elm, lecturer, for the- merioan Public Schools 5 before the, Eimnstloh obliean club last week, certain textbooks used schools ere designed to leftest. social order. as were aimed at the by'Dr. Harold Rugs, ing'to Helm are subtly a the idea that encu- ee, e polite term for ontrot. is for the great. .the greetest number. ut motive however, ae. elm's diuresis to edg. th of our country with orth by a certain group re educators. ' B. Roberts of this friend of Wilbur Helm. ded 'DePauw iiniiersitt d is an ardent advocate If. American principles t ' I for January tabla owing a suit: .of $22t ity_ guild nnd Women’! t the Trinity Elpkopd aponaoring' I Junction I program to be ttNptt It It 1Vfktld .nn Tuaddv 6th. Mrs. 1. T. Grim“ of the races held at hon) ice carnival Jan. as follows: second grade boy - l, Rollie Jacobs; mat ude trirlii-Joan Ceyier. “Barnes; third ttt ade . Workman Jedu, grade boya---Fred :uddy Glader; fun}. 'Ann Thurston, Ruth grade boys-Bobby Athanns; fifth grade 9 Dean, Joan St.Cyr; 'owr--Bowttrd Pantle, 6th grade triru--val- Nancy' Sproul; sixth Jack Sherwin, Jim nth grade trtrurrflaui, "rtlrt-,' teeiititTt grade Detmar, Tom Clark; triru---Emmn Chris. Markell; eighth grade Murphy, Bob Klemp. e preceding month an! $78,289 over January. ling to records in all ney D. Morris, buildinl n. R. K. Belt are at pr the um nnd furthqt In unnamed lam; 7 ,2 tt fir fancy skating iriey Markeii, first; l, second. _ Teitbooks " if Public Schools le', total wss (“Vida owing e1astMeat'tortrt 307,761; business, $12,- ) was. $800; we" rtiseeilatteouts, $4,851. Winners In P.T.A. In in] January 29 ---rt --t---" ermita TiiriiarTir7riiifii Wilding _ Reaches $125,000 .y. PM Q. IMt Luncheon Musicale Feb. 25 red rth nth bby Tt GA BRITY-DUNN ANNOUNCEMENT, . Mr. gnd Mrs. E. J. Garrity of Lake Forest, tomegly of Highland Park} unnouncé’ Hie npprodchih; manage of their daughters Mary, to Edward Dunn, son of Mrs. Ill. J. Dunn also of Lake Forest. The wedding will take plan on Saturday, February 22. The young couple plan to spend their honey- moomin California. SEIDENBECKER-MINIEA WEDDING SATURDAY V The Trinity Epigopgl church will be -the setting for the wedding of Miss Rae Seidenbecker and. Sylves- teLAnthQny Miniea, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Miniea of Oak Park. The ceremony will be read at 8 pan. Saturday evening ,by the Rev. CMph Keller. A wedding recep- tion will .follow the "nuptials ht Shawnee Country club in Wilmette. Miss Mildred Gail will attend the the bride as maid of honor, and Mrs. Ralph Balgemann of River Forest and Mist Mary Morris' wilt assist as bridesmaids. Mr. Ralph Bulgemann will gene the groom on heat man. The ushers will be.Pau1 Moon and James Cox) T'hsrdrride's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Henry C. Seidenbecker of S. "Sheri.. dun road entertained 33."! _ttrihri, dinner last Friday evening and that same 'afternoon Miss Mary. Harris gave a paper shower and luncheon for the bride-to-be. The best man and other bridesmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Balgemann gave a dinner party at their home in. River Fomt Satur- day for the young couple. V After a three weeks wedding trip to Mew Orleans, Mr. Mintea end his bride will make their home in Oak Park. . Jr N U DTZON ~SCHROEDER ENGAGEMENT Dr. Kermit F. Knudtzon of High- land Park. announces the engage- meat of his sistewFrnnces, to-AN bert William Schroeder Jr. (if 01- ford, NelliLWson of -llkte 1q.yl.....Ak.r..1b. 3553733}? of EiiFtTirTGfr. mu andâ€. Mm" O, 194t Claudia Bullivant H. P. 1603 . , " So. St. Johns Aerde dated of the Jam Which Concern Only You and Your Neighbor Gums UDELL, Society Editor fu, 0/ flue 1m Prohet, Manicun’ct Cbmpfiments Galore .’ . ' "muiLousiy You Look I " Your friends will say when you call us for your? beauty appointments.- Then you too, will be one of our sat- isfied customers. _ Marge Wirku: mm Salon Knudtzon attended Jennings mmtirv. ary and was gnduuted from the University of N e b r n I lt a. Mr.' Schroeder is 1130 a gradutte of the Uttmrrgtty Tyr 2qetmatrtr.