Mr. cum VII Eat man for. his beether, Aurel. when he, non of Recent. bridal nth-mints It the Gudbtntt-GiRrert nuptilh " the Drake hotel, Chit-m. were Alfred o. Gitbert Ind his dunner, Alice. of I†uVwoodi. 7 RECENT 9mm. amNDANts Him 21d. R. Clarke. 240 Cary Ivonne. he. enrolled in the Gregg Collegei College lntennive Course. Prior to her enrollment. Miss Clarke attended Stephens College and Northwestern University. ENROLLED AT GREGG COLLEGE In Culifornin visiting friends and relatives, in Miss Gloria Bul- hrd of mtrhwood.fhe recently visited with Misa Elsie Niui. formerly of Highwood. in has An- gelou. and with the former Bernice Roberta It Hermosa Bench, She teft for Culifornin two weeks In. the northern route. and will re- turn home next week by the .outhern route. John Moan served the bride- groom as host mun. A wedding breakfast for forty- five grunts followed at the Chun- try Faro. Following a ten day honeymoon in Missouri, Mr. Kil- royne and his bride will live " 1832 Broadview avenue, Ravinia. VISITING m CALIFORNIA The Holy Cross Church, Deer- field. ’wus the seem- of the wedding of Miss Mural Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitehell of Anderson. Missouri, and Jnmes Lawn-nee Kileoyne, son of James .W. Kilroyne of 1021 trstertmor avenue, Deerfield, on Saturday; March I3. at I0-200‘n'eloek in the morning. The Rev, Murphy heard the exchanm- of nuptial vows. The .lwille wore in ~periml‘ lure iown and fingerlip veil which" hung from a lime Coronet. She unit-d a bouquet of white ruses. edge}! with red roses. Miss Anne Marie Kilt'oyne. sister of the bride- groom, attended as maid of honor. She was gowned in pink satin and carried an old fashioned bouquet of roses. MIT('HEI.I,~KIL(‘0YNE NUPTIAI.S Page4 Th mince of “in Glori- label Doull. dancing! of In John Deal! of 948 Wuhan no. no and the late Mr. Doutt. And Icahn Douglas Ir-ttmere'.': min. mhtirs.. " 6tt in. BVS- an. and In. William Niohcn of 150 Illinois road. [Ah Forest, which-took place in Chicago on November 12, in being mnouncod this week. Mrs. Alma G. Wetherton is In- nouncing the forthcoming man riage of her daughter, Mrs. Flor- ence Wetherton Cherry of 548 Central nvenue, to John L. Perry of Winnetka, sun of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Perry of San Francisco, California. Mr. Perry is assistant manager of Air Reductions Sales company, (Ihicngo. Mrs. Cherry is executive director If the Girl Scouts in Highland Park. The wedding early summer. ' Miss Dorothy Kutzcr of 1978 S. Sheridan Arum! is vxpvctod home (in. Saturday afu-r a awn-n weeks' visit with her uncle and aunt, the E. Kutzors of San _Di(-go. Cali- forniu IN THE EAST Mrs. F. Ir. Austin yr 1352 Broaalvied avenue,is in Calivoono, New York..visitinz with her shut-n in-Iaw, Miss N"ellie Austin, who is ill. . GUMUA DOULL. A BRIDE The Ralph A." Bards of 660 N. Lake nvenue. 2lt Forest, form- erly of Highlln Pith. 'th Mr. Ind Mrs. Donald S. Boynton of 608 Howthorne lane recently spent three weeks to-eether, vacationing It "Good Hope Ranch".' Jam-inn. The Bards have returned home, but the Boyntons remained at Hobe Sound tor an Isdditional week. They are expected home to-morrow. Both Mr. and In. Hating: m cranium of the Highhnd Puk high school. and Mr. Hating: duo attended "3arthatre college and Luke Forest college. After . month spent at Cuem~ luc- Ind Acupulco, Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Y. William of 160 Hue! avenue, have returned home. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE HOME SOON â€MCI mu. The couple is residing " 943 Waukegan uvenue. _ BACK HOME planned for "in ham-u North. a dam of the bride. were an All“ blue at. feta m nude enéuy‘llh the The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, won I gown of ivory utin made with I bunk effect and I long trim. In fintrertip veil hung from a coronal of lace. She curried a shower boar. quet. of white camelllu and earn-- lions. On Saturday. March 20, Miss NtricinsErrot North. dnughter of Mr. Ind Mrs. Leon-I'd North of 969 Park avenue. Deerfield, Ind William Lonny (hunch. not: of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gensch of Enn- stort, wen united in marriage " 8:00 o'clock in the evening, " St. Paul's churrh. Deerfield. Tho Rev. Linoborxiir heard the ext-hung! of nuptial vows. On