t. *•. \» Hikletter Declares Spanning of Atlantic ^Jbican by Amatew* ^ Revolutionary.4 ***" jrir-' „ * V ML---'1 and would often hav* to fis down bwww of SMAU. APPMIIUS IS USED % /C V..' ' < -fi- £••>•* ':<-S : r* * -k ;?• HrouWletlaetryit.lt rme good and ithighljr. on tbh letter as a testimonial." -- SnuA NEWTON, R. R. 8, Portland, Mothers--Y#u should carefully j S?D2!PKSHLSFSWI TON. fcroiiod with cold or wet feetfipomMtini heavy articles, or overworking. Do not 8£5l5^"o' fceadoeh®, palnafc* bttek orlwir temW, or if joaarttea a sk»wn4Moft&ooght., nerranmomor iron the part of your daughter, President of the League Foresees Nation* Drawn Closer by Wireleee Bonds--Amateurs Develop : w = Super-skill. . &•>•;•. , - • BfewY«r%.--The success <£f mfmteor wireless operators in this country and Canada in sending signals and messages to Scotland In the week's teets recently will be revolutionary in Its effect on wireless communication, according to Percy Hiram Maxim, president of the American Radio Relay league, through which the tests were made. Amateurs had believed that some of them would crash through te the other side, but tbat many of them chance of getting ever an North Atlantic stations. This proved to be the case. Proved It Could Be Done* ^ "Our success is revolutionary ta radio communication," says Mr. Maxim. "It had not been thought possible by experts that amateurs could span the ocean, and we have proved that It could be done. It means the coming of citizen coramunlr- ation between England and America,' the coming of the day when the people of one country can talk to one ^another and discuss momentous affairs without the intermediary of public or governmental agencies: What ^his means for the development of understandings and harmonious relationship can be better tmaglned than described. It turns one's thoughts to • 1 $ Com- 1 is an excellent memefoe for ' iter to take, aa it la espe< injure andean be taken i VICTIMS -,^r Kidney, Ihrer, bladder apd uric *M troutoaaft are moat dflrigefoos because of their inaidioaa attacks. Heed tbe first warning they give that they need attention by taking 'HI GOLD MEDAL &S5LQ* The world's standard remedy for these itienrijim will often ward off these diseases and strengthen the body against farther attacks. Three sizes, all druggists. Ink foe tbe BUM GoM Medal oa every beK . *fui accapt no imitlf :3P -- T*T ? - TSl'i»=*>i ir .if - "*41 i 14a1.ru.ar. ^ FETROLEUMJEiUP For voces, broke A •?: biisters,burns, ciitp •^4 and all skin irrir^r* ^ tatk>ns.< Also itinnmerabl* toiktuses- Slate Street New Yorfli CURES COLDS ~ LA GRIPPE im IM SJteufm f--WSCIWil.OIIMINI--1 CTANDAIO nmety »MM ov»r. IVMAIXL N|||| tp kMriag Mr. HilTs poilrmi and KtMlari most more tban they had hoped for. Uee Little Power. The technical significance of the performance lies in the ability shown to make low-powered instruments do the work which in large commercial stations requires powerful apparatus. Less than one kilowatt was used by the amateurs in transmitting three signals over thousands of miles of land and sea--for some of those far In the Interior of the country got across-- whereas the large stations use from 100 to 200 kilowatts. In some weather that would not check the more powerful stations they would, of course, fail, but some of their work was done under condltlous that were far from Idfeel. That stations as far west as Ohio were able to reach Scotland, where Paul B. Godley, the official receiver for the league, was statfoned, was due partly to the relation, not always realized, which Britain occupies to America. The general direction from (mints in this country Is northeast. Signals from New England puss over the maritime provinces of Canada, and those from Denver pass over Hudson bay. Mr. tiodley expressed the belief thnt because of better refraction and reflection Inland stations had as good s l» V& mtffy