Inch you the society upon-or- " exhibition of he design In oom- Inercinl wilting which in new an dt-tap. tn the Wing Foundation tool- " Newborn mey in cu. CMO. In the nu none of the“ piecee will be moved‘to the Ila-cum of science end Industry to become e put of I permanent mm: of line printâ€. At the roe-at month; of the Bo. chty of Mannie urn, Charles H. Nixon m minted president. Mr. Nixon nudes In the Udell W. m Cantu] “an. MEN-'8'. Who-Hon! A,9-=,.4...=...9i9..-..-._=.iii-- it DAHLS Auto Reconstruction Co. 12 -'-i""-F-i9-iFFFr""99"9"--"q"---e- Thrilling, tteautitut surround. ing.. unusual cautious and "Nico. Hon you molly “a fish ol many variation. food in the tineat money can buy and you It" in modom cabins. Truly, tho Hon! vacation noon. Write In: bounce. SPIBIG SERVICE STATION WELDING AND SOLDEIING Opening June 20th for the 79l'n ccrcrscle season under Tharp ownership management. A distinctive family resort. Sport and recrea- tion for the enfire family - ftshing, swim- ming, boating, golf, fennis, hiking, horseback riding, etc., and all in the beautiful selling of northern Door County. Two hotel build. ings and 20 cottages. Sclecf Clientele. Dining room listed in Duncan Hines' "Ad. vnnlures in Gocd Enllnq." Boo'lcf. '.N".'I IUN‘I? Moot. " "T‘ISIUIO, FLORIDA Jd "SH CREEK. THORP HOTEL Auto Bopoiming a From. 6 Axel Stroiahtoning Body 6 Nmur Repairing CAMP IDLEWILD FAMOUS AS MrNNEsOTA's FINEST 1m“ Society AND COTTAGES \. STlCitLER,'rsOLE'pwNER Marcel]. Race County. Manama DOOR COUNTY, WISCONstN M077 V A meeting of the Ravinia Guden club board will be held Tuesday, July 8, " 10 Ha. " the home of In. Theodore Uehllng, 2277 Lin. colnwood road. Plans for the July 11 meeting will he made. The Infant Welfare members were deeply mutated in lamb; o! the work being done In “to county by the permanent by lanterns! com- mittee. Dr. Bulhnell gnve n mum Ind the hopes and plan- for the future. The educuioul program , to be continued and 3 new questionnaire Iddreued to the mothers of babie- born In Lake county during 1941 I: now tn prep- lnuon. . _ In K W. Dough-I, Mt Wood- land road, will be hone-l It the meeting to be held on the later date, beginning at 2 Pan. In. June- Lytle. program chairman in in churn of the meeting. "Grand. mother’l Garden in Old Glue" in the topic to be discussed by In. Gnu-lee Clnrelun of Hinednle, meter. ludmOl A most enlightening nu: on "Interim Weuue in me County" wee given " the regular meeting of the mghlhhd Perk mint Wel- fare group. Dr. Lowell F. Bush- nell wan the spake: He tnced the history of the founding of mur- nal venue group. and clinic: throughout the nation with the nel- tntlou that to have healthy battieq we must ttave may mothen. Ink-t Well-n Group mammal» On Hahn-l Walla. The Highland Park PRESS l Deerfield. in preparing for two cemivm next month The lint will be the tunnel Deerheld Legion deyl on may, slimy end Sundey. Aug. “-10. The second II to be the viliege benent'end will be given 1 brand new name thin you after the committee meet. again to diecuu publicity. The vtilnge mini is tentively scheduled for anarchy, Emmy. and Monday, Aug. 80-81. d Sept. 1. The Holy Croe- enth- olic church cernivel which we. Dually held over the Fourth ot July in to be (Haven-ed with thin year, end lute“ they will have e chicken dinner feetivel on July 20. Two Carnivals To Do Let me point out that people of low mentality are seldom bothered with heedachel. They are not good "tttttthers," do not try to analyze citation. had full to Ice lesson or leek of It. hence ere not disturbed. It in the per-on with e, good hula. but with little understanding of it. function who, t'utreonaeioosty recog- nizing lack of logic. is moat apt to suffer with ttettdnctte. For example, s. woman with s. good, loysl hard-working and con- ventional husband, been him say alter the lust election that he