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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Apr 1923, p. 7

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Pasn ftmrantaaS Mice. 11 then exparlMKitu for IIm Better than Traps . 18e 15-oa. box. ILtt •OLD KVIRYWHIRI Declares Tanlac Overcame StomacK Trouble, Restoring Health, Strength and Weight to kill Cuticura Soap ----The Safety Raior--- Shaving Soap ftm't Hid* Them With a V«flj R«BBon >i Them WithOthinv-DoublsStrenfth •Thia preparation fop the treatment of tckles la usually ao aaccemful in rfmo-rim >:kle» ana giving a clear, beautiful comtxloa that it la aol£ nnder ruaranta* tc fuad tb« money If it fall*. Don't hide your fraekltta under it Tall; Ct an ounce of Otfcino and remote them, 'on the flrat few application* should ahow • wonderful Improvement, aome ot tkl Ufhter freckle* vanishing entirely. "',5 Be aura to Mk the druggist tor tkt 4t+ubl«-str*nsth Othine; It la this til at la Mid on the money-back auarant**. Not a Laxative Nujol is a lubricant--not a medicine or laxative -- »o cannot gripe. When jrou are constipated, not enough of Nature's lubricating liquid is produced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and moving. Doc* tors prescribe Nujol because it acts like this natural lubricant and thus secures regular bowel movements by Nature's own method -- lubrication. Try it today. Nujol am sew strong and happy and ge ajjcut my housework' singing, so I think it is only natural that I should praise Tanlac, since that is what has ' given me such splendid health," declared Mrs. J. Miller, 119 Johnatoa Ave., Kearney, N. J. "For a year before I started taking Tanlac I was simply in wretched health from stomach trouble and a run-down condition. .My appetite left me, 1 was eating scarcely enough to keep going, and was often so weak I could hardly do any housework. My food often disagreed with me, and 1 would have suffocating spells and heart palpitation that nearly drove me frantic. - "My mother had been helped wonderfully by the Tanlac treatment, and when she advised me to take It I started right In. It has built me up five pounds, my digestion Is perfect, my appetite splendid, and 1 am always talking Tsnlac now. It ia simply grand." Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists. Over 35 million bottles sold.--Adver- Todemonatrate that It Is possible i<> <!<• n regular chorus girl step on th«> wing «>f a seaplane provided the weight in evenly distributed, members of the Gingham Girls' club of Miami, Fla., eo named because Its member* have pledged themselves. to wear only gingham, gave the neat little performance here pictured. Dent Forget Cuticura Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites. An exquisite face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume, rendering other perfumes superfluous. You may rely on it because one of the Cuticura Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum), 25c each everywhere.--Advertisement. •f *fhe Quivering Eartht' .H has been pointed out that,-la addition to the many tremors due to seismic,, or eart quake, influences, which modern delicate instruments detect, there arc certain pulsations which seem to have some oilier origin. Some of these are diurnal, and are probably due to the Influence of the sun and the weather on the ground. In wet weather the sides juad- bottom of a valley carry a heavier load than the hounding ridges; In dry weather the case Is reversed. Even the transpiration of moisture hy plants ma * produce perceptible effects upon the tilth of the ground. Thus the face of uiother earth is almost as sensitive to external Influences as the skin of a living creature.--Ex change. A LUBRCAMT-HPT A LAXATIVE Wife Pocketed $1,000. h A dying wife in New Mexico owned •p that she had gone through her husband's pockets regularly for nearly thirty years, and that a .e had purloined about $1,000 from him for pin Bioney. Qenlus. * j ~ ' What la genius? Is it the gift of Heaven, lis some think, or la It th# capacity for hard work, as othcrf think? I don't know, and don't care. Whatever it la, ' has been talked off too much. Its possibilities are overestimated, or if not overestimated, at least given too much Importance. W» are tired and sick • ' this prattle about genius, about souae folks being boru with silver spoons in their mouths, while the rest of the world must take a back seat. Pooh! Forget it. I.lfe la wholly a* i^att^r of erophasl*. Many a so-called genius dies not turn out as well, nor fill his nlr'ie In life so nobly, as does the person with fewer talents. Why? Because the latter placed emphasis upon things worth while,, while the highly endowed individual did not do so.