Pride'» III Effects blindness of men is the most dangerous effect of their pride; it seems to nourish and augment it; it deprives them of knowledge of remedies which can solace their miseries and can cure their faults.--La Roche- Knew"Value of Beans Beans were usod by the ancient fcrews as vegetables and they were •too fround into flour. Uncle Eben "Religion." said Uncle Eben, "is a great comfort until It gits you think- In' flat mehbe you kin start some kind of an aristocracy dat'I! keep other folks out of heaven."--Washington Star. Thorn ln-Laws A man never cares anything about meeting his wife's relations--unless they are rich and distinguished,--l5xchange. - ^ «>•»»••»••»»»»»»•<•»»»»»•»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»••»•••>•»»•** IceCream is a Food . t thut is made in McHenry. - ; It is pure. ; Wheto yon Wk for Ice Ci^ don't forget fa- alsid> g&jr : " McHENRY * Brick Ice Cream for Saturday and Sunday ; < i McHenry Ice Cream i Company McHenry, Illinois To Make Your Dining Room Pretty Ton will find plenty of excellent suggestions for making your Pinner Room more attractive-- and at very reasonable cost, if you come here to buy. Jacob Justen & Son Furniture and Undertaking ILLINOIS Arrive as Strangers in National Capital One of the outstanding features of Washington's difference from other capitals of great countries Is that it is not--as are London, Paris and Berlin --the most important of our cities, nor Indeed a city at all In that sense, •rrltes Maude Parker Child in the Satnrday Evening Post. Therefore most of the appointees who come to our capital come as straifr ffers. In other countries the chances are that a man chosen as a cabinet member will be known in his own capital and will have a wide acquaintance there. His social status will hav« been established long before he becomes part of the government. In the United States, however, a new official may come from a town as remote geographically from Washington as Constantinople is from Dublin. His wife and children may have never even seen the city of their new residence until they go there to live. It Is possible that they may not have one friend who Is a resident. This applies equally to th£ undersecretaries and to the Innumerable men of the Stfete department, but it is usualjy more acute invthe cases of senators and congressmen. • ^ V ' POLITICAL ADVERTISING Of Course Pop Knew All About Philistines "Pop. my Sunday school book says to write a short story mbout David and the Philistines. How shall I begin itr „ "Hm, Yea--David. David and the Philistines. The Philistines and David. Well, let me see: "Once upon * time there was some--there were some--people with a king named David.'" "The Philistines, pop?" "Now don't interrupt Just listen carefully. . . . •with a king named Philistine.'M "Aw, pop, yo* mean David!" "S said David. Why aren't yon listening? Anyhow. . . . 'This king of the Dav--of the Philistines wanted to conquer some people called the--a --called--a . . " "The Philistines, pop?" "No, of course not! Why should a king want to conquer his own people? Will you listen or shall I stop?" "But, jfop, David did beat Got-- Golly--or something. I--" "That's it. That's it. David and the Philistines beat the" Gauls by bailding a wooden bridge. I remember it all now. . . 'Well, soon after--'" "Say, pop, I gnc*9 l remember now, too." 1 . Good! Well, ran along then and FU finish my paper." VOTE FOR James F. CASEY Republican Candidate For County Judge At the Primaries on April 13th, A. 0.1926 McHENRY, mm THE SPECIAL SIX SEDAN *1215 #. o. b. factory Full force-feed lubrication, air cleaner, gasoline filter, oil purifier, twin flywheel plus 4-wheeI brakes, full balloon tires and 5 disc wheels included at no extra cost All it will take to convince you that this Special Six Sedan does give more REAL VALUE for the money is a casual inspection plus a short ride. George A. Stilling Garage Phone 28 McHenry, 111. Sumthin' Missin' Aw, shucks, I ain't so crazy *bont my father's new machine. There's such a thing as havin' things too fine. He went and bought the bunch of ns a class.v limousine. The best that he could buy--but not for mine. Ya know how people feel about a thing that's spankin' new. The^re alius 'frald of mars and scars and such. And every time I'm in it pop'll | watch each thing I do. That's why I can't enthuse about it much. The seats 'er all upholstered with a cloth of silver gray, an' all the wood and metal's shiny bright. But that don't mean a thing ta me. I Just found out today they wouldn't let my dog in. That ain't right. Aw, what's the fun of rldin', when I leave my purp behind? I hate to see him whine an' fume an' fuss. I don't see why my father didn't wait and try to find a plain old common second-hand bus.--Detroit News. Old Monarchical Idea The name "Divine Right of KingiT* Is given to a doctrine that was promulgated In England in the Seventeenth century. It 'asserted that kings held their authority by divine appointment and were earthly representatives of the Deity. This principle relieved the sovereign of all responsibility toward his subjects, and gave him absolute claim to their obedience. The chief defenders of this dogma were Salmaslus, Hobbes and Sir Robert Filmer; while Milton, Algernon Sydney and Hiarrlngton were its uncompromising opponents. The controversy died a natural death on the accession of the House of Hanover. In the Bill of Rights (1689) the right of the people to depose the sovereign, to alter/the order of succession, and to confer the sovereignty on whomsoever they* may think proper is distinctly set forth.-- City "Laborer" Wat Right Getting one's name on the voting list in an outlying town in Massachusetts for the first time Is a serious ceremony, yet with touches of humor. For Instance, one lady was asked what her occupation was and she replied "Housewife." Whereupon the registrar volunteered this one: "I asked this question of one woman and she replied, 'Laborer.' " The registrar, somewhat puzzled, again queried, "What kind of labor?" The woman replied, "Well, I'm home all day."