voted s Communist ticket. she knows this len't In accord with Ms usual conduct. He may laugh it oet, so msy she, but the knowledge that her husbsnd has rented inogteany is a ttrat-el- resson for that wife to develop a ttmt cuss heedsche. Her husband. ususlly so sable sud dependable, has done something so illogical that it upsets her own mental processes Few women have “tempted to study out the meaning of the word "togie." Yet every women hu tb brain, operating in a way of which one is entirely unconscious. A log- ically geared mind, in the pause- Mon of e woman who doe. not rec- ognise logic, create. a eontiiet In the mind, and I. potential headache, according to paychoioghtl, _ A headache my be due to some entirely physical anon, such u some maladjustment in bodily func- tion. However, it in more llkely to be caused by aubeonacioua mental Cttnitiet. Savant‘a reply la addreued to that vast number of people who Met from what they vaguely term "headactti' The fundamental cause of common headaches la that thettrainofttteautrererttaatuttoo often ceased to function logically or la .utreonatrioualy diam-ted by an illogical ultuatlon. Nature seem to have built our brain thine to operate moothly only u long an we remain logical. Logic la the name given to the science ot rea- aonlng. It la a ltudy which malt men shy away from; to moat wom- en it is ineornpmttenMtshs. Btrtautt t" In response to our column [at week, the mall bringl u . letter trom 1 man who an, "My wile In bothered with Manchu nnd in " wayl tWing her-ell with noun-um; Want can be done to help her, Savnnt Invite: your comment. WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND? by Stvlnt Hold In Dq.erteld other-Phil Johnson had Norma Watson, both from Northbrook." mt “My following the din- ner' meeting, the club when went to Lake Geneva for a golf unma- ment. In addition to Mt Carter, the board of director- Include the shove mentioned otNtertt Ind two The retiring president In Edvard Carter of Northbrook who tuto- maticuly become- . director for the coming year. President, Thom" Adams, North- brook. Viee-preMdent, John Km, Winnem. Secretary. Mater B. Bull, Deer- Held. Trmurer, Nicholas Bree, North- brook. ' Rotary Club Instill; New other: My ' At the weekly luncheon of the Deerfield-Northbrook Rotary club Thursdw. July a, at Phil Johnaon'l, the newly elected officer, were in- ducted. Thou to serve for the en- eulng you ere: Deerfield/ The 30 commotion permits for building in June we: mined at $219,143 and wu divided u fol- Iowr. 13 single ftunily dwellings $173,742 6 private gange- _""'m..r...s.. 3.685 11 alteratlom .F....e..rtrmt-trr-..... 41,766 Total building for the nut [ix month- in Highland Park was $923,338. The monthly tigurm were Jnnuary, $125,461; February. 8108e 028; Much. $181,167; April, $162,- 696; May, $191,853. Building totals for the Brat ll: month- of 1940 were 8455.705. Com- parative to the June total of a. year ago was 899.540. leach New High In lune. Total “It!“ Breaking all records for any lin- gle previous month during the cur- rent year and lint year. building neared the quarter million mark, according to record: in the once of Sidney Morris. Highland Park building inapeetor. Building loud: Upén their nturi from o. wed- ding trip Mr. and Mm. Coleman will take an apartment In thin city. Frederick Coleman. lowed " brother as but man. Only a. few members of both families wince-ed the ceremony. The sudden death of Joleph H. Taylor, who wu to have performed the marriage service Iomewhat dimmed their wedding day. The ceremony we: followed by a gqpper In Wheeling. The bride we: attired in I. mvy white uccemriel and tl come at pink tom and white amnion. She wu attended by Min Genevieve Wilner of this city who wore any blue and white and a con-age sim- ilar to the bride’l. F4 Goon. Colo-n Weds 'rue-ah, Girl July 8, 1941