iui«uWip»MW'^^w'<^ >^c'!rxr<Lw|'<>^Ax»«*<w'4,.>wH^<^^v:»wv:iluy 111 »w«if«w 1 i«« JV «F" '- 1 J "iv-swd*^ , vu.«*iwim.«iui* ^yiw*^ K:A$fflW5. . *% V.Y-m 1 <p ,v y*-^'e •: ..' -*;• ~v;'&% \>?'7: • - . •" - THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, DEC. 2, 1926 CHEVROLET ON SKIIS FOR "TROUBLE-SHOOTING" •'••i The novel combination of a covered ifragon and a Chevrolet" roadster Counted in front on skiis and in the1 gear on snowmobile caterpillar tractors, is the strange-appearing vehicle "•sea by the Black River Telephone ompany of Lowville, N. Y., for winr "trouble-shooting" on its lines in heavy snow belt of New York Jftaie. \s The difficult winter territory for ;he company's linemen extends from ,ke Ontario to Raquette I^ake in the dirondack mountains and involves he maintenance of service throughout a chain of twenty exchanges. This type of vehicle, which will CHICKS FOR S ALE Barron strain large type purebred $V'hite Leghorn baby chicks, $10.60 ; liundred. Chicks are very strong and ;j|tand cool weather better than hot • feather. Everlay strain Brown Leghorns, } #11.60 hundred. Sheppard Etrain Single Comb An- . -conas, $14 hundred. ' k Owens and Donaldson strain Rhode island Reds, $14.85 hundred. Thompson's strain Barred Rocks, > J$14.85 hundred. White Rocks, $16 hundred. All good, healthy, strong purebred guaranteed. We pay postage charges and guarantee live arrival on all baby chicks. ~ Pullets of any breed listed, flJO each. Cockerels, good size, $3 each. Poultry book on feeding and raising chicks and pullets, $3 postpaid. THE FULGHUM HATCHERY FREEBURG, ILLINOIS travel over the most formidable snow drifts, was assembled by H. O. Peebles, a mechanic in the employ telephone company. ^ NOTICE OF AWARD dF CONTRACT ttJBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, held on the 15th day of November, A. D. 1926, at eight o'clock P. M., a contract was awarded for the construction of special assessment Number 17, County Court of McHenry County, Docket Number 2928, for curbing, grading, draining and paving with Portland Cement. Concrete Pavement the portion of Waukegan Road, as provided for in and by an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance for Paving a Portion of Waukegan Road in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois" known as Paving District No. 8, to E. H. Merrick, at his bid price of Ten Thousand, Four Hundred and Forty-eight Dollars, Eighty-eight Cents ($10448.88.) Dated at McHenry this 15th day of November, A. D. 1926. RICHARD L OVftRTON, Secretary of the Board of Local Improvements, City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. 26- • WW# • Gas Tax. Gasoline taxes were first flfipoSed in 1919 when four states adopted the tax and derived a revenue of a little more than one million dollars. The practice is now general and the large revenue derived is one 4f the most important sources of highway income. Plaindealers at Bojgers Cleaning and Dyeing Phone Crystal Lake 127-J and Reverse Charges We will call for your work and deliver it in a dustproof Ubg on hangerfe. Crystal Lake Tailors Lodtz & Lodtz , Highest Market Prices paid for Poultry of all Kinds. Will Call for Same. 0.0. PEAK CO. Phones 516 or 493 Woodstock, HI. Located at Old feottling Works, across from C. and N. W. R. R. Freight Depot To CHICAGO From McHenry--Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop. Iff. McHenry 7:35 am 11:00 am 8:15 vm Lv. Grays Lake 8:15 am 11:40 am 8:55 pm Arr .Waukegan Mm a 8:57 am 12tl3 1MB 6:27 p* Arr. Chicago 10:05 am 2H>2 pn 8:05 p* Arr. Milwaukee 10:35am ltS5pa ?:35 P* Oricago North Shore & Milwaukee ILK.Co. WEBER & SCHIESSLE Local Agents West McHenry 1i A Perfect Christmas Morning Your wife will think so if you make it an electrical .Christmas. She knows the convenience of Elctrical Utnsils, and appreciates Hue many hours of work they will save her. H. E. BUCH & Batteries, Tubes and Radio Accesoriet ;; JlfdnHIRY, ILL. COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed Ik > By Our Friends Ray Page was a Woodstock caller Monday. Joe Wrede was a Woodstock callfer Monday. W. F. Vogt was a Woodstock visitor Monday. % Leo Winkle was a Chicago visitor Saturday night. Dr. D. G. Wells was a visitor at Woodstock Monday/ Dr. R. G. Cham Berlin spent Monday The first day I went out to fish a big one come along and, swish! He took my hook and off he went, that old fish pole of mine it bent until I thought sure it would crack, then that there fish he started back. I cranked my reel until my thumb and finger both was gettin' numb and . , . then he dived beneath the boat- the. everung at Woodstock first thing I knew I was afloat and A' ?P\nt Monday when I got to shore, by jing, without