of the Ideal i^tatron^hlpe between the peoples of the wortd. "It Is only -a matter of time when this wireless telegraph communication will be followed by telephonic communication, and when citizens of one country may talk with the citizens of' another country without any check upon their freedom of speech. "The great thing about this test Is that It was done by auiatenrs; their money and confidence put It through. They have developed super-skill in operating and supersensitlveness in apparatus. I think It will be a great surprise to all the wireless men of the world, from Marconi to the experts of the great private companies. The amateur's apparatus has been developed on the basis of love for his work; It Is not the perfunctory*. although skillful, ° performance of the hired employee." . The Radio league 1s divided Into several divisions covering the entire country, and there are 20,000 amateur stations operating In It. Each division has a manager, an assistant manager and district superintendents, who develop long distance lines of communication and allot hours for the discussions by Mr. Weils local and 166* distance transmission. Lands Must Be Kept at Work Chief of the Forest Service Issues Warning Against Depletion 4 t of Wood Supplies. * OOR TUBER IS RIMHGOUT Mere Than 80,000,000 Acres Denuded to Paint of Absolute Idleness Ss Far as Production o* Timber -rConcerned?; ' r?- ^i^te^W-roTest tot ueedejl for agriculture must be kept uf work growing timber Instead of being allowed to lie idle. This waruiug was sounded by Col. \V. B. lireeley, chief of the forest service, who stopped here en route to Washington, D. C., from Mather Field, Cat., where be attended the forest lire conference. "If we are to remain a nation of wood-u«ers we tnust -become a nation of wood growers," <leciared Colonel Garibaldi's Widow Beside His Tomb DERS Sprinq- AskYour Strech MioK Donna Francesco Garibaldi, widow of the great Italian hero. Is shown stsndlng by his touibv Caprera. Sardinia. Douna nine years of age. She was Garibaldi's second wlrt.>.*' Greeley, pointing oat that the United States produces more than half of the entire lumber cut of the world, and uses 95 per cent of the amount "right here at home." "The exhaustion of our timber supply Is coming about," said the forest service chief, "not because we have used our" forests freely, but because we have failed to use our timbergrowing land. The problem In a nutshell is the enormous sres of forest land, which has been so logged and burned that It Is producing little er nothing. We have more than 80.000,- 000 acres, an area greater than all the forests of France. Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal, which have been denuded to the point of absolute idleness so far as the production of any timber of commercial value Is con-, cerned. "We have other enormous areas tt cutovejp- land now growing hut a fraction of the amodnt of timber which they might produce. And we are adding to these areas of Idle or largely idle land from 10.000.000 to 15,000.000 acres every , year, as destructive logging end still more destructive logging progresses. Sees Trouble Ahead. "This situation cannot continue long without grave consequences. "Where Americans need more forests Is largely on these 80,000.000 timber- denuded acres which could be made productive again with proper attention and proper protection against fires." Some of the reasons why these forests are needed, according to Colonel Greeley, are: "Our niiinurnrtoriiig centers are drawing at an enormous rate upon our timber supply--from two to four times as fast per capita as the country at large. "Our railroads require 125,000,000 wooden crossties annually to maintain their i-oudheds In fit condition and take care of new construction. "Our average well-kept .'arms, using the upper Mississippi valley as an instance, require 2.000 board