Page..' awn-u. BWDAL SHOWER - In honor " m- Gnu sou-no. who waiting to John p. my» but plan on Way. In. John Card of hum: 1mm, “wood, - hoote- at a pot- -tnt shower recently. Twenty- Magnum-d. Back " his studies at the Uni- - og Dumb, an: a neon: when“! " home. in Lee J. And- er...» ottMLJ.Andru- us of Dell hue. BACK AT SCHOOL After a two weeks' holiday at homo, lilo Pam Shir, daughter ortho M. Bowen Skin of 373 Woodland avenue. has returned to but studies " Smith college, Nor- thampton, Maaaaehutsetta. HOIE F03 VACATION On Sunday, Jerry Peterson. son of the Linda“ Petal-sons of B. Green Bar my! "turned to school after mending wring vacation at home. Jerry is . sophgmore at Purduc University in lat-yam, Indian; Bob Berg. son of Dr. ind Mn. A. L. Berg of E. Park venue, who spent the first pan of his vaca- tion visiting in Ohio with A school friend, mind home the following Tuesday to spend the remainder of his week's holiday with hia parents. He, too, has returned to Purdue where he is n sophtnore.‘ Among the Amherst student.- home for I two weeks' vac-Lion recently were "Andy" Andrews, George Grimes, und George Hiller. George's brother, Walter Hitter, J.r., left Int week to ram-w Carleton college timer . holiday at home. Other Carleton students who also returned included Henry Date, Ted Hermann, Eileen Rite iord, John Rosenheim, Bob Smi and Joan Smith. ‘ A floral pattern of nnilheads trimmed the bodice and clp sleeves of the ivory crepe dress worn by the bride. Her comm: "I of pink and white camellia. In. Amick, matron of honor, wore . light blue dress and con-3e of yell" eamatiorur. Mr. Amick served as best run. The bride's mother '5: in light grey with new, memories. Her comp m " red carnation:~ ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED “(attainment of Miss Phyllis Show Chfpman to John Whitley mix-n. Inn of Mr. and Mrs. Wnl- tnee Hogan Lumignn of Wade street his recently keen luv nounced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert J. Chnpm-n of Wil- melee. The Rev. Inst-2r hubemtein of Bethany church heard the ex- change of nuptial vows on gelat- day, March 27, when Mia- Thelma Grace Christman became the bride of Robert N. Crocoll. The bride is the deuuhtcr of Mr. and Mrs. A. o. Christmen of 626' laurel eve- nue end the bridegroom is the son of Mr.‘end Mrs. Fred Crocoll of Buffalo, New York. The Wedding wee solemnized It the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Amick (Au- drey Weeding) of " B. Green Bar road. Enter lilies, white cer- netlone. and red tulips decoreted the living room. HOME SOON The S. Parker Johnston, of 505 Waverly road Ire expected home next week from Florin). The Johnstonn spent the winter " Fort lauderdale. THELMA CHRISTIAN. A BRIDE m that! oar‘rasu MT l 9851mm: cum: IF v0u mun vaults NOT ENTITLED 10 rr. .. ahmcrtoutt names-1' MA OFFICE INSTEAD M A than at Phil Johan's t the “any “(I W My 1 loved on may. Th - my]. left soon that tor BeirHtt. when they will mk- their I»... AT ATLANTIC cm Mr. and Ila. Bert Brand " New York City, formerly of High- land Put. an ,meatiorsin. it At. Italic. City, New Janey. April " he: been chum u the date of the wedding of line Lois Nntkin, daughter of Mr. And In. Sidney J. Nntkin of 250 have“ nvenue, and Edurd Judson Strnnnky, Ion of Mn Ernest Hen: of Glencoe and Edward J. Smu- Ar of Minneapolis. The ceremony will take place at the Nntkin home " 830 p.m.. Dr. Richard Hen: tending the marriage lines. WEDDING DATE autism Min Doris Seitler will attend the bride u maid of honor, and Ernest Hart: of Glencoe will nerve the bridegroom is beat man. Mias Heru in a (ruin-u of the University of Chieaeo high [chool and attended Luke Forest college. Mr. Stun-Ry is . tgraduate of Denison University, Granville, Ohio. Mrs. William L Winters and her mother, Mn. Harry A. Firkin of 188 laurel avenuecreeentlr re- turned from a four days’ shy in Wnahington, D. C. Mm. Winters' son, Willi-m, Jr. spent his four days' holiday from Princeton Uni- versity visiting with his mother and grandmother. in the nuion'u capitol. "Bill" in in his second yen " Princeton. BACK HOME After two Ind I half weeks spent in Phoenix, Arizonu. where they visited their daughter, Mabel, ttrc' and