Charter No. I“. In the Shoe at [In-ell. " the clue " human on April I. 1061. nun-m In response to all - by (Jo-null" a! the Currency. under See“.- "u, U. B. Beeti.d sac-m. ASSETS t, Loan- md tu.eougttI 2,tlutl,tr, $138.6t irardrutay-.---,-'1dTt,tWl,Rr 2. United sum Government obl gallon. direct and nmteedwqm 133,389.70 g. Obunuonn of Sale. “d poll In! Butt-tiv-.-..------.---. “an.“ 4. Other bonds. notâ€. we trebetttureB-.---.--,.-r---- â€can.“ 6. Corrine noel“. Including "ttek of Federal Reserve bunk S8,000.00 6. Cu ', helme- with other. Mann Including reune Del-nee. and ' â€nun lt, ta. u. 15. 16. 18, M). 81 C0RREC'r-Atteat: J. B. (Parnell. J. M. ylri Sworn to Ind ButtBeritted before me tttu, ttl 82. Secured "biiitietc (I) Dewy"; secured by pledged use“ put-mt to requirements State ot who“. County of Latte. u: l. C. P. GRANT. cuhler of the above-named bank, do wlemnly - that the Above statement in true to the beat of my knowledge and belief, C. P. GRANT Gunter. tet9tgtMt3'r-Atteat: J. B. Gnrnett. J. M, Appel, Frederick A. EgtkIn. blrectorl. APRIL IT, 1041 'Wr9U%i"Nhlbet". a. n. van-mu. .n .... .... _-.. - "Tr"... __V ___ Sworn to And aubmrlbed before me this 15th day of April. ttHI m ir--NBr' In our" VII". vulnlwc- unu- vu-c- m... ..e.._ .-_...~ thaw“ __ - cub items In proceu ot t3otieCttott-.----..-e..-yt-r-- Bunk premlul med 'N,800.00, furniture um "turea '6a88.Mr..-, Ru! Mute owned other than bunk premlul,.,.. ..........rrwrmr-_r--t.r----""" Investments my other mu tndlrectly representing bulk premises "6E -atTeF-riit" chute. Other use" -....r....m..' "?ll"l: Stock: 1:) Common "not. total N $An,000.01L...---.-. Reserve: and retirement account tor preferred trtoeiO LIABILITIES Demand derm- of Individugll. partrtpmhitrs, Ind eorporatiorta-. Time depon u of Indlvtdulll. partnerships And corporation,-:-... Demo"! ot United sum Government iiraaiiu pond "vt-)-., begun: of Sule- “(grinned .uttdNuiogtc-.....---...--, Ot er deposlu "sertiit And whier'l checks. eue.r-...--..--, Other Illbilmel .rrmt.ter.. To“! unnum- Tot-l Liabilities and Club! Account. "Somme: HEMORANDA Pledsed unet- (And securltlel loaned) (book nine): (I) United Sula. Government obligations. direct and [HIT-ll- teed, pledged to nature denoun- and other tiattititieE,..-.-." ".000.00 (b) Other use" pledged to secure depot“: and other lhbliltiel (Including note- and bun [unmounted no neuritic: mid under geranium Axlreeemelm 10,000,00 (c) AIM" pl ged to 'fit. ity tor exercise of tMueinry or corro- rate Powers, And or burnou- other than to secure “IN “in tN,000.00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HIGHLAND PARK (d) ICE CUBES CRUSHED ICE BEVERAGES ‘l‘oul Auct- Teal Cum-l Acton-u. ir? Tdir Total Highland Park Ice Co. TELEPHONE - HIGHLAND PARK 33-34 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION lop-n OI Cmedttten ot the CAPITAL ACCOUNTS PLATFORM SERVICE EVERY DAY UNTIL 11:00 P. M. Jim-'12"- day fA'gk 1911. FLORENCE M. an“. Notary Public. â€no mun-m so. , 31.474.60.35 _ 1.385.310 F “mm.“ . NJICJG _ S8,000.00 . 1.11.816.“ _ mun.“ .! . 6.]“15 ' "ar." _tt,064,li67.6_t 2MB.461." 21.9“.8 _ mmâ€: . 3527.0! 34.713.50.70 “was.†, ' 44.6N. It , “.576." THE PRESS WARN A10.000.00 MM88.84 “9.8.9.†576.371.“ 12.0712 Robert F. Jerome, [on M Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Jerome, no South Ridge Road will take Kathleen O'Brien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. O'Brien. Cullen. Pa., for his bride April 21. The solemn high nuptial mus will be lung at St. Phillip'o Roman Catholic church, Crafton, at 9:30 Saturday morning. The bride has chosen her sister, Mill Jane O'Brien, is her only attendmt. David McCulln. 0! this city will nerve as beet man. Ushers will be Henry Belfield, Evanston, formerly of High- land Park; Henry Ripley, Oak Park Ind the bride's two brothers. Harry of Cullen Ind Robert of Gary, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome and their not» in-law and Mm. Mr. And In. Moran Weeds, all at Highland Park, will .. eat tomorrow for the Min. Moran Plumbing and Heating a MODERN PLUMBING and HEATING 358 CEN'I'IAL AVENUE Highland Park, Illinois "The Air Conditioned Refrigerator" c. R. MORAN - Proprietor DISTRIBUTORS OF Coolerator WINNITKA use Gum WESTERN tho N D " to. "o und- a... w Vety ,,, Finest td" Laundering RESIDENCE 1342 PM W lurk 060d.“ Dry Cleaning