mory of tht n, wife of ighland Park go Comm wnchly meet. Korth as tho xiliary of tho urther may» 1 of the Sheri- il club held i ch gt the an}: at Sunday, Di. , supervision ot pl execdtive of- KeCrareet, chief we attendance he North Shore two courses of low fire- mate), Match coune â€hots slow fire, , and 10 shot! petitora used St stol Match ppy to amount: another match Itt ind everyone im shooting in wt. Mend. r; Auxiliai'y Will rrlor, long a. in platinum:- dher, Graham pt the ._Chi- re In. Care us. On her [in Leah Tar. Mr, bocnme its position the in. gum,m club member, I in the match reed wound. win. add in the NF re. In the sum apt Jr, was I e C class. In the tteh, P. W. Pili- duo win the lil- winnen from til , such flne shots J. Kahynik. c. Lillie, mid R. o, "ttument'a :1", the Aua. Bnnnee on. " the Com. providinx both (it needed for Mum with which received and tht he pistol shooter! the Sheridan pu. 'r-r----- rs. Carr It, I“. Taa-eat-Nm-s-bare------- Awarded Flux In Membership Contest ' One hundred members of High- land Park lodge No. 446, Loyal Order of Moon. attended n dinner dance loudly evening nt the Ponds. The dinner was given in honor of. the termination of the recent petri- otic membership drive eondtteted.tty the Moose lodge. As s reward for fulfilling their quota, Moose head.. quarters " Hooseheert presented the locnl lodge with. an American Flatt, 3x5 feet, and each member who wrote up a new member we; recipients of an American Flsg. In addition the lodge received a complete set of altar cloths and ot-, fitem collars for use in their reg- ular meeting. . “may. M913; 1"†Community Choral Club Starts Practice A For Winter Concert tier, intensive rehearsals for tile mid: winter when program of the Com. mu_nity Choral club will begin. _ An especinlly trite and interesting' group of selections is promised with splendid training under the capable direction of L. O. Palmer of Lake Forest college. . _ A few more lingers in each sec- tion will be admitted it applicetion is made at once. Those who will continue through the new term be- ginning Februnry 4th and ending May Atth willbesdmitted at this time with no pnyment of dues un- til the new term..,.For further in., formntion phone membership choir- man Mu. Harold Simpson, B. P. 1560 or the president, Mite. E. A. Jenkins, B. P. 3378. t A On Tuesday evening, December 17th at irpan. at Community Cen.. Campbell Chapter P m m of 1941 others on Wednesday, :ember 4th. gt 8 tun. it the Mn: ie maple, 21 N. 8heridnn road. Very ltttitrymivis ceremony was d amid puma and lighted can- ampben Chapter No. 712 Order :he-giqgtem Star held in install- e following oftieers were in- !d: Elsie mum, My mt- l "not Whitehonse, worthy pat- Evelyn Briddlo, â€socket mt- Wtiliarnatridai gamut. put- mm Lain, mm a Schneider, trams-r; Pranem Ion, â€inâ€; Int-ant Inducts offie1srs Dorothy ThomBon, chnplnin Nona Whitehow, martial; Gina†How- ley. _orsranist; Sigrid Siljutrom, Adah; Omleo Johnson, Ruth; Elk McArthur, Esther; Ellen Bleimohl, limbo; Victoria 1terson, Sleek, Jean Bruce. worder, and George Marshall, sentinel. Math: Keel was appointed instructreu for the year, and Selma Skidtnoro wu op- I pointed correspondent. The installation ceremony was in charge of the following: Louise Strenger, installing ofheer; Agnes Nelson, installing chnploin; Ade. hide Green, installing morshal, and all put worthy matron; of Camp- bell Chapter. Bessie Okey W“ the soloist and Oscar Ivcrnon' the tlag bearer. Gertrude Thomas, s past matron of Waukegan-Chapter, in the organist. Songs by the soloist and music by the organist made the jnstal1atiop very lovely.. T Refreshments were served in the dining room with several of the past matron: " the ta table. R If ." it frigtiiiiriay 1iiiiie%ttiertrfot the new home owner-to take advantago of built-in features such salami- ture, and save some of the money he would have to pay out for furni- ture during the irrst few years of oe- cupancy. The romantic and historic background of Tnceon, the annual and menu?!" may nearby. it) exec t he ttee for entertaining whiten, who this Amulee’e Ideal winter vacation reeott. t _ Hum-0d mm M a. no a. Hard " 1941 Between,1t and Tucson- Phoenk. All 4’: Ian. extra {In nun. with menu. double bed- roomu. comma god drawing room. Dine: and Btdht. Lounge- muonCur.SWeu-Nnne. 2vaitmtdetrtug-'raeettetd day. Fina daily trains {tom Chicago-dc luau GOLDIN STAT! Lmrnn nnd economy-W3! Won-r our: mnlcomforunt noextrsture. h------ C7mFiiriilWm"; NIH“.- 119 VI. - MM m. “WM“ B-eihi-htetemrtt%tart3riee omammamvd as“: D “It“. [In-o..- "AVE“ tltlatt a0“..- “it“- DON-v- - H. Impact. ANA ......-.. he..-» --.-.---C\ I- t44 Pksttrof-a_ailor-------- All Thirsty Residents Betore Illinois had shown the w tion that it bud resources ambient to attraet.milliona of middnu, a observer in 3 letter to t periodical publicition expressed doubt that enough water could be found in the centnl part of the state to meet the needs of great cities. However, an the Illinois Writ- era Projects, W.Pi, he admitted that his opinion had‘clnncod "ter observing the successful operation of coal mines. "Below, " a. dis- tance of 60 and 100 feet," he wrote, "the supply of water, is such that scarcely one coal shun £11.10 sunk on the Prairies can be broush to I,,.,,,,,,----.-,, .5 LUCIE [1rfpu] " . N I N T E 111 0 am 364 CENTRAL AVENUE _ PHONE H. P. 1915 SEND YOU 'HOLIDAY, .‘ _ . GREETINGS C, AND- . V _ INVITE YOU 'i-trd/iid) _ -r_v, 4 YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOP- ', PING IN AN UNHURRIED. AND FRIENDLY, ATMOSPHERE _ Russ - WALLPAPER - FABRICS - FURNITURE SILVER CH I NA GLASS advantage. I ho om of tintedâ€: to no n 3751, mm. in' Tart-tttmr who-explain“: will light-the tur- men of I whole country, while in surplus water will furnish a city of 10.000 inhabitants." more than 10,000. H Christmas "1'0 I Tplay time for handy.†Today Illinois bu over 50 cities, such of which bu I population of tmlthhAN" MUSTIlC‘S sum SALON tjoiuiitis-lrortnuo . â€that†--- " it ['s.t?,,ril: "