Mrs. John W. Meyer. of 800 S. Green Bay road, have re- turned home. Min Meyer in n stu- dent It Brownmoor School in Phoenix. After a month's visit in tans Anselm, Cmlifornist, 'Misa Marian Benson of Onwentsia avenue, has returned home. Miss Betty Con- klin of N. Green Bay road, who accompanied her. remained on the west coast for an indefinite my. Also home from a month's vul- tion in California, is lit. June Shelhen of 164 N. Green Bar road and Miss Louise Inntek of Wlukegnn. During their visit to Hollywood, Miss Shaina WIS keard on the "Queen For A Day" program. Among former ‘Highhnd Puk- ers whom they visited were Dr. and Mrs. Bushnell, and the Mines Agllha and Kay Cole. The wedding of Miss ,Devonnn Hatowski. ' .of Mr. 5nd Mrs. M. J. Hntowski, of 154 Vine avenue and Rabin Slvek,. m of Mr. and Mrs. L. Sink of New York City, took place on Sunday, Much 21. at 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon It the Congregnion Israel, Gleneom Rabbi Maurice Pihrsky of Hillel Foundation of the University of Chicngo. heard the exchange of nuptial van The bride was lovely in a long trained white satin gown embroi‘ dered with iridesce’m. bends. Ber fingertip veil hung from . held- dress of heirloom rosettoint Ind dueheas lace. She curried I bou- quet of camellils and lilies of the valley. Miss Irene Loni-e Human. who "tended her sister a laid of hon6r, wu (owned in light blue taffeta. The halo Int she wore In: of pale pink veiling. The bouquet Ae carried gun of pink cumelliu and carnation; ' Melvin Sibek served his brother " best man, and the when m Aaron Sibek of New York, mother brother, Aaron Balkin and Rich- ard Sirel of Winrtethn, 3km Kahn of Wilmette. Roy Whitlock of Chicago and Charles Zolihon of New York. The bride's mother were a my dinner dress eomplementod by I come of pale pink «mum. The"trridetrroom's mother ch00. a beaded brown lace gown, no: cor- - VI: " tiny hm - The bride,Nrho h I “at It Northwestern U'niveuity, - will have finished her third year. Th 7mm is ottoatdimt ah. tms. nnity of Chicago. A m. during the, var, he m " you) in the "my, most. of that till. in India. DEVORA NN HATOWSKI WEDS A dinner at the Temple for MO, followed the "many. Tho young couple had I week'. honeymoon " the Hollywood Beach hotel. Hollywood. Florida. Thu at new residing at the [some of the bride'. parents. The Bring.“ Club. . neighbar- hood group, will hold u supper p- night at the Sun-ct Valley club. BRIARGATE CLUB SUPPER ENTERTAIN FOR BRIDE-XO-BE In honor of Ilia Maurie Berube, whose wedding to Emmett T. (Bud) Romney, will be an event of May I. In. L Ebert natd Mrs. Don Karin were co he“ " . miscellaneous shower Int Sunday afternoon. About thirty were present. Last Thursday night In. M. P. Hagan-n gave a pawn-l shower in honor of the bride elect. HM“ attended. Next Thursday, Mrs. Sophie Lauridsen of 374 North - will leave for New York where she will nil ai noon the next (by aboard the Gripsholm for Europe. She plans to visit her home town, Odense, Deryrtark, Ind sister: in Copenhagen. Before "tannin: home, she will also visit in SW and Norway. She will be (one all summer.' _ LEAVES NEXT WEEK FOR DENMARK LEONARD BERGDAHL TAKES A BRIDE On Saturday. April 10, His Patricia St. Dennis. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. [canard Bt. Dennis of Neillsvjye, Wisconsin. became the bride of [gourd Bend-M, son of Mrs. Francis Bemdnht of 323 Palmer "cane. Highwood. The .Rev. Arthur Donia per- formed the ceremony " 11:30 o'clock in the morning " St. June: church. , _ The bride, who In: given in mrrilge by her father. was gowned in lie-V] white ntin, and. with lace insets and I short train. Her fingertip veil fell from a lace coronet edged with lilies of the valley. She curried lilies of the alley and white roses. ‘ Miss Princes Bergdnhi, sister of the bridegroom. who attended an maid of honor, m mined in rose colored taffeta. and carried yellow mapdngons and rota. George Bergd-hl payed his broth- er as best man. A wedding breakfast for thirty- five, followed at the Bow home. -iu1,iih1tr-1"ttalilit"iiBliL The bride's mother m dread in rose colored silk and the bride- mom’: mother was in navy blue. Their corner: were of pink lad blue ""odratttons. Mr. Randall] and his bride are now hottermoortintt in Wisconsin. Her parents wen hm " a recep- tion " their yllnille home in honor of the uple on Iona, night. About fifty attended. When they Mum. they will maid. It 315 Palmer tunic. Bob Templeton of Highland Put received a freshman nun-on] in main. recently n Rank. western Univenity. (Mu-M, "ii-ui-i-a-err-m-ye-A-fee"" i-a-ev-m-ei-ie-rt- tlaisi.a-aet---tr'eerptteP_tetet "Guraa"iGaaueai'iihemieeCer."'