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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1927, p. 4

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THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, NOV. 10, 1937 KPSj'SIS • v4 ,'fc 1 fflfrmt, j'HE If mmX PLAINDEAJLEU .! , •>' ^ . LI. " •! ' >Published •very Thursday at MeHsaqr, I1L, by Charles F. Baaich. Entered as second-class aaatUr at Hm postofllea at McHenry, HL, vnjfr {>,«, act of Mav 8. 1879. Sabaeriptiee Rata* ".H -M.f & One Tear .. fix Months .92.00 .$1.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor mad Manager A dlploinfc Is a dandy thing to «M 'ii wrapping up a suit of overalls. / It's all right to entertain ideas, btlt i(» belter to give tbem a good stiff jITorkout The food value of the peafch Is to •|m> determined. Wny tell us--the IfliTOr is self-sufficient. Romania has nothing on the rest iff the world, for a six-year-old boy llples ntost every home. - !-*It does look as if the police could stop to a flag pole percher by ^l^restlng hlfc for loitering. ••r Mother (to small child, polntlngat unidentified building)--Don't point, 4ear. That isn't French pastry. When one disputes the right-ofjpay at a railroad crossing, it oftfUaes becomes the last sad rite& If all the fish that get away, dur^ III annual vacations, were placed and 'in end--oh, well, what's the use? . There may now be a serious question as to what use a life prisoner make of a $2,500 saddle horse. Scientists say that the human ear fc growing smaller, but that the law at compensation is making mouths larger. N Chicago Is to have an auditorium which will seat 75,000, in case those Claiming to be Charley Bos* eare to Otnvene. If there are 1,000,000 persons In •urope without a country, they prob- • ably will escape the payment of Income tax. A great majority of us never had t> use the word long enough at a ' Jfcretch to learn how to spell baccalaureate. 4 The cigarette output of the United ftates last year was only 100,000,000,- 100, but that is enough to help the Jbatch industry. If all the archeologlsts are to be believed, making cradles for the race •oust have been one of the earliest Industries of antiquity. It may yet come to the point where a successful aviator will have to iheep a wheelbarrow by him la which •to move his decorations. Many Pairs of Shoes Starting at the feet, a recent newspaper article defines one of the characteristics of a "gentleman" as the possession of nineteen pairs of shoes and boots and two pairs of slippers," says the Christian Science Monitor.; To many a reader, however, the gentleman's nineteen pairs of shoes and boots--almost anybody can have two pairs of slippers--will seem, on second thought, an embarrassment of riches. His shoe wardrobe presupposes a shoe master, shrewd to select the shoes suitable to what some of the radio announcers would call his employer's "progrum." In this forest of' trees (as the artificial fcet are oddly called that wear these shoes and boots when not In use) the owner himself might easily get lost, and wish himself father with hi* single pair of cowhides. There are no doubt some such gentlemen, who, having achieved the shoe wardrobe, cannot quite finance a valet Happily the writer of the article assures us that the average man. If he counted his shoes, would be sur* prised to find that he has more pairs than he thought--which leads further to the comforting conclusion that the astonished investigator may be more of a gentleman than he had imagined. T*r,hwm -jsr Tf-y *' * " ' 'V' 6v v', .- A; • , CLASSIFIED J USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS FOR FOR SALE--Ducks and geese for Thanksgiving. Phone 634-W-2, Peter Weingart Anniversary Little Miss Cynthia Ann Erickson celebrated her fourth birthday anniversary at a party at her home on Thursday afternoon of last week. Games were played during the afternoon and prizes were won by Ardele Voltez. The happy party was brought to a close with a three course birthday supper, the table being prettily decorated in pink, and a large birthday cake decorated with four lighted candles forming the attractive centerpiece. Little M5ss Cynthia received many pretty birthday gifts. The boys and girls at the party were: Eleanor, Ethel and Betty Althoff, Ardine Hoff, Ardelle Voltez, Marguerite, George and Frank Johiueo and Mary and Charlotte Erickson. v Redwood trees. Imported from California and planted In the Grays Harbor