Natives at Woodstock. no fish nor anything, Mirandy laugh-1 Cd and says, "You're cute but if you'd! visitor m McHenry Monday. ^we ar you*r Ib a.th..m , su.itt when yo*u go i , M. A.... Co,n w..a y spe. nt T.h anksgiving £n shwi n, vou, d, •b e more in shape f-o• r daiy. w it,h „re latives a.t ..E lgr in • ' •' » * » Floyd Hopper TTdnW a wSS; by heck, but ^TJ^^Tw^uk^n was wiped the water from my neck, I £lchard didn't want to take a chance at quar- ™1^ °n her* nt relin' 'till I'd changed my pants.! Miss Minnie Conway of Elgin spent And then I found, when I was dry, Mirandy'd matte a berry pie; them pies of hers is so blamed good, that for a piece of one I would just let: ^°* her razz me all the day while I was visited friends in Sunday in the home of M. A. Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cairns spent the week-end with relatives in Chicastowin' pie away. ' Tomorrow I will make a break at daylight down to that there lake, I've found out where the fish is at and if I find the big one that upset and like to drowned me, and get a hook in him, by gee, I'll land him if I break my neck, no fish can laugh at me, by heck. Young Wife--Just think what a painful position I am in. While I was recently fainting because my husband would not buy me a new hat, I saw him kiss the maid--and I can't say anything about it, because I was supposed to be unconscious! Miss Maud Granger of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egan of Chicago spent Thanksgivin&with home folks here. Mrs. Agnes Wentworth spent several days this week with friends in McHenry. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Stephenson of Ringwood called on friends in McHen ry Monday. Miss Lenore Cobb spent the last of the week with relatives and friends in Chicago. Misses Elvera Heimer and Leone Conway spent Sunday with relatives in Chicago. TT . „ ' . . . . v I Miss Laura Karls of Chicago ate Uncle Cy Hoskms stopp^ chewing iThank ivi dinner at ^ home of yesterday, because his wiffc said if her pai^ntg he did not she was going to start the Mjss Helena Heimer and son, Leo, habit. Uncle Cy never did believe j „pent one day last week with relafully m equal rights for women. He Tr.__ says there are some rights no decent woman should have. We reckon one .of them is chewing plug. World could struggle along without good nickel cigar-if it could And a pipe that stayed lit. T"izz tives in Chicago. Michel Weston of Woodstock spent Thanksgiving day with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richardson returned Wednesday from an extended honeymoon trip. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rietzel and family spent Thanksgiving day with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Karls of Chicago visited in the home of Fred Karls and family on Thursday. George Hermansen of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day as a guest in the Tween the place we cafF the heavens, and the place we call the earth, labors good old Mother Nature for us all, for all she's worth. Picking out for every season just the proper sort of dress, she's no doubt the real ^ main reason Why the world's worth ] hom^o?' f!" E.~Cobbr while I guess. All the color ^hemes we think of are suggested by the sky, through a fan like spreading rainbow, when a storm hhs passed on by. Even the clouds that seem to gather when the dark of night is due, always clear Mr .and Mrs. David Huck and family of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day with relatives here. Edwin Michels and Elmer Freund spent the week-end in Chicago as guests of Raymond Baer. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Durland of Chiture knows that we're dependent on the drink of life she pours, and that joy is quite unending in her wondrous great outdoors. "Where did the car hit this man?" asked Peewee when questioning the attending physician at the trial. "At the junction of the dorsal and corvical vertebrae," responded the doctor. The foreman of the jury rose in his seat and remarked: "I've lived in this country for upwards of fifty years and I know every crossroad, but I never heard of any such place; I believe if s » made up case." Jimand make things brighter when the ! cago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. moon comes shining through. iand Mrs. J. Schuenemann. Like a soft and easy carpet is the j Mrs Martin Smitt and son of grass that grows so green, and the johnsburg spent Sunday in the home white and cheerful clover adds beauty of Mr and Mrs Simon Michels. to the scene. Picturesque the rangy j Mr and Mrs A w> stucker and mountains that are towering to the i children of Chicago spent Sunday sky, as they act to make the level j Mr and Mrs joseph J. Frett. lands more pleasing to the eye. | ^ and Mrs. F. J. Aicher spent Giant trees that tower so manly; j Thanksgiving day as guests of Mr. then the slender, meeker type that, j and Mrs Ben Aicher at Oak Park, with blooms, in the early spring time,. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Coleman of say that fruit will soon be ripe. Na-. Chicago ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls and family. Mrs. A1 Ringling of Baraboo, Wis., spent one day last week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gans. Mr .and Mrs, Jensen of Waukegan spent Thanksgiving day as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls and family. Mr. ad Mrs. Mat Karls and son, Bobby, of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Senten of Delavan Lake spent Thanksgiving day in the home of Fred Karls and family. t Arthur Krause, who is attending the Elgin academy, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Krause. Joseph and Clarence Stucker o# Chicago spent the Thanksgiving vacation in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Frett. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser and children of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day in the home of the letter's father, Mat Weber. Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron spent several days the last of the week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Thompson. - Florence Rothermel returned to Chicago Sunday after spending sev eral days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rothermel. Mr. and Mrs. Jenks and daughter, Ruth, of Elgin spent Thanksgiving day as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rothermel and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward and Charmayne Cleary and Gene Conway of Elgin spent Sunday in the home oi M. A. Conway and family. L. H. Owen and son, Oliver, returned to their home at' Cushing, Okla., on Friday, after spending several days as guests of relatives here. Cecil Rothermel returned to Wau kegan Sunday, after spending Thanksgiving and the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rothermel. Mrs. Anna Aicher and Mr. and Mrsv Merle Engel and children, Paul and Nurleen, of Washburn, 111., visited in the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Aicher the last of the week. Mrs. Aicher will remain for the winter. Mrs. F. O. Gans and son. Frank, and daughters, Mildred and Mrs. Myrtle Dowling, returned Sunday night from a motor trip to Orfordsville, Wis. They spent a week visiting F. A. Cole and family, who is a brother of Mrs. Gans. Mr .and Mrs. Frank Hughes and family returned Saturday from a motor trip to Kentucky, where they visited relatives. The roads and weather conditions were favorable for very enjoyable trip and the hilnting was good also. Patrick McCabe was a Chicago visitor Friday. Neil Carlson was a Woodstock visitor Monday night. Theodore Miller was a Chicago visitor Saturday night. Raymond Howahl spent Sunday with his family here. Robert Thompson spent Monday evening at Woodstock. Miss Myrtle Zenk was a Friday evening caller St Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey visited at Evanston on Sunday. L. A. Erickson was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Clara Miller spent the Weekend with friends in Chicago. Mr .and Mrs. A. J. Schneider were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Ensign spent Friday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. C. Unti and family visited at Waukegan on Friday. Arthur Marks attended the live stock show at Chicago Saturday. • Mrs. J. H. Miller and daughter, Elizabeth, spent Saturday at Elgin. Henry Miller was a business visitor at Montello, Wis., over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Justen visited at Rockford on Wednesday of. last week. Mrs. Fred Kamholz and son, Paul, visited relatives at Crystal Lake on Tuesday. Elmer Koerher spent the week-end in the home of his parents, at Chatsworth, 111. Ed Martin of Woodstock called on friends and relatives here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schunemann spent the first of the week with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Elizabeth Krause and son spent Thanksgiving day with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Henry Heimer spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Karl Bradley, at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. James Perkins and family visited friends at Woodstock on Sunday. Miss Mayme Aylward of Elgin visited in the home of M. A. Conway and family Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Walter Fay of Elgin spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Fay. Mrs. Jack