.i1rfey irGrikGnciuGr-u-""-"'""'""""""" RECEIVES WRESTLING NNJM ERAL Mr. 5nd In III-er E. Don (Mary Jane Vnwhn) Mn rs turned from their ham trip nndnrertowiivhtgtntM8Bhtom street Their wedding took - on Saturday. April I " 2:80 p’doct. in 0. S-od M paint More. Babb-rd Woods. In. [An in the mm of Mr. Ind In. your: Vaughan of m Taylor Ivonne Ind Mr. We in the In of Mr. and In. Lawrence L hm of Drum. Color-do. ' HOME FROM HONEYIOON The Vaughan. who have all THE PRESS their home here', plan to m in Phoenix. Among in June. "500" CLUB um The “500" Club met on Sam any evening at the home of It. and Mrs. Pred Tucker " om avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 31mm of Chicago luv: announced tin marriage of their niece. Evelyn Grevin. to John Chennai of Chi- cago. The mar-rim m solemn- ized in the Highland "" laund- ist church. EVELYN GREVIN MARRIED NEWCOMERS TO HIGHLAND PARK Newcomers to Highland Put Ire Mr. and Mn. W. W. mm of 1821 Wee street. The Halli!- tons, both Mute: of North- western University, bought. their home here, Mr. Human ll ale. engineer with the International Register company, Chicago. HONORED AT WILMINGTON Min Ruth Shapiro, 1631 South Greenbny Btreet, manna Pt", we: reeognized for outatanth'rw Icedemic achievement this month when the winter "new: Honor Roll was “nuanced by WinningL ton College. Six persons from Illinois are enrolled " Wilmington Collec- thil semester. _. A pot on the hack, “and: only u in vertabraq removed from s kick in the pants. il anagram!!- in mum. » DISTINGUISHED Announce the Opening OF A LOCAL OFFICE AT 316 laurel Avenue D Highland Park, Illinois [timid-g, Humming, ludblildilg -.raer-rr' Olson Printing Company Publishers of The Highland Park PRESS 513 um AVENUE PETE! BIKE! LIT, SDI NIH" SERVING THE NORTH SHORE FOR 30 YEARS Printing Of Dignity And Character Estimates Submitted Without Obligation hwmdchn- ago-Moth!†gnu-tho, can“ It - bummmtc moth-undlhtol ,gsuntermtt-.3r..oetV “Mm-antiquity upwelling-inc“ “within-“Muck“- mind-(mm!!! b-ilpourounut whisk hM-ndsubuhlmm I Th mu! Suing Bro n..- hciip enrollment in China vi! continua through In, mm In. WI Owl-h: in chin-nu d to mill-eat eon-inn. And In. Edmund J. Donia II is el- ecutivo min-Inn. Local coal-inn when include: In Harold . Ion-n. Jr.. In. In Funk. In. Stanley Km, In. Joesph D. Ink-or. In. Albert Loner, In lulu: lick-ah, In. Boll-rt Pal: 'GDG. Lani D. Scholar and In. L P. IcClun. To The North at... Smith Ogteee) cm will [in a in for nb-fnlb‘ m at in home of In. hwhkh Warner, Winneth. on Wetland" Ilia-noon. April 28. Girls m tho the. upper class: of the North Shaf- preparatory uchools who In intended in the Milky of landing Smith an invited to It. tmd. A short calm-sound ‘W of C.MPTN lilo - be than. and . "cent (Manta. In. {Joseph W. Fell. Jr., Vin (in In inforuul talk, â€Smith is his." Reuben of the club will - an hour before their yam - arrive in order to hold chair un- nlnl muting. In. Hugh W. le- Cnllocll. peesiderrst; will all for reports and for the election of I vige president. corresponding ne- rehry and treasurer to replace cumin: offieem. The speaker next Monday ewe- ning " the Kivulin club, " Sun- set V-lley. will be Wm. C. lie-Cul- Ioch. 1558 Broadview, mining en- gineer and member of the club, ho will an: on the subject: mum. Coat Into Oil." ANNOUNCEMENT Letterheads Wedding In Vitations Announcements Northshore Garden ofMemories muvmnnmn. , mm!†Tumour: H. P. 41 Surprise Awaits You if You Have Not Visited THIS BEAUTIFUL GARDEN CEMETERY VII! “LEONA!“ my, April tS, 19411 -roqeE.ryey"am"" Funny-sol“ nah-gm DIVCLIANINGQIIV’O') FmManlDolivory T†W Park III Telephone 557 PARKWAY CURTAIN LAUNDRY “WMâ€! â€WI-l HWSE CLEANING? CUITAIN TgtoOBbESr Tel Mlm "DING STAKES Multivi- MANURE