--Nathan Howard Gist in Grit. A FEELING OF SECURITY Asm, way to end CORNS la one minute you can end the pete «f coma with Dr. ScboU'aZlno-pad*. Thajf remove the tmu*--friction-premie. Yon riak no Infection from cuttim, ne dancer from corroelv« adds. Zino-pads protect while they bead,* 1%ia; antiseptic; waterproof. Siiea ttraa. callooey. bentona. .Get a bg iaiay at your druggist aocahoe dealer , DlScholl's alt la lit UtrMria 0 Tkt Setoff 'ft Co., makrrt ef Dr SrkoWt Fit Jpplitntts, Arch Support!, tic. hut one on--the pain is groflftC CgiliDfl 15 fluid Ton naturally {eel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root. It ia scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in teaapoonful doses. It ia not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of parity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. If you "need a medicine, yoa should have the best. On sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if /ou wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paoer.--Advertisement. A Safe High-Chair. Fearing that her baby would rock its hlgh-chnlr over while In It, or. when learning to walk, would pull the highchair over, an ingenious mother, living in California, adopted the use of an ordinary long door-hook. A hook was screwed to the back of the chair and a screw eye In the woodwork In each room where the baby was likely to be left to Itself. The chair was hooked to the wall and there was no danger of Its toppling over. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Retrial's £ Reform 'vtv'v M m i . P a s h a Appearance at Angora Male Riding Costume. Her in Bears the Signature For Over CASTORIA TNS «rar«M www, NKW veaa cm, " Y; poian coiGHiNot cot Spohn's Distemper Compound Angora.--One of the most laudable aims of the nationalist regime In Turkey Is to emancipate the Turkish women, who enjoy none of the freedom or privileges accorded other women or the world. The foremost exponents of woman's rights in Turkey are Halllday Edlbe Hanum. a graduate of the American Girls' college at Constantinople, and Mme. Kemal Push a, pretty nineteen-year-old bride of Mustapha Kemal Pasha. Hallldny Edlbe Hanum Is already well known In the United States for her work as head of the Angora ministry of education and for her advo-, cacy of more rational customs affecting Moslem women. Two of hqr sons are students at Ann Arhor, Mich. But Mme. -Kemal Pasha Is a new element In Turkish civic and political life. Angora got Its first glimpse of the young reformer when she returned from Smyrna with her brilliant husband. Appears In Male Attire. Her sister Mohammedans lifted their somber veils In amasement as they saw her step from the train dressed AS a man. with riding breeches, high boots, spurs and a Jaunty outing cap. It was evident that from the moment of her arrival aha PREACHES FOR MUTES PLYMOUTH ROCK GELATIN* One box will make four pints of Jelly. Or if you only want to make a pint* nse one quarter of s box. In every box a recipe hook tells you how to make many salads, puddings. Jellies and Ices. Ask your --^jryrtlsement. gobbler Lost Fight With His Reflection X turkey gobbler lost his life when he engaged in a savage attack upon his image reflected In the polished surface of a new automobile belonging to Mra. C. C. West of Delinar, Del. The gobbler. Inspecting the car, discovered what he evidently believed a replica of himself. With the fury of a game cock he swooped down upon the supposed rival. A few minutes later the disheveled and bleeding gobbler, his neck broken. Was found dead In the roud. wished It to be emphasised that Mustapha Kemal Pasha, in his campaign for the emancipation of Turkish women, can count upon the full and active support of his wife. It Is not likely that Turkish women will discard their black skirts; and shawls and their Impenetrable veils for the unconventional masculine attire of Mme. Kemal, but It Is certain that her advent will njpdlfy or greatly curtail the restrictions and obsolete customs prescribed for the women of Turkey h.v Mahomet. Mme. Kemal insists that the rules of conduct and dress prescribed by the stern founder of$ the Mohammedan faith centuries ago are not tenable today. and she Intends to Inject some western customs Into Turkish feminine life. Kept In Seclusion. Before the Inception of the nation flllst movement Turkish women wefle kept In the closest