but" heer of her time to many meat organizations. For three years she served on the Highland Park Y.W.CA. Board as Chairman of the Department of Education 'and Per- wnnel. For the put two years she has been Second Viee-Preuident of the Hiuhland Park Woman's Club In Membership Chaltuun end she will continue this post for another Mrs. Mister has served on the Girl Scout Council five yearn. She was as- sistant publicity chairman her first year, then publicity chairman her second and third years. The past two years she has been deputy commis- sioner in charge of organization. Mrs. Piister has seen the Highland Park Girl Scout organization gnaw trom a member ot the North Shore area four years ago into its own indiv- idual organization with in own coun- eil and with a paid Local Director. Mrs. Prrster. who has lived in Highland Park eight "an. contri- butes freely ot her time to many local organizations. For three years she served on the Highland Park Mrs. C. Eugene Mister has been elected to the (mice of Commission- er in the Highland Park Girl Scout organization "plating Mrs. Roy o. Nereim. Mrs. Nereim win "main on the council as delegate at large. tishers.) Mn. c. E. Pbtee In New Local Girl Smut Commissioner planning to add one or there trees on their property obscvve§ the spirit oi Arbor Day and kecp‘alive this splendid Amara; custom nd aid in instiTmg in t e growing child the love of Trees and the fabrics at Nature so beautilully expressed in Joyce Kilmer's lemons poem: . TI“ l, I think that l snail neverGee Last year approxi ely 1800 seedling trees were done d by the Men's Garden Club to th individual school children, but thisi year the trees will be larger in sizL and will tre planted on the st grounds thereby providing a per nent iIn-' movement and a long " l e beauti- freation project. y The Men's Garden Ch heartily melon“ tthe Proclamat' of the eity ot6cial.q and earnest requests that " residents who are been planning to add one or _ re trees on their property observe§Lthe spirit! school trees , be pl: thereb M's and" Club I (hover-Ia with .9etq+ for Tree I'll-“ll Chre-r The Men's Garden Cltttr of High- land Park, in eooperatiiin with the grade schools in Highland Park, Deerfield and Bannockbbrn, are m- r'anninu tor Arbor Day fxercises to be held on Friday, April 8th. Appro- priate tree planting ceremonies will he held at each of the dine schools and spring ffowerintt may. trees are being furnished by the Men's Gar- den Club. . _ Arbor Day Programs To Be Held April 18 think that I shall new poem lovely as a tree PM. DIX Association of the Presbyterian church. She will assume her new “a as head of the Girl Scout maln- tion in Highland Park .3. week. Min Eieanor Schmm " continue as Local Director. two-year term. Mrs. Pfister is also a member of the Ravinia Garden Club and a member of the Woman's movie Nancy Johnson of Yale Lane who has been quarantined with chicken pox. is getting along nicely and will soon he out with her playmates attain. After their dinner at the Open Home Tea Room Tuesday night the Chamber of Commerce boys were ‘willing to just sit down and enjoy a 40 minute sound movie. The pie- ture showed various phases of the Fur0pean war to date. Starting with the annexation of Austria, followed by the lightning war in Poland. and then concluding with Norway's fate. the battle for France, the escape from Dunkirk and the Italian-Grec- ian campaign. The finale was the 1940 News Parade, showing the most outstanding events occuring in the United States during the year. Hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. o. Lawrence Olesen. chairman of the Garden Group. Mrs. \Villiam Guyot. Mrs. Robert Black. Mrs. Charles Sanborn, Mrs. John Bell. Mrs. Thomas Marks, Mrs. William Moorman and Mrs. John Marietta. Tea will he served. Chamber of Commerce Sec World War Movie f hminets meeting {cliched the THE PRESS "Our Lord Victorious" will be pre- sented as the Easter Cantata by the choir of the Bethany Evangelical church at a 4:30 Vesper service on the coming Sunday afternoon. Mrs. L. R. Hawley is the organist and director of the Bethany choir. Edith Sandford Tillotson is the author of the text of the Cantata which beauti- fully relates the Easter story, starting with the experiences of Holy Week and Good Friday, reaching the great climax of the triumph and victory of Easter. The music was written by Harry Rowe Shelley. A cordial invit- ation is extended to the members and friends of the Parish to share in this splendid service. The follow- ing is an outline of the proceedure of the Cantata: I. Oman Prelude. 2 " men of larael. Choir with soprano "Mint" hy Min Margaret Moldaner. 3, There wtrtrtrl three cranes. Baritone Solo. Mr. Hemp Bray. . 1 l. The lnrrl a Death. Choir with Mr. Robert l'mharh and Miss Margaret Muldaner as wlni-ts. 5. The Lord's Burial. 6. O8ertorr. Marehe Funehre--Chopin. 7. The Prophecy of Resurrection. I. At the Lord's Tomb. 9.. Hehnlrl there came a Great Earth Quake. 