* Moving & Storm *Dttgroodarerti_ * Dog Bathing and Stripping Business Directory * Auto Body Repairing Netty Transfer & Storage Co. . , t tee,'g'ltlttt,J '_ - A Air Conditioning EVANS FEED STORE , Food III has 01. Casual Am, mun-u Pull The 1941 edition at “Wh's Who in Illinois.†now being prepared for press, will list the name oi Victor E. Carlson, Non-Partisan choice for President of the DeerheW, Village Board. Mr. Carlson who "tides at "at Stratford Road, moved to Deer- fieid five years 130. Born in Chicago in "m, if. Carl. son was reared and educate in the same city. Upon leaving utool he became interested in The #maisal business and entered the Inn or Coats & Burchard, Public Awake" and Engineers. He interrttdted his business career to enlist in the Unit- ed States Marines in 1917, an interest he maintains by membership in the "rertield Post of the American Le- gion. I JCuhnCnn His oreupation as a tax eonttthant and appraisal expert was Manned by his appointment as Chief Build- ism Appraiser in the Cook ¢omlly Issessor's oltiee in I929, a maiden hr held until 19tt. During thtt suc- Win-0th "" Dynnmic Wheel Balancing Body t Fender Whilst. Auto hinting - Blacksmith . 822 N. Ptmt list!“ Part, " _ DAWN AUTO unconmucnon co. Sheet Metal& DuctWork an ammo 'zxcmms mum-I Park an _ Illinois "When Who" To List V. E. Carlson In New PrNieation Degrad- . PM PAGE Tm“ Bonk Beauty Shoppe Coll lei an)». I“ Um You! limb-co Ind balk-u m B. P. IN GOII- Bel M Wt-ttn * Printing & Advertising * Pets and Bird Clinic QualityCleanen M I, P. "I RELIABLE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING co. * Oil Heating Call B. P. 557 - B. P. 558 fee Printing " Advertising A Raymund" will all The Highland Park Press * Metal Speculum; Hindi and. Dom-tic Ind Imported iris. 'rrmtieal Pith. Aquarium. Water Punt. Free Bird Clinic __‘_ -- and.“ In: Mu an�?? Heating Service, Inc. 360 Central Ave. Plum " DAY OR NIGHT Service on all types of oil heating equipment Weather _ PM Groonlu! 5290 an! Fedor- "constrain Jihotateratt _ Studio Macdonald', Pétland Complete line of dog food- - In! furnishing. Snipers, Wrought. [val-m THE PRESS Mrs. John A. Hoffman will be host- ('55 to members of her tive hundred club next Wednesday. The Hoffman: are moving from Rosemary Terrace to MS Osterman Ave. to the house vacated by Mrs. F. M. Pratt, The Deerfield Grammar School Parent-Teacher Association will not meet on their usual date, the second Friday in the month, because of the spring vacation, but will postpone it one week to April 18. Mrs. Harold Peterson and Miss Kathleen Galloway were hostesses at the party for the Choristers, Deer- field's community chorus, on Friday evening at the Bethlehem Evangel- ical church, following their weekly rehearsal. The Eastern Star held a card party on Friday evening at the Masonic Temple. Mrs. James Wilson and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Kerrihard, who have been living with their son and family, the Maxwell Kerrihards on Oak Lane, Highland Park, will move back to Deerfield into the low- er apartment in John Huhn's home at llll West Deerfield Road. Phil Scully Headed the commitieG, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huhn and family have moved from the Cooksy house on Osterman Ave. to the Rich- ard Antes apartment on Waukegan Road recently vacated by. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hatch. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Juhrend and the Hugh Rine- hart family will move into the Mt vacated by the Harold Huhns. Mr. and Mrs. Juhrend had been living in the upper flat with another daugh- ter. Mrs. William Manner of County Line Road will entertain the Inde- pendent Social Club on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harms Renter (Eve- lyn Theroux) have leased the apart- ment in the John Stryker home on West Deerfield Road. Mrs. erside, Mrs. t field. In accepting, Mr. Carlson sut- ed: “I did not seek this othee, but if the people of this village think I should run and should choose to elect me, I make only one promise, --l will do my best not to disappoint them," YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE SERVICES OF ONE OF THE CHURCHES OF THIS COMMUNITY Peter Perry has gone to Riv- Mich., to visit her daughter, . E. Anderson. T Deerfield Notes Dr. and Mrs. Walter B. Mitcalf are spending ten days at the French Lick Springs Hotel, French Lick, Ind. _ It's a baby girl at the Sterling E. Brown's in Northbrook. The little lady was born at the Highland Park hospital, Tuesday. Mrs. William Stoddart and chil- dren have been visiting relatives in Three Rivers, Mich. A Mrs. W. W. Stem Jr. entertained at pinochle on Tuesday afternoon at her home on Deerfield Road. Mrs. Eugene Ender is returning home this week from a month's visit with Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Dondan- ville in Molina, Ill. Mrs. Harry Clavey entertained her bridge club at luncheon on Wednes- day (yesterday) at her home on For- est Ave. The Just Sew Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Dr. Doro. thy S. Davis of Deerfield Road. A. J. Johnson.of Deerfield is the building contractor for the new home for B. A. Starr on Woodbine Court. A building permit was issued on March 18 for $7000. Mrs. G. A. Willen, Mrs. Leslie Brand, Mrs, Erickson and Mrs. Van Sickle returned last Wednesday from a three week's motor trip to Louis- iana and Florida. St. Paul's Woman's Guild in meet- ing Thursday afternoon (today) for the regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Dan Hunt and Mrs. C. C. Kapschull will be the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnson (Dor- othy Yore) have named their new little son, William Henry. He arriv- ed on March 9. Lyle Jacobs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacobs, was taken to the High- land Park hospital on Monday for an operation for mastoid. The Eastern Star Guild met Wed- nesday evening at the home of Mrs. James Gray of Osterman Ave., with Mrs. Leonard North, the assisting hostess. Sunday guests at the Albert Rog- gow home on Park Ave. were Mrs. Douglas Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lace Graham, and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. William Eberhart of Chi- cage. Patronize Our Advertisers Highland Park Notes APRIL 8, 196t