seeded her in dearth rs ago. ices will be held Fri? " 3 o'clock from her Green Bay Rd. Rev. Lake Forest college e 'terviee. McDougall, every. patron saint to many Be Councillor to the , her credit had she ight hand know what was giving away. . Welfare, the High- mmn’s club and, the an an testifrof her " in each society. eed or color made no her. It wu one of f in need and'must help was given.†tfternoon of her last e saw to the packing , he sent to two you!!! eeded warm clothing. 1l'ts hobbies were ttow. r gardett ,grewumeny Ber pieces . of hand re worth seeing and n table cloth -arith the all embroidered in mv 11 probably be claimed titute. gall will be missed by 'riemhr, The memory h us are all inspiring a work we: "help one , God-BJ-eh-tul- . ' Contributed. e fully “mi-aches the no general public. iticism the writer of hu seen {if to offer wall was born in and had lived in {gr the put 40 or r husband, John D, seeded her in dearth mdden death 'of H13. .1, 622 N. Grim my (rent shock to he: ere yesterday morn- :d away quite early lnesgiay) morning at to, she Jw1 ltggrCgtp.1e, M for , week with ' tion was not consid- EeDougail 0n Quietly .esday Morning me to. her with their 1tthetissut1tlJtr_tq,tAttr, employment forHhoife ak. Charities without od from Page IO time he has tiny: " it to we construc- In the course of a as on the city calen- at nearly always be interest to report in tent. T To disc activity itraliou t tribute to Mrs; Me- tred by a'friend. I seems to ham bani to or two departments neatly hope tint thit n be the ecu. ' Fain-nu C. 1941 mmnb nut-thy. February 6, 1941 A lecture on Christian Science was given Monday evening, Petr. 8rd " eight o'clock " Elm Piece school auditorium by Adair Hickmun, C. ti. B. of New York city. Mr. mek.. man is a member of the Board of Lectureship of _ The- Mother: Church. The First Church of Christ, Scien~ tist, in Boston, Mass. A synopsis of the lecture is as follows: One of the most urgent questions throughout all Christendom today is: What must we do to refute the insidious and misleading sugges- tions, so widely prevalent. that Christianity may yet prove unavoilo ing to meet the great human need, or indeed has alreadifai1edt- In the first place, Christians them- selves must be fully convinced that Christianity as Jesus taught and practiced it is the Science of Mind, becsuse it is the complete and exact knowledge of God. Therefore it has never failed - it cannot fail. The main purpose of this lecture is to show that,' by its very nature and instigate 9311129 no, pmg0ilitrtlust Christianity, in its, primitive purity and practice can ever fail to fulfill its God-ordUhed mission. Many. years ago, Mary Baker Eddy foresaw and courageously de- clared in her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures†"(it _ 342), "The hour has struck when proof and demottatettion,, irs, stead of opinion .and dogma, are summoned to the support of Chris- tunity.." This in the obvious demand upon all Christendom today, namely, proof and demopgtrntion. Christian Science teaches (Science and Health; with Key to the Scriptures†This is the obvious demand upon all _ Christendom today, namely, proof and demonstration, Christian Science teaches (Science and Health, ' 323) that "good is not understood until delntinatratedP-lt therefore demands of its students practical roofs of Godhr ever-presence and sham. Through the application of His spiritual law-as revealed in this Science, its students are learning how practically to overcome the lim- itations and discordant conditions of mortal existence. _ _. In the earliest years of her great iiiméovery~ Mrs. Eddy' drafted a con. stitntion for-the that Christian Sci- entist Association. In that constitu- tion she gave this carefully formu- hced statement of Beientifie Chris- ti mity, which is found in the His- torical nnd, Biographical Papers, etopiled by Clifford P. Smith,‘ Ser- it, I (p. 17): "A Divine principle 8‘4 given rule 'eppiieatge to every Cn'idition of man, and constituting thu Divine plan of his salvatiOn from sin, sickness, and death, exist in the order of Eternal life, Truth, ‘1 l Love, . . . Jemttr9etttonstrtted 10" man’s example and his redemp- tion. this holy principle of Divine Joann; . . . clearly showing by this iFfifi, Manama ml mot. p, 342), "Tht hour has struqk when when proof and demonstmtion, in- stepd of opinion. and dogma,' are summoned to the, support ‘of Chris- tianitr."' _ eview LectureOn . Christian Science Given Monday Night the indivisibility of Science and Christianity." . ' It is this dibine “indiviaibility,†this oneness of Science and Chris- tianity, that must be the revitaliz- ing slement of religious faith in this hour of atheiatic and materialistic challenge to" the Christ ideal. Mrs. Eddy was deeply impressed by the necessity to bring but to the Christian eharr'h sn understood- ing of the'primsl order of the tirut great cause, thus establishing the divine nature of Science as eonati.. toting the, exact knowledge trf God, who is the one infinite cause; She discovered and proved that, Science and Christianity are identical in ae- tual demonstration; She saw and declared in her textbook, (p. 4), "We reach the Science of Christianity through demonstration of the ' di- vine nature." _ Christian Science is based firmly on the Scriptural declarations of God's nature. In the light of this Science we see thtrbaEoer--virttteur declared God as Mind when he was inspired with the revelation that God is the great I AM, or infinite divine consciousness. We also see