district of western Washington fourteen years ago by oqe of the largest logging concerns of the Pacific Northwest, have proved a pronounced success. As a result, plans are under way to transform large areas of cutover lands into redwood forests. In the fourteen years a redwood tree has attained a diameter of eighteen inches, showing more rapid growth than that of any other variety of tree planted at the same time, 3$>e tree also shows every Indication of being high-grade lumber stock. Encouraged by these results, the company Is undertaking the growing of the redwood trees from seed and in addition has planted more than 1,000 acres with spruce, fir and pine seed. DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON HAND 1927 Ford touring, $225. Buick tourinit, winter top *"»• poR RENT-Two Urge room., well T- eo^D*w ,lreS ,,,d 1925 famished, hot w.ter heat. Will rent rOR SENT Price $385. single. Address "J," Plaindealer. Willys-Knight touring; like new; good tires; only run 14,000 miles, $150. * Chevrolet coupe, 1925. Price $275. ROOMS for RENT--Also furnished Ford Tudor sedan, good condition; $65 rooms for light housekeeping. Steam 1924 Ford coupe; very reasonable. heated. Phone 124-J. 23-2* We ha^Ta7coS^te l^Tof tracks RENT-F<Mir-roo* flat, furin % ton and ton in closed or nished; modern; garage. R, F. Con open body types. way. Phone 167. JAMES MORROW * SON. ~ Phone 186 West McHenry, HI. 28-tf WANTED FOR SALEr--1924 Ford coupe, $100, WANTED--All kinds of old and worn out cats and all other junk. Sam tires, motor .rrfprint inA! condition. mnaamL phoM Mclftnry 02-M. 1924 Hupmobile touring, new paint, 22-tf. tires, motor in good condition, $85. D. B. Mommsen, Round Lake, 111. WANTED--160 to 200 acre farm for Phone 1G-J-2. c|o Lew Lusk. 23* ca8h. Kent & Co., McHenry. 21-tf LOST Then there is the type of dear v thing who thinks it is a very lovely •frock indeed and would buy It if It Cost $39 more than it does. "My wife and I had such a splendid time in Paris," confessed the returned traveler, "that neither of us remembered to get a divorce." Archeologlsts have discovered that the ladies of ancient Rome had corns ©n their feet So, they must have Walked back from chariot rides. A city without a proper landing Add for aircraft is as far behind the times as the town that used to struggle along without a freight yard. All that grandfather asked In the way of a road was something that iwas passable. Today we demand that all the bumps be taken out of It In American constitutional law an "original package" means the package In which goods are shipped from one state to another. The United States courts held that where an article is Imported into one state fronAnother !t does not lose the protection of the interstate commerce clause while the original package remains unbroken, and is the property of the importer. Interpretation of these decisions made it possible to evade state laws by selling direct to the customers in original packages. The Importance of this is in its bearing on the sale of cigarettes and other commodities about which state liws differ. WONDERFUL VALUES IN USED (WANTED--To buy old rags at 5c CARS per pound. Must be clean and free 1923 Buick-6 Touring $145 from lint. Plaindealer office. tf 1923 Buick Touring $95 1924 Star Sedan 1925 Star Touring - $185 4-wheel brakes. . Ford Speedster $20 All these cars are in good running condition. REO McHENRY SALES Riverside Drive MISCELLANEOUS Notice Examinations for teachers' certificates will be held at the Community MrHfwrv *"gh school building in Woodstock, on Friday and Saturday, November 18th, FOR SALE--125 S. C. White Leghorn and 19th, 1927, beginning at 8:30 a.m. yearling hens, 125 S. C. White Leg- 23 Ethel. C. Coe, Co. Supt. horn late May Pullets. Also one pair „ i. ^ -mill of May colts. A. Clyde Parfrey "OTICE-No ha#m* or £wp.ngwill Spring Grove, 111. 23* allowed on * our farms. Wleidrich, Frank Weidrich. Fred 22-3 BARGAIN POR YOUNG COUPLE miKTiMr ad TRRSPASSINfi Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will HUNTING OR TRESPASSING take $550 for all or will separate. ~Detnck farm' know" * Beautiful furniture of 4-room apart- the Hanly farm. ment. 3 pc. silk mohair parlor suite, j^qtICE--No hunting or trespassing hand carved frame; 8pc. walnut dmmg aiwd on the farmg o£ Edward V. r°°,m ^ Tfi IK,' Robert E. Knox. 22-2* walnut bedroom set, complete witn spring and mattress; labrary table; TUNE--and keep your piano tuned. 