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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1926, p. 3

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I-Vi IM1P ' " , - / • ' • • • • , • : • : m ITBfflRY PLAIHOTAttt, THTTCSDAY, APRIL 8, 1926 Calculation of Siz6 of Statue of Apol'o famous problem concerning the size of the colossal statue of Apollo on the Island of Delos, which has worried so many savants, lias finally been solved. We are familiar with; the Delos Apollo only in miniature, as represented on the Attic tetradrachm, an ancient Greek coin, where til** pod is shown holding the three Graces in hl« right hand. At a recent meeting of the academy of inscriptions Theodore Relnnch announced that he had calculated with the aid of history as well as mathematics, the size of Apollo and the three Graces. This archaic colossus at De'.os was the masterpiece, in gilded wood, of the sculptors Tecteols and Angellon who flourished between 550 and 530 H. o. The three Graces, which were not groilped. but separated and ereet, bore, respectively, the zyther. the double flute and tiie pipes of Pan. They stood in the palm of Apollo's right hand. In his left hand hp carried ji bow. The colossus and its threeystatues were destroyed by flre. V^~--- . With the assistance of a Delian Inscription which mentioned the weight of ttie gold .crowns • d^sljrned for the god and the Graces, M. Reinach estimated the relative heights of the fig ures as eight meters for the Apollo and one meter eighty centimeters for each of the Graces.--From Le Figaro Hebdonianaire. Paris. Translated tor the Kansas City Star. ' Definite Brand of Coal The bureau of mines says that coal mined in Pittsburgh and Sewickley seanis is called "I'ittshjirgh coal." It is mined in Greene. Washington, Allegheny and \\ esttnorelaiid counties, within a radius of 00 miles. Joseph H. Feffer Candidate for % Sheriff Solicits Your Vote at the PRIMARIES, APRIL 13. Things for Radio Fan to Know About His Set Radio receiving trouble** are caused by installing unmatched parts. An aerial that is badly corroded can be cleaned with a rag saturated with gasoline. All circuits must be at least slightly regenerative to obtain maximum distance and volume. When working about the set, always throw off the switch and disconnect the battery wires from the batteries. Spliced wires should be soldered, to Insure a permanently good electrical contact. The wire corrodes in time, making the contact less conductive^ and causing loss of signal strength. To find the positive and negative posts otf a storage battery, dip the wires in a dilute solution of salt In water. Bubbles will form most copiously on the wire attached to the negative terminal of the battery. Tube Is Not Governed by v Brilliancy of Filament The effective operation of any vacuum tube Is not governed by the brilliancy of the filament As a matter of fact, one should never use the brilliancy of the filament as an indicator that the tube is working properly. Modern vacuum tubes have a coating placed over the filament which greatly increases the electron emission. The filament merely serves as a heater to generate the emission of electrons. One will find that with tubes using the coated filament the life of the tubes Is not governed by the filament burning out, but by the loss or deterioration of the coating on the filament. When this happens the ibes will remain lit, but 'no signals will be heard. lwmiw»nmiHnt»m»nnnnminim» ILLINOIS News Notes Should Drill Panels in Horizontal Position While the radio builder naturaliy places his panel flat on the bench while he drills it, sometimes the bench is so cluttered up with tools and miscellaneous parts that It seems more convenient to clamp the panel vertically In the bench viae. This practice should be avoided because there Is always a tendency for the holes to drift downward away from the center punch mark just as the drill starts to cut in. The error produced In this way is usually less than 1-82 of an Inch, but this Is often enough to prevent, for instance, the mounting of a condenser. Early Theatrical "Show" According to the proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, the first theatrical performance In Washington of which there Is any record was held In 1801 In Blodget'a unfinished hotel, near the site of the former Post-Office department, at Seventh and F streets. Rough hoards were put in as temporary seats for the audience. Footwear Belief» Arabs and Turks are always particular In placing their sandals and slippers side by side. They regard It as a sign of Impending disaster If the toes are pointing away from each other. The Russian believes that an enemy Is plotting against him If his shoes, when thrown down, land with one toe on the top of the other. Attention Dairy Farmers t T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T ? T T T ? T Y Yi ILLINOIS Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY WEST McHENRY, 1 Wo have been shipping reactors for several weeks and wish to remind the farmers that we are in the market to buy all untested herds at any time. I I am also in position to furnish the dairy farmer with cattle that will meet with the regulations as set forth by the milk ordinance of the city of Chicago. I will buy any excess butter that you may have Peter W• Fr ett I Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y >T Y • Y Y Y Y Y Y T •Y AUCTION SALE CHAS. LEONARD, AUCTIONEER Clerk, J. M. Hoy A carload of horses will be sold at the Frank Gaulke barn, Woodstock, 111., April 10th, at 1:30 o'clock. These horses are good farm chunks, all broken, good ages, well matched teams. Color, bays, browns and Black. Weighing eleven hundred to fourteen hundred pounds. One mare with colt by side. Sev- / era! others in foal. Six months' time on approved V notes. For any other information call at Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Rickert's Economy Store W0QDST0CK, ILLINOIS Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y •IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIJS iThe .Northern Illinois College junior track and field meet will be held at Elgin on May 29. Thomas Arkle Clark, dean of men at the University of Illinois, addressed the Rotary club at Alton. A carload of fish has been placed in Salt Fork, east of Champaign, under the auspices of the Izaak Walton league. / ^ Thirteen persons were Injured at Venice when a freight train crashed into a trolley car at a crossing of the two ltnes Rev. L. P. Walden, ninety-three. Methodist Episcopal minister and boyhood friend of Mark Twain, is dead at Urbana. Guy Hestan, twenty, of Christopher, who was shot by Police Officer Harry Warren at Duquoin several weeks ago, Is dead in a Louisville (Ky.) hospital. Rev. Father E. M. Chuse, for several years pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church at Mount Carmel, died unexpectedly of heart disease. He was a chaplain in the World war. A grand rally for all the boy scout troops in the coal belt scout council will take place in Christopher April 3. A full day's program has been prepared for the visiting scouts. In spite of the heavy storm which tends to cut down the influx of visitors to view Bloomlngton's Passion Play, the temple of the Scottish Rite has been crowded regularly every night. Several thousand students at the Unlversj.ty of Illinois left for home to spend'the Easter vacation. Classes will be resumed Tuesday afternoon. Special trains were necessary to take care of the increased traffic. A tragedy of sickness has wiped out the William Peters family of St. Charles In less than a month. The baby died late hi February and the mother dropped dead a week later from a heart affliction. Peters is now dead of pneumonia. State pavements out of Mollne are still Impassable as result of the record snowfall, but street car service !h the city has been restored. State route 7 to Oeneseo and Joliet and route 3, which links Mollne with the Lincoln highway, are closed. The will of Howard Knowles, early promoter of public utilities companies. has been filed at Oalesburg. An inventory of the estate is not given, though Knowles* fortune will reach half a million dollars. The widow, Mrs. Ella C. Knowles, is to re> .ceive one-third. Michael J. Reldel, grain elevator operator at Taylorvllle, was arrested at Springfield on a charge of larceny. -He is accused of having defrauded about thirty Christian county farmers out of $25,000 by purchasing their grain and giving them worthless checks in payment. Failure of Mrs. Lee Harris, Mrs. Sarah Golden and Mrs. Emma Franklin, arrested last winter upon the charge of stealing fur coats from a department store at Quincy, to appear for trial led to the forfeiture of their bonds, and Adams county Is enriched to the extent of $9,000. The Federated Women's club members in Illinois, 70,000 strong, have launched a five-year child health program. In it they have the co-operation of the state medical society and the state department of public health. The plan is for each club member to see that one child under school age gets a thorough physical and dental examination by a local doctor and, dentist. The filing of two petitions by a candidate for the same county office Is not prevented by any statutory provision or decision of the courts, bat the name of the candidate In question may not appear on the ballot more than once. This was the opinion of Attorney General Oscar E. Carlstrom, furnished to State's Attorney Charles L. Abbott, Kane county, upon the request of County Clerk Charles Lowry, who had asked: "May a candidate for county office file two petitions for the same office?" James Warren Crabb, seventy-one, president of the Tazewell County National bank of Delavan and former mayor of Delavan, was fatally injured, and three young girls whom he had picked up in his automobile to take to high school, were badly