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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Feb 1922, p. 5

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Hi A '• - 4-- *.r ' li % Vv-^v;\:, it MeBM t^_ In flMyS^M^;;£lwui'C: of McHenry County^^WPlii^ • 'A- D. 1922. Richard Thompson/ Complainant, -' 'T vs. a|» Defendants. In for Partition. Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on the 26th day of January, A. D. 1922, I, A. J. Mullen, Master in Chancery of said Court, will, on the 11th day of February, A D. 1922, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the eagt door of the Courthouse in the city of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash * the following: described real estate in said decree mentioned, towit; All* that part of the West half of lot number two (2) of the Northeast quarter of section number three (S) that lies West of the Westerly line of the right of way of the Chicago Northwestern Railway Company, Also the Northwest quarter of section number three (3) containing one bundled fifty-seven and eighty-eight hundredth (157.88) acres of land, more or less {excepting and reserving therefrom all that portion thereof which lies on the Northwesterly side of the center of the highway which crosses said quarter section near the Northwest corner thereof; also excepting and reserving therefrom a piece of land ten (10) chains and ten (10) links in width off from the entire South side thereof; also excepting and reserving therefrom the right of way of the Chicago Northwestern Railway company; also excepting and reserving therefrom all that portion thereof which lies East of the Easterly line of the right of way of said Chicago Northwestern Railway Company). Also a part of the Northeast quarter of section number four (4) bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post where the center of the highway intersects the East line of said Northeast quarter and running thence south along said East line to a point ten (10) chains and ten (10) links North of the Southeast corner of said Northeast quarter; thence West parallel with the South line of said Northeast quarter to a point nine (9) chains and forty-four (44) links East of the center of said highway; thence North sixty-eight (68) degrees West eight (8) chains to the center of said highway; thene€ Northeasterly along the crater of said highway to the place of beginning. All in township ^number forty-four (44) North of range number eight (8) East of the third principal meridian. Also the Sputh half of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of section number thirty (30) township number forty-five (45) North, range number eight (8) East at the third principal meridian containing twenty BOW** Term of Sale: Purchaser or pay ten per cent of theNn»otijn& of their bid on the day of be paid when the deed is delivered. Dated (his 26th day of January, A. D. 1922. A. S. Mullen, QUARTER OF CBNTtftET Iteas Clipped From The Plainrtnaler of Twenty-fire Year* Ago Enwst Rati. * * "•, 1" y The undersigned'; Aurtia--rn n Si Chas. Leonard, Auctioneer Lent commences Xirdi.^&UM Veeks from today.« ' ' '! G.*F. Boley, proprietor of the Mcbrewery, is reported very sick. J. C. Parks, who is residing with tis family in Chicago this winter, was • McHenry visitor Tuesday. Mrs. John W. Smith died at the tome of her son at Smith's corners «n Wednesday last and her funeral (was held on Friday. James & Percy, I»ac Wen^tworth, liimon S toff el and J. Van Slyke attended the judicial convention at Elfin on Wednesday. W. A. Cristy, O. N. Owen. R. Waite, John Evanson and F. L. McOmber attended chapter meeting at Woodstock en Monday evening. The masquerade ball, at the McHenry House hall on Wednesday evening, was well attended, seventythree numbers beift& sold. Chas. Shales of Ringwood and Miss Myrtle Whiting of Chicago were marlied last week. They will reside on the Whiting farm near this village. The McHenry Creamery company i; the name of a new stock company that has lately been organised in this Milage and received a certificate from the secretary of state. The capital - tpck has all been subscribed. The M. E. Sunday school held its annual diploma exercises on Sunday last. There was quite a large attendance and those who received diplomas were Miss Mabel Granger, Miss Dora Munroe, Archie Auringer and Paul Auringerv The chicken pie social, at the Sty hall on Thursday evening last, was a grand success, financially and otherwise. The ladies had furnished a supper fit for a king and from five o'clock until eight they were kept busy waiting upon the crowd in attendance. Died--At her residence north of this village, on Thursday morning last, Mrs. Elizabeth Blake, wife of Peter Blake, aged 76 years and 2 