--Christian Science Monitor. Single copies of The Plaindealer can be secured at Bolger's Drug Store. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Arlette T. Perry, -deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Arlette T. Perry, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the May Term, on the first Monday in May next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 6th day of March, A. D, 1926. C. B. WHITTEMORE 40-3 Administrator POLITICAL ADVERTISING CHARLES T. ALLEN Republican Candidate For COUNTY JUDGE Respectfully Solicits Your Support Primaries, Tuesday, ApriJ 13 1926 ~ SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, TO LEVY A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVING OF ELGIN ROAD AND OTHER STREETS, IN SAID CITY, BY GRADING, CURBING, DRAINING, PAVING, ETC., AND KNOWN AS PAVING DISTRICT NO. 7. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons interested that the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, having ordered that a local improvement be made for the improvement of ELGIN ROAD from the southern terminus of the present existing pavement on Elgin Road on the southerly street line of Main Street extended easterly to the southerly corporate limits of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, and those portions of John Street lying within the street lines of the said portion of Elgin vRoad and not included in the roadway thereof, by draining, grading, curbing and paving the road thereof with either a Portland cement concrete pavement designated as Type "A," or a Portland cement concrete pavement designated as Type "B," all in the said City of McHenry as provided for in and by ah ordinance passed by the City Council of the said City on March 8, A. D. 1926, and approved by its ^Mayor on March 8, A. D. 1926, entitled, "An Ordinance for paving a portion of Elgin Road in the City pf McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois,"--the ordinance for the same being now on file in the office of the City Clerk of ^aid City of McHenry, and having applied to the County Court of McHenry County for an assessment of the cost of said improvement according to the benefits and assessments therefor having been made and returned to said court, which assessment is divided into ten (10) annual installments bearing interest at the rate of six per cent (6) per annum; the final hearing thereon will be held on the 29th day of March, A. D. 1926, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said court before said day and may appear at the hearing and make their defense. Dated at McHenry, Illinois, this 10th day of March, A. D. 1926. T. J. WALSH* Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Illinois, to spread said assessment. 40-2 Read the Ad# ( and Profit Fresh! Longer Lasting ^Greater Distance No. MS4 48 Volt. Vertical, Lb* price, each 94.00 BATTERIES They reach you alive with the vital energy necessary for better radio reception. Stuart Batteries are made and supplied to dealers while fresh and full strength. Thus you are assured* t>f high quality "B" Batteries that are uniformly efficient. Stuart Batteries, handsomely dressed in leatherlike covering, are made in ten standard sizes. Next time buy Stuart! You'll be surprised at the difference. Ask your dealer. STUART PRODUCTS CORPORATION 663-671 W. Washington Blvd. Chicago Altommktrt of Stmmrt A * C Radio Dry BoUtritttmd Ftmtk Limkt Bmtttriot. ' DISTRIBUTED BY Knox Motor Sales Serve more Toast its wholesome and delicious During this month---Eleo* trie Toaster Month---wW are featuring special displays of well-known makes In a variety of styles and prices. Stop in today and •elect the toaster yun haw > long. Crisp,t^olden^^tdiet^fresMy made on an electric toaster--is the most wholesome kind of food for growing youngsters; also perks up the appetites of grown-ups; makes a dainty treat for entertaining. Try the new and tasty sandwiches, made with electric toaster, described below. Served with a hot dnnk, one of them is a meal in itself. Just the thing for a school-day luncheon or for serving to afternoon bridge players. * These and other tempting recipes for sandwiches and creamed food on toast may be obtained without charge by matt* ing the attached coupon. I OK Some New ToastHSandwiches suggested -- by the Toasted. Raisin Sandwiches 1 cup chopped raisins % cup minced almonds 1 tablespoon orange juioa 1 teaspoon grated orange rind . Mayonnaise to mix to a parte (about 1 tablespoon) U cup whipped cream Mix an ingredients together to form • deUdous : entire wUtt bread in thin slice.--ret and tout. Spread rakta mixture and Toasted Qinger, Cheese and Nut Sandwich 2 packages cream cheese 1ft cup cream H cup chopped preserved ginger K cup chopped nut meats Cut bread in long narrow thin slices--remove crust and toast--mix cream and cheese to make a light and moist mixture. Add singer and nut*-- spread this mixture oo toasted bread slices and Commencing at base, using toasted white bread, cut with round cookie cutter 1st round 3 inches in diameter, spread with currant jelly Bid pound 3 inches in diameter, spread with cheese and hnely chopped almonds fed round 2 H inchts in diameter, spread with a slice Qi tomato, lettuce and mayonnaise Ml round 2H inches in diameter, spread « •eat of chicken. lettuce and mayonnaise Toasted Pyramid Sandtvfch 5th round 2% inches in diameter. pepper, lettuce and mayonnaise " 6th round 2 inches in diameter, spread with chopped olives, finely chopped nuts 7tb round Hi inch in diam., spread with cottage cheese pilea in a point and topped with caviar and a tiny piece of pimento, HoMyndwich upright ly urine tooth pick*. OwwawMl PUBLIC COMPANY 101 OF NORTHERN ILLINOIf Williams St., Crystal Lake Telephone 280 1 A. SchabecK, District Manager Horn* S«rvict Department. Public Service Company flf Northern Illinois Adams Street. Chicago, UL your now Toi 1 i