feet of lumber annually for repairs and Improvements." v Help Your Kidneys Fight That Coi Winter Colds and Chills Weaken the Kidneys and Are the Direct Cause of Many Serious Kidney Disorders winter-time your backache-timc? Does every cold, chili or attack of grip leave you lame, achy and all worn out? Doea your back throb and ache until it seems you just can't keep going another day> * Then look to your kidneys! Grip, colds and chills throw a heavy strain on the kidneys. They overload, the blood with Gisons and impurities that the kidneys ve to filter off. The kidneys weaken finds you suffering with torturing rheumatic pains, headaches, annoying bladder irregularities. But don't worry! Simply realize that your kidneys are overworked at such times and need assistance. Get a box of Doan'i Kidney Pills today and give your weakened kidneys the help they need. Assist them also by drinking pure water freely, eating ir and under this rush of new work; become congested and inflamed. its little wonder then, that every cold **U»e Doan's," Say These Good Folks| lightly, and getting plenty of fresh air rest. Doan's Kidney Pill* have helped thousands and should help you. A$k gem " f J. R. JOHNSON, Prop. Auto Top Rspsir and Furniture Upholstering Shop, 318 West VWC ITllIlIiilallmlSs St., Danville, II III I.t,| s0a0 yJ sD:. "1M. UhOa«dl aI» cVoVlIdU that settled on my kidneys, disordering them and making my hack lamp and sore. I could hardly bend at all. The irregular passage of the kidney secretions at night broke my rest. I found Doan's Kidney Pills just the remedy to help the trouble and regulate my kidneys. The weak, sore feeling !<-ft mv Imek :in«l the relief ling been permanent." MRS. FRANK QANLEY, DeMay St., Harbor Beach, Mich., says: "I had a lame beck and iireeular kidney action, brought on by a cold settling in my kidneys. My back was heavy and tired, which made me feel draggy and played out without a bit of ambition. At night my beck bothered me so much I was restless and felt tired on getting up mornings. Dizzy spells would cotrip over me an«f black specks darted before n»e. A friend told me about Doan's v Pills and after using one box 1 was relie Doan's Kidney Pills At all dealers, 60c a box. Foster-MiIburn Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N.Y. V; •ry.t BELIEVED IN SAFETY FIRST •IWFFI" I>«I Four 80ns Born Within Ysar. Abilene, Tex.--Four baby boys In less than a year is the record of a Tsylor county family. Early this year a baby boy was born to Mr. and MrslM. N. Young of near Abtleiie,' ' BRITISH LOSE OVER A BILLION The Union amiy lost i,VtS4 men in tbe battle of Buii Huoi tin erate army lost 1,061. \ r1- Without enthusiasm nothing very great can be accomplished. ./'• NAME "BAYER" IS ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Tales Tablets Without Fear, if You See the Safety ?Baysr fv. j' Cross." - If jree want the true, worid-fasoious Aspirin, as prescribed by physicians for over twenty-one years, you must ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." The "Bayer Cross" Is stamped 00 each tablet and appears on each package for your protection against imitations.-- Advertisement. A barber never asks if a rasor unless he knows li doesn't. Sum Relief FOR INDIGESTION I * fa I,: ir 6 BIKLLANS Hot wafer Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25$ and 754 Packages. Everywhere Night a ad Morning Hav Strong, Hmahkat Eymm. If they Tire,Itcfct Smart or Burn, if Sor^ _^rCyrC irritated, Inflamed or R tltj Granulaied,useMuitee often. Soothes, Refresh**, Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for ""reeEye Book Hrtafnlwiblk.' Hit Hard by Strike and Boycott EV India. •&!<•••• • Qtliaannddli,, BBooyycc<o tt Leader, Considers Violence Mortal Sin--His Punish- * . * , / ; A^ # v : \VashfngU»n.