seclusion, and were forbidden by their men to visit friends. dance or appear In public. Their lit- | gation f«>r mutes, era tune consisted of a cook book and ' a Koran. If they ever glanced ,st a man In publje they were roundly chastised by their husbands. The severest order of nunS could not have led more restrained lives. The Turkish woman was permitted out of her home only when she desired to visit a mosque. Her horixoa was limited to the four walls of her home. But with the growth of the new Turkey all. this Is changing Turkish women gradually are being released from their domestic bondage and now and thpn are getting a glimpse of real life. They now appear on the streets and in places of entertainment In Constantinople in almost as great numbers as foreign women. The timehonored veil, or yashmak. Is disappearing. Turkish girls no longer cast furtive glances at the young men of the capital. but mingle with them freely. And the modern Moslem woman insists that her husband shall have only one wife. Instead of three or four as formerly. EUiANS Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25* AND 75i PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Rev. Howard E. Snyder, wih* recent* ly held. a sign and lip a dvice for mutes of the Lutheran faith, at the Church of Holy Communion, In Philadelphia, Pa., aud the church was filled with piutes anxious to "hear" the sermon. Rev. Snyder plans to give up his pastorate at the Christ Luth» eran church at Chestnut hill, I*a.. and devote his time to formlug a cotigre- Road Builders Use Scrap Rubber. Scrap rubber, spread on In liquid form, I" used for road surface dressing in Ceylon. Urn. Find Mummified Body of Indian in Missouri A One-Inch Menu. ^5 "I didn't know a hog hud so many ribs," said an Englishman a few days ago. Inquiry by a companion who heard the remark developed the fact that the man had bought a full "set" of hog ribs several days before only to find that no member of the family, besides himself, would eat them, and ribs had been served him at every meal since that time. SQUEEZED TO DEATH-' When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking LATHROP'8 ^ HAARLEM OIL • Tbeworfd'e standard remedy far kidney) liver, bfaddcr and uric add troubles. Famous since 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health, la three sises, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented. : far th* MUM Gold Madal ta •» hoa aod aiBipt tra iiulutloa -'ft 8tep th* Fata, Tht hurt of a burn or a cut stoCM When Cole's Carboltsalve Is applied. It heals quickly without scars. 30c and S0c by all druggists, or send 30c to The J. W. Cole Co., Rockford, 111.--Advertisement. Dally Automotive Activities. Approximately 154,700 motor vehicles enter aud leave New York city daily, carrying nearly half a million passengers. Practically sli the great cathedrals In England were built after the Normen cnminest. Hair Gray? Mary T. Ooldmaq's Hair Color Ruttnr restores th* original color. Write tor tree trial bottle--t«at It on on* lock of featr, Stat* coler •( roar hair. Addrrs* Mary T. Goldman. MSDGoldman QolKUns, St. 2*»m^ •4-ts I FROM GENERATION v™ TO GENERATION - % ••£h Noel, Mo.--The discovery of the partly mummified remains of a prehistoric Indian at the base of the bluffs on the Cow Skin river, near here, added zest to the work of archeologists who have unearthed here many souvenirs of a race long dead. The party conducting the excavations is directed by M. It. Harrington, and represents the museum of the Americana^ Indian Heye foundation, New York city. The skeleton was wrapped In ragged deerskin robes and covered by a piece of grass matting. The deerskins were belted with a girdle of fur bellev**l tc be that of un otter. The "Orark bluff dwellers," as his race has been designated by Mr. Harrington, were, beneath a breechclout of twisted grass attached to a belt made of strings made of wild hemp. A grass basket, believed once to have contained food, was found buried hear a shoulder of the skeleton. The skeleton was entire, excepting the skull, /rhlch apparently had been gnawed by rats which wefe found to have nested in the tomb. Motheft Advise Their Daughters to Rely upon Lydia E. m's were ft nb. Goal Oil Bath Kill. • Cootie*, Also Bull C. E. Moore, a farmer of Coshocton, O., had a oootie-iufesied bull. To kill the cooties Moore painted the bull with coal oil. When the hull walked too close to a lime kiln, his hide burst into flames. The bull plpnged under a straw stack. The cooties are gone, but so are the straw stack and the bull. Decides He's Well; He Is. Worcester, Muss.