i * • " * » * ^V ^ - ^ ' ' * * " ' ' / * » - - ' • * THE M'&imiT PLAINDSALER, THURSDAY, APRIL S3, 1986 i' " Well Selected Materials and Design Make Even Small House Attractive Craw in a Tattie Field > There was recently appointed to a country parish church a young minister who, although a clevjer chap, Is very much attracted to hla "paper" during his sermon. This falling of his does not find favor with a few of his congregation, and the other Sunday, as a few of them were going home from church, one of them, the village schoolmaster, remarked: "That was a very scholarly address we got today from the minister. Don't you think so, Mr. Blunt?" "Humph!" replied Mr. Blunt, a plain old farmer. «'He Jist minded IH$ o' a craw in a tattle field; twa dabs an' a took up!"--Toronto Globe. By WILLIAM A. RADFORD ' Mr. William A. Radford will answer questions and give ADVICE FREE OF COST on all problems pertaining to the subject of building, for the readers of this paper. On account of his wide experience as editor, author and raan- •facturer, he . Is, without doubt, tl»« highest/authority on the subject. Ad-" dr«M>ul inquiries to William A. Radford. No. 1817 Prairie avenue. Chicago, 111,,- and only IDCIOM two-cent stamp for .reply. 4 X" „ A great ffiknj people have the ml*» taken idea that the very small house or cottage cannot be made so attractive nor so architecturally correct as a large house, hut one glance at the accompanying picture will prove beyond doubt that this is wrong. Probably the reason for the growth of this Idea is the fact that too often the wrong methods are used in the attempt to make the small house attractive. That la. It is ornamented with many fancy trimmings which have Just the opposite effect from that which is desired. Simplicity is a good rule in all house design, but It is absolutely essential in the design of the small house. Libee and materials are the means which should be used to make the 6mall house attractive and this cozy little cottage Illustrates what can be done along these lines. It la notable that not one strikingly "ornamental" feature is used. The house measures 24 feet wide by 82 feet deep. At the front there la a projecting porch extending only part way across the house and at the rear the kitchen projects slightly from the rectangular form. The roof, which la covered with a composition roofing! extends out in moderately wide eaves and the plain rafter ends are allowed to show. The porch roof forms a simple gable and is supported by pillars which are broad at the base bat relieved of any heaviness by a lighter construction above. The walls are covered with a plain drop siding which extends down to the grade level with a slight spread just above the ground. The effect is to make the house sit closely down upon the lot as though an Integral part of it Slx-paned upper sash are used in the windows t^good effect while a window box avhe front and trellis for training a bCTiutiful vine add much to the front exposure. Well selected plantings about the foundations and the hanging baskets on the porch add • Homelike air and this little home extends an invitation which Is irresistible. The front entrance, with windows »t each side, leads directly into the living room and from It an arched doorway gives a view of the dining room beyond. Back of the dining room is the kitchen. It is a small kitchen, as might be expected, but Is well arranged so that it affords ample and convenient working place. Woman*8 High Position Woman Is the salvation or the destruction of the family. She gurries its salvation in the folds of her man. tie.--Amiel. - Odd Uee, for Seaahell One South Salem radio enthusiast has a loud speaker which he made from a large seashell. The shell, which Is In Itself a valuable possession and has been in the man's family for years, has been connected simply with a bit of rubber tape and some wires. It Is a most satisfactory, as well as attractive loud speaker.--- Boston Globe. Conversation The secret of being agreeable in conversation has been described as being honorable to the ideas of others. There are people who evidently only half listen to you because they are considering, even while you speak, with what fine words, what^Wealth of wit, they will reply, and' they begin to speak almost before jour sentence has died upon your lips. These people may be brilliant, witty, dazzling, but never can they be agreeable. You do not love to talk to them. Yon feel that they are Impatient for their torn to come, and that they have no hospitality toward your thoughts, none of that gentle friendliness which asks your Idea and makes much of It Origii, of Hat Unknown It is difficult to state just when hats were first worn, and there If no record aa to where or when the first hat was made. The first modern hat, as we know this article of men's wear, was made in Paris In 1404 by a Swiss manufacturer, but it was not until 49 yeurs thereafter that the FrencJ adopted any sort of a head covering Birds Travel far Though many birds from North America commonly go to the northern part of South America, an official of the Smithsonian institution explains that only relatively few species pass below the equator so far south as Paraguay^ Uruguay, Argentina and Chile. However, these Include some" of our best-known birds. One who did not know their habits would hardly believe them capable of flying such enormous distances twice a year. Colored Picture Wire It Is now possible to buy pictureframe-, wlre in all colors, such as gold, tan, br«Wn, green, silver, white, etc. This makes it easy to secure wire which will match the color of the walls--thus having It fall into the background rather than glaring out conspicuously. Gold Teeth for a Dog A Berlin dent.'st has succeeded in making a gold dental plate bridge for a d<>g. This has been fastened to the dog's teeth. | Are you going to paint your home? f Be sure to buy 100% pure DEVOE PAINT r . John F. Brda "thone 161 McHENRY "iT 1 9 Floor Plan. Windows over the sink not only afford plenty of light but also make possible a view of the outdoors for whoever may be doing the kitchen work. The refrigerator is placed in a recess beside the black door. It could easily be arranged to be served from the back porch without entering the "kitchen. The two bedrooms, with a bathroom ttttween, are placed at the other side Of the house. These rooms all open off of a hallway which Is reached 'from the dining room. Both bedrooms are provided with closets and that In the front bedroom is unusually large. A portion of it might easily provide a linen closet Should tiaipe Frosh Co-Ed--I Was go confused, I don't know how many yflmes he kissed me! House Chairman--What! With that going on right under jour nose)--Blue Baboon. Nearly • They sat together on the sofa and admired the new engagement ring. Bhe looked at the diamond and whispered, "My, John, isn't it clear?" "Only two more payments, dear*" he replied.--Oregon Orange OwL IT «*vvv Af** \ HOMES CAKNOT BEBTJILT WITHOUT MONEY r^y. , Make your new home an Electric Home Good reliable electric wir rrr -y ing lasts a lifetime fmppir Jlfprp1 A savings account in the bank will help when the time for building arrives. Start one today in the" West McHenry State Bank iirrrn John J. Vydtal BUILDERS' HARDWARE AND SHEET METAL WORK Heating a Specialty Estimates Furnished Free Quality Goods and Workmanship Alexander Lumber Co. BUILDING MATERIAL MERCHANTS Lumber--Mouldings--Sash--Doors Frames--Roofing PHONE 5 McHENRY RELIABLE CARPENTER WORK First class workmen are what we put on every job. They know how to do things and do them right. Our service will please you John P . Weber General Contractor Phone 101-J MAks YOUR NEW HOME ATTRACTIVE AS T^ELL AS SUBSTANTIAL Let Us Help Yon Plan It McHenry Lumber Co. a. v!tt W. H. Althoff HARDWARE AND PROTANE GAS Specializing in Builders' Hardware, Paints, Varnishes, Etc. Phone 65- J West McHenry, Q1 WHEN YOU BUILD YOU'LL NEED Plumbing Heating and Electrical Work We can do any or all of them H. E. Buch Phone 48 McHenry _ im By.yjs :v.v; iv.-Vv>.^ STOCK YOUR PANTRY' WITH GROCERIES FROM OUR SHELVES JOSa J« Miller General Store THE LOT IS FIRST If Bought From Kent & Company Real Estate and Insurance WE KNOW YOU WILL BE SATISFIED You will need Insurance WE INSURE •**.- v jjffrr -A