tutr, HEATED .171†amt. not in†M Ward. ' " man. can h mun-u Putin}; Ren ga meme? Hos: 00H. TWIN Bede, clout, no" tre. , pdvda- if - m, but or. ante, Pan? "the room fete and Met, or a“ le yin and - " their need! and no in attendant. ' all at 815 ou. 'arh, or all m. P414!!! ,runmsun which: location. Mu: amount!» of one“: a mite with in. el. B. P. 481. Zr. ma. an as. FINISHED no" and en rtt. rm. lak- E051 inn. Bird“ on truer heat. M had Park "A. ll. mortar FOB. m St. nation. ', P. am. If n11}: ia- 317m. wr. ' m .oon,_. NEXT. 'P, on mutant†I um -ttuor, In)... Phe- Bid.. . - â€SWISS DIS- , Inquire, “in r It, "it on, a goon I, “some! INS FOR BELT tent book cut. duh mid: (born a“ " er I“ - . 2 boreh- Anlhble Jan, -aao- _ Woo-q Vino Ave. P4011 B89At moi B41 Tim. - Esau D4 ML tut l 'qt-dar. Dies-luv It, "" WILL INTERVIEW TODAY ' A COUPLE JOBS AT .160 ot. eourte--8 In hall). NJ. Bet. In. 8125 tsit-f.".'" up. with. or eoloemL...... " “use Mud-4 children. M.P. â€0...... " mad strt--No adult-n in tam. RP. " “cal mud.---" MW " ti.....--. " n HAVE EVERY JOB Ti ADVERTISE!) WE rust EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOB GEN. eral housework and occult mm room. Sky Ibut like children. Monaco re- odrrd. Phone lithium! Park 3918. m4: OWNER ‘08? SELL NW COW Deep. _ gamma-e. Yun- An:701140. on. block . but of {that 3mm. Tu. and un- with paid. 885-0 ash or term. A. U. Forum, 1867 Scott Ave.. Manchu. w. Tel. Winn. 1m. 1.8941 NOTICE " HEREBY GIVEN. to All per son- Out the ttrut loads! of January, 1941, htheclahndlh iriicuiasoeyeret?. lbw. Deceased. pending " .the . Probate Court of his County._ mix-gin. and that iriiiiriisaFAii-attdr-aiihrrthryu_'t on or before and am without Umtngteo of â€mom. All china Med min“ aid cl- mir-Tift-dr-aero" laid date and not con- taTeiGriiiirGibdieaedo-iustlNerr- “taker the int Mandi! of the must no fading Jetpth at no A, M. . -___ -. __ "e"""- -e amegttrtrAurds9Trk--r- Adinittutmtor rm“, Emma. 35mm a ROGERS.’ T AW. . m s. 148-110 m.. cue-so, which; Eugene Empl. Agency motels-nos AND cm DAY NOTICE _ Noncr. Me any? GnAN. to} "h arviiEDiyiiiri't use , coup? 4939-51.39“. National 1939 BUICK scan. _ "1939130083 Selim _ 1939 PLYMOUTH Calm Cum. 1938 CHEV Touring Sedan. 1938 BUICK Limited tudnn. t - 1938 BUICK 51:61:10.1 Sedan. _ 1937 CHRYSLER (hm. Sedan. 1937 BUICK al Sedan. 1936 BUICK wt] Salsa. 1936 DODGE Touring Sedan. All ca, oatmeal. Moat Cu: Hue Renters all Radios." _ Must Be Sold At Once Your Pick -- $185 .. $635 immediate vowel-hm Hap Wanted FOB am so B. er. Joan-5y; CORNER STORE North Shore Real Estate Laat Notices S.l"lnt Bank Butt. :91 Central Ave. Pdl Buick Co. (Ina) Int Bt., Highland PM Tot M. P. 490 ILP. “I! FIN] 1.8941 189-41 Beet. that the ttrat Haul-yo! Jun-r7. m1. i,i2t,i2t,ii'L,e.t,,t2eir,',tstd"tt MacDonald have. Duet-ad. and! an Prohate Court of lab County. Illinois. at that claim: m In tUed “an the aid estate on or More aid dnto 11m - no. of summons. All claim tbled Intact said can on or More maid dnt. and not wound. will be mud on the timt My alter tho In: land-y " the tsetrt “and!“ month |§_10_§:__l_._ --.-- TENN“. HARDING. SWAN t ROGERS. Anon“ 120 s. bus-ll. St. Chicago, 111!qu An3UNCAhON AND CLAN DAY NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all per- aom that tho tUat loath: of Jam. 1941, 1 is the plain: date In tho estate of Laure Probate Cart ot Lake County. which. and that chime my be Bled “that the aid estate on or before aid this without hu- enee of summons. All claim ttud mint aid cute on or before aid date and not contacted, wilt be adiudieated on the am My after helm loads: of the nut succeeding month at 10 AJI: MRS. VIVIAN KARO. -aimnWmtBraMr'erme"" an none: - some: 13 nun? cum tar atlItr- BRtmttT S. GAIL, ADJUDICATION AND cum DAY NOTICE _ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to ill persons that the first loudly of February 1941 in the‘chlm date in the date of Mary C. McClrthy. decal-ed. pending in u the said estate on or More sat but; Hun-nee of lama-om. Med was} laid estate on or date tsnd not reonteted, W“! ii7aiiiaiate"onortsefor'esat I _ ‘- out‘ finance of lawn. All chill Med acting: aid estate on or Mon aid date sud not contested. will be Idiot!!