--After being COQfined at a hospital here two yeurs, supposed to be suffering from an incurable hip disease. Eduest Kinnarl. eleven, decided It was time lo leave. He Hiked home to bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johu Klnnuri. He was then oilU^u^y discharged from the liogpltsL Challcy Soil Tires Walkere. ! Pedestrians assert that a chalky •OU Is the most tiring to walk on. w< Wrestling Alligators b Simple Ltaugnti Pinkha Vegetable Compound to Keep v Them in Health * -I'-' il A Mother's Advice Pwiiisli Operation Corona, N. Y--"I had a terrible vain in my left side and had to go to bed every so often. Doctors had told me I must be operated on. but I do not believe in the knife and vould rather suffer than go through it. My mother also did not believe in it and she made me take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound because it had helped her. It has also helped me for I am better and able to do ail my work. I recommend your medicine and give you permission to use my letter as a testimonial."--Mrs. J. BUSCH, Jr., 11 S. Railroad Avenue, Corona, N. Y. A Sickly Quid Mahoningtown, Pa-- " I weald like to Bay a few words about Lydia & Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. About a year ago I thought it would be necessary for me to take my daughter out of school. She was losing weight, was nervous, and ?f when she would come home from . school she would drop into s chair and cry, and say, ' Mamma, 1 don't believe 1 can go to school another day I' 1 KEPT" RECORD^FADM IRERS hearty, Henry Coppinger, Jr., of Miami, Fla., who is known all over the country as the "alligator boy," experiences little difficulty in wrestling alligators In the water. He can handle any alligator up to his own weight anywhere. The picture shows the "alligator boy" w restling one of the monsters in the water. NEEDS THIRTY POUNDS EVERY DAY Soldier's Minimum cording to World Wa Ao- Data. to bruk th* cough and get then* back In conditio!) ThSrty raaiW n«* baa made "SPOHN'S" lndlapaasabl* la treating Couirha Col da. Influenza aad l>istemp«r witk tfealr raaaltias conpUMkttona. and ail dla*aa*S of th* throat, MM aad lunss. Acts •HMlfMtr aa a prwrantlv*; aota MHMllr weO aa a out* Sold ta two MM at all drac storaa. HfUlMAJbi CMSMfiW ^4 Washington.--A million men at the firunt would consume 30.U00.000 pounds u day of food and stores, army statistics indicate. American expeditionary forces' experi$pce indicates thut 30 pounds per man per day is the absolute minimum uud allows nothing for storing up reserve stocks in the dumps for use in offensives. The figures came up during recent calculations as to train operating personnel necessary to handle the flow uf materials to the front. It was estimated thut a single field army would tequire the moveme.it of 6,000 tons a day of supplies of all kinds, exclusive concentrations of stores and equipment for a contemplated major operation. in oth?r words, railways to the front for thlfr one army must be prepared to handle 12 trains daily each [ ' '~H ' • ' jr . V* >/'• - v. .'V Wi "An army railway battalion Is approximately 000 men strong. It Includes personnel necessary for the operation of six trains a day. from train crews to right of way and equipment maintenance forces, over one engine division of trackage, or about 100 miles of road. In a pinch, a battalion might bandie nine trains a day, but to be secure in preparing to handle a 12-train schedule behind a field army the experts hold that It would be necessary to put in two railway battalions per 100 miles of road to the front. With this organization the railway troops for a limited period could handle IS trains a day. It Is estimated, and assuming that the srmy distance to the front Is 300 miles. 36 ruilway operating battalions would be necessary for a full "six army" emergency. Under the wiw plan of building up in the organised reserve, the complete frame, vork .of railway operating battalions from the personnel of the existlng railway systems. 44 of these units are available Even In the event that all were calfrd suddenly Into service, however, It Is believed at the War department that there would be no serious Impairment of the operating forces of the railroads, as not more than ft per cent of the operating 'personnel would he Involved. The number of railwuy employees of necessary skill and experience is ao great that double the pumber could be withdrawn, it is estimated, without tying up the roads, particularly under the new plan which allots a reserve battalion to about each 2.000 ndtai at each system. - 5 Art. Art, as far as it is able, follows nature. as a pupil Imitates Its master; thus your art must be aa God's grandchild.