judge advocate Philip J. McKenna. Americanism officer Harry B. Aiston'. and past commanders William C. Heinrich and Paul N, Webb, to. gether with their wives and Mrs. Salyardl and members of the Auxili- ary will serve on this committee. Allmund Eitel. chairman of the Le- aim: speakers committee. who has brought some of the country's Mest speakers to Highland Park,, made the arranxements for this sent» tion of the International ale'. This is part of the Legion pro- gram to promote Americaniam. one of the fundamental purposes of this great American ornnhation. Mayor Frank J. Ronan and corn? tnissinnen Jerome P. Howell, Lyle (Bentley. Nathan Sharp, and‘Artlmr H. Swanson are honorary chairmen of the reception committee. The offi.. can of the post. including vice-com- manders Harry F.. Eirhler and Will. iam J. Aker, service Mar DeWitt J. Manaur. finance Mice, Arthur R. Johnson. chaplain Henry A, Han- Ben, "rtteattt-at-arttts Rocco Stella. judge advocate Philip J. Mekenna, Americanism oMcer Harry B.,:\iston'. and past commanden William C. Heinrich, and Paul N. Webb, up The International Ladies will dis- ctr" recent world events. The in. crntion of their program is to show that people of all nus-no matter what their background or ttpttrimtintt --have certain fundamental intetests tdon and Auxiliary members tser of invitatimu will he al civic organizations. Leslie 5 hey. Militant. is chairman I tions â€has: Wollmmlty .is a Russian lecturer whose family name . older than Imperial Russia. She UU','; in France for many years. She express. M her own opinions drawn from unique personal experiences and ob- servations. m common. Commander George E. Alum “we“ that admission to vvrnl will he by invitation {to Mme, Tellis is an American writer and newwapcr woman ol distinguish- ed family. who has spent many years in Europe. She presents the Ameri- can point of view. Her husband is a Rusuian nuhleman. Her childhood was went in Highland Park. Mrs. McWilliarns is a talent“! writ- " and comes of a famous ott Elm- Iinh family. a camera] descendant of the great William Shakespeare Members of her family are promi- nently tnnneeted with the present British government. Her husband is an American. _ mm sky “it Inter, Mona! Lidia, famous radio trio, will be presented " the "mNand Park Woman's Chub, Thurs- day right. April " under ihe an» vim of Dmuaresq Spencer fa' of the American Legion. The International Ladies are on the air every Sunday at 3:39 our Sta- tion WAAP, Chicano. Their pro- grain is one of comment, reminis- ctntc. and interpretation M the new. developed like variation; play- ed - a theme, by three women who have known and seen life in many lands. 1 Popular Radio Trio On Legion Program Tellis The PAGE POUR newspaper woman of “lily. who has spent 2mm. She presents point of view. Her , Dianna. Spencer Pool "on.“ Noted Wei-en Avril 2| a! Wo-an’l Club speakers are Blanche 'Mason Mary Shakespeare McWill- nd Princess Marina Walton- Iary members. A num- vm will he allotted to om. Leslie S. McCal- is chairman ot Smila- Abernathy b to this Membership earth are now ready. and everyone who wishes to belong to the Center should join at once. For- J-ior Canoe. Club Flam are now under way for the formation ot a Junior Camera Club. members of which win have the priv- ileges of me'of the Community Cen- ter dark room 'instruction, special programs. and contests. Alt members will receive member. ship earth entitling them to the free me of game room, lounge, library and washrooms, and all free clubs. Mrmhen will also receive reduced rates on the use of athletic depart- ment, dark room. shop, and clubs with dues. mm imtmct in airplan Jim Nichols is instruc wooden model building munity c, rates are Fear Green Bay Road school P. T. A. will have a public dessert-card party Friday, April 18, at 7:00 in the school auditorium. There will be door and table prizes. Guests may make up their own tables. The {chewing chairmen, assisted by the room mothers will be in charge of the party: Mrs. Hans Bahr, gen- eral chairman: Mrs. Byron Smith, tithe-u: Mrs. Donald Phelps, tables and chairs; Mrs. Ray Werhane and Mrs. Robert Manlredeni, refresh- menu Ctuh: Men" Model Mrs. Daniel Davin will penny sale. Sun-hymn to a l, Model Crulr. M._ MI,“ I [up Green Bay P.