----- -'r", At a double weddinit in, the First Presbyterian Church of Dubuque, Iowa, on Saturday, January M, Min Olive Wallis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Wallis of Lake Por- est, became the bride of Roy P. Swatch, son of Mr. and,3Em.rrank E. Swanton, also of Lake Forest. At this some ceremony Miss Wallin' sister, Dorothy, was mot-tied to G. M. Brewita of Fond du Lats, Win... WALLIS GIRLS WED IN DOUBLE CEREMONY Miss Dorothy Wallis is a gradu- ate of Deerfield-Shields Tomhip High school, while her sister, Olive, was graduated from lake Forest High school. Mr. SWonton is also a graduate of Deerfield-tNe" all! is now employed at Onwentsia club. After a short honeymoon, he apd his bride plan to live in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Brewita on the other hand, will make their home in Fond du Lac, Wim, where Mr. Brewitz is employed. T A ' JINDR1CH-vrvIAN ' WEDDING SATURDAY The marriage of Miss Rose Jind- rich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. All bert Jindrich, and Cyril Vivien of Bloom street, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vivian of Amuse, Michigan will be solemnized Saturday after- noon " 4 o'eloek in the Mary Queen of Heaven church in Cicero. A-re. ception will be held at the home of the bride's parents at 6411 W. 23rd street in Cicero following the cer- emony. 7 _ The young couple will have as their attendanta,'- Mia Helen Par;- ratt a's'maid of honor and Mr. Jerry Clam) " best man. Dr. 1nd Hrs. Harold K. Cook, nine:- ‘and brother- in-lnwpf the trroomrwj11 genre " usher and bridesmaid. Mr. Vivian and his bride will iiiaEiimrismi8iirirrirmTiiiirii "T" """r aissioe Olive Lockhart 'own THE PRESS Mrs. Robert Chi-hon it entertain- ing It I linen shower and Met supper on Sundgy for Min Eather" ine Kedzie of South Bend, formerly of Highland Park. A BERCROMBY ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Aber- cromby of Lincoln.aveuue announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Jean, to Donald R. Fitzger- ald, son of Dr. and Mrs. David B. J?itagernWoC2lstzthiighu,---, ___ Mr. and Mrs. Otto B. Wentcher of Evanaton announce the approx}: ind marriageof their daughter Na.. tasha, to John Francis Detmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Detmer of Bob 0 Link road. The ceremony will take place " 4 o'eloek Satur- jiay afternoon at St. Mary’s church in Evanston, followed by a reception WEN TCH ER-DE TMER WEDDING SA ru RDA Y at the Georgian hotel. Celeste Wentcher in to be her gister's maid "6rt6tior. Bridesmaids will be an- other sister Jean Beverly Roach of this city, Eva Knupfer, of Niagara jihad Weak . . ' By the Direct Reduction Monthly Payment Plan 536 Central Avenue THE HIGHLAND PARK BUILDING LOAN Gr HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION REF-l IN A N CE tt North Ms: M. Highland It? Sufi Because Insured - Insura BOW D E til All our meats are bought with only one thought in mind, that they must be the finest cuts and the choicest selection. can Our Offiee for More Information; THAT OrD-FASliKptfi? MORTGAGE NOW! The Only Exclusive Meat Market in Highland Park WE DELIVER .7 AT 5 yi' INTEREST Tel. M. P. 467 YOU CAN Folk, and June Nelnon of New York. Servinit the noon: " but man will be Jame: Til. Hickey of Rochester, N.Y., who attond'od Georgetown. university with It. Detmer and is now studying low ht Yule. The ushers will be Wdtor Connolly, Ernest Wentcher and the three' brothers of the groom, How- ard, Edward and Eugene. Mr. Detmer and his bride will make their home in Chicugo on Bellevue place after a wedding trip Satth Dorothy Lytle, n Junior " North- western has a part in the chorus at the annual Won-Mu musical comedy at Northwestern to be presented soon. . . V HERMANCI MUSTIIC'S BEAUTY SALON Phone 3W Park inky; Beam Safe Commie to Beauty Arrriee " B. Hm tlttmet Highland Park Tet. B. P. "l 5042 in