en "nice Easter Sunday. April 13, Smtrise service. mo am. Holy Cmmmmlem. Easter breakfast after the service Wednesday, April 9, rat 9.1!. Choir rehearsal. q I St. 1053'. beanie-l Church Highland M F. G. Piepenbrolc. pastor Palm Sunday, April * Worship service, 9110 “n. This will be an Umkr-shetlterd Service and, will be in charge of Elder Fred Brenner, member of the spiritual council. Sumhy school. 10:15 “I. Coohrmation service. rar pm. The annual emtfirmation unite in one of the most beautiful 1nd im- preuive services of the year. the 30mm We will be consecrated to the service of Christ and His Church. Special anthems by the choir. Come and invite your friends. Wednesday, April 9, r.4S pm. Lenten service. _ Thursday. April to, Choir rennin}. Good Friday, Ami ll, 7:45 ttatt. service- and Holy Communion. Easter Smuhy. April 13. 8:00 mm. Young Peopte's service and Holy Commmitm. 10:30 mu. Adult service and Holy Communion. Your memorial Easter lilies will be appreciated for the Easter service. Tendâ€, April 3. 2:30 pm. "e choir rehearsal. _ Monday. April r-... g T:30 pm. teachers and ottrt'_ers meeting. ', no pm. special meeting of Young People's Council. i of the most bountiful and impressive "rviees of the year. This Palm Sum day we will consecrate ten young people to the service of Christ and His Church. Members and kinds are cordially invited. Sunday school 10..30 am. ; Palm Sunday. April 6.-. Ctmfirtnation service 10:3) an. The annual eon6rmatt'ms service at St. Paul’s Evangelicll Church is one _ 7:45 p.m. Holy Week service. Rev. Wm. F.. Grate. weaker. special music. Holv Week-. 7:45 every evening through Good Friday. Rev. Wm. E. Grate will speak each evening. Good connexi- tional muting and speck! music will tre a-part ot each service. The pub- lie is invited. _ Timnday, April to, 7:45 pm. but- 6:45 pm. Ymrth firesi6e meeting. hymn sin: by Clilord Van River. Rev. A. L. Riter will speak to the yum people. TtmrsNy-. 7:3tt pm. The Senior Chin, .Satttr6ay-. l, 12:45 pm. Pastor’s class. 1:15 p.m. Junior choir. .Sunday-- 9211 a.m. Sunday school. um mm. Palm Sunday, morning worship, Rev. W. E. Grote preadhing. music by two choirs. _ M. rar- vaclkal Church D-NH PM. roam Bethany Eva-3M Clutch Laurel and McGovern . H. F. Simsen. - A. L. Rita, assistant Piepenbrok. pastor Church Services Sunday. April b- mm-The Church School. tt JO-The Public Wonhlp. Pro- Sunday at 9:3tr-sttttda, School. Sunday at 10:3th-Patttt Sand-y. Cdnfirmation of a clan of children. Monday at 8 p. m.-Cho'tr rehear- sals " the parsonage. Thursday at ' p. m.-Mattndr Thursday nuke. ' Friday at service. The Supper will "in trying to undo the errors of mm one must pay fully and (nirly the mun-In birthing. until all error in “will." hrmmht into Hulda-Hon to Truth. The divine method of pay- inx sinâ€: wan-u involvn unwinding "new marlu, and learning from er pom-two how to divide between sense and Soul" (p. 2401. All In cordially invited to attend these services and mute we of the radio: room. CHRISTIAN SCIINCI CHURCHES A free public reading room is manned by thin church " " N. Sheridnn Road which is open daily from 9:30 o’clock in the morning to IV.80 in the evening and on Satur- day- untu 9 o'clock, On Sunday. the reading room in open from 2:30 to IV.30. Here the Bible and en authorized Chrietien Science litera- ture they be read, borrowed or pur- chnud. Ana-mu the dmlhmn wttictt cont. prhml the llmum-Sermun was the following trom the Bible: "My Mott, daupln- not the mam-Mm: ot the lard: "either be weary‘of his cor- m-tlou: For whom the Lord love": he eorreetvth; "on an I father the son in whom he delitrhtettr" tprov. "In. 3:lt. 12). The mbjéct or heft Sunday‘- u.. lu: urn-on, "Urtre'tlity." The Luna-Sermon lilo in. (-lmlml the fulluwlmt puma" from the t'lnrlnmm Neience textbook “Ne-lance "ml "with with Key to the '%'rtpturen." by Mary Baku-i Eddy: many school " open to pupils uptottteMeorMreara,tutdia my Sunday morning a 9:80. Temporary Lac-lion We Temple 21 No. Sheridan Reed Thiaetturrsttirattmnettofatte Mother Church. The Pint Church of Christ, Scientilt. tn Benton. It... The Sundny morning Iervice in held " " o’clock. end the Wednee- (by evening meeting, which includes testimonies of Christina Science healing, II n 8 o’clock. The Golden Text wan. "He that "e"ereth his tutm,iOttlt not mower: In" win-um I-unfm-lh and forxukcth "may shun bttre merey" tProverim L’Szllh "lewrlusuux l'uul-hment" mm the mum-rt of the "nmon-Nerrtron in all Hum-hes of Cttrut. St'lellllnl. on snmlny. May 4. served by the ladies of St. John's Church. Dr. William F. Weir. Minister Deerfield, Illinois Mold Presbyterian Church Rodeo-er Lutheran Church West Central at McGovern W. F. Sum, pastor. First Clgurch of Christ, acumen! of the Lord‘s be celebrated. 