' Fobmry C, IN ""Wirhwikrd --» _ _ . E.1Phelps of High- kslon “Flags Flown Thursday; Feb, 6th', dies Ard: Refresh- -rved "ter worram. eh Tuesday 8 pan. each Saturday, T:80 noun, 81, trardener team) at ytheCentral It of the Northwest- led Wedudey evening I39 Vine venue. Be tr‘some time. _ ,t Highland Perk fur years, comm {as Evangelical an]: _ pan. Evangelicz heon " home c ir ..m. Confirmation eerfieid _ Murphy, Plato: was: T, 8:30, 10 orcoran 8 fun. Entertain- the Junior Walther ing pf two one act erftesid epenbrok. Pastor . 9, 10:30 um nd worphip "Him [to oratiimimr-thtr Rev. Piepenbrok. Aran. Young Pet 9:30 mu. Warming 80 paniand " 7:30 he thrrttrafitmr Bong Leurue., _ 9:30 am. Sunday rived by I daughter. sins, with whom be In. His wife paced year and a Ink "rs. held Saturday morn- mcl church in. High- mt m in Se. jun"! 3 least. r Lutheran hutch a] " McGovern luhr, pastor _ _ t 7 :80 mm. y Mayo Ireland. 116 member of the High- Mr of Modern Wood- gld and 1m; its oldest ;0 p.m. Choir re- rutheran l Gateman Luried Satin-day thiilic Church :30, 10 and Thu-hi. FM, a, 1941 Authority on Recitation Speaks " . - Directmf Supper _ John R. Batchelor, formerly field repreaentatire of the National Ree. reation association, spoke before the board of directors of the Community Center at their supper meeting Sun- day evening, Feb. 2. Mr. Batchelor stressed the value of recreution by a community, both u to the physical and mental Itenetlts to individuals of all ages, and the wholesome effects of teamwork and sportsmanship. He pointed out the, grouting importance of recreation due to the increase of leisure time, and the value to a democracy in learning to Work and play together. The ploy instinct, being a primary one, must hove an outlet, and if con- structive expression is denied it, ef- fectt destructive to society must be expected. Success of a recreation center depends on a program, or- ganization and leadership. , Mr. Batchelor congratulated the director: on the progress they have made in thig.. direction on the pros- pects for the future. Piftt-six attended this meeting, which wss the first supper meeting. The committee in charge consisted. "tf-Mrs-George-iii-r-sm- chairman, and In. Tom R: Wyles, Mrs. Thomas Marks, and Mrs. P. C. Norenbertr, who had charge of sup- tter arrangements. ' ' V During the.eTenintr members and friends also visited the remodeled athletic addition to the center._ Cot-mtttr Cedar Pun. tkHes of _ and†Mule-lo- Under the leadership of ?erts., Ar- thur 'Vfteld, music ehairman, a uric: of four "twilieht tear" will be given It the center tretnreen,now Ind Enter. _ .4 The ten will be trieenUt four O'clock on Smithy: and followed by t0nnttmitr tinting under In. ‘8!- Thundoy, Fob. Ib.- 4toopan.-dunior Chou club, q :00 pam-Senior Chen club. F'riday, Feb. T-... - 8:00 p.m.--Com. Choral club. 8:00 pan.--Com. Orchestra. satstzdarahlt,-thrt-t-u, T _ _. 9:30 sm.--Airptams club. -Sundoy, Fab. b--. _ 6:00 isiiiraiortis Shore Bone Wither league supper. . Monday, Feb. IO.- 1:00 p.m.--Red Cross First Aid _ only.-- _ . 7:00 pas-c-haw Tennis club, Tuesday. Feb. li-. _ 8:00 p.m.-Com. Choral club. 8:00 p.nc---Btamp club. Wednesday, Feb. IF-- _ . 4:00 p.tn.-9mtior Crafts, cling. 8:00 pan.--). P. Omen (this. Thursday, Feb. 18--- f 4:00 pas-Jafar Chess club. 7:00 pa..--lhetsts club. _ 8:00 pm. ---Young Men's club monthly meeting. In!" Che-a Cheb on...†“no of "out. ('lte time for meeting of the Jan- 13' direction, mid dumber music Highland Park munichm._ All , enjoy music are welcome. 1 immunity Cute, aiu, ior Chou club ha been ehaute.d from Friday at t p.31. to My " 4 pan. Young chm oatthuaUats in wacom to Join this map. Athletic Equip-eat Needed try Con-unity Banter For the exercise room of the new athletic department of the Center, all aorta of athletic equipment are needed. The Center in calling on the citizens of Highland Park to help out, and hopes that all who have equipment that is not being used will mstspottd"tttnerttru1r. _ ' ' Mrs. Minnie. C. Balke; 40 Deere Park drive,-beeame the frrst-sroh- csndidsbe for L. the Lake county board of supervisors Friday, when she was nominated on the Citizens ticket at a caucus held in the Deer-' field town hall. Others nominated were: Aldo Bertaeehinf, assistant supervisor; Samuel S. &iiith, Dorsey mtsenet. Ter, Howard Huber, "amsttrse Schetzley, and Prank 'Nustra, jui- tices of the page; Herman Such, Russell Campbell, Charles Donnie, Theodore Benvenuti and George Healer, irontstabletg; Gregory Shen- hen, town. collector; Hurry Ear- hart, assessor and Albert Larson, towrreurk. = l Call Mr.f'W', Highland Park 2442, if you have my equipment that you wish to give the Center. _ Mrs. Minnie Balke Is Candidate For . -- Lake County Board George P. Dana, who was nomi- nated by Mayor Frank Romp "I: candidate for unison“: supervisor, foiled to, poli-imau'or-itr of, the votes. - _ _ Arthur Swanson, who is retiring as an “shunt supervisor, wu named chairman of the Citizens party, and Harry Eichler, a former usistant supervisor and an N em- ploye in the others. of Earhart, town assessor, was elected segre- tary. - “ Jiit v... - . Ell!“ F'ihi7, in! In. at! " an lo M up 0. AIDS 0nd: and W_M†. ROMAâ€. $mt.eiih. WINNETKA 2050 Gum WESIERN lAUNDRY to.' AYTttG-4hU bruadtawgtmrUd Bout-at“. c' _ (Ill:,:!).;, W Finest tlit,)., laundering war l'e'hlu'd'e m t m h a an. Didn'thlmun-bhhlou 7"!“th any wet Eorle Odorloss Dry Cleaning THE PRESS NOR"! SHORE S. You MAS8tBt mum PLUM.“ or It’s a bet that when you install an Automatic Gas Water Heater you have all the hot water you can use for family and household needs 24hounaday...andataeostofonlyafew Let us show you how economical this water heating method is in homes where it is now in use. The fUurets are sure to surprise you . . . and we believe you’ll agree that Automatic Gus Water Heating is one of the cheapest of May‘s modern home comforts. “Mm: Costs only a Few Cents HOT WATER " DAYS APPROVAL 24-HOUR AUTOMATIC 5 YEARS TO PAY FREE Insulation Tsr. “but“! " .. " John An. he hint-J. an tth "