After Easter-What? Keep gain lo church. You made a good scar may with it now. There are sti other big days ahead in the chart Mother's Day is our immediate it? teregt. l Sunday evening. 7:†pm. Your: People': Lam. M. Par- lnlnlial Church F. G. Piepenbrok, Pastor Church School and Worship, Ser. viee--10:30 mm. l M Shae Wit-ll lune! " Vernon Avenue. Gleneoe Rabbi. Charles E. Shulman Sunday, 9:30 and 10.45 mm. Sum day school: ll a.m.. morning worship Rev. John Ward. assistant l Swahy. 7:30 an. mass: 8:3ty “n1 mass for children in chad. MIMI ed by Catechism class: 8:30 'iiii mm; 9:30.t0:30 a.m.. mass; ll: a.m.. mass {allowed by Benediction} VIC$ service in the Dr, Room. Thtrrsdnr--r a!) p Rehearsal, Raymond Fidder, superintendent) Morning Service, 10:45. "Saved Iii Help Others." 1 Christian Endeavor, 6:48 p. m. 1 Ch" in Prophecy. 6:45 p. In. i Evening Service, 7:45. "BetteMint God's 'tiittemtsness." ' 'i April n- 1 Monday evening the Dam: Sun day School clan will have 3 Merlin in the church with Dr. Kennet Geiger. In weaker-with pictures _ China. Prayer meeting Wednesday has". as China, P! evening. Thumiay. 5:1) pan. Choir reheari taut Sumhy Smithy Mmtay--Chrtir rehearsals. } Thul'uhy at ' p.m., Senior Walther PM}! YOUR?" In! United Bundled Clint are“ Bay Road and Laurel Ave H. i Robinson. Pastor an..." “than Chart West (mini at McGovern W. F. thr. minister Inlay at 9:30 a.m., Sunday school. nday at 10:30 a.m.. Mowing ser. Bethany Evangelical Church .9. Jane- Chunk North Ave., Highland v. James (ileum. pastor p. m. Mid-week Dubs Memorial m. Swim Choir Church Services HIGHWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Hitthwood Ave. & Evert Place Saturday, April 19. 8:15 p.m.. and Sunday. April 20. 7:45 p.m., Dr. Leland H. Barkon, professor of history and philnsnph)’ at North Park College. will he the preacher for these services of spiritual renewal. Dr. Carlson is a young man. having very recently re- eeived his doctor of philosophy degree at the University of Chicago. His mes- sages will he convincing and helpful. Everyone is welcome. (lurch school All are cordially invited to attend these services and make use of the reading room. "Whatever Its ttoverned by God, In Beyer for an Ilium»! deprived of the "ht and might of Intelligence and Lire. We mp mmwtlmes led to believe that Ilnrknm In In real as Hunt: In" Sch-rm- tttttrms darkness to he truly a murtul new!) ot the tth. wm-o of mm. at the coming of which ctnrkmn km the appear- mm- of ‘rvnllty. No min and narrow. “humm- Ind death. IN the sum»!!- tlunul "Immu- " Life. God, and ttee u pliant-nun of error ttriiriririiiti and lore" 1p. 2Mt. h The Golden Teat was. "The Lord in my leht and my salvnllou; whom uhnll l fear? The Lord In the Mretutth at my life; of whom lhlll I tre afraid?" tl’unlmn 27:1). Alumna tht. (-lmtlunu which com. I-rlml the Lerstutn-t4ertnon w" the fulluwlnu from tite Bible: “Arm. 'utltte: for ttty Hum ho mum». and the “my of the Lord In rim: upon thee" almlnh "tt:tt _ The Letrrson-Nerutou All“: In- "lttdeel the fulluwlml [minutes from the l'hrlnliun Svh-nI-e lenhouk. "Nc-lo-llm- and "will: wlth Key to the N-rlmun-s." by Mary Baker Eddy: The Sunday morning service is held at It o'clock, and the Wednesday eve- ning meeting. which includes testimonies of Christian Science healing, is at 8 o'clock let (II-rel of Christ, t5degttiqt Temporary Location Masonic Temple 2t No. Sheridan Road This church is a branch of The Mother Church. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. "Are Mn. Miran. Ind Death Neal?" was the subject of the ue mn-Svrmnn In all Churches of ('hrm. M-Ivntm. on Hunday. April CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 13. St. John’ Evangelical Church Worship Serviee-990 am. Sunday school-MOM am. What will the churches look like Sunday. April 20 at 10:30 am THE PRESS ll XXL-Church School for Beginner and Primary children. ll .00-Morning Worship. 7:15-The Tuxis Society. Discus- sion. Topic Theme, "Friendship and How to Attiin it." Leader. Mr. Lu. ginbill. 