Walsh «pent several days last week with her daughter, Ellen, at South Bend, Ind. Mrs. William Bacon visited in the home of her daughter at Kenosha, Wis., on Sunday. Lyle Bassett and Miss Floribel Bassett spent Thanksgiving day with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brooks and son spent Thanksgiving day with relatives in Chicago. Misses Leone Givens and Pamela Rietzel spent the week-end with friends in Chicago. Mr .and Mrs. John McEvoy spent Thanksgiving and the week-end with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stringer and family spent Thanksgiving vacation with relatives at Elgin. Miss Mary Katherine Sutton, spent several days last week as the guest of relatives at Elgin. Little Warren Jones spent Thanksgiving day as the guest of his grand ma Foss at Ringwood.// Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kreutzer and family spent Thanksgiving day with relatives in Chicago. Walter Besely of Woodstock was a caller in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman of Woodstock spent Tuesday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton and family called at the George Shephard home at Ringwood Thursday. Charles Owen of Chicago was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and family visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns at Oak Park on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Johnson and children remained until Sunday. Miss Clara Barbian spent the weekend with relatives at DesPlaines. Floyd Carr of Greenwood spent Monday with relatives in McHenry. Clifford Buss of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and family attended the Thanksgiving dinner at Johnsburg. Miss Irene Conway of Elgin Sunday with home folks here. Miss Lillian Buss spent Thanksgiving day with friends at Aurora. Practical as well as novelty goocli for Xmas gifts. Come in and look over our splendid line. Erickson Dept. Store. ft? **Soon be With You" is the stor£ we have been asked to tell all the boys and girls in this locality. We ordered lots of special Christmas goods, games, toys, wagons, scooters, sleds, skates* guns and other interesting things. They are all here now and ready to show. You are invited to come in any time and see them. Bring mother, father, big sister or brother, aunt'or uncle along. We have interesting things to show them, too. John J. Vycital Pretty maiden on the beach, my's verdict:, "She's a peach!" Never stops to, count the cost. Maiden smiles and Jimmy's lost. Ardent courtship soon | is o'er. Solitaire. They're twain no : more. i How in thunder could he tell she { would make his life a bell ? Separa- j lion. Jim is free. Incompatibility. Pretty maiden on the links, smiles at Jimmy. Jimmy thinks!--Bill. Is that so ? That sort of bird talis a second time--a third--just as «juickly as at first. One by one his bubbles burst, one by one he blows again. Girls are girls and men are men, pipes are pipes and love is blind. That's why the divorce mills grind. Love is blind? Preposterous! Why do men make such a fuss over *very pretty face after shapely ankles chase ? Love is oft, I grant you dumb, otherwise, my dear, how come Cupid Consummately sly, his appeal makes to the eye? Men, when once the guys perceive, Stock's all in the window--leave. Blaming, like old Adam, gee, the Woman that Thou Gavest Me. Crimson Heat g3«3«3a Others may claim to as pood, but tlMN Ifl no substitute for -- CRIMSON HEAT A Hub for l»ain», AchM and SsrMeee Tbe First Aid For In Chest, MwritU, Net RbcuaMtie Pates, Li f Hnfc, Headache, Ma Iprales, Aching feet, Jofartt as< M--eles. Uf<> it wbermr pain, inflammation. eon®«»t5<.-i< k or itching exists. A homehoid neeaasitT--keep it on hand always. ln«i«t upon getting the genuine CRIMSON HEAT. Look far trademark oa package. In handy tubaa. 60c. Your druggist will get it lor you Or if you prefer wewill aend it poatpaid upon receipt of price. THSAWBNCOm 1127 Pine St.. St. lionia. Me. THOMAS P. BOLGER 4 "The McHenry Druggist" Smart Xmas Gifts Come in and do your Christmas shopping early. Avoid the rush. Get the FIRST CALL on our selections. Make OUR store YOUR Christmas store. We invite YOUR business. . Erickson Department Store Phone 154 West McHenry Farmers Attention! A Fairbanks-Morse Scale FREE Commencing on Saturday, Dec. 4th, and continuing throughout the month of December, a contest will take place; at the conclusion of which H Fairbanks- Morse Farm Scale will be awarded to one of our customers. Full particulars as to the rules of contest can be obtained by calling at -our office. ' - f • McHenry County Farmers Co-operative Association V ' . • 7 *\1*; '\*W • 4'i#* •flfi Mtm i • TV] V-'#; . T'ifi -,.i- mi Phone WestNeHmnr -VK" ' A