I in the big room, them orCommanitr Symphony†“a conducting, sitting of " Iristmu Cots taeh Suite, 1 Joneerto by & pianist and a Music. and the hour you will hear , be amplified ea! ‘avenue will r bundles and friends. There ion will hold 1 a. party Sunday in Labor, Tem- I Santa Ch“ I members and Mted to “and; n “curt; out procic ' have ever been“ we n 3 var tori dnughter w" is. Wm. E. Me PLink road, and In. Humid Strp rrTmtgirarhte spit-l for I twad e, “. Wfi‘ " home after ' pped on the - n eve will t you in the lounge, pun- balum and _ the hearth, min. wusail ken. I the" Commu- [ the Highland welcome you a carols, whith thg thiltrnll :ra iirtrir%im. a" came to this year we! enter to us last and mine Bo-- ul†and let us this most joy- ranltftiL Lbbott Byfield, hairmam mar at. sun. your watch) ' At ple Sunday of Highwood ar- m; painfully int sing when he fall hairs " the Johtt . 118 North W" /riuar, nan - two babies were " at Highland ured Down Stairs BE AT n Orches- " Eve I 19. 194. I “My, Deco-bat 19. mo " In " swomvrs HOME FOR THE, 39,5124“? . 1iimh was, Sweet am col- lege. --- -- . .. " Iowa. Howell Horny In. Amherst. Jouphlne Lloyd, University of Hieltitmt. Jean Rosenthal, Smith college. Erie Bowler, Dartmouth college. Janet Lewis, Stoneleizh college. . Julius C. Lander, University of Illinois. Burton W. Been, University of Golomdo. 7 -- - “i530 F'laegler, Purdue univer- sity. __ _ " .. Bob Black, DePauw university. Wilbur c. Hinn, Luther college. Betty Murray, Wellesley college. Nancy Van Bergen, Frances Ven-a ning,‘ Libby Clarke, Carleton col- lege. ' F ' Elizabeth Low, Margery Shay, Helen Knight, Smith college. Keith Shay, Amherst college. Mirth Durbahn, Skidmore college. Betty Wampler, Swarthmore tsol-' lege. ' Annette Jones, Westleigh college. Phyllis Delhaye, Illinois Wesleyan univei'sity. cousin. . Rachel Brent, Peinbrook. Kelly Brent, Joe Lloyd, University of Michigan. . Carroll Binder, Harvard. gusty Newman. University of in“. June Selfridp. University of Gordon Silk Hosiery Christmas-boxed in crimson and silver h 'eontplexton tones' Handed to her own skin Here's {In new} of ehooo. ing a gift you can't go may on . . . booms. those lovoly stocking: coma in shod“ aerNeltr around fat am skin-toms. A gift can fool and giving. m. bocluu if: 2 demo†hosiery notion any of us how - in you; For Men. 3anifhbu..-$1.25 Mess an Central Are. Wand! and Children Frances Holmgren, Barbara Ash; man, Jane Ashmn; Francis Shiner. Burton Wonnell, Purdue. Dick Mattel, Tram Mattel, Cul- ver. con. ELLIt.PARmN CEREMONY The marriage ceremony of. Miss Elizabeth Ellis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Eliis of Evanston and Arr. Richard Rex Parkin, son of Mrs. Harry A. Parkin and the late Mr. Parkin took place oh Tueadar, December 10th- " the home of the Roland Bleimehl Jr., Iowa State. Virginia Sherwin, Randolph-Ma- Sue Code, University of Illinois. Kelso _Coale, Bradley. T lerde Jaled of the Jown Which Concern Only You and Your Neighbor GLADYS UPELL, Society Editor --- * Perfumes * Colognes k Lip Sticks * Stationery * Pen and Pencil Sets * Cutex Sets * Alarm Clocks A Candles, * HeatingPads ' * Watcher * Themes Bottles * Brushes * Soaps * Toys ' mimiiiiir7TrE Phone 2600 GSEULS DRUG STORES tiraaiauta"tpioaulgllr'mllfiililllellll' CHRISTMAS -irriiri AND elf]- WRAPPING! fu, 0/ [lie Mill PRESS bride. The service we: read by the Rev. Christoph ' Keller of Trinity church " a. candlelight ceremony at 4:30 in the afternoon. The wedding was a small one with members of both the brides and groom Nm.. ilies and a few close friends pm- ent. Among those" who came from out of town for the event veto Mr. and Mrs. Lucius M. Seiberling of Akron, Ohio and Mrs. Walter Forks and her son Selyvan of Rockford,- 111. Mr. Seiberling and Mr. Fork: were roommates of Mr. arnrkin It Yale university. The bride’s sister 'Mahr‘jory was her only attendant and r. Henry A. Pirliiifeame from Traverse City, Mich., to be hiisthiiiirothttr brotha- * Yardley . * Houbigant * Coty ' * Channel * Charbert * Guerlain * Pavlova' * Arden _ Guerlain * Kodaks _ _ Pavlova" * Electric Razors . Arden . 7 . a * Shaving Sets iiiiiC25 ' * Leather Bill'Folds llllllllii ' * Xmas Tree Lights ll illl * Poker Chip Sets Itll w, .1 * Flashlights Rec, J . J. ittiiR * Cigars Perfumes - $1.00 up * Cigarettes Tiiib Store} ' , 'z a: $). ir:elt.it? if; t "N l 1iriiiilrii,?, er. The bride wore u long {all gown of pile blue with e inliette up amounded with seed purl; Ber flowers were white orchidl. like Ellie wore 3 full gown of changing!) color with gold equine and heart shaped hat to much. ... [ Mr. Perkin and his bride left for New York where they sailed on. Thuradey for a wedding, trip to Porto Rico. After their ritiim the ftmt of the year they will reside in Highland Park. Miss Alida Detbieff left this week for West Palm Batch, PU., to spend the winter with her parents. was Dethleft has been living with Mrs. Walter Cope for the put year. Miss Janet Lewis, _ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lowis, will be hostess at tea 1hpradnr, Dee. M. * Pipes . * Tobaccos * Games * Novelties Lucia Lucente, dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Lueenee of High- wood celebrated her sixteenth birth- day with a formal dinner and dance on Sunday. Rum: Phone 2800 :t'F/,