days. Mrs. Blake had' been sick and confined to her bed for a long time. Her funeral was held from St. Mary's Catholic church on Saturday morning The Brand Ice dompany at McCollum's lake is putting up some of the finest ice ever seen in this section. The large houses, which they built early in the winter, are all full and they have added two sections, which they are now at work filling. Hie ice they have put up runs from ten to fourteen inches. lease having expired, he will sell at public auction on the Townside farm, situated M mile southeast of Vol*, 5 miles southwest of Round Lake, 5 miles east of McHenry and 5 miles north of Wkoconda, on FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 17 commencing at 12:30 p. m., sharp, the, following described property, to-wit; S* HEAD OF LIVE V - --consisting of-- . * & Head of Hahfteia Cattis Fall Brook Lelia Segis, No. 634683; Hazelhurst Bessie Pontiac, No. |>13,- 609; Fairside Soldene Korndyke Lass, No. 444329; Cornucopia Jewel Dione, No. 532459; Korndyke Tirania De Segis, No. {&4131; Lissy Hartog Netherland, No. 453185; Nutwood Jessie Boon King Pontiac, No-456540; Maid Rosa Inka Johan.ia, No. 305227; Cresent Valley Alcarta Pauline Pontiac, No. 418887; Lady Susan, No. 487038; Falls Brook Pontiac, No. 431,- 209; Cicily DeKol Segis Alcartra, No. 497716; King Alcartra Beauty Segis, No. 256561; also two grade cows, one yearling heifer, 4 fali heifer calves, 4 fall bull calves. 13 Duroc Hog* 11 brood sows, 2 boars, pure bred boar, pure bred sow sired by Pathfinder, No. 181615. 2 Head of H Back mare, 6 years old, wt. IW0 pounds, bred; black horse, 8 years old, wt. 1350 pounds. Hay and Grain 5 tons timothy and clover hay, 40 tons alfalfa, 800 bushels barley, 200 bushels oats, 8 tons corn, 3 stacks of unhqsked corn fodder, quantity of jg.ft wheel Having purchased a small place and his farm, the undersigned will •ill at auction sale on his premises lo- «*ted 4 miles east of McHenry i mile west of Volo, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY *1 commencing at 10:30 a. m., sharp, the following described property, to-wit* |8 HEAD OF LIVE STQjQff. . j. . -s r-®onsisting of--- • • • *4 Choice. Cows *; V pfri-tnred Holstein bull^^rs «td. .v' .' 4 Head of Horses Bay team, 6 and 8 years old, wt. 2800 pounds, sound and well matched; bay te!am, 10 years old, weight 2800 pounds. Hogs 12 Duroc Jersey brood sows, 1 pure bred Duroc boar, weight 200 pounds. Fifty-five brown Leghorn hens. Ray and Grain" About 30 tons of mixed alfalfa and AND GOERS OF A W IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE PATROLMEN Set Avi <ts Seen by Plaindeater Reporter* and Handed Into Our Office hy Oar Friends Edwin Hail passed Sunday aa the guest of friends at Tngleside. N. C. Klein passed the first of the week in the metropolitan city. Miss Dorothy Knox was a Chicago visitor on Thursday of last week. Miss Eleanor Conway passed last' Saturday with relatives in Elgin. F. A. Beller made a business trip down to Springfield one day recently. Mrs. Chas. W. Gibbs passed Thursday of last week in the metropolitan city. Frank Sullivan of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of McHenry friends. Atty. A. H. Pouse attended, to business matters at the county seat last Friday. > timothy hay in barn, 6 tons of alfalfa t r, , hay in stack, 1 stack of corn stalks, L "n" * livens and Wes 200 bushels of good seed barley, freej^ ,0n were visitors last fmm fnul caoiI* 9ft KiieW^le< I -3y. Walter Freund of Woodstock is Pay at 914* Pwr Ma** [Harvard Herald] * The average monthly pay of road patrolmen in McHenry county for services on state aid highways during the ensuing year will be 9140, the road and bridge committee of the board of supervisors having agreed upon this sum as the basis of compensation at a meeting held at Woodstock on Jan. 11. *' Fifty-five applications wire received by the committee, applicants coming from every town in the county and the compensation asked ranged from |130 to $200 per month for taking care of the roads, keeping them graded, gravel holes filled and like work, each patrolman being allotted a stretch of about eight miles of highway. Three of these stretches will have Harvard as headquarters and quite likely three of the patrolmen will be residents of city Chemimg. Tentative^ for the empiofttant^ ticipated tv*enty' begin work on April 1. they will look after emer work Should road conditions serious because of storms op blockades. The highways kiMMps|p state aid. roads paw from of town commissioners and part of the jurisdiction of the bwdIji appointed road patrolmen. Each road patrolman appointed la required to provide a bond of a specified amount to insure faithful per- ] formance of his duties. Much of tHe details in connection