5 pc. breakfast set; lamps; poly- Toning makes your piano a musical chrome mirror; chest of silverware, instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will jj Dejh], Woodstock, 111. 22-4 arrange for delivery. 832 Leland ---- Ave., near Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Phone Sunnyside 6190. 18-6 --Carefully done at my home, corner -- Riverside Drive and Broad St., McFOR SALE--Self-feeder stove in Henry. E_ ight years' experience good condition. Jos. Thelen, Route 3, gntiBfaction guaranteed. Leo J. Law- McHenry. 22-2* 22-4 FOR SALE--Bedroom set, complete;' TYPEWRITERS leather bed davenport; library table; gajea aiMj Service, two bird's eye dressers; two rockers; Impaired and Rentals, two 6x9 rugs; cabinet base; 3-tube Pftmifyt attention to phone calls, radio; table phonograph and records, phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock Must be sold before Nov. 15. Oak 49-tf Park Hotel, Pistakee Bay. Phone -------- __-- _v 03* WATCH, CLOCK AND JEW0ELRY REPAIRING-- Located at "Tempus After a thousand years, scientists 1 who are making exhaustive researches Into the genealogy of vitamlnes have discovered that ham and eggs arc twins. A noted London detective says that criminals are mostly blondes. Nonsense. The man who said he sharpened our lawn mower was a decided brunette. A San Antonio paper says "the roads throughout the section are shrdlushrdlushrdlu," and It Is Just things like that that run up big bills for axles. A retired confidence man says that there Is no sex to suckers. Both the male and the female of the species are alike imbued with the Idea of getting rich quick and they swallow almost any bait that suggests this prospect Another funny thing about the sucker Is that after he has been landed and cleaned he will come up for the hook the second and third time if thrown back Into the water. Once a sucker, always a sucker, is the verdict of the smart guys. The genuine sucker doesn't seem to learn anything by experience FOR SALE--One portable cottage, Fugit" on Elm St., McHenry. Mort 18x24, Orchard W-tf Beach. located on lot 10, If interested see owner on COOPER'8 SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- grounds Sunday or inquire of A. P. por disinfecting barns after TB test- Freund. Phone 645-M-2. 23* j„g. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, West • --7 McHenry. 38-tf EXCHANGE--10 acres unimproved, .. Carter county, Mo., in Ozarks, also TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine trouble 3 lots for unimproved, near McHenry. to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repair- If interested address "R," c|o Mc- ing done on all makes. Also fluff and Henry Plaindealer. 23 rag rug weaving. Phone 162. 13-tf New Yorkers will noj be allowed to cook in apartments this summer, U. but even at that the New York apartment dwellers have very little room to complain. Doctors who today are carving out the appendix with enthusiasm will be laughed at In twenty years by the surgeons who will have a new theory about the puzzling little intestine, says the Emporia Gazette. Tuberculosis wiH be conquered, cancer under control, man will live to-be a hundred, but he will have new sicknesses, which will keep him from dying when new troubles make him long for the good old limit of three score years and ten 1 WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends There Is such an agitation about flying and its possibilities that we may as well order steel helmets to . ward off the discards from the picnic 1 lunch basket „ Turks sacrificed a flock of 100 sheep in the dedication of a new railroad the other day, preferring for some reason not to wait nntil they got on the tracks. < When Gertrude Ederle swam the English channel she called attention to the fact that what had been considered impossible was in reality comparatively easy. It is different with aviation. A man who makes a record tempts many others to undertake enterprises which require peculiar personal fitness. 