--How 7'a slender^ iifTldnyiniiered man of fifty-two, who believes violence of auy kind a 'mortal sin, has caused tlie British government more trouble ilian any number of revolutionists, was described in an address to the National Popular Governmejit league by Syud Hosslan. "The English government knows not what to do with this man. Mahatma Ghandl." said Hosslan. ,<r- "If they Imprison or execute 4il«n It will set India aflame. If they allow his non-violent, non-co-operative movement of boycotting British goods and everything British to proceed, it win bankrupt them and overturn the 'strategy center of empire in tlie & Orient. < "This month Is the first annlversary of the start of the boycott Instituted by Ghnndi, and tt has already cut down English export trade to 25 per cent of its normal volume, resulting in a cash loss of not less than $1,000,000,000. • "If the same success attends the refusal to pHy taxes, r which began last month, tt will meuii a loss of $300,000,000 per year In revenue to the government, which means collapse. John Bull is being hit in his most .vulnerable spot--his pocketbook.** Hossiun described Uhandi as the most remarkuhle peraon he had ever inet. He quoted Colonel Wedgfewood, a meinl>er of parliament, as saying: "Ghandl Is the only man in the world whose name can he mentioned with that of Jesus Christ without blasphemy." "Although a trained lawyer," said Hosslan, "Ghandl earns his living as a weaver. He works at his modest* home, is a great reader and student. "Ghandl believes the use of violence in any form Is s mortal sin. Physical force he regards as the weapon, not of the strong, but of the weak. "He thinks the most potent instrument for all purposes Is 'soul force', end the power of self suffering, and d<>es not permit himself an unkind thought, even toward his bitterest ene- - Jujlfshk Robbed Often, Shlpshewana. Ind.--The Farmers' State bunk here was robbed of $15,000 in currency and Liberty bonds early the other day. The safe had been opened with the aid of an acetyiene torch. Officials said the loss was cov. ered by insurance. Local authorities believe three men who came here late In the day In an automobile committed the robbery. It was the ninth time the bank had been robbed In 20 years and the third time this year. Shlpshewana is located ten miles west of Lagrange; Small Ruth Wanted to Be Quite 8ure About Her Proprietorship of That Apple Pi*r • There was never any haste at A tint •Dorothea's table; consequently llnth, the youngest of all the nieces and nephews who gnthered at Hunting Hill In the summer, lied lenrned what to expect. Everything was served by Aunt Dorothea herself, ami age had strict precedence. There came a day. however, when Ituth, returning to the family dining room ufter a season spent In her room with a sore throat, found at her. place n little delectable apple pie. so small that It seemed as if it must be meant for her alone. Nevertheless, she determined to be cautious. "Am I--" she looked anxiously toward the hend of the table, where sal her awe-inspiring relative--"am 1 to be aunty for this (tie. or Is it till mine. Aunt Dorothea?"--AVuyslde Tales. €Me*a CarfeoUealve Qsickly Relieve* and heals burning. Itching and torturing •kin diseases. It instantly stops the pain of burins. Heals without scars. 3tK- and Q)c. Apk your rlrugirist. or send 30q to The J. W. Cole Co., Ro^kford. 111.,"for a peckage.-- Advertiaement " ' -u-v&v•;, Specialist at Fault. "Stand back. The master detective is now scanning the window sill with S magnifying glass." "But." protested the mild little man, "I live across the street and I lodged this c<enpl:iiut." "Well?" "Do you suppose It would hurt the great detective's feelings If I were to tell him he's not only scanning the w^ong window sill, hut he's in the wrong bouse ?"