with the arrangements are in charge of C. % ^ Tryon, eoonty superintendent of ways.. * , Dress Making I am now prepared to do drMi making of all kinds and can gonial* tee satisfactory work. Mm. Nell, Johnsburg, DL from foul seed; 20 bushels of extra early Yellow Dent seed corn, 30 bush-, , els o/ choice home grown Early Ohio ^n f dmg a few weeks with McHenry Margaret Wallace! seed potatoes, 20 bushels eating potatoes. Machinery, Etc. One ton Republic truck, 15x30 plowman tractor in A 1 condition; 22x38 relatives. F. H. Wattles was a business visitor in the metropolitan city last Thursday. •' *-• I, " D 4 , Thos- Frisby and Howard Phalin Port Huron separator nearly, new; attended the auto show in Chicago 16 inch Papec ..pile filler nearly new last week and 50 feet of pipe, 14 inch Janesville * Misses * Elizabeth K. and Clara 2 or 3 bottom tractor plow, tandem Miller passed SttntWy ^ ^ ™,ts of 16-disc Deere pulverizer, 8-ft. Moline friends in Elgin grain binder with truck and pole sup-; Miss Bre_; 6{ port, Deering com binder, Deering ^9sod ^ wesk end „ ^ t *o{ mower, Keystone gearless hay loader, Miss Mayme Buss New Idea manure spreader with straw, Miss Maude Gran of Chi spreader attachment, 2 10-ft harrows, passe<i the week end as the guesTof ah redded ,Ulk,, I2 ba.W, W ^ ^ ^ ' seed corn 10 hushels or Dotatoes I n cultivator, H-If. .Ioosier Mls Emma Farley of Elgin was a '" .hkken, S.'11, 3 U",n? :v"lk'"e j;1""" Jf" Sunday guest in the home of Mr. Xi micKens. Deere corn planter with 90 rods wire, Mrs. M. A Conway silo rack, 2 hay and grain racks, trufck Miss Machinery •• • • j * Esther Stoffol Three section harrow, side .delivery KMUM0d ,wagon, high wagon with extra set of Thiir«H«v <-!.« j . hay rake, Hayes corn planter with 80,iron truck whee,g 10 new mUk can8 metroi^iton rods of wire, 2 walking plows, sulky! heater steel silaire tank on y* npllooww, DDeeeerriinnge ccoorrnn bbi'n^derr '^tratcotJor • j whue eli s Ww eibl er f#a nning: milnl li og li andj Misses Ellen and Mary Pender Walsh pa,^ Thursday of teat week hitch for grain binder, feed cooker, 2 ! ronert heavy 12 ft. chain, lightning ;n tue metropolitan Litchfield manure spreaders, extension jfeed 2 hog oilers, hog-crate, Miss c^ev^ «rf n.i ladder, galvanized tank, 3 sets work ;3 8elf hoR feeders larRe chicken coop harness, set single harness, 6 halted 1 Wood rack> 30 KaUons machine oil, „othar Z™ aanndd ootthheerr aarrttiicclleess ttoooo nnuummeerroouuss ttoo u ~i n o u: tn«", Mrs. Mary Carey. mention. ' Terms of Safe; ' .. ' All sums of |10.00 and tmderf dMh; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed or possession of same given to purchaser until settled for with clerk. HENRY WEGENER. , C. W. Stenger, Clerk. C. It. Leake, Trustee for E. J. Countryman, Bankrupt. For Highway Comi I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of highway commissioner for the town of McHenry, subject to the approval of the voters at (he coming election. Peter Smith. com sheller, 2 iron kettles scalding Anton 0ertel of Wood9lock , .fVL "* 7 Sunday in th. home of hi. o.re„t«, balls of barb wire. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oertel. Household Articles , Miss Sue-Frett of Elgin spent the Three beds, axminster rug 9x12, week end in the home of her parents, Round Oak Chief cook stove, some Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Frett. dining room chairs and other articles Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bacon and chiltoo numerous to mention. dren of Round Lake were the guests USUAL FREE LUNCH AT NOON of relatives here last Thursday. Charles Campbell of Chicago was Terms of Sale: a week end guest in the home of his All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; mother, Mrs. William Campbell. over that amount a credit of six Richard S. Meade of Haley, N. D., months' time will be given on good arrived in town Monday and will bankable notes bearing interest at the work for W; A. Sayler this season, rate of seven per cent per annum. Mrs. John Tulley of Chicago, a niece No property to be removed or posses- of Mrs. E. Lawless, made a short visit sion of same given to purchaser until with her aunt here the past week. settled for with clerk. N. M. J. C. Holly, Clerk. BOWER& T/c :h:l 7^; ? v. A ,w-- What car do you drive? Does youf radiator ' Does your motor overheat? ..... . ' - i , **> 41 "*•' W . jThis is bad; do not delay to see us, we have it. py. j/; 'The McKinnon radiators and McKinnon core & teplacements on your car, thick' or tractor.; The 4MTtc"Kviunun,"onu Core ,h,aaas been standardized on , Inany popular cars to a very satisfaction to the^* ? * '•hfrSi Sr. <":4 (f r » f fe Customers. Yes, it does the work. We canL: have the McKinnon Radiator Core placed on^, ^ |§>our car, truck or tractar^at very low prices.