ice-president nominal adTieio, charge. . nd home bu 'Monday, Dccamher 2, 7:30 p. ational Aag teacher's and oftieertr meeting. te Boards " Tuesday; December 8, 7:30 p. ld last wise' Young People's league, A reports: Wednesday, December a, T: ade by Mu. pan., Church council. alph Kratesl “andâ€. December 5. 2 p. cal Boargi. A8rmtteet'rttttildt v7:301mn., Choir the Arbim Tuesday; December 8, 7:30 pm Young People's league, Wednesday, December a, " mm. Church council. Thursday, Decambor 5, 2 pt Women’t- gum}; Jt :80 qt.m., Choir n heath-3.7 T like that u “I won't get married and! I i idrl like the one that (ranch). n rkd.1' . _ _ r" "Butt" thee don't um, we: “Tut’s .funny! Grandpa married her Malay." ' Thur-thy. New“ M, 1040 Friday. December 6, 8mm! Highwood Methodist St. Paul 's Evangelical Chum]: Late Model Stk" "The Cui, " em' 'dr"lli $125,000. Th that during when 3 gre :hurch memh the entire de', _ Benjamin 1 Bills Realty l e Evantaon- ate Rpm-d a eeting Tues; It will be Benjamin To d The 'eepr Ethany char tit "IE ar eat _ The Gr. Looking " ttee- is tltr, the meett rth--ame" l andâ€. _ N all f the m all Br Bmpirt