8he Is a perfectty average young thing If she has 17 embroidered luncheon sets tucked away in the hope chest, and lunches on sandwiches in a pharmacy. A Missouri fanner, who has gone In for raising goldfish, says they come darting through the water at the sound of his voice as he yells, "Here, fishy. Here, fishy." Look out, soon, for the" announcement of a fish-calling contest Armistice Day * By proclamation, President Coolidge set aside November 11 as Armistice day calling upon the people to express their gratitude for peace and their desires for a continuance of amicable relations with other nations. The proclamation, issued under a congressional resolution, suggests the display of the American flag and suitable exerises in schools and churches. "Beautiful Garden" Build your home in a Beautiful Garden. That's "Sha-li-Mar." A super-subdivision on Fox river, north of McHenry. All conveniences of the city are available. 6uy now, lots will be higher in the spring. Call Mc- Henry 8 for full information* ffent A Company. Entertains at Bridge Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer entertainec at bridge on Tuesday evening of this week. Miss Eleanor Kinsala and Mrs. Harry Clark received the prizes. Daughters of G. A. R. The Daughters of the G. A, R. will hold a social meeting at the home of Mrs. J. W. Rothermel on Riverside Drive on Tuesday evening, Nov. 15. Cuba township authorities are investigating the poisoning of a twoweeks old baby girl which died shortly after being found abandoned in a barn on the Ernest Potts farm south of Barrington. The infant was found early Sunday morning of last week by Potts and was taken to the St.. Vincent De Paul orphanage in a serious condition. When the child's condition grew worse, she was taken to the Cook county hospital and passed away the following morning. An examination made following the death of the child revealed a large quantity of lysol in her throat and officials feel almost certain that the party who left the baby in the barn had also intended to kill her. Henry Schotts and DeForest Jayne, who are alleged to have tried to make a fortune by rustling cattle from farmers living in the northwestern part of Cook county, were held to the grand jury recently at Morton Grove. Bonds were fixed at $25,000 each. According to Lieut. Lester Laird of the highway police, the men, who live at Barrington, confessed they had stolen a dozen dairy cows and driven them to Elgin, where they were sold. Bulk >•-. ;'*-*>*;.*.. ...Tj - ••• '*•":V..ii'.: Our best Coffee possesses unusual distinction of flavor and aroma. It is choice, old, well matured coffee, especially selected. ,Takes cream nicely and is favored by the majority of out customers who buy high grade coffee. Only 50c per Pound 'Vila commemoration of the Armistice the store will at 10:30 a. m. Friday, NOT. 11, and remain closed for the rest of t}ie day. Smith Bros. PtatoelTS J. jL.' Green St. ' k ' : . DRAWING PAPER--24x36 IN. AT THE PLAINDEALER Sheets 24x36 inches. McHenry Cartage Service We specialize in hauling rubbish, ashes, cans, etc. We will make weekly calls. 11 We will jriso do expressing of all kinds at reasonable rates ;; FOR QUICK SERVICE GALL McHENRY 38 =>€= * % Another delightful pursuit In this highly specialized age wcfald be as an exclusive photographer of total eclipses which last 30 seconds and happen every year or two. . The difference between a genius and an everyday artist is that the former cannot perform unless the north light happens to be just exactly right, and it almost never is. When air travel Is the regular thing who will take the place of the small Vqrs along the way who Jerk their thumbs over their shoulders as tni Cheating their desire for a liftY A dlfpatch from Union, heart of the Missouri corn section, says 30,000,000 corncob pipes are made there yearly. Most of us had no Idea there were that many copy readers In the country. Portugal decides that Its latest band of revolutionists shall be deported to Its colonies, where chances to stir up more revolutions will be much better. "If your garter tightens, look out lor rain," says a government meteorologist But most girls will continue to worry, and go on a diet Simile: As Innocent as the party taken into custody In Chapter H of the thrilling detective novel. George Buss spent the week-end in Chicago. Miss Pauline Pufahl spent Saturday in Chicago. Miss Florence Carey spent Friday in Chicago. • Mrs. Paul Koester was a Waukegan visitor Monday. George Donavin was a Waukegan visitor Sunday. Miss Mildred Welch was a Waukegan visitor Sunday. Miss Lura Leach • Chicago passenger Saturday. ; Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Schreiner were Chicago visitors Friday. Mrs. R. A. Thompson was a Wood stock visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Donavin were Chicago visitors Friday. ^Hiss Rose Worts was a Chicago passenger Friday morning. C. J. Bender