--Binninghaui Ate lieraid. ; w '>«*•-"'••• ' «r • British Patrol Daamascus After Riot* A Compliment. "Whot do yrfu think of our city, Mr. .Vewcome?" asked the landlord of the tavern at Grudge, who was distended ivlth local pride. , V "Well." replied the guest, who ^as evidently of a pessimistic turn of mind, "it seems to me that the hogs wallowing in sthe puddles along Main street look as healthy and contented as any swfne I have seen similarly occupied anywhere."--Kansas City Star% To be disappointed in love may save you a greater disappointment la marriage. - ' -..,1: Women seldom live to be 100 "years old; they linger around ."JO too long. His Condition. "How are you coming on. Dude Bragg?" asked an acquaintance. "Well, I'll Just--p'tu--tell ye. Gabe," (Hiswered old Bragg Sockery of Mount Plzg.v, Ark. "I hain't doing no ptfiy tickler good. 'Penrs like the doctor and the neighbors don't understand my rase. Some says one thing about It and some says something else, till I'll be dogged if I don't get to sortei wondering whether none of 'em hav< got any sense. 1 don't like to dlsapp'int my friends, though, and 1 bnte t< waste what I jniy the doctor for. Sc I've took enough of one thing uim tut her to float a l>oat, and have klndb got the notion that what's the matter with me Is simply what's the matter with me, and there hain't no--p'tu-- help for U/'-'-Kansus City Star. in Modern Formula J o h n n y -- j w u b t i w t c Clatis? Freddy--I accept him, in princlptsu ' «r New York Sun. Opportunity man who is t< doemt wait Urban Ignoraniir^V--^-? "Bver go chestnuting?" "No; what do you do, follow worm?"--Boston Transcript. Simple. "Why did he give up leading the s i m p l e l i f e ? " " H « j ^ t o u a d U t c o u } - plic«ted.v---Life. Hj_ MI««eYy loves company, but tt t( better to have rheumatism In one foot than in both of them. UA Otin Ifar lbier«?«*e Cfh iRtSO»U. P1. •Ml rhvtimatiaa. ' ». gAU. * KUeSSL. Nntlek . ASTHMA FOREWARNED Is Safecuard your Investment*. Hew eMk have you lest by not analydac fWmrW-1 curlties? Send |I 00 for on yewttSSk* •crlption Investment QuesMonaire. NATIONAL SECURITY CO. Pounded 1SS6 Slacer BoUdlac New Yartt FISH rntmcAToiiitsAMi MWIOT Yoor name «ad uMnM oe » Mitel eomriMe Uft ofA .M ONtiWM iBSS^Wa&Ea. H.Vrrruu Any story told over a long-distance telephone is a sort of distant relation. fcr tlui t r COUGH/ 1 KEMP'S ^BALSAM; Pleasant to take Children like 'vl Ja- !v» - 'J-- This photograph shows an armored car of the British army patroling the streets of Damascus, inath of the recent fatal rioting between Jews and Arabs, when live Jews and one Arab were killed, >r::% •Mr (moey. Ian*, dreaaed Hminf, tM* pee foud. Bcmit with order or wni far romplete list behra bsyinc eliewhen. COSSUHERS FISH CO.. Grs*s Si;, Wis. W. N. U., CHICAGO, NO. 2-1922. Crowing Children! ... are Often troubled with Feveriahnesa Constipation, Headache, Stcsn adi troubles, Teething disorderrss and sands of Modwn use Worm* At such times thou- MOTHER CRAY'S ^ SWEET POWDERS for CHILDREN and find they give certain relief. They to break up colds. Cleanse the stom ach, act on the liver and bowels and give healthful sleep. Easy to giro and pleasant to take Used fey years. •s Net Aeecal An 3 norm KAY'S SWEET rSWBOES. landcfftofiMritar offers to from the United States vtM^nTacG adaaseneraaaetfnrtOMttleettFS f«rmhwd»er praviacM hwre be«a weS boontrfnl crops. There h still mt or buy far FarMt'lnril M $15 tt SM mkm m similar to that which . haayMded fnw 201» 4S to tbe acr»--oau. barter and sik aiao k mke life worth ers ut weetern Caaada nngieaeaeon worm aa their land. With such independence, gocd and convenience* which Farm coaaforta hfe Urine. Dairyla^ are soorcee ot tncnme second only te grwn giowiuc and stock raising. Attractive chcood neighbors, chtache^ good aaarketo, lUtiaa. iiini itt^ mntiiM Maratnrc. owi, d«ui'rt>o» m SvUichnu, CataobUL. nxMotd anaMaatteh Mi StMrtaaadBritiak aatihaaf nl« aia^ C. J. BSOOCHTON Itooai 411. US V. *<iaatsSCCktewD IK i M.MactACnjUf icffiwaa ARMI Detroit,