that the First Commandment, to ac- knowledge and serve the one and _oI1CfHi,_tttetrtht ir?fipitu.d3s end. therefore, the" 'vei-priisksike of God. i Centuries later Christ Jesus saidn "There is nope good but one, that) is, God." He revealed and demon- strated the divine nature in the one- ness and allness of good. Still more definite was his declaration that "God is a Spirit: and they that wor- ship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." This assures us,thst all truth, or exact knowledge, must consist in the, knowledge of God, and is spirtunL A grasp of this basic fact enables us to lift our concept of Science above matter or speculative hypotheses into Spirit, or Truth ,and to demonstrate the un- interrupted operation of divine law. Mrs. Eddy reached the conclusion, through revelation, that all Scrip- tural revealments and records of God’s nature proved Him to be di- vine Prineiple.'-Thitr led finally to the unaltisrabtt conclusion that spir- itual causation is the law governing all.that arctually exists. She wrote in her tethbook (p: 275): “To gra’sp the reality ind order'ortreintt in ita Science, you must begin by reckon- ing God as the divine Principle of all that really is. Spirit,, Life," Truth, Love, combine as 'omr,--rand are the Seriptural names for God. All substance, intelligence. wisdom, being; immortality, cause, and etteet belong to God. These ere His Attri- butes, the eternal nuinifesutiom, of the infinite divine Principle, Love." ' Why is it of such vital importance for as to understand the divine na- ture as Mind? Recluse this under- etnnding enables us to gain . clear comprehension of what true cone sciousnes'e is. It shows us how to differentiate between the {else he- iiefe or suggestions or the ennui, mortal mind, so‘cnlled, and the true ideas end facts emanating from the divine. Mind. In this way Christin Science proves to us that true con- sciousness is the redeetion or ex- preesion of the divine nature, the expression of the one infinite Mind.- Conscioueneu is defuterrhriittr by Webster as “knowledge at one’e own existence." Christian Science shown mgr! reel "ie.-' to he OM TMIB' P3383 mental, and the understanding of this loot is true 'seifuatowiedtte. Until this fundamental truth is per- ceived in Science, it is not possible for one to realise his real, indestruc- tible identity. .‘ Proving Man’s Identity Since the great primal cause is Mind, the only begotten of that cause is idea. When once it is seen and acknowledged that the divine nature is iMnite, Mind, it follows that man’s existence is Thotlr rep- resentative of that naturb--tUt he 'is mental, not physical; But how is this to be realised and made prac- _ tical in the midst of our human ex- i perience? , Only in the way the Mas- iter taught and proved to his fob. lowers. By adhering. faithfully to the divine realities of being, Jesus overcame all the erroneous claims of the carnal mind, or physical sense 'of existence, and demonstrat- ed man's perfection and true son- 'ship with God. He became the Sav- iour of mankind by first saving him- self from the false beliefs of mas terial sense, sin, disease, and death. This demonstration of the Science or truth of being shows that the spiritual fact about anything is the redemptive power. All that ever. willtegg/ean save us from the in- trtr FV ol perverted Triage; "tuniriitti; 'sions of the carnal mind is the spit-1 itual fact or truth. This Science does not teach us to spiritualise mat- ter; on the contrary, it reveals the allness of, Spirit, .Mind, and there- fore the unreatity of' matter. It teaches that mortal-mind-ttttd-ands- ter are one and the saine thing. In this way it shows nsthe sway which, through righteous or right thinking. we give Up the false or sensuous concept and realise more [III] 'Retua-ctrsr-" " WILLIAMSON amass FURNACE An International Daily Newspaper _ PM by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY One. Norway Street, Boston. M-ttu-tts ie Tmthfli-Ctseutroetive--Unbiared-Feee from Stunting]. i--BditoeiaU Are Timetruod [attractive and In 0.3, 1uattArtT'orah_etwjththeWe+rMattrriPetkctioguMasu theMoaitoean Ideal Newspaper forthch Price $12.00 anly, or $1.00 {Month _ Saturday Issue. indudin Mtguine Section, $2.60 a Year. Introductory 8lllt 6 lanes 25 Cents. Obtainable It: THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR " North Sheridan Road Hixhlind Park. Illinois Christian Science Reading Room TIle World’s New: Seen Through Furnaceinxpection. mdyoubumtootmsehfuei--. wuyourhounwarmhstmson? Wedoexpertm. pairAvorhonnAtymareftttace---costsbasedmt mhborudmeetidsued. m N.' Fin: Street tahr,,uygd,'Mtp,getrA,t, Tupi-ff- {mm tgNPt,rt'g rlor out â€again! but. ti an bdrm“ with In appearance and "than“. The who! "ok9hrpept-iHrr-rithteyrf'-fatrr. gee',',', at no" arr-o more all -. a would -a--d your honor: to urn-of Mrted-i. Willia- m Villa Gun. w. "he William Home: Conny: Winters Tin Shots "schoolhouse uniformly heated†Wy A WEEK.“ buy I Wtiltamroit Hymn _igtgi'.",'4va'tt tHoi NP" i Sales 0 Service 0 Rentals 1 KM. laChance . and more at (how divine realities wherein an thin†are beau. new" Science und Health bells In on page 25: -"Conreiou- con- structs u better body when faith in matter bu been conquered. Cor- rect material belief by spiritual un- derstanding, and Spirit will form you"nnew." Is not this what Jesus meant when he ‘nid to Nicodemus, “Except 1 man be born min, he cannot see the kingdom of God. . .. . Tint which is-bor-f-thir-ie, 620 haul Av... Plum H. P. "" Teréphm "s " ©