and wife ard" spending this week at their home here. J. D. Beatty of Chicago is spending this week at his home here. Misses Jean and Dorothy Matthews were Chicago visitors Friday. Miss Ruth Whiting of Chicago spent the week-end with friends here. Miss Regina Klein called on her friend, Anita Schaefer, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider were Woodstock visitor's Tuesday evening, i Miss Berteel Spencer of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Fred Burkholder, wife and childrer of Chicago were Sunday visitors here Mrsl Anton Schneider and Mrs. Mat Steffes were Elgin visitors Tues day. Mrs. J. O'Shea of Chicago spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. M. Engeln. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Donavin and children were Waukegan visitors on Tuesday. Adrian Arpit and Hugh JUck of Chicago were MlcHenry visitors over the week-end. Mrs. Raymond Powers spent Friday as the guest of Mrs. Ralph Walkup at Ridgefield. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer were Chicago visitors on Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Berg of Chicdfeo were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Powers. Who said fishing wasn't good? Mrs. J. 'P- Beatty caught about fourteen nice bullheads last week. Miss Maud Granger of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her sister, Mrs. R. A. Thompson. Mir. and Mrs. J. W. Pedley of Kenosha spent a recent day in the home of M!r. and Mrs. Raymond" Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Flint of Chicago spent a day the first of the weelc in the home of Mir. and Mrs. Raymond Powers. Mrs. M. Kline of Detroit, Mich, and, daughter, Mrs. Feinberg, of Chicago spent a few days at the home of Mrs M. Engeln. Mrs. A. Hill and son and grandchildren and Miss Clara Whiteman of Chicago called on Mrs. Ella Wheeler and other friends Sunday. , Mrs. F. W. Voltz and children anr Mrs. A. J. Kamholz and son and Louis Block visted in the home of their sister at Forest Park Saturday. m Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Smith of Johnsburg and Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Pitzen of McHenry called on Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer Sunday. William J. Ricketts and family have moved from Wauconda to the Frank Ward place in McHenry. Mr. Ricketts is engaged in the express business. Mrs. J. Oeffling and daughter, Helen were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Steffes and family visited relatives in Chicago Sunday. sm/Bonnie^ A NEW Monopul Galosh One PuD-CIottd. On* PuU-0»m THE BONNIE is beautiful in color and fabric, smart in style and graceful in appear* ance. Fits perfectly and will stay neat and trim without sag ^or wrinkle. Made in Gray or Tan with Moire (watered silk) finish rubber to match. The slide fastener is easy to work and always works... Beauty, Convenience and More Days Wear* Look for the Red Ball trade mark. Don't Neglect Your Only a complete examination with the latest scientific instruments will reveal your eye trouble. The public is invited to visit my newly equipped optical office located above the M. Schwabe Jewelry | > $ Store. 217 Benton 91, , Open Days and Evenings Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETER , Phone 674 for appointments - V Woodstock,-111. Erickson Dept. Store RTHSH LINE T« CHICAGO Wrom McHenry--Grays Lake ~ Convenient, dependable service by- North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago or Milwaukee. " CRmEtrAal SDta nDdaOrd WTimN14 Lr. McHenry 9:49am 1:34pm 7:49pm Lv. Grays Lake 10:23 am 2:08 pm S:23 pm Arr.Waukegan (ramOU 10:52 am 2:37 pm 8:52 pm Arr.Chicago 12:02pm 4:05 pm 10:05pm Arr. Milwaukee 12:07pm 4:00 pm 10:09 pm Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. Go* ""Weber & Schie&sle, Local Agents ' / West McHenry ^ Linger LoTigeV flrib The members of the Linger Longer dub were very pleasantly entertained at the home of Jflrs. Harry Clark on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Lester Page, Mrs. T. Wilson and Mrs. Harry Clark. M!rs. Frank Meyer will enter |ta in at «im Homelike Furniture The right selection of furniture gcbl make your home much more home like and enjoyable. We are in * position to make suggestions tllfiwill aid you in choosing it properly JACOB JUSTEN & SONS FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING rsSyjfS^e* * . ^

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