^ Allwork guaranteed. 4f "t * *• ' •* -r tk\-' ¥'"«: "1 .I-"' j-'.t Riverside Drive Sheet Metel Works •w- • - ;i'-W j* riKAa, ftrop. ; • ?• * »» / ;• > , '*'•> V"*' * " ' 2 • \v "<5t- ^ •s'-v*-** ft" ^ i i • " • $ S ^ n , *>• Phone 57-Jt.O wS ... . >' v-, *A- »• | Edward Frett of Chicago was a 4Week end guest in the home of his '"parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Frett. ; j Miss Helen Pint of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. | George Justen of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen. ! Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schauner and son, George, of LaGrange spent the week end guests of McHenry relatives. Ralph Van Natta of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Van Natta. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner and children of Elgin passed Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jencks. | Miss Eleanor Larkin of Elgin spent i the week end as a guest in the home ! of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox, south | of town.^ | George Schumacher and son, Merle, of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. William J. ; Schumacher. | Mr. and Mrs. HI Rodenkirk of Chicago were wade end guests in the ihome of the latter'a parents, Mr. aad jMrs. George Steilen. j Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robison of [Woodstock spent the week end in the Ihome of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch. j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spieker of Burlington, Wis., spent Sunday in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and ! Mrs. Michael Freund. | Miss Marjory Phalin of Chicago passed the latter part of last week > with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. ! Phalin, south of town. i Cloice Wagner left Sunday morning for Valparaiso, Ind., where he has since entered college. He has taken up the study of wireless telegraphy. { Mrs. Chas. McArthur and daughter, Ruth, of Elgin spent the week end in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. A. Wolff, who is convalescing after a severe illness.' Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer, E. E. Groves, Miss Anna Cahill of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kirwan and children of Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger, daughters, Vera and Mercedes, and son, Donald, of Woodstock and Miss Helen Brown of Beloit college attended the Phalin-Spencer wedding here Wednesday of last j week. . I J. C. Holly and N. H. Petesch returned home from their trip to Florida last Saturday morning. Unfortunately for the McHenry men they arrived in the south just about the same time as the cold spell and therefore did not get a real idea as to the 1 comforts to be had there. On their return trip they stopped off at Bir- Imingham, Ala., where they passed a | day as guests of Hit lattar's son, Germer Petesch. NURSE Phone lli-J , :s McHenry, HI. Phone 35 Reasonable Bete FRED WEINSCHENKKR Draying and Tranrfesring Long and Short Hauls Will Go Anywhere McHenry, Fulton Provision Co. . (Not Inc.) ' ; COMMISSION * vdk 28-3# FULTON MARKET 9M-9* FULTON STREET • •. - • j.i'- MERCHANTS"*?-' '••'I "V| ' WDNG DISTANCE PHONl J Charlev J. Zak I1:;** MONROE MM .. ik- r X \-$£, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PHILIP JAEGER QENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT . -;v^ . _ «V|B0tAL ATTBNTIQM OIVSH tO TUB MLI OT f • Dreaaed Beat, llutton. Hogs, Vial, PoaftrjV£***2 Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs . v This te the oMtaet house on the street Tag* and pries Hata fanriahoA oa application. COUD STORAae PRRE SKia/iCSsfr- i CHICAOO, IUJNOIS. SEEDS SEEDS " J V V1 - • •v; 11 • .' , It is now time to place your order for Spring Seed* J*t u8 know what yoxi Otderaccordingly. " ^ Mill: FEEM OF Att KtNDS SHINDDW MNC ntOWTlY AMD 4"-". erw* --i.' >•' . i • Give U8 a tri*I. We know we can |>Ieaae yon McHeary County Farmers' Co-operitive Assodite Plants at McHenry, Crystal Lake, Woodstock Main Office: West McHenry C. W. Gibbs, Always Speak Directly the Mouthpiece >. * hi * ^ 0wn service and that of - other users ' by following this simple practice* Holding the lips away from the transmitter has the same effect as engthenjmg. ^ - ollows: " . x * / '".'v Two inches away lengthens the line 128 miles. _ Three inches away lengthens the line 174 miles. Four inches avpyr le^hcmth^ line 218 mi* Always s one inch away from the telephone transmitter and talk directly into it. Telephone users will improve their !fc:;« witn me lips u4u ^v/UV ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 'jy/:, Wmmm

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