Clark G. Kuebier. professor of am dent languages of Northwestern Uni- versity was the guest speaker. His subject was "Democracy and Him cation." Mrs. Gilbert K. Hardacre, 1019 Mar- ion avenue, was elected president of the Ravinia Woman's club Wednes- day afternoon, at the monthly meet- ing held in the Ravinia Village house. Other officers chosen were Mrs. Fred E. Law, Vice President, and Mrs. Albert M. Anderson, corres- ponding secretary. In the, absence of Mrs. Arvid B. Tanners, retiring president, the new officers will he installed in May by Mrs. Albert J, Bushey, retiring vice president. The Skidmore's, after a brief hon- eymoon, are now at home in Lake Forest, with the Gartleys. A dinner party for the members of the two families followed the cere- mony at the Union Hotel, Wheeling. A reception was given for the young couple later in the evening at the home of the grooms parents, 332 North St. Johns avenue. The bride wore a poudre blue suit and hat, with accessories of luggage brown. Her flowers were gardenias. Mrs. Calvin Gartley. Lake Forest, sister of the groom. and Mrs. Skid- more's only attendant, wore a beige frock with brown accessories. Mr. Gartley was best man. Miss Jane Pesehman, daughter of Mrs. Rudolph J. Pesehman, 688 Cen- tral avenue, and Chester Fikidmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Skidmore were married at 4:30 Saturday aft- ernoon in the home of Dr. Louis Sherwin. of the Presbyterian Church, Mr. Nathan attended Country day school and college in Wisconsin. He is connected with a drug manufacturing concern in Chicago. For her son's wedding, Mrs. Nathan, wore a Merge afternoon dress with navy accessories, and wore a corsage of orchids. After the ceremony a reception was held. The young couple are now honeymooning in New Mexico. On their return they will live on their farm, west of Lake Bluff. Miss Loewenstein attended Santa Fe in New Mexico and was graduated from Randolph Macon, Virginia, last spring. Her attendants, Miss Louise Nathan, sister of the groom, Miss Elaine Marks, Miss Katherine Weinberg, Highland Park and Mrs. Schwab of Boston, wore frocks oi blue, fashioned of blue net with the same shade of blue silk red- ingotes. Their flowers were roses and carnations of pink shading into rose. Tom Nathan served his brother as best man. The ushers were George Balm Frank Rothchild and Joe Nathan. The bride wore the wedding gown that her grandmother Herman wore at her wedding n years ago. She car- ried white orchids and sweet peas. C. Nathan, at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude R. Nath- an, 333 Moraine Road, Friday after- noon. The ceremony was performed at 4:30 by Rabbi Shunlman. in the presence of 125 relatives and friends. Miss Josephine Loewenstein. daugh- ter of William Loewenstein, 354 Marsh- man avenue, became the bride of Robert Loewenstein-Nathan Wedding Last Friday APRIL 17, 1961 Mrs. Herbert P. Beers, 335 Vine avenue and Mrs. Thomas McEwen, 448 Naida terrace, have returned to their homes here after spending a vacation in Florida. The local chapter celebrated its second birthday last Thursday by don- ating $100 to the cradle calendar. Mrs. [Hugh Wilson. president of the local chapter entertained the chapter at her home, 250 Park Ave,, Tuesday and the following newly-elected board took of- tice at that time: Mrs. Frank Bough. vice president: Mrs. John Suite, re- cording secretary; Mrs. J. K. Tyson, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Hardin Master, treasurer; Mrs. Harding Wil- bur. switchboard chairman; Mrs. Rob- ert Cross, receptionist chairman and man, The monthly meeting of the High- land Park Auxiliary of the Cradle was held Monday afternoon at the Cradle in Evanston, After the luncheon, Mrs. William B." Balrath, managing director of the nursery. led the group in a round-table discussion. Mr. Thomas was connected with the Pennsylvania Railroad's Chicago of- fice, until his military call. The bride, a nurse in one of the De- troit hospitals, will continue her work, until her young husband, who was in- ducted into the army today. is settled at some 'post. Miss Eleanor' Mary Niffetteeer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nif- feneger, South Haven, Mich., and Ath- ley Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas, 603 Glenview avenue. were married at the First Presbyterian church. Detroit. Dr. Frederick Olen performed the ceremony. permanent the ceremony. Miss Grace lawrence and Gilbert Shroeder, both of Detroit were the only attendants. A reception was held in the church social rooms last Sunday. Eleanor Niffeneger, Ashley Thomas Wed Fred Tuerk, membership chair- GARNETT'S EFFECTIVE SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1941 9A.M.T06P.M. NOTICE STORE HOURS INCLUDING SATURDAYS THE PRESS Jack Chapman, 10 year old Ion of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman, 2419 Old Briar road, wu bitten Int Fri- day by the dog owned by T. H. Hid- dock, SIS Westview road. The dog is now in the kennel for examination. Jackie was not seriously hurt. Mr. Diehl's grandparents. Col. and Mrs. Charles Diehl, are former High- land Parkers. The young man expects to be drafted the latter put of May. In the letter to Mrs. Truax, he slid In the letter to Mrs. me, he said that he expected to be here in Hith- land Park for a few days this next week, before going to Madison. Mrs. Evva Tmax, 300 Band“: road, has received word that Kenna Diehl, of San Antonio. Tens. and formerly of Highland Park, is to be married to Mill Suzanne Farmer, of Milwaukee. on May 3. The ceremony will be performed at Madison. Wiscon- sin, where the young people met while attending school. Kemper Diehl To Wed Milwaukee Girl May 3 DIICONUI§ improves garden and lawn. It combines the impor. an! {milking elements of poultry and cow mum vith toil-improv- in. pan MOM. " is safe int home “decaf use. Oman to new}?! '0! kn. 2-buhel bo‘only 82.35 delivered Order today or ,th write for quantity prices - and Free Humane. ii31 “I! " Hum Ava. -e e88tetaqq _ INNS I WW. Inc. GARNETT'S day, April 21 u 1:30 drink Ania- in; m. is Mrs. Cart w, Downing 1433 W. Farragut Im. Chic-go Mrs. Aiken E. Jenner. Jr., mo N, Dawn inane. Chicago, will emu-min the North Shore Mama-c of Alph- Delta Pi at I damn-bridge on Mon- Profeuor and Mrs. Mortimer Adler and children of Chic-go spent Sum here with Mm. Adler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P, Buymon. 204 N. Sher, idan rand. Professor Adler is the nu- thor of "How to Read I Book." SPRING'S sudden changes won't Bethe: you in this reven- ible coat. Just whisk it inside out when it rains . . . it's a water- proof material on one aide, a smart woolen fabric on the other. THE MOST VERIATILI COAT YOU CAN BUY... ESPECIALLY “ICED MEN'S STORE 81495 PM! -