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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Feb 1923, p. 5

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1 ' • -c j AUG Th# go back to public au< rated the soutli •* flN , having decided to frill sell at farm, lottery, on road, and om mile road, on' COMERS AND GOERS OF A W . 1N OUR BUSY VILLAGE' Agency For OUR FRIENDS Leave Your Bundles Here JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY 8 HOUR , Battery Charging Service The latest and best Jl service. Call ufc 7\ / * W. L TEL. IM-R Howell & Co. :: McHENRY. tt*.. 28, 192S the *olkwrfftg dtiacribed iwvyuty, to-wit: EIOHTBOL8TE1N COWS Three of trltkh are springers and balance good milkers; 2L yearling heifers, 2 yearling bulla, 2 work horses, 13 pigs and 2 sows. HAT, GRAIN, MACHtitttRY, ETC. Four tons alfalfa hay, 8 tons corn, quantity of cut fodder, 100 Barred Rock chickens, 6 pure bred Rhode Miss Mayme Ibslt was an Elgin yut- Ialami hens, new plow, new 2-section itor Monday. drag, new Deering mower, McCormick : Howard V. Phalin spent Saturday corn binder, 8 grain sacks, farm I in the metropolitan city. wagon, rack bed, 1200-lb. milk wagon, j Miss Dorothy Spencer spent Toes- 2-horse disc, 3 new milk cans, pailj day in the metropolitan c\ty. strainer, light sleigh, 3 h. p. pump en- j Charles Mertes of Chicago was a gine, cooling vat, pump sprout, 2-! McHenry visitor over the week end. horse hoe drill, Cow Boy tank heater, John Deere cultivator, forks ariH shovels, work harness, single harness, and many other articles too auroorqtts AUCTION! George Vogel, ^ Auctioneer Having rented his farm and moving to town, the undersigned will sell at public auction on his farm, % mile "' ~ - * ' ! north of McHenry and 2 miles south of AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER RE- Johnsburg, on the McHenry-Johneburg PORTERS AND HANDED IN BY i road, on to meintion. TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10 00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit months' time will be given Wm. Pries attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Monday. Mrs. John W. Bonslett passed a few days last week in the metropolitan city. , Mrs. Margaret Wallace spent a few of six i days last week with relatives in Chion good'eago. bankable notes bearing interest at the j Mrs. Al. Wagner of Chicago waa ft rate of 7 per cent per annum. No!week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. property to be removed or possession' Kelter. of same given to purchaser until settled for with clerk. JOHN P. MILLBR, PIM*. C. W. Stenger, Clerk.* , Is the Cost of Your Insurance " a Burden? If so look up the \jr - - . , t , ** **- # *t . j. -- v. v 1 * "• m r*»;* "-'V ^ •s&ji p.*- V ? .f.'-A.V j Alder Mutual Fire Whose record for the past cannot be met by any Mother tnn a Mutual Cti. '•I v, ^ this day of co-operation in market T ' ing why not co-operate in buying:^* Slff insurance? We insure all kinds o £ farm property--there is none too large^ ^ Of any too sma)l^ •.^,/vi, * Alt Losses Paid ; " s '-MW,;. ' 'A* ' Promptly and in Full •jjfe*b-£z ^ •<;. > ' - ,3^ *-•> v/ -•* Fbr Further Information Call On or Address L S. Overton, Silesmu A. G. Dickerson, Secy. ,' ft-; Solon Mills, 111. Hebron, ill. , ; £ad Moaeir, Salesmm,. .. McHenry, 01. *1 - .J&ysa»*^£ •" A *. o -w » -A rf-.'•v.