-T.A. Holds Card Party Friday Evening Further announcements regarding Fwy-y. Anvil u 4 M. Inn's Chat, monthly "iar._Aerit " It T.hertd.r, April " Trier/ Ail WWVLHA‘HIWQ 9 I" it m ion-nah, Coat" Mal-huh†None Avail-bl. know! memberships to the Com- nity Center are now on sale. These Junior Airplnu Club Model Train. Huh ‘mbcrs of I (In: PM; , â€pm; North Shun S y Chorat Hub. :ommqnily Center Huh. Hieh ado F tua,. Chrs, Ches, follows '. b School School. n... Hitand with}; Sump Huh; I pm. the Hiland Planes- airplane models. and instructing in other (1dh; a meeting Highland able I 75 cents per 35 cents per Walther \dults. $1.00 Making IR Junior (flu-w p.m.. Yum. Airplane Airplane and conduct a anior Che" Park THE PRESS Lulu Huh these plans will be made soon. Boys and girls interested in such a club may leave their nameg at the Center, Highland Park 2442. Mrs. Anne Hoyer will exhibit il- lustrations of interior decoration: Marshall Johnson will display de- signs for landscape architecture, and the following architects will exhibit models and Mor plans: George Wal- lace Carr, William Alderman, Edward Lowenstein, John Tan Bergen, Will- iam B. Betts, Bertram Webber, C, H. Walcott, Henry Duhin and William D. Mann. A representative from the Fvale Forge shop, Deerfield will show guests how iron work is forged. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Boynton. MN Sheridan Road, have returned home after a vacation spent in Arizona. Out of the 8 offices, Portilia's men took S, His ticket winners were Ed- gar Benson, city treasurer; John L'golini, city clerk; John Castellari, third ward alderman and Geng Fioc. chi, fourth ward alderman. With five Portiiia men in office, the mayor will still hold the whip hand over the city council. The three officers, not on the Portifia ticket, elected were Nelle Uri. police magistrate; Oscar Abl- berg, first ward alderman and Roy Olson, second ward alderman. Ravinia Woman’s Club Hold Tea, Open House All Highland Park residents have been invited to attend the Ravinia Woman's Club architectural tea and open house Sunday, April 20 from 3 to 7 pm. Mrs. Willard Medway, general chairman of the tea, extend- cd the invitation. Gnu-new- Downtime “on will elm at ' o'clock Saturdays. dull" this "ttmb, the nun. The um will be upon from I IJII. until ' pan. daily, except Sunday. Mayor Charles Portilia and four other members of his party were elected Tuesday "m the hotly contest- ed Highwood election. Portilia with 738 votes was an easy victor over Al- .hert Bork, who had 555 votes and Thomas F.. Russell, Sr., who polled $19. Mayor C. Portilia Re-elected Tuesday EARLY CLOSING HOUR Music Departments . Present Second of Spring Concerts April 27 In line with the celebration of "Na- ‘tional Music Week" during which movie theatres throughout the C0ttn- try will be showing a picture entitled "There's Magic in Music" to stimu- late interest in music among young and old, the second Spring Concert given by the Music Department of the Highland Park High School will feature the playing of the school Orchestra and the school Chorus, with Andrew Jacobs, Jr., a pianist of exceptional musicianship as solo- ist, Sunday afternoon, April 27th in the school auditorium on N. St. Johns Avenue. Mr. Sidney Leger who brought the exhibit to America will be there to answer questions and discuss these works of art. Mrs. Clarence J. Bass- ler is chairman of the Art committee and Mrs. Robert Martin, vice-chair- man. Tea will be served. Mrs. John Mannings is arranging a musical program for the afternoon. The following students will appear: Marion Sanford, Virginia Bruce, Berenice Flanigan, Rosemary Bar- rett, Marion Anfrus, pianists; Dick Schaaf. clarinetist; Elaine Wirthei- mer, Lois Palmer, yinlinists. Tickets at a very low cost, to en- able every music lover to attend, may be obtained from any member of the Music Committee of the school P.T.A. which is sponsoring the con- certs, as follows: Chairman, Mrs. Arthur Raff, Co-Chairman, Mrs. Clarence W. Schaaf, and the follow. ing members; Mesdames Lee Sup- ple, Karl Wagner, Morris Greenberg, J. A. O. Preus, Robert A. Bryant, Sr., Henry C. Hawes, Ernest West and Harry Pertz. Mr. Robert Bryant is Permanent Treasurer of the Mu- sic Fund, into which the proceeds of the concerts go, and which is used for many musical purposes not pro- vided for in the school budget. Next week's issue of this paper will list the complete program. which Mr. Aschenbreener. Chorus Conduc- tor, and Mr. Finch, leader of the Orchestra, promise to be both short and attractive. S Reynolds. Uwrenee, and Gainsborough To Be Included . In Showing Sunday On Sunday afternoon from 3:00 yin 5.00 o'clock the Art department of the Highland Park Woman's Club will have open house for any mem- hers of the North Shore who are interestefin viewing the British ex- hibit. These paintings include a Rey- nolds, B Lawrence, a Gainsborough and many other equally outstanding works of art which anyone interested in paintings should see. To Exhibit Here Hold Open House To View British Works APRIL w, 1911