RUTH PETTIS, Roprosontativo A bean supper for Sadat: and their Dads of Troop'BB, Deerfield, will be held arandar,-Dee_-r2. at 6:45 pan. in 'the Presbyterian church: Ptstmrrure'mtt'tr-arritr-'ehttir- man of the troop committee plan- BEAN SUPPER ning the dinner and' treb-to-gether. Great Lake; Navy Chaplain Ago; Martin will be the guest speaker. New boys will be inducted 4nto the troop and tenderfoot badges will be airarded.' John Derby is â€outnu- ter. . _ _ VESPER SERVICE Hymn Mill; and his choir of Real Estate - Travel 396 Central Avonuo Paul Bprehardt _ Frank 511) Highland Park Fuel Co. Menoni & N . Mercer Lumber Companies o..,d,, Deerfield HI: 6:" R. ANSPACH Ld in JN,,./U2 . Recommended and Sold by 'U, 2re “and, of - Home Comfort _ '. With _".'. . ." 1itifAUKllliiiGAN . COKE I . ---- negro singers will present I 'pro- Cram of Negro Spiritnnls on Sun- day, " a mper service " tour 9319;; _in St. Fed’s Evangelical church. Mr. Mill, and his choir have min De-tuid, on several previous majons and their con- certs ere alwayé enjoyed. Rev. F. tLa?upenhmks pastor of SLEAQL’; church, extends an invitation to the community. Children of the Deerfield Gram- mar school brought food: (not per- ishable) to school but Wednesday, which were removed to the Town Hall for distribution by Supervisor Highland Park, III. Tolophono Doerfield 485 Frank Siljestrom Menoni & Mocozni Ea ZEff',TjrEr,32 _... ttTitty,; .71 no“ . Shown to tin and, fun- will convene at St. Peter's church moan West Dacron“ Township. in Northbrook.. rm:- 1nd om. Por, the, month of December the "riot the host church served in school Will hive in nnnn‘nl project " the clown! the union. . ld collecting and clothing and tora, -----..- - to he remind " the school. Ind ROYAL NEIGHBORS distributed " Christians to children The Deertuld Camp of Royal of thoqu fortunate “indict. High Neighbors 91 America will meet on "hetot mention: will "tt f111 Christ- Thursday evening, Dee.' 12, " eight P" 1taalreta. t ' o'eloek in the T6m._!hll on Deer. ""7’ T ' fleld road. The annual election of ROTARY CLUB other“ will be held. Mrs. Otto “a. following Invent-0d in the Giulio in Oracle. A party of about fifteen Wqtitristran club members were in attendance. 031cm of the Deertteld club are': J. P. O’Connell, presidexit; W. B. Meta", vice president; Cad E. Bates, C. W. Boyle, Harold E. Fisher, W. B. Mandi. J. P. O’Con- neil, George J; Page and Harold R. Van; u: directom L'Thirtseen cogni- mittees have already been appoint- ed-to-auch minus phasesrot worka with the plub’s ac- tivities. ", The' annualSjunday School con- vention of the Arlington Heights district wns hirhr-oii Sunday at St. Paul's Evangelical -church, Deer- field. Seventy teachers, 0mm nnd pastors attended. Rev-ak, W. Neir. sei, professor of Religion " Elm- hunt college, Vina the speaker. The next yearly meeting of the group CONVENTION 1r(t"fi5Rjii7 Ask your dealer for F!!! Sanka will convene a St. Peter. clutch in Northbrook.. Tm nad tttti.. "riot the but church served tag " the'clmof the union. . ' Dr Williim"‘F." Weir‘il m ing a series Ad. fttttg, Conic!» mm in Churih A ministrttiatr' firat part of December "tti-tim" of New England. He and M Weir will be guests of Dr. John Weir's family in New_York Cit; During Dr. Weir’s thence the p pit of the Deerfield Preabytcr' church will have spake“ who leaders of marked ability in stra trie positions. On December 1, Rev Paul S. Johnson, D.D.s executi secretary of the Church Extensi Board of the Chicago Preab will occupying†gB1lgrit; on Doe bert 8, Rev.» Robert Lee Sniff; D., priitsi_dent-ttt-the Presbyte, College .of Christian Edua' and on December 15, Rev. Will Seath, superintendent of the Ch tian Industrial League, Chiea will preach. . T F . Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Henrie of 720 Chestnut St.,Hhserf1eld," 'atintt 'l, new home built on Bal road in Highland WiiiE." s" â€" Mrs. Harry Cluvey was he: to members of her bridge elttlr. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. " Kilroy will entertain the club December 4. _ Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Good ture had as their dinner guest: Saturday; htr.-and Mrs; _ w Chester Bradley of Auburn, m. J. O. Williamson of Chicago. Goodpatsturea were Thanksgi Day guests of William Rose of terdom N. J., " the L'Aiglon . Chicago. V Mr." and Mrs. Wendell, ttul ture Will celebrate their 20th . ding Anniversary at ' party 01 QualityCleanérs RELIABLE LAUNDRY “andâ€. Nathalie: 18. "dit DABLS Auto Reconstruction 0 Auto Bench!!!“ '-,! Cold Fran. and Axle . Hi. tbtiauhtatniettt' " Body and Pender Repairing _ SPRING SERVICE STATIONS WELDING AND SOLDâ€: 322 Nc “M St. M A nmr CLEANING co. MILE". AND Mr, and N Mon, Richard Were Thinks the -W., ERG Eanaton; c" L Mr, and M: amily of W _ Mr. and 11 ture were g: g Baton at Sunday. Mr. and M hinge, Mr. f West Lain rs. Leslie 5 hanlagiving nd Mrs. Em venue. '--Nri.-9eher _tieid avenue, 'dttaghter,--M- Park Ridge. a. James , ng Day gm any Clave, Sunday at otz home w and Gtos t I£1“, & w. , toe of Bent, The Frede Clay street ' Day holidays hm mother, Mrs. Waukegan. I 52nd birthday aivertsarr, Mr. and ht ittle dadghte Thanksgiving Jon's parents Tnbbs in Chit Mr. 1nd M laughter of West: on' , Kassie heme ) Mr. and . roit-. wow 'ttt ant, Mrs. R at street. I - 11:5,â€an party on Pri: _ Mr. and l wok of Lab meat: of Mr. m Thursday he_former D Mr: uuuL3t we sons ape It the Georg Indian-pol Evin: Day I "e. and XI ['homu and Kev. Piepen Ernest Piepe '. G. " ‘Pe tgtg tr, ad lane. ' Thoma u 91' and has 'ern Hume 1tnlatrivine Mums! 88111le te until}. N