-'if' * "**" w#, , r -•» " >>n; -'-A*- 3 / All coffees are about 4 cents per pound '*2'^ higher in price but we will Pfs advance until after March 1st i . S ^ t ^;-v. ^ Prices are now 45c, 49c, 38c, 35c, 3©c, 2Jc A Suggestion • . £ < « • : f,X , ^ j ^ iNow is the time to buy 5,10 or 25 pounds coffee. Advise us and we will roast it ^fresh for you, then seal it. up ip fnii^j^p JfeSand it will keep fresh for months. ** The Pan American Coffee Mills Brefeld Building Phone 12f-R West McHenry, III. Miss Louise White of Harvard spent Sunday as the guest of McHenry friends. Miss Mayifce Barbian passed the week end with relatives and friends in Chicago. Miss Clara Miller passed the week end as the guest of relatives at Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Esther Stoffel days last week with friends in Chicago. THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1923 commencing at 1:00 o'clock, sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 42 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK *« , --consisting of " SI Head Hobtein and Guernsey Cattle some calves by side, some to freshen soon; 1 registered Guernsey bull, 85 month old; 1 full blood Holstein bull, 9 months old; 4 two-year-old Guernsey heifers. 6 HEAD OF HORSES Span well matched bay team, t Mali 8 yrs. old, wt. 3000 lbs.; black mare, 11 yrs. old, wt 1400 lbs.; black hone, 9 yrs. did, wt. 1850 lbs.; bay horse, 11 yrs. old, wt, 1300 lbs.; bay horse, 16 yra, old, wt. 1300 lbs. 5 Daroc Jersey Brood Sirs, to farrow by April .1 Hay, Grain. Etc. Ten tons clover and alfalfa hay, 8 tons timothy hay, 20 ft. silage, 800 bushels .oats, some cut corn stover, 15 tons corn in crib, 12 bushels of clover seed, 50 hangers of seed com. Machinery, Etc. 10-20 Titon tractor, 26-40 ClM Separator, 6-roll U. S corn husker, 10- inch International feed grinder, Over- 40 HEAD*** It) brood sows and Utton, f icood sows to farrow soon, 6 feeding hogs, 2 boars. Hay, Grata, Etc. 70 tons hay, 35 tons alfalfa rata 35 tons timothy; 100 tons silage, 60 tons ear cdl-n in crib, 700 bushels oats, 250 bushels barley, 100 bushels soy bean (Pearly Mongol) for seed, 2 stacks of straw, 1 ton soy beans for feed. 60 CHICKENS One DeLaval milk separator, 1 iron kettle, 6 movable hog houses, hog oiler, 4 hog feeders, 4 milk cans, 3 hog troughs, extension ladder, hay m9qilis will be given the giving bankable note with security with intarwt at 7 per from date. No pco»eitv to be fork, 250 feet hay rope, new; 120 feet moved until settled for. trip rope, new; other numerous to mention. articles too FREE LUNCH AT 12:00 O'CLOCK TERMS: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; that amount a credit of six CHARLES R. LBAKE, Trwtos. JOE WISER. Chas. Leonard and Ira Rutt, ¥ Auctioneers. Car! W. Stenger, Clerk. The Plaindealer for news. S8£1': *<•*** :.;V :h r% j. . ' , f vi* iiWi •w spent a few:land truck, 100 ft. 7 in. 5 ply endless] relatives and belt, 3 bottom tractor plow, 7 ft Itandom disc, Milwaukee fOrn binder, Edward J. Knok of Harvard spent j Milwaukee grain binder, Milwaukee Sunday as the guest of relatives and' big mower, Milwaukee hay rake, John friends in McHenry. ; Deere side delivery rake, John Deere John F. Miller and N. H. Petesch hay loader, 2 John Deere walking were business visitors at the county plows, sod breaker, 2-section drag, 8- 8eat Monday afternoon. j section drag, 2 bob sleighs, broadcast John McEvoy is spending a (#w j seeder, hay rack, John Deere No. 99; weeks with his daughter, Mrs. John ! corn planter, spring tooth harrow, 8 ft • McHugh, at Cincinnati, O. 3-section land roller, 2 P. A O. cjjti- Leo Zimmer of Chicago spent the I va.tors, walking cultivator, Appieion j week end in the home of his parents, manure spreader, 2 truck wagons, silo; Mr. arid Mrs. John Zimmer. i rack, narrow tire wagon, cutter, sur-! Miss Sarah Reece of West Chicago rey, 3 sets heavy work harness, 3 sets: is tt~guest in the home of her daugh- single harness, DeLavel cream sepa- j ter, Mrs. Walter J. Donavin. rator, 2 h. p. engine on truck, 2 hole Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Malone of Elgin com sheller, hog rack, washing maspent the first of the week as the chine, top buggy, 2 60-gal. gas tanks, j guests of McHenry relatives. 