9r0tV-sttttdar School. man-Palm Sunday. of a class of children. 8 p. m.-Cholr rehear- Scientist Friday THE PRESS Mrs. Arthur L. Richtmyre, an North Deere Park drive, will be hostess to the board members of the Needlepoint group of the North Shore Junior board of the Northwestern University settlement, on Tuesday, April 8. A benefit for the group will be planned " that time, and will be given sometime in the summer. Plan: will also be made to give assistance to the Evanston Senior board's uh nual benefit party on Easter Monday. April 14, at the Evanston Country Club. _ Morning service 10:45. "A Victor- ious March." Christian Endeavor 6:45 pm. Evening service 7:45 pm; "Looking Unto Christ." Needle Group Plans Benefit F. s.' Robinson, pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m.. Raymond Fidder. sum. 800 Good Friday service. Com- munion and welcame of new mem- bers. Special music. 1:00 Woman's Association group meetings in the homes. Tuesday-. 7230 Boy Scout Troop 324. 7:45 Young Woman's Club meeting. Friday--. 11.00 Church School for beginners and primary children. ll ..00 Palm Sunday service. 7:15 Taxis Society. "The Days of Holy Week" is the subject of the talk to be given by Mr. Luginbill. Monday-- 10:30 Session meeting in the Par- ish house to receive members of the Communicant's class . into church membership. Sunday-. 9:30 Church School and young people. $:00-Candle Light Good Friday celebration of the Holy Communion and Reception of New Members. 9d0-Session meeting with new members. Friday, April ll- tHO-Lenten worship service. Rev. Donald G, Morrison, pastor of Zion Presbyterian Church, Wheeling, 111.. will preach the sermon. Highland Park Presbyterian Church laurel, Linden and Prospect Aves. Rev. Louis W. Sherwin, D.D.. minister Rev. Dean o. Luginbill. assistant minister Church phone 263 8dW--special Lenten worship ser- vice. Rev. Harry P. Linden, pastor of Northbrook Presbyterian Church will preach the sermon. Thursday, April 1tN-. tHO-Special Lenten worship ser- vice. Rev. E. G. Linberg. pastor of Fullerton Covenant Presbyterian Church, Chicago, will preach the ser- non. Monday, April I.- 4f0.-Gir1 Scout Troop No. l. 7:30-Girl Scout Troop No. 2. r.36-Boy Scout Troop No. 52. Tuesday, April b- T First United Evangelical Church Green Bay Rd. and Laurel Ave. gram of worship appropriate to Pahn Sunday. for Juniors Bowling; 7:30 p.m.. S. P. Teachers A. or Mer, eetlur, Fr30 p.m.. Troop st, Tran sr, 1:30 p.m.. Sea Scan“: t:30 9.111.. Girl Scan"; ' p.m.. Bank Board; San†Beth. lehem Mothers Club; ' an. oly Nine _ Meeting. n-Ar, Ari] '--2 p.m.. Deerfield Women', Clnb; , p.m., Women“. 'tgh League: 7:30 y.m.. Vin": Board; 8 p.m.. oly mu Services; I n.m.. Badminton Exhibition: 8:30 p.m.. Hnly Cross Choir; 9 p.m.. C of C Bailing. Wm. April F-t thm., Jud 'I Social Club; I p.m.. S. P. Enngelical gunmen: 7:45 v.m.. S. P. Lenten Service: a p.m.. Prmbrterian Choir; ' p.m.. Bethlehem Midweek Service; ' p.m.. Badminton Lane. M, A†tb-W." .m., Rotary Chub; l Fm., S. P. Sewing Cfrcle; , pan. Job. Murine": P.30 p.m.. S. P. Choir Rehear. ul; I p.m.. Bethlehem Fireside Club. “2-3sz fr? i'.""; Deerfield Community Calendar Week I! A..4t I w M I. In». April 6-1 p.m.. s. P. Sodnlity; z p.m., Holy Cross All-n & Rosarr, 7:45 p.m.. Bethlehem Church Choir; ' mm. Community Chorus; '9 gum, Darling League. Tuesday 7:45 p.m.-We Choose the Way. Wednesday 7:45 pam-Bethany. Thursday 7:45 p.m.-Four Crosses. Friday 7:45 p.m.--Chrutian, for Today. Spécial music and good congrega- tional singing will be a part of each service. Monday 7:45 pam-Spiritual Pre- paredness. Sundéy 7:45 pam-The Chillenge of the Routine. _ week. The Rev. Mr. Grote will speak on the following subjects: Sunday 11 fl0 'b.ttt,-AChrirt's Trium- phal Entry. l Special Holy Week services will ‘take place at the Bethany Evangelical Church beginning on Palm Sunday morning and continuing each evening through Good Friday. Rev, Wm. E. Grote of Streator, Illinois, District Supt. of The Peoria District of the Illinois Conference of the Evangelio cal Church will be the guest speaker. Rev. Grote is a gifted, fluent speaker and will bring. great messages of in. spiration. The members and friends oi the Parish are cordially invited to attend every service during this great Holy Week Services At Bethany Church Rec. mum: E. Grate Busineu Men'-