MultktHMd WWWeehhwa-M thnttuGirtBeorrtnntteodeure* -nraur'tntosirtrem.Ttrearsini. donn-th-vcbecacon- tilted Ind and: leader will nah ---ttawithtterowrstrto. mutated-(mum “Such-Nationalist". Radio Sun Burn: and Allan Bmmdeaat of Thundly, Inch 10. NBC 7:30 to 8:00 El. will be I - to tho 37th aim-mu $0 a! Scent of the USA. Thin will be some 50 or so m mentioning Girl Scouting dull" this week. The special All Girl Scout. Sfov will be the Girl Scout Birthday Party over NBC Satur- day, lurch "th, too to 1:30 p.-. Girl Scout (luv-Ii.- Higlland Park Girl Scouts will be mung " lot-I councils to net " hostesses nt the 30th Nation-l Girl Scout Coawention to be held in Milwaukee, Wis., November lip-l8. it was announced today by Mrs. [canard Davidow, Commis- sioner of Highland Park Girl Seouts, Inc. The.HighlInd Park Girl Scouts will be in chug! of ReeistrVton. Hostess eouncits for the biennial Girl Scout Conventions In: chosen from among the towns near the site of the Convention to lid in planning the event and in helping to carry it through. The purpau- of the Convention is to determine the objectives of Girl Scouting in the USA for the next two years. to elect ofrteerts, and to tunnel, organization busi- The Hostess Councils are High- land Park, Wilmette, Winnetkn. Kenosha, Racine, Sheboygan, Wau- kenn. Madison, Beloit. Junelville, Emma and Milwaukee. Senior Hobby Club To Bear Talk On Rug Making he“ Mrs. Percy Allen and Mrs. Hannah Milham. residents of Highland Park. will give informal talks on braided and hooked rugs " I023!) mm. Friday for tite Sen- ior Hobby Club that meets weekly at the Community Center. Mrs, Allen and Mrs. Milliun will have on display some of the which they hue made. The Senior Hobby Club is open to all adults in Highland Park. both men and women, and the "ritities " the Community Center including the shop, dark room, mu- sir mum and the movie projec- tor are at their clinical. Cog-e to the Center Friday morning and meet new friends and renew old friendships hl*WAmu 7*â€? “Idol‘- WHO-Whin- Highland M 20! Deerfield 1 GM Bar lb In. Ree. Mgr. Jonah P. Harrison. m. Rev. Donald Rnnklo. Rev. John P. O'Cdllbdl. “sass SIM-m: 0119-“ 'e, IA. SID. Immaculate Conception Church Boll sai.V.tte. “he uni " no“. __ im.‘ 9:00. 10:60. 'Feekd_.80 - ms. CONFESSIONS Sunday; eat. of m My: Ind Holy De BARACANI Office Service "i""-")"""""".""";,"'?,)',,";,',',;,',"',' rut" also New Club Organized For Young Mothers At Y.W.C.A. A junior mother's club ttan m meul'vr. Chairmen In In. rendy been org-nixed at the "Y" l Wendell Holler, in charge of em for the purpose of bringing to-irtainment and In: Lloyd Bock, ttether young mothem of the com- membership. "umity,with their not“! irtteresta, The next meeting will be on of child rearing-Id ho-ennkingJApriI 7 from 2:30 to 4:30. and The club is open to notion "ithitereatter the first “My of children of school an or younger. leach month at the an: hour. " tigrean :ookery In. I luv-it Scout. " mpantio- tor their but“! a! My. larch " (NBC. 1:30-9:00 Int. ESO. in which Gracie till learn " about Girl Scouting. The special Burns and Allen show is timed as a salute to the 37th birthday " the Girl Scout " the CSA. WMAmne SOIE cm 1tiiiiiiiiiiii; ME twld 'T-p..; f, ti Radio {an (page Eur-s _a-Il_ - Alk- tret a [clung In 'rderesd/-fraatssaytys OTHERS ME [Van ARNOLD R. ASPLUND, Proprietor DONE TO A GOOD TURN Highland Ptrk --f ma tune-“bowl. “dumb-c" Who-nub“ -o-io-dSe-dtrmA. put-Mom. Nahum-dun“ Elected president of the club is Mrs. Vincent hit-In, with In. Richard Wirtanen as vice Prem'- dent, Mrs. John Sordyl as teete- tary and Mrs. Robert Kuehlin; u treasurer. Chairmen In In Wendell Heller. in charge of en- tertainment end In: Lloyd Bock, membership. MARCH tttra' TH! PRESS Phone 415 t949 Now, Pay as little as 15% Down New Low Payments the balance in ..2C' 21 months for Gas Ranges, Served Refrigerators, and Gas Clothes dryers. Pay as little' as 10 per cent down and up to 36 months for automatic water-heaters and Twin fuelhurners. _ Postal Rates t .01 tot 5.00.. 5.0l to 10.00 .. tthot to 50.00 .. 50.01 to 100.00,. NORTH SHORE (hu MIN" FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Highland Park MJWMMmW BUY BANK CHICKS INSTEAD AND SAVE ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS 0mm AT WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS . "NE FRIENDLY PEOPLE" . Pucticc limited to Psychiatry q Psychosomatic Medicine Neurology SEE YOUR DEALER OR Tdoplmuu: Office Ont. tt88, Alum“: Ont. 1005 9 South Conny Show q Baubien Building GEORGE RQWEBER, MD. 25c 35c IO: 15c BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Bank Rates t Att 1.5 25.00.. 25.01 to 50.00.. 50.011. 15.00 .. 15.011. 100.00.. â€mi/W6 ' museum“ / b, /jjti'i, _\ in; -- 4 l "tit-f A A: [snub-e Thursday, Mar. Ili Ute