- 7ii'iu"i'r'irtire'"sGt"iso/urretertht.iurt frt.T or the nan mending month " 1 . . . __ _ PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the twentieth d3: of December. 1940. at the hpnt of t0 o'clock in the fin.- noon, Ind oontlnulns until all good: we sold or the Bert of the underllznd in at qéi%it.- mtahe-rrmrtues km and decibel " 374476 Central Avenue, Highland Park, Luke County. Illinois. the “mild will sell tt nubllo auction to the â€that bidder for eaah, to nth†it: chim'torllen on aid goods. I" the right, title. and inter-t of the lollowlnt and Monitor in the following ascribed goods. counting of ohm: eabinet, mp. jtre.rso.tttt.ther mu. 'NF -rrrrraaP ' COLE, Administrator. PHILIP J. manna. Attorney. X41-48 emu: “an“. my. mm... m, --"-" hire, dnvenport. kneeholc desk, ate. B. K. humor. Lot No.46“. REM menu! to reject my and d] bib. IREDALE “RIPE-00F WABEIOUS'. an Canal Amman. artktttatut Park, Illinois. 6... n EGrTiiiiiout Bun; mam. Hiqhiand Park, munch. ‘ Don’t like your Neet Then change ‘ it. A famous expert on make-up tells-how to do it'with a few cents' worth of cosmetics. Don't miss this page iilioirirttt the results obtained in ‘making grandma and mother look as young no this senson’a debutante. See The American Weekly, the mag- azine_distribnted "with next week’s Sunday Chietitto Keratd-Aaneriettm Miami-mm THE PRESS Executor X8941 X8t-tt 140-41 The Woman's Division of the Wird liam Allen White Committee to De- fend America by Aiding ‘the Allies will sponsor 1 dinner' end lecture by Herbert Agar. Also the showing of the much discerned film "World in Flames†at the Palmer Home Monday, Dee. 16, at T o'clock. Ticlp ets and information may be ob- tained from the local chairman, Mrs. Hartman, H. P. 8860. John A. Bunnel Dies; Funeral Held Tuesday John As Btrnne1i,-7tr dimrMondak at his home, 249 Maple Ave., fol- iowing a long illness. He had been a resident of :Highland Park for about 30 years mid was a member of _Trinity Epincopal church at which he served as vestrymnn for many years. He was e190 a. mem- iiiriiiiiri'imernmeCT' Lecture Next Monday Mr- Bunnell was born irrgtrttdr ford, Ont., and came to Chicago at the age-of 16. His rise in the grain business was rapid, and he wins head of the Hately Brothers com- pahy, one of the oldest Board of Trade firms, when he was elected SKOKIE VALLEY LAUNDRY l HIS is 'a good Did fashioned, American Christmas for all! Greet- ings of the season to you-r-arid may all your wishes be fulfilled December 25th and ever after. Old time Greets ings! In other wordir-- a very merry Christmas yohyou and yours, when the holly brightens your windows. ,iiiiitiifjliii7i'iiffiis Harder woods hold nails better than Softer woods, though the lat- jet ere often preferred for construc- tion purposes because of their greet- er ease of nailing. However, the nairutoldintt power of Wood can be increased by ehanttest igrthe surface condition of the nail, inch as e "ee- ' ment coating." _ s"rrCrTrz.zza7C2rri"ir6ira"'ii'ii" term; " presidettt of the . Iago Board of Trade from 719.26 to 1932. Funeral services for the deceased were held at 3 o'clock Tuesday Ut- ernoon in Trinity Episcopal church. Burial was made in Brantford, Ont., hi: boyhood home. 44:1 Fir, dam...“ igitrEiid', Phone Deerfield 241 a“ gm four $3341 EB W if? gy '