10. He is not here. solo. Mina Margaret Haitian". ti. Re is Risen. tt God hath highly exalted Him, Solo Mr. Robert Umhach. " Go ye. therefore. M. Thou art with me. Solo, Miss Margaret â€an". " Garland Victorious. Benediction. Yaounde. II. tt Gladys ilawky Bethany Choir To Present Easter Cantata, Sunday The Admiral _........' .. The Curtain _......... . The Ertgineer ._Frtt...... The Instructrus ..... The Punt] Cook -._..... Many Ma yr--..-, ('areleu Carry .. '...Fr. Hum†Clara FF.FFFFF.F. S mpatttrtie Susan .r.... #/1J. Pom-Pom.. 'FFF The Author." 'Fgt.FFFFF' The Slage-hlanuerels .. First Mate ........1 F.... Second Mate ..t..w.r...F. Olga, An immigrant hum Sweden ........ $..ar.. Two Md Salt. " THE MIDNE mums. a topsy- turvy extravaganza in one act by Arihur Penn, will be given by THE MCSART CLUB on Friday evening, April l8th, at 8:30. It will be "ron- sored by Campbell Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star and be given at the Masonic Temple, 21 N. Sheridan Rd. The public is cordially invited to at- _tend--tickets may be secured at a nominal fee from any member of the cast or at the door. Following are the musical numbers and cast of characters: . l. i't,t'.'.i'yr Chorus: "A Bushel of Yo.Heave. " B. J. Huey Olga aml First Mate “He's Mr Sweetheart in Sweden." I. Duet Admiral and Captain "The Middie Acatiemee" and Chorus. 4. Hrrrnpipe {home 5. Sung-Ermine" with Chorus-lid The Snows of California". 6, Trio Admiral. Captain and Stage-Man- agerâ€: "'The Heroine." 7. Sunu~ Heroine with Churus--"Sweet Molly Malay." 8. Song anstraetress with Molly---")" I Was A Girl At School." 9. Ensemble“ Chorus. Molly and lnatructren "Uh! 'What A Shame." to. Trio Carry, Clara and susan-earl" Carry, Clumsy Clara. Sympathetic Susan." H. 55mg T: Captain wtih Chori--"' " O.E.S. To Sponsor The Musart Club in 0921A?! Flax, April 18 Son. - -. Mlle. P "Mr Own Dear Adventures At (Dialogue). Finale-Chorus-- We Done?" M CHARACTERS 'rFwF_FFtFF' Ruth Siemum Ellen meimehl. Ora Fritsch ,, Director and Accompanint Pum- Pam with Chorus - sec-- Two Old Salts- Alas. Alas, Whu "ave ..... Anna Minn .re' Joy Dreuler A'ietoria harm . Mary Spalding _.. Anne Wells 'r.. Bessie Oker ...thel Venn ..Ellen Bleimehl FV.F.. Elsa Lani] Lilli-n Hartman Gladys Hawley , .. Ur: Fritsch .. Ethel Hint: Emma Erickson The Holy Week services at the Bethany Evangelical Church will come to a close with the 7:45 pm. Thursday and Friday evening service. Rev. Wm. E. Grote of Streator has spoken each evening for the past week and has made many friends in Highland Park. His messages have been helpful, forceful and challeng- ing. Others are invited to hear the two final sermons Rev. Grate will deliver in this community. These services have been a preparation for a great Easter Sunday " Bethany. Short and delightful programs will be given by both the chorus and lhe orchestra, which will appeal to the tastes of those who attend this concert. Mr. Finch and Mr. Aschen- brenner have worked arduously with these talented young people, whose interest in music will greatly enrich their lives. All who attend show ap- predation and interest in the art of music which is so especially valuable in such times of stress and strain in world situations. The entrance fee is low to permit every music lover an afternoon of great enjoyment with little expenditure of money. The spiritual return for a small outlay is high. Eriday Evening Final Holy Week seiviee The personnel of the Highland Park high school orchestra is as fol- lows; First Violins-Lois Palmer (concertmaster), James Krohn (prin- cipal), Chauncey Frisbie, Niles Sev- erin, Bunny Norman, Elaine Wert- heimer, Evan Dever, Norma Meyer; 2nd Violins-Duane Lemm, Roger Peddle, Henry Hawes, Roland Hoer. mann, Paula Raff, Lawrence Mc- Dermott, Raphael Intranuovo, Shir- ley Beckman, James Lencione, Mary Grandi; Vio1as--Constance Koebelin, Robert Norman, Marilyn'Blow; Cel- 1os-Regina.Klemp, Robert Weboldt, Jean Supple, Virginia Bruce,' David Greenberg, Russell Mau; Double Basses-Hose Marie Barrett, Marg- aret Gronlund, Elizabeth. Calderelli, Dorothy Anderson, Gloria Anfruns; Harp - Bernice Flanagan ; Piano- Arthur Duhin, Marian Sanford, Mary Lou Dyer, Lucille Eaton; Flnte-- Richard Kuhns, Raymond Werhane, Diana Cabonargi, Margaret Knight; Oboe-David Worth, LaVerne Krase. Arthur Goelitz; Bassoon-Edward 'Brewster; Clarinet-Frank Frable, Carol Laegeler, Norma Jacobs, Dorv othy Jacobson, Marjory Lederer; Horn-Robert A. Bryant, Jr., Ralph Sherden ; Trumpet - Robert Preus. William Hutchison; Trombone- Donald Gault, John Bowden; Per. cttssion-Larry Brown, Peter Gillett. Even during the school vacation rehearsals are being held in pre- paration for the orchestra and chorus concert to be held in the high school auditorium Sunday, April 27th, at 3:30 in the afternoon. Many of the members of the, orchestra also play in the splendid Waukegan Philhar- monic Orchestra, and several of the students are now preparing solos for the State Music Contest in early May, at Glen Elyn, where the entire orchestra will also compete with other high school orchestras for abil- ity ratings. H. S. Orchestra And Chorus Rehearse For Concert Apr. 27 APRIL lo, 1941