injured when the automobile was hit by an Illinois Central passenger train in Delavan. A blinding snowstorm obscured the train. The girls Injured are: Frances Allen, twenty-three, teacher In Delavan Community high school, and Bernice Kaufman, sixteen, and Lillian Fisher, sixteen, highschool pupils. Mr. Crabb was brought to a Peoria hospital. Crabb died without regaining consciousness. Over a score of years of work In the jungles of West Africa by George L. Bates, native of Abingdon, has resulted in his obtaining the largest and most valuable collection of specimens of plant and animal life of its kind in the world. j> Telephone operators employed by the Illinois Consolidated Bell Telephone company have been granted an increase In wages, it was announced after negotiations were completed by officers of the International Telephone Operators' union and Edward Purcell, pianagdr of the telephone company. Matter Sculptor Myron, the celebrated (Jreek scalptor, who lived in the Fifth century, B. C., was noted for the action of his statues, mainly of athletes. He showed them as actually engaged in contest rather than merely posing. Career* Are Short It doesn't take much of q car, at that, to last some drivers a lifetime:-- Arkansas Gazette. V Tool to Examine Tires to Determine Condition When a tire Is taken to a vulcanlaing shop for repairs, the workman makes a thorough examination of the inside to determine the condition of the fabric. With heavy tires this inspection involves the use of blocks to hold the stiff beads apart, but this can be done much more easily by means of the tool shown In the illustration. It consists Of a %-lnch iron rod, doubled In the middle and twisted and Twisted Iron-Rod Teol .With Wooden' Rollers Enables Tire Man to Make Thorough Examination of Fabric. bent to the shape indicated. Two 1*4 by 6-inch wooden rollers are mounted on the ends, and held in place by means of washers and cotter pins. The tool la easily Inserted between the beads and is then given a quarter turn so that the rollers spread the beads. By pressing down on the tool and rolling the tire back and forth, the inside is easily exainiued.--G. E. Hendrickson. Argyle, Wis., in Popular Mechanics Magazine. Consistent advertising is sure to bring results. Crop* North of "S3" Wheat, oats and similar grain have been found to ripen satisfactorily in that part of Canada north of the fiftythird parallel. Four varieties of wheat have been tried, some ripening in ninety- eight days. The yields varied twenty-three to forty bushels, depending on the variety, and from fifty-four to seventy-three bushels of oats to the acre were obtained, depending also on the variety planted. The experiment la considered important for Canadian development. ^ Going to be married ? See us about printing invitations or announcements. The Plaindealer. AUCTION! GEORGE VOGEL, Auctioneer . Having decided to quit farming the Undersgned will sell at Public Auction on the Frett Farn}, 1 mile north of Johnsburg, on / FRIDAY, APRIL 9 Starting at 1 o'clock sharp, ,thie follow invr property: 15 BEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of >: 12 Cows, most of them tested, and 3 Horses Two panel top Ford delivery trucks; two ice boxes; electric motor; cream separator; bottle washer; mowing machine; hay rake; 2-section drag; corn plaiiter; wagon; clipper; harness, and other articles too numerous to "mention. TERMS OF SALE--Cash. No property to be removed until settled for with the clerk. . Unlucky Inventor William Lee, the inventor at tk« stocking frame, is said to have died of disappointment, at Paris, about 1610. The hand-knitters opposed him and he was unable to sell his machine in England or France. One of the Mytteriet Why do so many strangers think the real sights of a city those that regular residents care least to see? Once Pilgrim«* Retort Oompostela in Spain was one at th« principal pilgrim resorts of the wortf In the Middle ages. It has been noted from the Ninth century for its possessions of the relics of St. Ji JOHN F. GOSS AND SON Live* Long Without Food A species of snail has been known to live without food for a year and a half. . V One Is Never 1 Enough ; Oue Ice Creain Cone made with McIIenrjr Ice Cream is nevet enough for a boy. He wants two or more. And why not let him have them? No better or purer food could be eaten. When you say Ice Cream, don't forget to also say "McHenry," McHenry Ice Cream Company ': Green and Elm Street s McHENRY P^O L I T I C A L A D V E R T I S I N G f) Don Hibbard Qualified for Sheriff / ~ Because of the actual experience gained during the four years in which he has served as chief deputy, Don Hibbard is more fully qualified to carry on the exacting work of the sheriff's office than any other candidate. c A vote for Hibbard is a vote for an efficient and economical handling of the office of sheriff of McHenry County. $ %

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