--Dante. . .. Thought for the Day. ^ is seldom that the fellow on the side lines doesn't think he knows more about the game than the players know- Indianapolis Girl Conducted Her Love Affaira on a Basis That Was Strictly Business. Now Betty Is an Indianapolis stenographer with many man admirers and she shnres l.er experiences with them to the other girls In the office. They often wonder how she remembers all of them and iloesn't mix th»rm up. The other day they discovered ber method. Breathlessly she rushed la from lunch. "Oh, girls,", she began "I Diet in old beau of - !ne today. I hadn't seen him for twj ears, t^e was so iiindsoine and , prosperous looking I fust wanted him bai'x again,' she gigged. "And do you know I ht d forgotlun his name." Some one asked her whether she told him so. "Oh, no," sbe returned, *that would have ruined everything, rm to see him tomorrow. Tonight I'll aunt up his photograph When I put t away I wrote his name on it. Oh, fll be ready for Hint tomorrow.'^-Inilanapolis News. "Tills," we often hear people say, a very critical time." give her Lydia EL Pinkham's Yaps* ble Compound and now she fi| healthy, ha] and weighs difficulty ID doing her and she works at and morning, too. I am a can certainly praiae your medkina, r and if it will be of any benefit yon ' may use this letter as a reference." I y Mm.GBOBGBEWHiTAca*,621W. Madison Ave.. Mahoningtown, Pa. Every girl wants to be healthy sni strong, and every mother wants bar . " daughter to do well in school and fee ^ enjoy herself at all timea. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a splendid medicine for young girls just entering womanhood. , Mothers may depend upon it. Remem- ; - ^ ber it is prepared from roots and ; herbs, contains nothing that can injure, and tends to tone up and ^ strengthen the organs oopeerned, so that they will work in a healthy " J and normal manner. * - For nearly fifty years it has beea used by women of all ages, and ' • .v these women know its greet value. #' Let it help your daughter aadl : yomsilis s Oddly Constructed Residence. • The most peculiar house in the e'w United Kingdom wouldriseein to be ther { triangular one built by Sir Tbomae |/ Treshum more than 300 years ago atf ltusliton. In Northamptonshire. Its* design is supposed to typify the Trinity. It has three stories, and eachf story has three windows cm each of the three sides, while eacb of the win* dows in two of the three stories is int the shape of a trefoil--the threeleaved shamrock. In each of the other windows there are twelve panes, ar» ; ranged in three fours, and the paneSf 'lj throughout are triangular. t m Plain and Fancy Shuffling. "0^ "Hew come yuh ain't wukkin' todayf: Been fiahed?" , "N-n-aw. De man I wukked M kinda resigned frna me." "Whatcha mean--resigned fins ..fl yuhr "Resigned frum beln* mah boas.** ••Uh-huh." * •How come yuh alnt wukkin' yell own se'f? Has yah been fiahed 7" "N-n-naw. De comp*ny I wuttsi' f ^ll foh done gwlne out o* business." . "Whic h business is It gwlne out ofl* "De business o' letttn' me wuk foil; it lak I was."--l.lf£ VV^hat to Eat and Why , . C:"A Natural Supply of Vitamm f f v The word "Vitamin" is new, but the thing itself is as old as the human race. It is the energizing, vitalizing, growth - producing element in the right food. Its absence is a serious fault of the wrong food. When the food is right, there is no need to go to the drug store for Vitamin. Grape-Nuts, the famous readyto- eat cereal, supplies the natural Vitamin from the wheat, and a further supply is included in the cream or milk with which Grape-Nuts is eaten. bran content to stimulate intestinal action, are supplied by Grape-N'uta. Many of our modern, "refined" foods lack these vitally necessary elements. Grape-Nuts digests easily aad is assimilated quickly, and is splea* didly nourishing and energizing. You'll fiud better health and flfc ness, in the natural way, witk Grape-Nuts as a regular part *6 your diet. There's genuine economy Is Grape-Nuts--many servings of tide Spe-Nut. i, Wully hUpplF^BwitT th* "h" Jome.' health-building goodness which the Body Builder, ^here s a JnSHJia. food contains Phosphorus and j Made by Postum Cereal Ua, AMp iron, as well as Vitamin, with ai Battle Creek, Michigan. "••J, '• "-•••'< •• '3 ,' 4 ' la> m.

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