30 gal. steel drum, blacksmith forge,; Mrs. Josephine Heimer returned! Howe platform scale, fanning mill, | home Monday evening from a week's J horse clipper, 50 grain bags, 14 milk \ visit with relatives in Chicago. jeans, milk pails and strainer, wire Miss Theresa Knox passed the latter stretcher, hay knives, forks, hoes,: part of last and first of this week as; axes, shovels, post maul and many the guest of friends in Chicago. Miss Barbara Weber is spending a couple of weeks as the guest of relatives in Evanston and Chicago. Miss Marie Zuelsdorf of Palatine spent the week end as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmer.. Miss Lena Stoffel is spending a couple of days as the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. C. Westfall, in Chicago. other articles tion. too numerous to bOOD LUNCH AT NOON Terms of Sale: All sums of $20.00 and under, casn; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No Miss Genevieve Bonslett of Chicago P™**^ ^ removed or possession was a week end guest in the .home of ^ f a™e 5^v*n purchaser until her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonslett. Miss Etta Powers left Sunday for Milwaukee, Wis., to be with her sister, Anna, who is reported quite ill in that city. ,tled for with clerk. STEPHEN H. PREUND, Prqp^ I C. W. Stenger, Clerk. •rj'vJ Chattel Mortgage Sale! Miss Marguerite Farrell of Chicago Chas.^Leonard, was a° week end guest in the home of Mrs. D. A* Whiting, northwest of town. - . Auctioneer of A chattel mortgage s&le will take place on the Wendt farm, located two _ , , , miles north of Crystal Lake, 5 miles Mrs. Geo. Mix of Chtcw .<i spend- aouth of McH „„ ^ McHenryw* the week a »uest in the home of jjun(ia r„„|. and on^h.,, mUe south Mr. and Mrs. John Miller on Mam street. Edwin Miller, who has been spending the past few weeks in the metropolitan city, returned to McHenry last Saturday. Supt J. E. Pufahl, of the Bordsn milk bottling plant, transacted business in the metropolitan city the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Musser of Elgin were Sunday guests of the tatter's mother, Mrs. D.. A. Whiting, northwest of town. Mr and Mrs. Harry Wheeland of West Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kikt of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint Holcombville school house, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23 commencing at one o'clock p. afc, | sharp, the following described property, to-vrtt , P-^ttEAD OF LIVE STOCK --consisting of--" • V'V'^r "Choice Cow. 'V.'V new mikers and springers; one Holstein bull and 7 good work horses. Hay and Grain Forty tons choice timothy hay, 20 tons clover hay, 20 acres of shocked corn, 10 tons ear corn, 200 bushels of oats, 60 bushels barley. Machinery, Etc. ' Avery 12-25 tractor, 3-bottom plow, double tractor disc pulverizer, silo filler, 6-roll Appleton husker, McCormick grain binder, McCormick com binder, Broadcast seeder, hay rake, 3 Mr. and Mrs.. Math. J. Baur and1*™* w**on8' 2 ^ ^°b sle«^ son, Bernard, have returned from a 2 Gale 8ttlKy Plows> Cowboy tank visit with their daughter, Mrs. Jdhn!heater» hand-corn stalk cutter, 2 hay Feltz, at Davenport, la. !forks and ^P*8' 3 one row cultivators, •/ Simon Michels and Martin B.: 1-horse cultivator, 16-inch walking Schmitt were Chicago visitors last P,ow' McCormick mower, buzz saw, 2 ISaturday, accompanying the latter's j8ttrries- 1 bu«^' 2 three-s^tion drmgs ] brother to that city for an operation, ^o-section drag, 16-inch disc, 12-mch j Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fv Garrity of disc- 10-bu- seed corn dr>'er- 1% k P- ! Chicago were entertained in the home (P8oline en^ine- 3 sets doub!e of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 5 passenger Overland touring car, 8 milk cans, pails and strainers, and othar artieles too numerous to. pMN!r tiont " TERMS: All sums of $10.00 and unicler, cash; over that amount a credit of six _ .. , ^ ,months' time will be given on good Mrs. H.nry V.n GU» .nd daughter, bank,ble Mta! ^ inUrtat ,t ^ Wilma, left Sunday morning *>r rate of ? No Joliet, Where they join^Mr. Gjl.j ^ removrf and in w, hich, city the*y expect to make no,r same given .to purc.h aser until .s.e.t - their future home. 1 Peter J. Schoewer, over the week end. Alfred Bonslett of Chicago and Anthony Bonslett of Milwaukee, Wis., are spending the week in tha home of their parents, Mr. and' Mrs. John W. Bonslett * tied for with clerk. JOHN CAMPBELL, Pro* C. W. Stenger, Clerk. ' V To close the estat3 of E. J. Countryman, bankrupt and dissolve partnership in the personal property, the Wh Miss Edna Foley, who has been spending the past several weeks as the guest of relatives in and around j McHenry, left for her hom6 at Cleveland, O., last Saturday. | » Those from a distance who attended | the funeral of John J. McCarthy here dersi^ne<i will sell at ion Monday morning were as follows: I l)ii f%l t *-» A Mrs. Wilcox and daughter, Stella: I C AUCllOD Mrs. Harry P. Kenney and daughter, j the following described property to Kathryn; Walter and Celia Aylwardjthe highest and best bidder according of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. j to the terms specified below on Cleary and son, Frank; Nellie Cleary and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone of I^Slgin; Roy Collentine, Monroe, Wis,; Edward and Viola Aylward of Hebron; MONDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 192t commencing at 12:30 o'clock ( 19 HEAD CATTLE 19 %H 15 miN^ cows, all milking by day of Frank Aylward of Woodstock; Mr. and j sale, two a$p registered; 1 yearling Mrs. Lee R. Aylward, of Wauconda; J heifer, eligible to registry, good in- Mr. and Mrs. William J. Aylward of;dividual; 2 yearling bulls, eligible to Spring Grove. j registry, of good breeding; 1 calf YOUR MONEY TO WORK PROFITABLY In keeping with the great demand for public ser^ ice the country over, the Western United Corporation is employing money in large quantities, to supply additional facilities to meet die public service demands of this territory. j*' » • '4 ; « >J" . Vi4: if ^The employment of this money (under state legation), providing for a safe, permanent place to work, •Mfrages at the rate of 7% a year and four pay days annu' illy, is through the 7% Preferred Shares of this company % The largest investor has $22,500 of these Preferred ilBhares, earning 7% annually. Such an investment, ^representing several purchases, is a testimony of faith In the investment quality of these shares. 7 \ x"",4ri i' Many others, starting with a $5.00 payment, axe •pafely investing their savings where they too will earn 7%. $5.00 or $20,000--the great strength back of iheSe lor your •. v ^ ASK YOUR LOCAL GAS OFFICE WESTERN UNITED Investment Department > > 't# -S-- , •*, ,S- *• ' ff, A* I Air Car Next? ^/artAat better aif that hoids down -1 f- > . ^ Is : r M i - f i i f • ^pHEY'RE coming-mow A and more cars everyday-- as thie news spreads about the % 'i better oiling opportunity thatg has opened up for you here. if. >\C" ry.-u* ' '-&• If you are oil-careful--want^ .;f the top limit of lubricating^ ^ protection for your motor; * • and are tired of the power loss, damage and cleaning* X expense from scratchy!; carbon accumulations, putt your car next in line fori ••lag-so light flaky that It twJf toblowowtwltlitha •xha»t,wttlwt £ • . • " •?" "'"S. - > ' ' "•** This is the only oil made by the exclusive tempering process which puts extra staying power into your oil -- toughens it t<| stand up longer against heafr * friction and dilution by drippage of motor fuel. And on tQp of its tetter lubricating service, this tempering process brings you this extra added value that you have not found in other oils-- practical immunity from the expense, nuisance and permanent damage of carbon. ^'V>* - • *i>> When will YOU 6e km . . * r , ; > ' : • ; ' V WESTSIDE SERVICE STATION „• - '• ' ' ;ic.r "iWm. Schaefer, Agent - ,h: ^ Durant and Star Cars McHenry, 111. - / " J m-*

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