Tun-sclnv. Miss Phyllis Copp. daughter of the Howarrcopp.i of fuannrside lane. loft, for Now York, whorl- she will lc-nvo on Saturday aboard tho “Queen Elizabeth" for London. A svnior in the School of Fhluttion at Northwestern univt-r- sity, Mics Copp will Ire nétompnn- ied by two Northwestern students and three graduates of the Uni- versity of Montana. She is I mem- After n visit in England and Scotland. the group plans a six months' tour of the continent, from Oslo, Norway. through Swe- den, Denmark, Holland, Belgium. me'v. Switzerland, and on to. Rome, Italy. They plan to return home aboard the Mauritania, on October l9. Visiting in Hot Springs Park. Arkansas for two weeks Are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred o. Gilbert of 195 Lakewood place. . “QUEEN FOR A DAY" JUDGE A judge on the "Queen For A Day" radio program lust Tuesday his Mrs. George O'Connell of B. Linden avenue. SAILING FOR, EUROPE SATURDAY T twr of Gamma Phi sorority It Northwestern. VISITING PATRICIA NORTH WEDS huh-l, Chicago. for the families and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson, Jr. (Janet Bard) and dauehter, Janet, Inf] Mr/and Mrs. Ralph Bard, Jr. and son, Ralph, In, Ind dauzhbe'r, Mary. .11 of Barrington, former Highland Fathers, I"; leaving this week-end for I two wi-eks' vacation at the Bird's Vir, ginia plantation. / - RA USCHER-TAHTINEN NUPrrALS Mrs Ernest Pain of Chiratto " tended the bride as matron of honor, and FredNttsuswhor of St. Louis. Missouri, brother of the bride, served as best man. ' A reception ttt the La Salle Since their return from I honey- monn trip East, Mr. and Mrs, Leo F'. Tahlinen have been residing on Squie boulevard. Their marriage tank place on Saturday. February 21, at St. Sylvesterâ€; Rectory in Chieazu, at 2:00 oVlork, in the afternoon. Mrs. Tahtinen is the former Kathryn Hausch. daughter of Mrs. M. E. Rauseh of Chicago. and Mr. Tahtinen is the son of the late Ferdinand Tahtinen of Sknkie boulevard. _ V On Suturdny, Miss Kalherine Pacini of 305 Blaom street left by plane, from Chicago for Italy. She will visit with her sister, Mrs. Eda Amedei in Rome for six weeks. It. and In. Otiu Gillan. and lil- In... Goldbhtt, dattahter of In. Huh-n Goldblntt And tho Inte It. (haunt. were united in Inn-rim " 1:00 o'clock in the gunman-uhâ€. -. “7*" li- Alieo Gilbert attended the We as bride-mid. ll did Mu. C'lurio Goldbhtt. liner of the bride. and lil- Gloria comma. cousin of the bride. li- llvil Goldman in her linki- maid of honor and In. Henna Gummarick, matron " honor. Their froeka vere of gold tafreta, and the bride-maid- dnuu were of yellow and blue striped arm. with boutfant over- mm of blue net, All carried rel- low rules. The bride's white satin [on was trimmed with unique cord Ind Iced pearls in an embroidered design. Her fingertip pearl em- broidered veil .feil from I coronet of satin and mlline. She curried I bouquet of white orchid: Ind stephnnutis Following a Carribean cruise, Mr. Gilbert and his bride will re- side on bke Shore ilrive, Chic-go. VIRGINIA VACATION VISITING IN ROME ..-n.mnny IN HOT SPRINGS friends followed the Then in no fee for this alum dancing My. . The dance " get “an?†about Preliminary in- struction will be [imam de. Iiring It. T Here u a chance to make ur- rangement: for your own set, or if you lack would; members on. tm couples uncultu- will not in your not. . p _ Square Dancing At The Community Cantu All square dance enthusinm are invited to take put in the square during may on Wednes- day. March am. in the Col-mun- ity Bath" the Center. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- on D, Hastings Jr., (Gloria Don"). whose marriage; which took place last November IS, has recently been announced. Mrs. William Nielsen of 250 Illinois road. Lake Forest. mother of the bridegroom. will entertain at a small {unify supper party on Sunday night, at her home. . . Newcomers to Highland Plrk are Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Smith of I Greenwood lane. Mr. Smith is connected with the Dunbar Glam company. Merchandise Mart, Chi- can). They formerly resided in Ev-nston. _ Formerly of Beloit. Wisconsin, when they were in the reshuram business. are Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Swanson of 917 S. St. Johns ave- nue. The Swansens resideed in Highland Park yen: ago. Mrs. Swans-n is the" former Carol Kl, Epperson. sister of Miss Sequi- Epperson, supervisor of the High- Gnd Plrk hospital, and In On" Lundmn of Pleasant Iver-u; Now living in the hon! It I328 Marion avenue. which they recent- ly purchased. Ire Mr. Ind In. Y. R. Ruwilch. formeriy of Glencoe. Mr. Ruwiteh, son of In. Simon Ruwitch of Ridnwood place. in with the U. S. Hoffman company, Chic-go. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Manulia of New York are planning to again spend the summer at Weapon, Connecticut. Mr. Manulis is diree- tor and manager of the summer theater there.' Mrs. Manulia, the former Katharine Bard. daughter of the Ralph Bards of Lake Forest, formerly of Highland Park. in an actress with the company. Mrs. Mnnulis use: the name of Kath- arine Bard for her theatrical work. "The Hull-ms" was the most re- m-nt play in which she appeared. NEWCOMERS TO HIGHLAND PARK backgammon-“hid numllum'u "j"eere.o"ttare of_tqai_rrftHhnid- mum-batman. Miss Violet Strom of Superior, Wisconsin, is visiting at the home of her brother-h-taw. and sister, Mr and Mrs. L. Vorman Shulaud of 1202 S. Sheridan road. She is hure to greet her new nephew, David Lloyd, born on March 16, It the Highland Park hospiul. The Shulstads are also parents of I daughter Constance Marie, 3, and a son, Robert. I. Th Erik'- - eh. I the cup. it... -u-tod by - Ice-oth- and u - " pink “nation. Her M. In. Anni. Gm. it" tn- in bone in Bay-nu, Who-any Cumin. for an mung, no in any blue "2901.39.13!- III Rs-r-tElia.' The kid.- groom'- mother wore pink with matching mm 3nd a cor- nice of pink me. and Viol“ Fr Among the 340 students grad- uated in the largest. winter convm tatiun in the 56-year history of the University of Chicago, Friday, March 19, was Miss Mary Gate- wood of 336 Elm place. -- W 'e_'_ettee_NV L," :Good Showing At TO SUMMER IN CONNEcTrcUrtue Tennis UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO GRADUATE BRIDAY PARTY Don Martin, I student " the University of Iowa, in Iowa City, nrrived home yesterday wjpend the Easter nation with his pur- ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Martin of 323 Onkland drive. VISITING H ERIC About 200 Included the recep- tion " the "mic Temple. Deer- field, following the cerelinony. New in Hot Springs. Ariana, on a wedding trip, Mr. Cease!) and his bride will reside in Eennaton on their return. - ThetteideisnedaatooeV had Put high KM. m '3 now . cashier at the Telephone company. Suntan. The bride groom is I grunt: of Emsâ€! high 1::th HOME FROM SCHOOL THE PRESS 'u-itmC_eAt Hifi-dr-Cm-ms, “which“! “IMAM-uni!“ '.r89oir.Ad.ttarta- '.a6p.nrAdlCaadmtdV H. Pulse" MUre Twenty two table tennis phym vied for the North Show champ- ionship It the Highluld Park Con,- munity Center last Sum! in eight divisions. Thad champions will no to the All American Table Tennis Championship Todmament to be held in Chicago " the Coli- seur- on April 24th. nation Club 1:80 p... Ian's Club Ore. llouo " Con-nit! - My. luck Mth Good WK. “with: u mmm- -----.i- Saturday. lamb 87th 0:30 a Junior Can Ch 0:80 aan.--"." m- m ball {or and. school boy. at In. side. Lincoln 1nd El- PUeq an loudly, larch 20th 4:00 In. Junior Art Cl- ‘h80 p.111. Weight Lining Cla- 8:00 pm. Ballroom dancing Cl..- ' I _ Tue-day. Inn]: Mth 9:30 mm. Schumann; Ch- 1:00 - 10:00 Pmt. Continuity Badminton at Drum]: a. Wednesday. Inch Slit 9:30 mm. Music Club 10:15 mm: Modern Dance Ch- 3215 - -tt:tto, Modern Dance Classes 7:30 p411. Weight Lifting Ch- 8200 pm. Square Dancing My 7 :30 - 9:30 pm. Community Badminton at Ravinia gym. Virginia Broim and Mrs. Har- HIGHLAND PARK CYCLE SHOP BFsURETocmrEmsh'nJRDAY,MARcHaraswE W0tlLDuKET0GWEYoUANoPENmGDAYsoUvEmt 380 Central Ave. at/Si‘eridan Saturday, March 27 t You are invited to inspect our service ' and repair facilities and to see on dis- play complete lines of ANNOUNCING men: ACME MODEL AIRPLANE PARTS & KITS mucus TAYLOR YELOCWEDEs WHIZZH! BIKE MOTORS WAGONS “demw mulch-min“. "to-io'simr.arithrur- ugEr-aalra.rteroeMi.. gnur-tnhirtetho-udiei- -iretu"toMe%a_ “Dorothy“ "WB. no“. will wt the North watchman-Ion.- orer8s.lta.Ed_orrV In: Mind arm " "W, with Wattor Innk- of am A: Alum-k. will take honor: for the Inn our " Opening of PHONEH. P. will be if)?†hi... Thursday, March M, tlM8 De"iame Bicycle