or non unnerved nuts Mutable without charge Any interested citizen I. welcome. . . A pamphlet inued by the NI' “on! new of Women Voterl titled the Battle of Production which uphill- the defense indus- try'l organisation is Inileble for n null an ftmtt any member of the Highland Park committee which mtqMItq of the following in eddi- tioa to In. Simon and In. "all", In. Edwina Kain. vice- ettqtmtqm In. V. In. middle. In. Gilbert t%gdBegq and In. League Of Women n Venn In nauyé In. Main Holler. chairman of foreign policy for the Highlnnd P.rhuatttseosdnmemtterofthe Bottle of Hoductim committee de- viated that the job to be done In! the United aum in unprecedented, To show mthinx of the size at the iob Urn-Holler [IVO the follow- inc limitation: The United Staten Maritime comm-ion under origi- nat plan. who to build from one and one-lint! to two million tom, of ship- ping over I somewhat nebulou- oeriod. It in now faced with the urgent menitv of building from three to four million tons I Venn A “.000 percent increase in ordnance mnnnllcture in under war. The cit-lien“ of Hitler. Inid Mn. Hali- er. in the chnilenge of whines. of production. of usembly linen. of loborntoricn nod ideal the tUtd in which the United States in: con- sidered ital! unequalled. Thi- lu a bottle we know how to tight Ind Win " we will. Believin‘ that the pin which the American people hove inaugurated for date-dink democney will luc- ceed only if the people recognixe the emergency and work with the unity of purpone hitherto associated with war, the league hm undertak- en to work for the nucceu of the Lone-Lend plan adopted by the COI‘". And people of the United States. In. Remand M. Simon. chairman of the committee tori-ligh- land Purh in outlining pinn- for the PI"! in which all the north shore - Ire conperntlng said "he“ eil'brt everywhere in being concentrnted on thin campaign to 'wtn the bttle of production' by urging iovertsmmst, industry. labor. “more everybodv. to get togeth- " now to lpeed up production. Boob. In. Simona muted. must be produced now in order that they - he put " the disposal ot than notion. whooe defense in deemed vitll to tm Poem public opinion on the role which the United state- an inasmuch as economic lily of that nation which on victim. of nun-ion, the North Shore [ensue of Women Voters invite all inter- est“ “than. to hear Governor Dwight Gum {Republic-n} Ind Trunk Bun (Democnt) It the nliy that†text Monday evening " 8:30 pm. " the New Trier 'utdttorhmt In Wlngtetlta, In. almon- announced today that there will be u Hunted number ot renewed out. available tor tho-e who nth to be secured a In! whenever they "rive " the any. Per-om desiring ticket- should cull "I'M Perk 3007. There are 800 y W! 9!.“ .911 VISmittie" Serves Two Generations of Glaciers Water Condition At Park Beaches Not So Unfavorable Many inquiries have come in to the Board of Health as to the con- dition of the water along our lake front relative to swimming. A con- stant stand has been taken by the local health authoritiel over the yearn that the lake water ll thor- oughly contaminated try dirt and acne chemically treated new-[e and industrial waste. but that it does not constitute the threat of any epidemic dim Inch an typhoid fever or the like. Eye, ear. mm and throat infection. and boil: are frequently seen during summer months in than frequenting the trachea. but this in true to a certain extent .of bathing in any inland In June, 1911, George (Nader. 816 Ridgewood drive had his picture taken while having n hair cut in the Our lake front water situatlon it not likely to change became ot our proximity to industrial tom or cities. as Chlcugo. North Chicago, Firemen Bettie "can at Garage Firemen taught for more than two hours Friday night trymg to keep the ttre at the two story frame garage and storehouse on Second Samuel Willem. Mm. J. Suntan! Baker. " helm: president during the summer month. in an ett-otBeio mrmbcr. George Glad", 1911 SPECTACULAR FIRE ON FOURTH The Highland Park PRESS and Waukegnn plus the fact that there is no uniformity ot â€wage dil- pom over the whole lute front area. Under these circumnancel the direction of the prevailing winds has a great deal to do with the condition of the water on any given day. The Met that an army post ad- joins our north boundary would not appreciably change this picture for Highland Park, an mtgirttetMtntte of health 3nd unintion in on import- ant for any army population as for a stationary civilian one. Thirty your: later, in June, 1941, George (Under. Jr., his Inn, in pie- tured in a similiar pose in the lame barber shop. barber shop of "Smitty." Mr. Glider is past master of A. o. Fay lodge No. 676 A. P, and A. M. and is a driver for the Bowman Dairy company. Young George has become a popu- Ur photographic model tor maga- zine advertisements and bill boards. For the past two years he has held a social security card. His photo- graphs have appeared recently in June Parents Magazine, Time muga- zine. Photographic magazine. and has appeared on bill boards for Swift and company, Armour and company and Sears Roebuck. Smitty, the barber, or Alfred Hamil. whose shop is located at 22 N. Second street, has been in busi- ness in Highland Purl: for 32 years. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hopkins, Chi- cngo. formerly of North St. John. avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth. to Dr. George J. Minn. Plan: tor the wed- ding are indefinite. It in not believed neceuuy to clone the Highland Park benche- this year any more than in prev- ious years, but the individual citi- zens should fully realize that bath- ing condition are far from ideal. and impossible of change. Will Marry Dr. G. I. Hinn street, ndjacent to Marchi': game, from spreading to other garagel in the block. The building. owned by Mrs. Sam Tum". was destroyed. Damage was put at 3800 by Chief Ed Hosklna. In the July Better Home: and Masonic Picnic To Be Held thm., Italy " Garden maguine he appears in 1 shoe advertisement, and in the July Parents maguine he is pictured for Alka Seller. Con-lite“ Plan by hal- nm In Mid: in Sunset t Park Hazel Btupple, publicity chair- man,, reports nnal arrangements are being made tor the annual Mannie picnic which as announced previously will be held at Sublet Park, on Sunday, July 20. Thin in considered the moat Important lo- ciai Masonic an: of the year and all Masons. members of the Eutern Star and their lamiliea and friends in neighboring towns are cordially invited to attend. Any Manon or member of the Eutern Star. who lives here and is not a member of the local organization. is eapecial- ly invited to attend. This young fellow is gaining wide- amend Intention for his personality. " well u IO fine Input-mu. . The program will [tart " in the morning with the Preliminaries for the homahoe game content. Leon- ard Friebele in chairman of the event and he would appreciate the use of several pair: of nor-emcee as he and: moat people reluctant to take down those over their door- ways. _ It is expected that every fomlly will bring their own basket lunch for themselves and their (Honda. It is intended that at 12 noon uble: will be put together and that every- one will participate in the meal " one large family. The flrtrt event of the sftemoon will be the bingo game in charge ot Ray Klinger. He is making his usual effort to help all the (milieu replenish their inrders by heving staple groceries as prizes. After every tenth game it in pinned to have one "jack-pot" game with something extra u s prise. A variety of race: and contests tor all use groups will tulle up I large part of the afternoon Ind ttrt- proprinte prize: will be awarded for each event. Attorney and Hrs. V. Wm. Brlddle, together with Beech Men. made such a mecca of this part of the program lut year they were talked to be the commitee again thin year. Reuben Thoma- la chum-n of the bl.“ game and eaptain of the (Continued on Put 11), George Gladet. In. 1941 July 10, 1941