Deerfield was responsible for Rich- ard Clay Stem, Vernon Millard Mcint- zer, Robert Bruce Shumaker and Irving Henry Whitcomb. The fire department was called out more than 40 times within the past three days to extinguish grass fires. These fires were not of a serious nature, but they might easily be- come so, Fire chief Edward C Hos- kins. has asked that the residents of Highland Park use a little descretion, and refrain from burning rubbish on ssindy days. Wait until a mild day to burn leaves and grass. Mrs. John Sheldon, 1025 Wade, Highland Park and Mrs. Harding Cecil of Evanston were eo-hostesses at the 1 o'clock luncheon given by the Kappa Kappa Gammas Wed- nesday afternoon at the Northwest- The Highwood draitees were.. Ray- mond Glen Coomes, Leonard Hilding Gergdahl. Caesar Pasquesi,,Pcter Cy- ril Murphy, Arnie Carl Anderson, Nelle Joseph Tamarri. Leo A. Cer- vetti, Francis Anthony Cantagallo, Amelia Joseph Biondi, Ugo Azzi, Sar- go Digani, Bruno Coppi, John Fran- co Brugioni and Enrico Rossi. ern chapter Highland Park sent 29 of the 55 trainees inducted in the army from Zone 1 today. Highwood furnished u men and Deerfield 3. Included in this April quota were four volun- teers, one of whom, Ashley Chester Thomas, is from Highland Park. The Highland Park fellows who left today for Chicago and a year of army service were: Ashley Chester Thomas, Walter M. Meyman In. Mickey Loomis Lips, Harold Orlando Mathe, Alfred Robert Esp, Percy Wilfred Lloyd, Arthur Jack Baldauf. Melvin Sidney Borgeson, Michael Miotti. Edwin Ward Arnold, James Rizzolo, Edward Charles Dennett, Charles Beeson, Hannibal Vanni. Murdock Rosie, Richard B. Lederer, John Michael Sweeney, Antonio Gi- alianzi, Joe Joseph Tazioli, Chester John Skidmore, Harry Baldwin Horn, Myron Hammond, Cecil William Nes- trick, Eugene Harmon Godfrey, Louis Greuel, John Patrick Keleher, Don- ald Russell Siljestrom, Raymond George Schneider. and Angelo Santi. Fire Department Busy On Grass Fire Calls 29 Highland Park Boys Leave Today APRIL 17, 1941 WILLIAMSON mm“ - WINE Fumes Cleaned " up [III] hum-ca lmpection. Did you bum too much Nee--. wayourhouaewumlutseuon? Wedoexpeetro. pair work on any make tumaee-eosa land on mud labor and Interim used. MarviritirratV, Phi." -- - 144 N. First St. Telephone 635 "Child can operate TripI-ife" "The Wlllllnun Heater Company: ther Willi-Inn- Trot-ite lunac- "quin- n mu. Sting All mu m m u out. A 'rtu"J'NJ'fv'hrJ,tldl."l'lrdtA%te it mum In: of in mm no M u no call. for it "(ulna Incl/n the humidity ul ul- m-um an nun tint. but a; nu sight." "rod-tem. c. B. Lincoln, Park. Ill. Wy A WEEK " but I William.- Tupi-lb WINTERS TIN SHOP Mrs, John D. Stodder, 506 N. Sher- idan Road is in charge of the reset- vations for the Delta Gamma sorority tea, to be given at the Art's club, Wrigley building, Chicago, at 2:30 Monday afternoon, April M. Funeral services were held Wed- nesday in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The Lincoln school was closed for the day and many of the teachers, stu- dents and friends of Miss Campbell attended the services. Children living in the Elm Place School district should he enrolled with Miss Marks between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. It is very important that all children entering kindergarten in September be registered at this time. Children living in the Green Bay Road School district should be en- rolled with Miss Deile between ll .00 and 12.00 a.m. or between 3.00 and 4.00 p.m. Miss Jean Campbell, first grade teacher at Lincoln school for the past seven years. died Sunday night in Detroit. Michigan. Registration for children who will enter kindergarten in School Dis- trict 107 next fall will be held next week. Children entering kindergarten in September must be five years old before January i, 1942. Parents should bring the child's birth certifi- cate with them when registering. Miss Jean Campbell. Lincoln Teacher, Dies Kindergarteners To Register Next Week Auto Rep-ingxg Cold Frame d An! S ghtanhtg Body G Fender Repairlnl DAHL’S Auto Reconstruction Co. 822 N. Pint St. SPRING SERVICE STATION WELDING AND SOLDERING THE PRESS " QUALITY FUEL OIL Wil-ene . MPuk . Fond?“ . 0m. . Glam,- ARROW PETROLEUM CO. NORTH SHORE A FRIENDLY REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL ON REQUEST AND EXPLAIN ARROW SERVICES FULLY - WITHOUT OBLIGATION To North Shore fuel oil users, Arrow Petroleum Co., Chicagoland’s largest fuel oil distributors. ere happy to announce the expansion of their vast facilities to your community. Sixteen years of friendly service to thousands of fuel oil users have resulted in establishing Arrow as the foremost distributor in America. Arrow’s entry in the North Shore brings to you a standard of quality and service second to none. Announcement Klawsgw PHONE GRACELAND " 4300 AUSTIN I METERED DELIVERIES KEEP FILL SERVICE DELIVERY WITHIN THE HOUR ENGINEERING SURVEYS BURNER SERVICE PLAN ARE JUST A FEW or THE SERVICES ARROW HAS m OFFER 1126 CENTRAL AVENUE WrLMETTE PETROL“ BO. ENTERS THE PMâ€