10 JO-Sewing and Hospital Dress- ings. 12:30-Luncheon. Mrs. Murphy's Group in charge. MONDAY- Woman's Association All Day Meet- ins. Higllllnd Park Pretstrrter'mn Church Laurel and Linden Avenues Church Phone H. P. 263 Louis W. Sherwin, D. D., Minister Dean o. Luginbill. Assistant Minister SUNDAY-. 9:aN-Church School for Juniors and Young People, Subject: "The Cost of Disciple- ship." Woman's Auxiliary, Thursday. 811) pm. Meeting at home of Mrs. Aksel Petersen, Decorah Avenue, Long Lake. lllinois. Bethlehem Evlngelicll Church ' Earl J. Bruse, Minister Deerfield, Illinois Sunday, April go, l94l Sunday School-9:46 a.m. Arthur F. Merner. Supt. Morning Worship--" am. The church choir will sing. The minister will he in the pulpit. Sunday Evening Fellowship-Nm Choir Rehearsal-Friday, 7:30 pm. Annual Conference opens Tuesday, April 22nd. at 1:30 p.m. at Trinity Evangelical Church, Chicago. Confessions each Saturday at 7:30 pm. Rev. J. V. Murphy, pastor Sunday Masses-Mm, 8:30. 10.00 and 11:30 am. Daily Masses-r.30 a.m. Devotions each Tuesday at 8:00 8:15 p. m.--The Singers, club, "George and Marga" Deerfield -Grammar School Thursday- 7 8.00 p.m.-Aihoir practice Friday-- Sunday- 10.00 a,m.-Chttrch School. ll .1!) a.m,--Pubtic Worship. 7:30 patt.-lountr People's meeting, Monday--. 4.00 p.m.-Girt Scouts, Troop 1. 7:30 p.m.-Girl Scouts. Troop 2. the first Sunday after Easter? The prediction is that they will be almost empty. Your pastor doesn't believe it. St. John's people will continue to come to church. How about it? 2.ois--Prograrn. Miss Anita Harris, Weekday Activities Junior High F..L.CE.-Friday, 7.00 Choir rehearsal Thursday. 7:30 Deerleld Presbyterian Church Dr. W. F. Weir, Minister Holy Crou Catholic Church Deerfield Rev. J. V. Murphy, pastor Lnday Masses--r00, 8:30, 10:00 .-..Girl .-Girl '--Boy Scouts, Troop I. Scouts, Troop 2. Scouts, Troop 52. Singers, dramatic Margaret" at the Our children's librarian, Mrs. In- ger.Boye, is taking part in the pro- gram. presenting a paper concerning the leisure reading of children. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hastings, La- Grange, announce the arrival of a baby daughter, Madeline, born March 19, at the West Suburban hospital, Oak Park. They have one other little girl, Sandra, age 3. Mrs. Hastings was formerly Miss Barbara Shipnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford C. Shipnes, South Green Bay road. My Sister and Heide. The diary refugee. New books available at the High- land Park Public Library include: Arena-Hallie Flanagan. The story of the Federal Theatre as told by its director. My Narrow Isle-Sumie Seo Mish- ima. A modern woman in feudal Japan. Highland Park, Illinois The Spring of the year brings round the season when libraries are in the habit of getting together for an exchange of ideas. Meetings are chairmaned by members of the staff of the Extension Division of the Illi- nois State Library and the program consists of talks by Librarian and trustees about current Library pro- blems with practical solutions. The meetings are held over a period of two weeks in several sections of the state and The Highland Park Public Library staff will be attending the one at Maywood this year. Squadrons Upl--Noe1 Monks. A first-hand story of the R. A. F. The 210th coast artillery band and the Fort Sheridan chorus provided the music. The entire assembly join- ed in the singing of "America" and "America the Beautiful." The Fort Sheridan chaplain, in M. Williams was assisted by five other chaplains of the Catholié and Pro- testant faith. Rabbi Solomon Jacob- son offered a "Prayer for Divine Guidance." HOLD POST SERVICES More than 3000 officers, enlisted men and civilians were present at the non-denominational service, held at the post parade ground at 10:30 Easter Sunday morning. This pa- triotic assembly, out in the open air was a solemn and impressive occa- sion. The Bake Sale will be supervised by Mrs. Erikson's Group. TUF.SDAY-7:36-Boy Scouts. Troop 324. wEDNEsDAY-r.1s-Choir rehear- sal. 9fO-Rummage Sale in the Par- ish House conducted by the Woman's Association. FRIDAY, April 25-- 70r--Hilander Club. Dinner Party. _ a missionary from Brazil, will be the guest speaker. THURSDAY, April M-- LIBRARY l-Dirk van der of a Dutch boy APRIL w, ItHt and